eddo Posted October 25, 2007 Posted October 25, 2007 Re: Schools giving out the "pill"? So, how do you approach the subject of contraception and disease prevention for those who will and do have sex? In the classroom setting, I don't discuss contraception. But I do encourage the kids to discuss it with their parents. If they want to talk to me one on one, I will do that. But since I do not agree with sex outside of marriage (and I don't feel that God does either) I don't give the "but if you are going to anyway" speech. Some of my thoughts on sex: Sex is a beautiful thing, created by God, not only for procreation, but to build an intimate bond that He intended to be only shared between husband and wife. In the right setting (marriage) sex is amazing, healthy, and positive. In the wrong setting it can be a negative experience: lead to disease, unwanted pregnancy, emotional scars, among other things. By God's design I think it is best to wait til marriage, and I share that with my group, both in the classroom setting, and by my own life example. I don't think one is doomed to hell for all eternity if they have premarital sex, I just believe that they are cheating themselves out of the best that God has in store for them and their future spouse. While I understand that it is hard to be an abstinent teenager, it is absolutely possible to survive the teen years without having sex (and again, I lead by example.) I do realize that some teens in my group may have already had sex, and if so, I know that God is a loving and forgiving God, and He is able to help them if they desire to recommit their bodies to Him and save themselves from this point forward. Quote I hate signatures, so I don't have one. wait....
wez Posted October 25, 2007 Posted October 25, 2007 Re: Schools giving out the "pill"? In the classroom setting, I don't discuss contraception. But I do encourage the kids to discuss it with their parents. If they want to talk to me one on one, I will do that. But since I do not agree with sex outside of marriage (and I don't feel that God does either) I don't give the "but if you are going to anyway" speech.Some of my thoughts on sex: Sex is a beautiful thing, created by God, not only for procreation, but to build an intimate bond that He intended to be only shared between husband and wife. In the right setting (marriage) sex is amazing, healthy, and positive. In the wrong setting it can be a negative experience: lead to disease, unwanted pregnancy, emotional scars, among other things. By God's design I think it is best to wait til marriage, and I share that with my group, both in the classroom setting, and by my own life example. I don't think one is doomed to hell for all eternity if they have premarital sex, I just believe that they are cheating themselves out of the best that God has in store for them and their future spouse. While I understand that it is hard to be an abstinent teenager, it is absolutely possible to survive the teen years without having sex (and again, I lead by example.) I do realize that some teens in my group may have already had sex, and if so, I know that God is a loving and forgiving God, and He is able to help them if they desire to recommit their bodies to Him and save themselves from this point forward. I don't have a problem with what you teach or how you teach it eddo, and I think you're fine example.. Just allow everyone else to have that same right as you without judgment or condemnation. I can guarentee you that some of those kids have sex on a regular basis, and are too afraid to tell anyone, especially you, and their parents, increasing their risk of disease and unwanted pregnancies.. That's what fear based teaching does... Quote I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy
Times Posted October 25, 2007 Author Posted October 25, 2007 Re: Schools giving out the "pill"? I can guarentee you that some of those kids have sex on a regular basis, and are too afraid to tell anyone, especially you, and their parents, increasing their risk of disease and unwanted pregnancies.. That's what fear based teaching does... You cannot say that. Being as you do not live that life, you cannot understand how it feels and how it supports a persons actions and decisions. The facts show that young people actively involved in the church get better grades and have very few cases of unwanted pregnancies. Clearly the results tell the difference. I teach the same thing eddo does with one addition, I tell how our souls interact with each other during sexual intercourse and having different partners confuses our souls and makes it difficult to maintain a relationship. I believe that is why marriages do not last anymore, our souls are too mixed up and we have no real connection to one special person. Our sexual partners become similar to a toilet, only a place for refief and one is as good as another when we are looking for that relief. Quote Most if not all stereotypes hold some truth. ?The politicians don't just want your money. They want your soul. They want you to be worn down by taxes until you are dependent and helpless. When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both.? ~ James Dale Davidson
eddo Posted October 25, 2007 Posted October 25, 2007 Re: Schools giving out the "pill"? You cannot say that.Being as you do not live that life, you cannot understand how it feels and how it supports a persons actions and decisions. The facts show that young people actively involved in the church get better grades and have very few cases of unwanted pregnancies. Clearly the results tell the difference. Excellent point I teach the same thing eddo does with one addition, I tell how our souls interact with each other during sexual intercourse and having different partners confuses our souls and makes it difficult to maintain a relationship. I believe that is why marriages do not last anymore, our souls are too mixed up and we have no real connection to one special person. Our sexual partners become similar to a toilet, only a place for refief and one is as good as another when we are looking for that relief. another excellent point. Quote I hate signatures, so I don't have one. wait....
snafu Posted October 25, 2007 Posted October 25, 2007 Re: Schools giving out the "pill"? ...I believe that is why marriages do not last anymore, our souls are too mixed up and we have no real connection to one special person. Our sexual partners become similar to a toilet, only a place for refief and one is as good as another when we are looking for that relief. Well I don't want to call my second wife a ****ter but I see what your getting at. Quote *NEVER FORGOTTEN*
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