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Would that be, "Who's the Boss", Alyssa Milano or "Poison Ivy 2", Alyssa Milano?:cool:

Charmed Alyssa. Or even that weird Vampire movie Alyssa. ;)

I hate signatures, so I don't have one.



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Watch out for the airboat pirates. :D

Yikes, I forgot abou IWS, Phantom and Anna.


Hmmn Anna gets a new surfboard, some board wax, a bikini wax, a wombat recipe and some fly repellant.


IWS gets a big shiny mod badge to put on his shirt, to go with the big shiny police officer badge on the other side.


Phantom gets banned from playing video games as she's too good already.


Who else did I forget ?

Don't preach in my school, or I'll think in your church.
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Yikes, I forgot abou IWS, Phantom and Anna.Hmmn Anna gets a new surfboard, some board wax, a bikini wax, a wombat recipe and some fly repellant.


IWS gets a big shiny mod badge to put on his shirt, to go with the big shiny police officer badge on the other side.


Phantom gets banned from playing video games as she's too good already.


Who else did I forget ?

Phantom should get her own multi game arcade machine so she can leave us mere mortals alone with our debate site arcade. :D
One of the consequences of such notions as "entitlements" is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.? ~ Thomas Sowell
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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FjFgNP394XY&feature=related]YouTube - Colt Brennan's Nightmare[/ame]


This was my greatest dream going into 2008. My Georgia Bulldogs taking it to Colt Brennan and his flimsy Hawaiian O-line. Count the number of sacks!


The WAC suck!



It's a mistake to think that poor people get the benefit from the welfare system. It's a total fraud. Most welfare go to the rich of this country: the military-industrial complex, the bankers, the foreign dictators, it's totally out of control. This idea that the government has services or goods that they can pass on is a complete farce. Governments have nothing. They can't create anything, they never have. All they can do is steal from one group and give it to another at the destruction of the principles of freedom, and we ought to challenge that concept. - Ron Paul

Hmmn Anna gets a new surfboard, some board wax, a bikini wax, a wombat recipe and some fly repellant.

Since when am I Spicoli?
As always occurred when he quarreled over principles in which he believed passionately, he would end up gasping furiously for air and blinking back bitter tears of conviction. There were many principles in which Clevinger believed passionately. He was crazy.

My dream for when I am old is to live in a little cottage by the sea with my sister.


We'll spend our days sitting on the verandah doing crossword puzzles, eating cake and drinking peppermint tea.

  • Like 1
As always occurred when he quarreled over principles in which he believed passionately, he would end up gasping furiously for air and blinking back bitter tears of conviction. There were many principles in which Clevinger believed passionately. He was crazy.
My dream for when I am old is to live in a little cottage by the sea with my sister. We'll spend our days sitting on the verandah doing crossword puzzles, eating cake and drinking peppermint tea.

You had me 'til the "peppermint tea.":D
  • Like 1
Been wrong before, could be wrong now, will probably be wrong again. Don't take yourself so dang seriously. ;)
Since when am I Spicoli?



I was thinking about that and if I'm here, and you're here, doesn't that make it our time? ~ Jeff Spicoli..


One of the greats..

I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy


My dream for when I am old is to live in a little cottage by the sea with my sister. We'll spend our days sitting on the verandah doing crossword puzzles, eating cake and drinking peppermint tea.

Can I serve the cake and tea and massage your feet whilst you do crosswords?

I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy


My greatest dream in life would be to make mad pasionate love to Valerie Bertinelli! Maybe a few times.

One day at a time Valerie or Jenny Craig Valerie?

I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy


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OK, so what is a spicoli ?

This is a Spicoli...



One of the consequences of such notions as "entitlements" is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.? ~ Thomas Sowell
This is a Spicoli...http://justbs.us/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://barry.freedomblogging.com/files/2008/06/spicoli.jpg&key=10e5b7e6c403bcfcc9dea6cccd2c4b3f918e6412db5d3e81f2d6de2c93b68173

One of the best soundtracks ever too.. along with Heavy Metal.. Love this Stevie Nicks from there.. Never saw it anywhere else..


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wiDbVTxVP5M]YouTube - Stevie Nicks- Sleeping Angel[/ame]


Like this Cars song too.. From the Pheobe Cates pool boobs, Brad Masturbation scene.. :D


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZT8fa9eelyw]YouTube - The Cars - Moving In (((STEREO))) Test Video[/ame]

I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy


You had me 'til the "peppermint tea.":D

Can I serve the cake and tea and massage your feet whilst you do crosswords?

OK, so what is a spicoli ?

Salt: Peppermint tea is delicious and refreshing and suitable for any time of day. I don't understand?


Wez: You're very sweet and I would love to say yes but I can't promise that after menopause I won't have overcome biology and regained my sanity - enough to warrant posting a NO BOYS ALLOWED sign on the front door, in fact.


The best answer I can give you is "we'll see" ....


Sheik: a Spicoli is the best character in a great movie. Please see Fast Times at Ridgemont High immediately :)

As always occurred when he quarreled over principles in which he believed passionately, he would end up gasping furiously for air and blinking back bitter tears of conviction. There were many principles in which Clevinger believed passionately. He was crazy.
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My greatest dream in life would be to move to Australia and be near Anna. I know that if that were to happen we would go through life in a type of friendship that would be stimulating as we would argue vigorously on issues, push each other to view things differently, engage in confrontational dialogue but yet stay friends in the end.


Kind of like the "Reel Geezers" do on movies...


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ay_PvOXg9BQ]YouTube - Reel Geezers- Sex and the City (warning spoilers)[/ame]


Other Reel Geezer reviews...









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One of the consequences of such notions as "entitlements" is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.? ~ Thomas Sowell
My greatest dream in life would be to move to Australia and be near Anna. I know that if that were to happen we would go through life in a type of friendship that would be stimulating as we would argue vigorously on issues, push each other to view things differently, engage in confrontational dialogue but yet stay friends in the end.Kind of like the "Reel Geezers" do on movies...


LOL @ Reel Geezers.


But you know, we'd fight about everything. And I mean everything. I'd be pissed off on a daily basis.


You'd have to make it up to me with food.....

As always occurred when he quarreled over principles in which he believed passionately, he would end up gasping furiously for air and blinking back bitter tears of conviction. There were many principles in which Clevinger believed passionately. He was crazy.
Wez: You're very sweet and I would love to say yes but I can't promise that after menopause I won't have overcome biology and regained my sanity - enough to warrant posting a NO BOYS ALLOWED sign on the front door, in fact.


The best answer I can give you is "we'll see" ....

Well.. Since I'm going to be a nurse, I'll know all about estrogen replacment therapy.. And how to avoid osteoporosis so I can help you overcome biology and sanity is way over rated. I want nothing to do with it.


In addition, I'll cook, clean, and sleep on the beach with a smile on my face when you're in one of your moods.. An offer you can't refuse..


Neither could your sis.. ;)

I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy


Salt: Peppermint tea is delicious and refreshing and suitable for any time of day. I don't understand? Wez: You're very sweet and I would love to say yes but I can't promise that after menopause I won't have overcome biology and regained my sanity - enough to warrant posting a NO BOYS ALLOWED sign on the front door, in fact.


The best answer I can give you is "we'll see" ....


Sheik: a Spicoli is the best character in a great movie. Please see Fast Times at Ridgemont High immediately :)

I just don't like flavored drinks of any kind. Au naturel is best (IMO). Straight brewed tea, black coffee,....
Been wrong before, could be wrong now, will probably be wrong again. Don't take yourself so dang seriously. ;)
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I just don't like flavored drinks of any kind. Au naturel is best (IMO). Straight brewed tea, black coffee,....

...beer, tequila, rum, bourbon, etc... oops, sorry. :D
One of the consequences of such notions as "entitlements" is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.? ~ Thomas Sowell
...beer, tequila, rum, bourbon, etc... oops, sorry. :D

That's what the series of dots were for. :D
Been wrong before, could be wrong now, will probably be wrong again. Don't take yourself so dang seriously. ;)
Well, since I'm going to be a nurse, I'll know all about estrogen replacement therapy and how to avoid osteoporosis so I can help you overcome biology.In addition, I'll cook, clean, and sleep on the beach with a smile on my face when you're in one of your moods.

I'll admit, it sounds tempting, but does grocery shopping come as part of this dream package?


My sister and I would prefer to never actually have to leave the comfort of our hammocks, if possible.

As always occurred when he quarreled over principles in which he believed passionately, he would end up gasping furiously for air and blinking back bitter tears of conviction. There were many principles in which Clevinger believed passionately. He was crazy.
I just don't like flavored drinks of any kind. Au naturel is best (IMO). Straight brewed tea, black coffee,....

Well, peppermint tea is natural - it's made from peppermint leaves. But I know what you're getting at .....


I like my drinks sweet and/or easy on the tongue. For instance, I always order a latte when I get a coffee.

As always occurred when he quarreled over principles in which he believed passionately, he would end up gasping furiously for air and blinking back bitter tears of conviction. There were many principles in which Clevinger believed passionately. He was crazy.
Sheik: a Spicoli is the best character in a great movie. Please see Fast Times at Ridgemont High immediately :)

I'll have to get out more, I should have known that..
Don't preach in my school, or I'll think in your church.

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