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Worst Person in the World

Big Time BS
Oct 12, 2007
I love how her first interview she is completely evil "It gives her satisfaction". Then when the threats start pouring in "It's Halloween people". People need to be careful when they mess with the young. You never know who they are related too. If that was my family, that bitches house would be burned down, and she might be in it.
Big Time BS
Oct 12, 2007
Just read the full story. All of this started because Jennifer Petkov wasn't responded to quickly enough (via text) about inviting her (Jennifers' child) to a party that she was clearly not invited to to begin with. If she thought people didn't like her before, just wait and see how things will be now. So HARASS a dying child who already lost her mother because (HER) feelings were hurt. Theres a special place in Hell for Ms. Jennifer :angry:


Big Time BS'er
Feb 24, 2010
Just read the full story. All of this started because Jennifer Petkov wasn't responded to quickly enough (via text) about inviting her (Jennifers' child) to a party that she was clearly not invited to to begin with. If she thought people didn't like her before, just wait and see how things will be now. So HARASS a dying child who already lost her mother because (HER) feelings were hurt. Theres a special place in Hell for Ms. Jennifer :angry:

emkay,Chi, Ali we need to pay some people a visit. We can only hope Karma truly exists. I'm sick from this.


Eschew obfuscation
Oct 24, 2007
I hope this monster's kids are still living with their father and not with her, and that the community is still reaching out to bring comfort to little Kathleen and her family.