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So I voted to keep my corrupt politician Ted Stevens and Don Young in office. They are both Republicans. They are both senor Senators. They have both made Alaska rich and have the best interest in Alaska so I hope they stay in office. However I hope Stevens doesn't serve his term in jail. :rolleyes: People bitch about Stevens getting rich from the oil companies but they never bring up the fact that we all get a peminit fund check every year from these oil companies. This year will be about $2,000 plus a $1,200 energy relif check this year. That's gonna be over 3 grand for everybody come this October.


Anyway I also voted yes for the clean water intuitive. It is a controversy with the Pebble mine and fishing. The mines will pollute the waters if not kept in check. Fishing is the number one money maker here and I don't want to destroy that. Having said that the mining industry is a third, behind oil drilling. All I want is to make sure that the mining doesn't pollute the waters. It will cost us but I think in the long run it will be worth savings.


I then voted for aerial wolf hunting. This is done by the fish and game to keep the wolf population down to keep the moose population up. Wolfs breed way to fast and if not kept in check the people in the villages have no food to harvest.


I feel I've done my part and I really hope my votes count.



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