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You got that quite backward. The fuel that fires an atheists rage is the constant reminder that they are "lost". You get what I'm sayin?

I understand that. I just don't agree with the lashing out. If you think someone else?s actions are wrong, then why retaliate by acting in a similar manner?


Its the perceived norm that I was attacking. Its acceptable, socially, to question the fate and motivations of an atheist. To the opposite, it would be considered religious discrimination and hate mongering. One is "allowed", the other is not.

I feel the opposite. Maybe it is just my perspective but the mere mention of the name Jesus, and people look at you like you are some kind of fanatic or something. The ignorant people in movies are always made out to be the 'super religious' ones. It has become a big Hollywood joke to make the inbred or psychopath the Christian in a movie or on TV. Atheists tend to be more outspoken. I know who quite a few of the atheists at my school are, but I'm not really sure who is a Christian or what denomination they are.


Take my example of being picked on as a child for not having religious beliefs. The teachers didn't care. When my mother complained, the administration made it out to be my fault, because I voiced my beliefs. Not that I decided as a child to stand on my desk and preach atheism. A kid asked me if I went to church and I said no. This is what started it. Yet I was an acceptable target, the administration made excuses for the kids that picked on me and made it my fault.

I've seen that happen many, many times before, and what can I say, I don't believe in pushiness from either 'side of the fence'. I don't believe in walking around and telling people that they are going to hell. I don't think I am the best judge of who is going where and I certainly wouldn't be so bold as to condemn some one else. Did you ever say, "See you there, hypocrite"?


Tori, c'mon girl. I didn't say that. I said teaching young children that dead people can rise, along with many of the other teachings of the bible, would seem to me to have ill psychological effects. What happens if my brothers 4 year old son has to confront mortality, say someone close to him dies. Is it not reasonable to expect that he may reflect back to his Sunday school lessons of dead people rising?

Well, the point made, hopefully, is that 'rising from the dead' is not a typical event and the only reason Jesus did it is because he is God and can do anything. At least that's how I learned it.


The great thing about being a "fence-sitter", as Timesjoke put it, is I can sit back and laugh at the various camps throwing rocks at each other. Atheist and Christians, Jews and Muslims, all arguing about who created the universe and why their version of whats real is right.

Happy to entertain...


Don't get me wrong. I think these people on this website are being silly. Some think its cool and dangerous to do this. As if they are confronting some divine dare. What I'm saying is, this is no different than Christians coming together, as they do often, and telling atheist and non-believers that they are going to rot in hell for all eternity.


The practice of Christians bearing witness is a mandated requirement passed down to them by the church.


How, oh please tell me, is this website not a perfect example of atheism bearing witness?


Answer that.

As I said, I don't agree with pushy behavior on either side. There is just something very hateful and unchristian-like about, "You're going to hell". I think there is a much better way of addressing people who don't believe the way you do. I have never once in my entire life, even as a child, told someone they were going to go to hell. Now, I told plenty of people that they could go to hell, but that is different.


Point being, this website is different than most Christian websites out there. Most Christian websites are meant to strengthen the community and family of the Church, not to bring down the atheists. I would have a problem with a Christian site against atheists called 'To Hell With You', because it is inflammatory and obviously meant to ruffle feathers. Sure Christians talk about non-believers, and I would only expect atheists to talk about theists, but this isn't just a group of atheists talking about theists. You know that.

Smart men learn from their own mistakes; wise men learn from others.


I refuse to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed man. ;)

There is just something very hateful and unchristian-like about, "You're going to hell".

No. Thats what Christianity is. Its been that way for near two thousand years. Whereas once they would burn you alive or remove your head for heresy or even just merely not believing, now they just say it politely, "You're going to burn in hell". For your opinion that stands contrary to church dogma.Christians would love nothing more than too wash away their bloody history. The way things were. Christianity has sold out to civilized behavior. Its adapting, more user friendly. You can't redefine the word of an angry God. Its written in the great book. Hes not a sweet heart kind being. Hes an angry vengeful horrible Deity. That has been reported by his own followers, the same men that transcribed his words to text, as a mass murderer. A genocidal maniac that killed countless thousands of Egyptians with the ten plagues. Just because their ruler was unjust. One unjust ruler = the murder of children. Purposeful exacting, the targeting of the first born son, the child will die by the hand of God. Smiting the peoples of the land, the hapless and powerless servants of their ruler were tortured and diseased for the sake of smiting one man. Why not smite the Pharaoh himself? Is it somehow easier to murder children?


These lessons are still taught, but a fun friendly spin is put on them.


I would disagree with you. I find it "Un-Christian like" to be so nice when confronting disbelievers. It would be very Christian to hurl rocks at them. Take a page from your God, kill their child. Burn their crops. Teach them the vengeance that is lord, thy God.



I'm better than normal. I'm abnormal.

No. Thats what Christianity is. Its been that way for near two thousand years. Whereas once they would burn you alive or remove your head for heresy or even just merely not believing, now they just say it politely, "You're going to burn in hell". For your opinion that stands contrary to church dogma.Christians would love nothing more than too wash away their bloody history. The way things were. Christianity has sold out to civilized behavior. Its adapting, more user friendly. You can't redefine the word of an angry God. Its written in the great book. Hes not a sweet heart kind being. Hes an angry vengeful horrible Deity. That has been reported by his own followers, the same men that transcribed his words to text, as a mass murderer. A genocidal maniac that killed countless thousands of Egyptians with the ten plagues. Just because their ruler was unjust. One unjust ruler = the murder of children. Purposeful exacting, the targeting of the first born son, the child will die by the hand of God. Smiting the peoples of the land, the hapless and powerless servants of their ruler were tortured and diseased for the sake of smiting one man. Why not smite the Pharaoh himself? Is it somehow easier to murder children?


These lessons are still taught, but a fun friendly spin is put on them.


I would disagree with you. I find it "Un-Christian like" to be so nice when confronting disbelievers. It would be very Christian to hurl rocks at them. Take a page from your God, kill their child. Burn their crops. Teach them the vengeance that is lord, thy God.

You seem to misinterpret the word 'Christian'. If Christians were truly Christ-like they would embrace the unbelievers as Jesus did. You are referring to Old Testament books of the Bible. The reason Jesus was sent to earth was to do away with the old ways of sacrifice and bloodshed. The more recent 'bloody' history of the Church came from power and manipulation of the ignorant by those in power. It had nothing to do with true Christianity. As Christians we are supposed to take a page from Christ, also known as Jesus, and love thy neighbor, forgive those who have wronged us, dine with the outcasts, and help those who need help. You, and others, just have a skewed view of Christianity.

Smart men learn from their own mistakes; wise men learn from others.


I refuse to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed man. ;)

You seem to misinterpret the word 'Christian'. If Christians were truly Christ-like they would embrace the unbelievers as Jesus did. You are referring to Old Testament books of the Bible. The reason Jesus was sent to earth was to do away with the old ways of sacrifice and bloodshed. The more recent 'bloody' history of the Church came from power and manipulation of the ignorant by those in power. It had nothing to do with true Christianity. As Christians we are supposed to take a page from Christ, also known as Jesus, and love thy neighbor, forgive those who have wronged us, dine with the outcasts, and help those who need help. You, and others, just have a skewed view of Christianity.

I agree with that Tori.. I know I did not long ago.. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks. I never went to church or had any religious training in my life. I defined Christians by the multitudes of hypocrites I'd see walking through the church doors every Sunday and spending the rest of their lives lying, cheating, manipulating and acting the opposite of what they claimed to believe.. It's not Jesus's fault that so many hide behind His name.. I no longer see it that way.. One does not need to ever step foot in a church to be a "Christian" despite popular belief.. that's for the hypocrites to be seen by men...

I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy





I already did long before you asked, if you could not bother to read the thread, that is not my fault, I always reply to honest questions but I don't feed a lazy man's request for information already given..


If you are referring to Mao Zedong, then you are probably wrong again. His mother was devoutly Buddhist, and almost certainly raised him as a Buddhist. In fact, he may even have spent time as a Buddhist monk, this is usual practice in th Far East.


So where have you seen evidence of his apostasy ? If there is none, then he remains a Theist. And what you charge him with, remains the work of a Theist.




Open contempt is intolerance.


Believe what you want inside your own heart, but when you spew your hatred tword religion in a public way, you are being intolerant.


No contempt is contempt, intolerance is intolerance. The words are not equal, were they so, there would be need for just the one word.


Again I have never shown hatred for your religion. This is just another attempt to blacken me in the eyes of others. More dishonesty from you.

Don't preach in my school, or I'll think in your church.
No contempt is contempt' date=' intolerance is intolerance. The words are not equal, [b']were they so, there would be need for just the one word.[/b]

Then I wonder what good there is in using a Thesaurus?

Smart men learn from their own mistakes; wise men learn from others.


I refuse to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed man. ;)

You seem to misinterpret the word 'Christian'. If Christians were truly Christ-like they would embrace the unbelievers as Jesus did. You are referring to Old Testament books of the Bible. The reason Jesus was sent to earth was to do away with the old ways of sacrifice and bloodshed. The more recent 'bloody' history of the Church came from power and manipulation of the ignorant by those in power. It had nothing to do with true Christianity. As Christians we are supposed to take a page from Christ, also known as Jesus, and love thy neighbor, forgive those who have wronged us, dine with the outcasts, and help those who need help. You, and others, just have a skewed view of Christianity.

Isn't this the same thing we hear from Muslims? "They aren't the real Muslims, we are". Catholics toward their rapist priests. Same thing.


Why is it necessary to teach your kids that the god they worship is a murderer, in order to install morals upon them?



I'm better than normal. I'm abnormal.

Isn't this the same thing we hear from Muslims? "They aren't the real Muslims, we are". Catholics toward their rapist priests. Same thing. Why is it necessary to teach your kids that the god they worship is a murderer, in order to install morals upon them?

Not the same thing at all. God created everything. If he is unhappy with his creation, he can destroy it. Hell, I think he is pretty damn merciful. I probably would have wiped out the majority of the earths population by now.


I don't think it is anything like Muslims. Mohammad was warlike during his lifetime. He never taught forgiveness or love for those who did not believe like he did.


Although I see where the Muslim argument fits in, I don't see where the pedophilic priests fit in. Did I misunderstand that scandal? Did they molest in the name of the Church or of religion? I was under the impression they were sickos that took advantage of a career that would put them in close proximity to children. That has nothing to do with the religion or the teachings of the Church.

Smart men learn from their own mistakes; wise men learn from others.


I refuse to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed man. ;)

I think Ghandi's story, who emulated the words and teachings of Christ, goes to prove Jesus knew what he was talking about... Check it out.

I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy


Christians would love nothing more than too wash away their bloody history. .

Or even better, keep their faces straight and insist their barbarous history is the work of Atheists !!!!!
Don't preach in my school, or I'll think in your church.
A thesaurus lists words of similar meaning. Contempt and intolerance are not words of similar meaning.

I was picking on the way you stated that...If two words mean the same thing then there is no need for both of them. ;)


I think what TJ meant was that your contempt shows your intolerance.

Smart men learn from their own mistakes; wise men learn from others.


I refuse to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed man. ;)

I think what TJ meant was that your contempt shows your intolerance.



That and his lies saying Hitler was not an Athiest, all the proof is there, he is just covering his ears and going "La, La, La, La,....." so he does not have to admit it.


If a parent grounds a child for comming home late or getting an F does that mean the parent is being evil?


God has given us rules to live by just like a "good" parent does and if we refuse to follow those rules, we get punnished. This is not a difficult concept.


Yes, certain times in the past, man has abused religion, used it as a tool to do harmful things but that does not mean God wanted those things to happen. Let's consider the Crusades, there were many bad things done by men but on the whole, the people doing those bad things were only a small part of the whole, most people did not do bad things.


God made man, man made the many religions, man makes mistakes.

Most if not all stereotypes hold some truth.


?The politicians don't just want your money. They want your soul. They want you to be worn down by taxes until you are dependent and helpless. When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both.? ~ James Dale Davidson

If two words mean the same thing then there is no need for both of them. ;) .

Thats what I said


I think what TJ meant was that your contempt shows your intolerance.

Yes I think that's what he meant. He just couldn't get in on the paper properly.


I disagree with him, I am not intolerant of Theists. I am just annoyed by TJ defaming others as he tries to airbrush out Christian history, and blaming same on Atheists. Theists have certainly killed more people than Atheists in human history. Lies will not change that history.

Don't preach in my school, or I'll think in your church.
Thats what I said

I know that's what you said. That's what I was making fun of. I certainly wouldn't say that we have no need for words that mean the same thing. There is a whole book devoted to words that have the same or similar meaning. I guess I should have put that is quotes. I was repeating the part of what you said that I was teasing you about, not making the statement myself. Silly man.


I was picking on the way you stated that..."If two words mean the same thing then there is no need for both of them.";)

Is it easier to understand with the quotes?

Smart men learn from their own mistakes; wise men learn from others.


I refuse to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed man. ;)

That and his lies saying Hitler was not an Athiest, all the proof is there, he is just covering his ears and going "La, La, La, La,....." so he does not have to admit it.




Hitler was initiated into Christianity, you know that. So where is the evidence that he ever left that sect ? There is none that I am aware of. Therefore he remains a Christian. The lies are yours TJ.


Hitler was a Christian, just as surely as neither your god, nor any other, exists. Grow up mate, we are all alone here in the world, apart from each other. There is no sky-faerie.

Don't preach in my school, or I'll think in your church.
Hitler was initiated into Christianity, you know that. So where is the evidence that he ever left that sect ? There is none that I am aware of. Therefore he remains a Christian. The lies are yours TJ.

His own admissions to his top leaders that he was not a Christian and instead believed evolution was the only possible way people came to be on this world is his clear admission he was an Athiest.


He is not a Christian, has never been a Christian, never attended church as an adult. He hated anything associated with the notion og a deity.


You cannot be a Christian if you don't believe in God.


Hitler was a Christian, just as surely as neither your god, nor any other, exists. Grow up mate, we are all alone here in the world, apart from each other. There is no sky-faerie.

Wrong on two fronts, what a shame you live for hatred.


But your kind of blind refusal is typical of intollerant Athiests.

Most if not all stereotypes hold some truth.


?The politicians don't just want your money. They want your soul. They want you to be worn down by taxes until you are dependent and helpless. When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both.? ~ James Dale Davidson

Hitler was initiated into Christianity, yblh blah blah

His own admissions to his top leaders that he was not a Christian blah blah blah

Please you two, lets not overrun this post (like was done to the other) with arguments about Hitler being or not being a Christian, ok? You have both made your points, neither wants to rescind, so move on, ok?



I hate signatures, so I don't have one.



Please you two, lets not overrun this post (like was done to the other) with arguments about Hitler being or not being a Christian, ok? You have both made your points, neither wants to rescind, so move on, ok? :)





Whether he was a Christian or not, he was a murderess butt hole that killed over 6 million people and it was not done in the name of any religion.



His own admissions to his top leaders that he was not a Christian and instead believed evolution was the only possible way people came to be on this world is his clear admission he was an Athiest..

I am not aware of any admissions by Hitler that he was not a Christian. Sounds like more of your bull**** TJ. If you have evidence of Hitlers apostasy, then share it with us. I suppose you have provided that in a previous post too.


He is not a Christian, has never been a Christian, never attended church as an adult. He hated anything associated with the notion og a deity..

He was a Christian. And you would know that he he never attended a church as an adult would you ? More nonsense and crap. even if he did not, it does not make him an ex-Christian.


You cannot be a Christian if you don't believe in God..

Rubbish. A Christian remains a Christian until S/he becomes an apostate. There was no apostasy, so Hitler was a Christian unto death.


Wrong on two fronts, what a shame you live for hatred..

No its you who are wrong.


What a shame you are so hateful, like the Christians Hitler, Stalin, Vlad, Mao, Castro and all those whoring medieval popes.


But your kind of blind refusal is typical of intollerant Athiests.

Your blind refusal to accept reality, and instead believe in sky-faeries identifies you as a typical intolerance Theist.
Don't preach in my school, or I'll think in your church.
Okay I'm done. :(

I was done when Eddo asked us to drop it, but some are too intolerant to drop their crap.

Most if not all stereotypes hold some truth.


?The politicians don't just want your money. They want your soul. They want you to be worn down by taxes until you are dependent and helpless. When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both.? ~ James Dale Davidson

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