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Is anybody feeling the crunch yet?

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Most of you know where I work. Well they announced an early retirement plan a few months back. You could retire at age 50 instead of 55. But you would lose 2% for every year that you retired early. I am 51 years old and have worked for 31 years. This means if I retired now I would only get 58% of my pay check that I get now. Why would I want to do that? I would have to get another job that would probably pay less. They projected the decrees in work force was going to be 16, 000 jobs. They didn’t even come close. So now they are planning on making a three tour workforce into a two tour workforce. They say this will eliminate wear and tear on the machines by manning them to full capacity. To do this they are going to put every body’s jobs up for re-biding. This is going to piss a lot of people off (aprox.500 people) and put them on a 10 am to 6:30 shift or 8pm to 4:30 shift. Now this is going on nation wide. The problem with Alaska is we fly just about everything. So we have to work around the airlines and we don’t have the empty equipment and space to work this all up and get it out to the airlines. In essence it’s not going to work up here. My take on this is they want to piss enough old timers like me to retire. I work with high values and they took the international part of it away to cut hours. This gives less security. They are going to cut corners in other area’s as well.


If this is happing to me what do you suppose is going to happen to Joe the plumbers of America? Especially with an all democratic government wanting to tax the **** out of you and all the business?



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Sorry Snaf, do you think they are going to let you go, or pressure you to retire early?
As always occurred when he quarreled over principles in which he believed passionately, he would end up gasping furiously for air and blinking back bitter tears of conviction. There were many principles in which Clevinger believed passionately. He was crazy.
Sorry Snaf, do you think they are going to let you go, or pressure you to retire early?

They can't let me go becuase I was hired during the no lay off claus but anybody with 6 years or less could be laid off. What their gonna do is put me on a night shift (or try to) and hope I retire.



They can't let me go becuase I was hired during the no lay off claus but anybody with 6 years or less could be laid off. What their gonna do is put me on a night shift (or try to) and hope I retire.

No layoff clause? Guaranteed retirement plan? 31 years with one company? Senority? Can't be fired?


And you're bitchin' you might get taxed?


You bastards are the ones that broke our country with your employment demands and wrecked it for us younger folk.. Christ, we'll be lucky to get a fukking turkey if we ever can retire. hahahaha


They prolly will try to force you out.. They know the can hire someone half your age to do twice as much work for 1/3 the pay.. and give them nothing for retirement..


You don't know how good you've had it snaf... take whatever they throw at ya.. ;)

I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy


No layoff clause? Guaranteed retirement plan? 31 years with one company? Senority? Can't be fired?And you're bitching' you might get taxed?


You bastards are the ones that broke our country with your employment demands and wrecked it for us younger folk.. Christ, we'll be lucky to get a ****ing turkey if we ever can retire. hardhat


They Polly will try to force you out.. They know the can hire someone half your age to do twice as much work for 1/3 the pay.. and give them nothing for retirement..


You don't know how good you've had it snaf... take whatever they throw at ya.. ;)

Hehehe..... You got me there but I might get screwed too. We'll see how this one party nation works in the next 4 years. So don't pat them on the back to soon. McCain wants to privatize my company but I really don't care. My union sure is going nuts though.


Who knows we all might be working for the goverment someday. :rolleyes:



That jackass Obama just killed off his own grandma in order to get sympathy votes. What do ya think he is gonna do to you?
I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts. ? Will Rogers
That jackass Obama just killed off his own grandma in order to get sympathy votes. What do ya think he is gonna do to you?

Now that's cold. I think that was the coldest remark you've ever said.


I do feel sympathy for him but I'll be damned if I'm that sympathetic!



Uhm, SNAFU, you do realize the link you gave me says that claim is a HOAX and also links to SNOPES, which ALSO says it is a hoax..



I just scanned it - didn't read real close - and that's what it sounded like to me, too. Hoax.There are more statements out there, snaf.
Been wrong before, could be wrong now, will probably be wrong again. Don't take yourself so dang seriously. ;)
I heard Obama was going to personally eat your children before raping your wife, draining your bank account and causing the Sun to burn out.

I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy


This brings us back to the Alternative Minimum Tax. This tax was ostensibly designed only to make sure "rich" people could not exploit loopholes in the tax code to avoid paying any taxes at all. However, because the AMT was never indexed for inflation and does not allow taxpayers to claim deductions for dependent children or for local income and property taxes, it is really a backdoor through which the federal government can increase taxes on middleclass families. If Congress failed to change the AMT, according to the Treasury Department, it would hit an additional 16.7 million taxpayers for the first time this year.

Pelosi"Well, I, myself, am against them," she said. "But the point is, there are choices to be made in our budgets, and, and I will tell you more the Democrats are going to do when we take over the Congress of the United States."

And in 06...


Hmmm.... my bad. :rolleyes:



Do you NOT know what a HOAX is? That last article was 2006, she is the leader, have any of these boogeyman fears you have, come to pass?





Im telling you what's gonna happen with an all democratic goverment. When you have one wing on the eagle.



Do you NOT know what a HOAX is? That last article was 2006, she is the leader, have any of these boogeyman fears you have, come to pass?





Yes ..


The boogeyman is back!!!



No, your telling me what you FEAR will happen, not what WILL happen..



How would you feel with the Republicans in total control?



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