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Your driving down the road, not drunk or speeding and a car runs a stop sign and your 75- 76,000 lb. truck t-bones it killing a 53 yo. and her THREE yo. grand-daughter.

I would say it would be a very hard thing to live with. You would have to live with it for the rest of your life. BUT it was not your fault (or whom ever)! I would be in torment even though it wasn't my fault. The driver of the other vehicle is at blame. If they are alive they will have to live with it for the rest of their lives also. But life is one big tragedy. You (or whom ever) should grieve and then move on with life. Really it's OK.


PS: Nice to see you around. :D



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Maybe I'm cold, but, if it wasn't my fault, and what you stated means it wouldn't be my fault, I wouldn't think much about it.


When I was in college I was driving home for the weekend. A guy on his motorcycle swerved into my lane. My choice was to put my van in the ditch at 60MPH and endanger my life or hit him. Choice was clear. I slammed on the brake and he hit me head on. I estimate I was doing 50 on impact. He didn't die right away, but, he was in pretty bad shape when I and the car behind him stopped and ran over to him. When the police arrived I gave a statement and filled out the accident report. The 2 witness did the same and in a couple hours I was on my way. I still remember what happened and still remember his name. Other than that life has been normal for me.


As a wise man once told me, some things you can control, some things you can't. Stupidity or bad decisions that lead to death land in the things you can't control category.

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.....As a wise man once told me, some things you can control, some things you can't. Stupidity or bad decisions that lead to death land in the things you can't control category.




Damn dude.. Hope this didn't happen to you.. accidents happen, life is fragile and it's no ones fault.. Peace bro..

I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy


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Even if it isn't your fault, feelings of guilt are normal. I know that train engineers that hit cars or pedestrians, even if it is obvious suicide, often feel so guilty that they have to quit their jobs. i suppose if you are having problems you need to seek counseling. Good luck and God bless if this is a true account.
One of the consequences of such notions as "entitlements" is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.? ~ Thomas Sowell
Damn dude.. Hope this didn't happen to you.. accidents happen, life is fragile and it's no ones fault.. Peace bro..

If the 53 year old lady ran a stop sign, then it is her fault.


Even if it isn't your fault, feelings of guilt are normal. I know that train engineers that hit cars or pedestrians, even if it is obvious suicide, often feel so guilty that they have to quit their jobs. i suppose if you are having problems you need to seek counseling. Good luck and God bless if this is a true account.

Excellent advice, and I agree 100%.

I hate signatures, so I don't have one.




I know it wasn't my fault but it is still tough. Ater 19 years of driving a truck i ALWAYS check intersections before going thru them but there is a hill beside that one. I had about 1 second to react. and then i was just along for the ride. A few bruises but some emotional trauma. The troopers told me at least 10 times there was nothing i could have done to prevent it.


click here and scroll down for the aftermath...



If the 53 year old lady ran a stop sign, then it is her fault.

Lets dig her up and hold her accountable..

I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy


I know it wasn't my fault but it is still tough. Ater 19 years of driving a truck i ALWAYS check intersections before going thru them but there is a hill beside that one. I had about 1 second to react. and then i was just along for the ride. A few bruises but some emotional trauma. The troopers told me at least 10 times there was nothing i could have done to prevent it.click here and scroll down for the aftermath...



So sorry man... it'll be alright.


Damn Smutt, thank God you weren't hurt..

I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy


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I know it wasn't my fault but it is still tough. Ater 19 years of driving a truck i ALWAYS check intersections before going thru them but there is a hill beside that one. I had about 1 second to react. and then i was just along for the ride. A few bruises but some emotional trauma. The troopers told me at least 10 times there was nothing i could have done to prevent it.click here and scroll down for the aftermath...



I was considering joining that site at one time but, the cold reaction and inconsiderate comments by many on that thread are the reason I know I couldn't hang out on the newsucks500 site. I think I would be compelled to search out some of the members and make them feel the pain, grief, and hurt as some people.


Even if this lady violated a stop sign, neither she nor the 3 year old child deserve the things said about them that was said there.


Myself, I think that people who don't obay stop signs and lights are the most dangerous people on the road (with maybe the exeption of driving under the influence). I don't think the effects of this is seen as being serious. I personally have seen/come across/known several people invloved in this type of accident that someone lost their lives in.


My prayers go out to you smutt butt, to find a way to get past this as something you couldn't avoid and also to the souls of those who lost their lives and also to their families.

One of the consequences of such notions as "entitlements" is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.? ~ Thomas Sowell

Not your fault smut butt.


Yes it will have had a nasty effect witnessing something like that. But hang on to the fact that it was the fault of the other driver.


I actually saw a similar accident 20 years ago. It was a give way sign, rather than a stop sign. The offending driver just came straight out into the path of an articulated heavy vehicle. The car was well within the lorry's breaking distance.


There is a curious little car in the UK called a Reliant Robin. It's a 3 wheeler, made of fibre glass. We call them - plastic pigs. That's what the offending vehicle was. It was utterly trashed. I don't know if the driver survived. The lorry driver got the speed down to about 30 mph for the collision.


The lorry had just one option to avoid the collision- cross the white line, but oncoming traffic prohibited that option.

Don't preach in my school, or I'll think in your church.

That would be a bad deal, even more so with the 3 year old. But it's not your fault, i'm sure you did what you could to avoid the accident.


My grandfather drove truck his whole life. Going through a town in Cananda a girl was on a bike to big for her, and could'nt stop at the curb. He watched her go under his trailer, and felt the trailer roll up on her, he kept moving knowing stopping on top of her would be bad, when he felt the back axle clear her he stopped and yelled for help (before cell phones). It broke a lot of her bones, but she did survive. He always said that was something that crossed his mind almost everyday.

Women should be aloud to Breast Feed in public, but they should have to pull the other one out also!

Wow, this is a very difficult situation.


I had a friend go through almost the same situation and it took her over a year to resume a relatively normal life.


Put simply, you are not to blame by every standard a rational mind can come up with but this sittuation is emotional, and that means it is difficult to see it from a rational perspective.


Nothing but time and maybe some counseling can get you through this very bad situation.


My prayers go out to you.

Most if not all stereotypes hold some truth.


?The politicians don't just want your money. They want your soul. They want you to be worn down by taxes until you are dependent and helpless. When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both.? ~ James Dale Davidson


I don't think any of the Suckage members really mean what they say, and are saying it to be gross, but damn, that would really suck to have to go through that. A lot of things that happen in our life can leave an impact that changes our mentality...usually into a phobia. The best thing to do is come to a realization of things and deal with it before it becomes a phobia. The first thing to understand, is it was something that was beyond your control.






Oh man, that's awful. Having never been in that position, I can't tell you what to think or feel but I hope you can take comfort in the fact that there was nothing you could do to prevent that it was their time to go.


God bless and I wish you peace of mind.

I don't think any of the Suckage members really mean what they say, and are saying it to be gross, but damn, that would really suck to have to go through that. A lot of things that happen in our life can leave an impact that changes our mentality...usually into a phobia. The best thing to do is come to a realization of things and deal with it before it becomes a phobia. The first thing to understand, is it was something that was beyond your control..



Yes Smutt butt could be vulnerable to a developing phobia. He is also vulnerable to post traumatic stress disorder. Not only combat vets get this. Anyone who has witnessed/ been involved in a disaster/outrage can develop this. Ask Tori about this.


Smutt butt, if you find yourself reliving the event over and over, like a video that will not stop, then this is one of the symptoms. If you get this you will need some help with it.

Don't preach in my school, or I'll think in your church.
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