snafu Posted May 6, 2009 Author Posted May 6, 2009 [ame=]YouTube - The Taliban Song[/ame] Quote *NEVER FORGOTTEN*
snafu Posted May 6, 2009 Author Posted May 6, 2009 [ame=]YouTube - Toby Keith - Courtesy Of The Red, White And Blue (The Angry American)[/ame] Quote *NEVER FORGOTTEN*
snafu Posted May 7, 2009 Author Posted May 7, 2009 USS Knox (DE-1052/FF-1052) was the prototype and lead ship in a new class of destroyer escorts in the United States Navy. She was the second ship to be named for Commodore Dudley Wright Knox. One of our finest. Decommissioned on 14 February 1992, Knox was stricken from the Naval Vessel Register on 11 January 1995. NAVSEA temporarily placed the Knox on the donation hold list but removed her from the list around 2003.Knox was sunk as a target off Guam during an exercise on August 7, 2007. At least she wasn't turned into razor blades. :P Navy Meritorious Unit Commendation (with two bronze service stars) Navy Expeditionary Medal National Defense Service Medal (with one bronze service star) Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal (with one bronze service star) Vietnam Service Medal (with one bronze service star) Humanitarian Service Ribbon Sea Service Deployment Ribbon Vietnam Campaign Medal Reference : USS Knox on This is what silently kept us safe for many years. At the end of the cold war we had over 600 ships. We now have only 300 and Obama wants to cut military spending. I'm sure the ships we have now have probably double the strike capability but they still need to be maintained. Why do people think of what we could have done when it's to late? PS: God bless Old Salt and our service men and women of every branch. Quote *NEVER FORGOTTEN*
Moderators IWS Posted May 7, 2009 Moderators Posted May 7, 2009 By God would you look at that... - U.S. Navy Unveils New High-Tech Ship Called USS Freedom That Can Fight Pirates - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News President/Messiah/King/Exulted Leader Obama is so damn good that in about 100 days he was able to request, design, commission and build this new class of Navy ship to go after the pirates. Damn, he's good. Quote One of the consequences of such notions as "entitlements" is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.? ~ Thomas Sowell
Old Salt Posted May 7, 2009 Posted May 7, 2009 of our finest. At least she wasn't turned into razor blades. :P This is what silently kept us safe for many years. At the end of the cold war we had over 600 ships. We now have only 300 and Obama wants to cut military spending. I'm sure the ships we have now have probably double the strike capability but they still need to be maintained. Why do people think of what we could have done when it's to late? PS: God bless Old Salt and our service men and women of every branch. USS Knox (FF-1052) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Thank you, snaf. By the way, I was onboard when she was commissioned and I had the opportunity to operate with her off SOCAL just before she was decommissioned. Quote Been wrong before, could be wrong now, will probably be wrong again. Don't take yourself so dang seriously. ;)
snafu Posted May 7, 2009 Author Posted May 7, 2009 By God would you look at - U.S. Navy Unveils New High-Tech Ship Called USS Freedom That Can Fight Pirates - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News President/Messiah/King/Exulted Leader Obama is so damn good that in about 100 days he was able to request, design, commission and build this new class of Navy ship to go after the pirates. Damn, he's good. Yeah that sum beach would'a had the project halted if he had the change... I mean chance. Quote *NEVER FORGOTTEN*
snafu Posted May 7, 2009 Author Posted May 7, 2009 Desert Storm, January 29-February 1, 1991 The mere fact that they launched these attacks indicates they still have a lot of fight left in them. - General H. Norman Schwarzkopf The Battle of Khafji began on January 29, and ended on February 1, 1991, following a punishing 12 days of Allied air strikes in the first phase of Desert Storm. Iraqi strongman Saddam Hussein's elite Fifth Mechanized Division and Third Armored Division launched their only organized assault on Allied ground forces during the war, at the abandoned Saudi Arabian town of Al Khafji. The three-day ground conflict in and around Al Khafji involved some of the costliest firefights for American soldiers since the killing fields of Vietnam. Saudi and Qatari troops also suffered casualties. The main phase of the battle for Khafji lasted fewer than 48 hours. The battle Four days prior to the assault on Khafji, U.S. Air Force E-8 Joint STARS* detected a build-up of Iraq's forces deep behind Kuwait's border. Bunkers and a reinforced Iraq artillery were under construction, and by the 28th of January, Saddam's Third Armored Division (tanks) were observed closing the distance along the southern border of Saudi Arabia's Islamic holy land. Marines positioned just beyond the outskirts of Khafji waited in the cold darkness of January 29. A loud clanking was heard from a distance, as Soviet-built tanks emerged from the darkness. A convoy of Iraqi tanks approached with their cannons facing in the opposite direction — an international signal of surrender. With fingers on triggers, marines and army special forces watched as Iraq's Third Armored Division suddenly swung their cannons forward and unleashed fire in their direction. Allied forces immediately retaliated, but the Iraqis gained an initial upper hand — pushing the Allies back and taking control of Khafji. The battle continued as two soldiers (one female) from a U.S. transportation battalion went missing, and two six-man marine reconnaissance teams became trapped inside Khafji. Nevertheless, the teams inside the town directed in a barrage of fire from U.S. artillery and air support. The following morning, Iraqi forces were operating with only a few hundred troops inside Khafji. The relentless punishment of artillery and air attacks proved to be too much for Saddam's forces. With the offensive now about 24 hours old, and Allied forces pressing forward, Iraqi reinforcements made a push for Khafji under cover of darkness. Joint STARS detected the movement and pounded the approaching Iraqi army with liberating vengeance. Holy land retaken for a price By the morning of January 31, Iraq's entire offensive at Khafji had been shut down. However, the three-day battle had exacted the sacrifice of 25 U.S. personnel; Allied Arab losses totaled 10 killed and 32 wounded. Iraqi casualties were estimated at more than 2,000 killed, and some 400 of them were taken prisoner in the Khafji area during the battle. Battle of Khafji Unit awardsA unit citation or commendation is an award bestowed upon an organization for the action cited. Members of the unit who participated in said actions are allowed to wear on their uniforms the awarded unit citation. The 2nd Marine Division has been presented with the following awards:[3] Presidential Unit Citation Navy Unit Commendation Marine Corps Expeditionary Medal American Defense Service Medal with one bronze star Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal with one silver Star and two bronze stars World War II Victory Medal Navy Occupation Service Medal with Asia & European clasps National Defense Service Medal with two bronze stars Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal with two bronze stars Southwest Asia Service Medal with three bronze stars Iraq Campaign Medal Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal Global War on Terrorism Service Medal When the wolf growls at the gate send in the Marines! Semper Fi RoyalOrleans 1 Quote *NEVER FORGOTTEN*
snafu Posted May 12, 2009 Author Posted May 12, 2009 Heidi Hegg, of the Anchorage Fire Department, rings the bell for the name of each of the 59 law enforcement officers who lost their lives in the line of duty in Alaska. The Police Memorial Day ceremony on Friday May 8, 2009 had representatives of all the branches of law enforcement in the state. 090508 Police Memorial Day: Alaska Photo Galleries | Quote *NEVER FORGOTTEN*
snafu Posted May 23, 2009 Author Posted May 23, 2009 Forget me not. Remember rockets red glare bombs bursting in air gave threw the night that our flag is still there. Our forefathers reminder of a price to be paid and responsibility to inherit the United States. Rockets red glare bombs bursting in air Words fallen on ears unwilling to hear. deaf no more we all know now the price of freedom the price of war. Freeborn children listen and see a new generation paying for you and me Don't be so blind or so deaf to the sights and sounds Americans have left, Let freedom scream in our ears and minds never forget those left behind. Freeborn children stand tall and see! does the banner old glory yet wave for thee God bless America. Quote *NEVER FORGOTTEN*
snafu Posted May 23, 2009 Author Posted May 23, 2009 The Gettysburg Address Gettysburg, Pennsylvania November 19, 1863 On June 1, 1865, Senator Charles Sumner commented on what is now considered the most famous speech by President Abraham Lincoln. In his eulogy on the slain president, he called it a "monumental act." He said Lincoln was mistaken that "the world will little note, nor long remember what we say here." Rather, the Bostonian remarked, "The world noted at once what he said, and will never cease to remember it. The battle itself was less important than the speech." Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate -- we can not hallow -- this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. Quote *NEVER FORGOTTEN*
Chopper Posted May 23, 2009 Posted May 23, 2009 TLDR but what the Hell it's OK to torture to secure a big mac on every street? Quote I come up hard, baby But now I'm cool I didn't make it, sugar Playin' by the rules
snafu Posted May 24, 2009 Author Posted May 24, 2009 Quote *NEVER FORGOTTEN*
Chopper Posted May 24, 2009 Posted May 24, 2009 I spit on your flag ! Is that acceptable or like most of so called democracy's free speech and views are OK if they are mainstream and not off the norm! :eek::eek ????????????????????????????? Quote I come up hard, baby But now I'm cool I didn't make it, sugar Playin' by the rules
Chopper Posted May 24, 2009 Posted May 24, 2009 BTW I still spit on your flag ! But that is my God given right ! I also spit on God ! sorry god ! Now that is worth debating ! ?????????? Quote I come up hard, baby But now I'm cool I didn't make it, sugar Playin' by the rules
Moderators IWS Posted May 25, 2009 Moderators Posted May 25, 2009 BTW I still spit on your flag !But that is my God given right ! I also spit on God ! sorry god ! Now that is worth debating ! ?????????? Not really. Quote One of the consequences of such notions as "entitlements" is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.? ~ Thomas Sowell
snafu Posted May 25, 2009 Author Posted May 25, 2009 BTW I still spit on your flag !But that is my God given right ! I also spit on God ! sorry god ! Now that is worth debating ! ?????????? We can never be sure that the opinion we are endeavoring to stifle is a false opinion; and if we were sure, stifling it would be an evil still. ~John Stuart Mill, On Liberty, 1859 Quote *NEVER FORGOTTEN*
snafu Posted May 25, 2009 Author Posted May 25, 2009 Memorial DayMemorial Day is much more than a three-day weekend that marks the beginning of summer. To many people, especially the nation's thousands of combat veterans, this day, which has a history stretching back all the way to the Civil War, is an important reminder of those who died in the service of their country. Quote *NEVER FORGOTTEN*
Chopper Posted May 25, 2009 Posted May 25, 2009 Not really worth debating ? Oh my mother weeps ! Quote I come up hard, baby But now I'm cool I didn't make it, sugar Playin' by the rules
Chopper Posted May 25, 2009 Posted May 25, 2009 I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. Voltaire (1694-1778) French writer and historian. I STRONGLY approve and endorse this and I was testing your resolve ! BTW this just might be a forum I want to post on ! I have been banned from far worse places! Quote I come up hard, baby But now I'm cool I didn't make it, sugar Playin' by the rules
eddo Posted May 26, 2009 Posted May 26, 2009 BTW this just might be a forum I want to post on ! I have been banned from far worse places! so this isn't your first forum then? shocker... Quote I hate signatures, so I don't have one. wait....
Chopper Posted May 26, 2009 Posted May 26, 2009 so this isn't your first forum then?shocker... Tis chopper's first forum and he has only just recently come alive on the interweb and he is exclusively for .........but I must admit your devious sleuthing has brought to the attention of BS that I personally am no virgin when it comes to strutting my booty on the forum catwalk! Quote I come up hard, baby But now I'm cool I didn't make it, sugar Playin' by the rules
Old Salt Posted May 26, 2009 Posted May 26, 2009 so this isn't your first forum then?shocker... Sure it's not TJ with an attitude? Quote Been wrong before, could be wrong now, will probably be wrong again. Don't take yourself so dang seriously. ;)
Moderators IWS Posted May 26, 2009 Moderators Posted May 26, 2009 Tis chopper's first forum and he has only just recently come alive on the interweb and he is exclusively for I must admit your devious sleuthing has brought to the attention of BS that I personally am no virgin when it comes to strutting my booty on the forum catwalk! It wasn't that hard to figure out. That's why I posted this... My first forum and already my new mates are hostile ! Uh, huh. :rolleyes: a week and a half ago. Quote One of the consequences of such notions as "entitlements" is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.? ~ Thomas Sowell
Moderators IWS Posted May 26, 2009 Moderators Posted May 26, 2009 Sure it's not TJ with an attitude? Just like I said about Ken from the FreeSpeechForum being TJ. TJ doesn't have enough depth of character to pull it off. Quote One of the consequences of such notions as "entitlements" is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.? ~ Thomas Sowell
eddo Posted May 26, 2009 Posted May 26, 2009 Why would one lie about being on forums before or not? lame, lame, lame. Snaf was right. TROLL ALERT! Quote I hate signatures, so I don't have one. wait....
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