snafu Posted April 11, 2009 Posted April 11, 2009 So I'm thinking why should I be blamed for my predecessors? I never owned a slave. I've never been rich and taken advantage of someone less fortunate. I guess the only personal debit I can contribute to America was being a stoner other than that why blame me? Well then I think of the nation I live in. I think how good I have it. We reap what our forefathers harvested for us. So we must be accountable for our parents actions. So... Are we a nation of cowards toward bigotry? Or just turning in nation of cowards in general? Should we apologize for our actions and how did we become the police of the world? My view is that we have made mistakes like the rest of the worlds counties but we have also kept freedom of life liberty and the purest of happens as a mantra. This is has kept us at the forefront on all the rest of these countries. Is this the America we want to preserve or should we fall in place somewhere else down the socialist line and let someone else lead? How did we become this massive stain on the worlds face? Haven't we fought tyranny and totalitarianism where ever it reared it's ugly head? Haven't we saved countless life's from famine and disease? Haven't we shared technology for counties to sustain life by themselves? I guess I'm pissed how this has all turned around on us. We've done our part and as far as I'm concerned we live in the greatest nation in the world. My problem now is we have to stop apologizing and quit with this political correctness. We are not a paper dragon! We are real an still stand for freedom! This standoff with the pirates is yet another chance to show the world our resolve. We went in to Somalia before to feed these people and got our asses kicked out by diplomacy. I'm sick and tired of that! I'm ready to show our might! If we're the leader we should prove it. Quote *NEVER FORGOTTEN*
Phreakwars Posted April 11, 2009 Posted April 11, 2009 Well, lets break it down sentence by sentence... So I'm thinking why should I be blamed for my predecessors? It gives those with no outlook for their own future an excuse to fail. I never owned a slave. Neither have I, would be nice to have one though. :D I've never been rich and taken advantage of someone less fortunate. You'll never know that power until you are there.I guess the only personal debit I can contribute to America was being a stoner other than that why blame me? You should be slapped for that remark... HOW DARE YOU !! Well then I think of the nation I live in. Allah bless America.I think how good I have it. Were the shiit.We reap what our forefathers harvested for us. That can be good or bad, depends on how you see your life really.So we must be accountable for our parents actions. NOPESo... Are we a nation of cowards toward bigotry? Nope, just in denial... but then think about it, why would anybody want to admit their flaws?Or just turning in nation of cowards in general? Who are these cowards you speak of, what are they cowering from? Should we apologize for our actions and how did we become the police of the world? We shouldn't apologize, we should merely acknowledge past actions... the truth shall set us free.My view is that we have made mistakes like the rest of the worlds counties but we have also kept freedom of life liberty and the purest of happens as a mantra. Mantra, yes, practice what we preach... not so sure about that, but then, that goes along with the denial. This is has kept us at the forefront on all the rest of these countries. Sorry, but this is an egotistic remark, exactly who are we gaging ourselves against? Others in other country's would strongly disagree.. Were not the best, were only the best at claiming to be the bestIs this the America we want to preserve or should we fall in place somewhere else down the socialist line and let someone else lead? Preserve, I'm not sure, but it is the America we are all a part of and will continue to be.How did we become this massive stain on the worlds face? Easy, the 2000 and 2004 elections, we elected an idiot, not once, but twice... now before you try to make a partisan US .vs THEM type comeback, I contend America was not so divided up until that point, sure you had different parties, but they DID work together well... during the Reagan years, and Bush 1 years, and Clinton years, for better or worse, opposition at least could agree to help and compromise for each others beliefs... I think the split happened probably, quite honestly, around 2003 or 2004. As a result, the rest of the world looked at us and said... "YOU SUCK"Haven't we fought tyranny and totalitarianism where ever it reared it's ugly head? No, just wherever is was convenientHaven't we saved countless life's from famine and disease? Yes, but we bitched and complained about it the entire time... shame shame..Haven't we shared technology for counties to sustain life by themselves? Truth B Told, other countries shared their technology with us, we just like to claim it's ours.... it's an ego thing. I guess I'm pissed how this has all turned around on us.We've done our part and as far as I'm concerned we live in the greatest nation in the world. You have to elaborate moreMy problem now is we have to stop apologizing and quit with this political correctness. We are not a paper dragon! We are real an still stand for freedom! Freedom for all... unless your gay and want to get married, or an illegal and want a better life, or want to put drugs into your own body... then your not free at all.This standoff with the pirates is yet another chance to show the world not only or resolve but our might. We went in there before to fed these people and got our asses kicked out by diplomacy. I'm sick and tired of that!I'm ready to show our might! If we're the leader we should prove it. So your saying lets kill us some pirates and the captain is expendable? Works for me. I salute your patriot SNAFU.. . Quote The return of the Suckage
snafu Posted April 11, 2009 Author Posted April 11, 2009 Haven't we fought tyranny and totalitarianism where ever it reared it's ugly head? No, just wherever is was convenient So Korea and Vietnam were just connivances for us? Dropping food do to the starving Somalia’s was just a convenience? I guess I'm pissed how this has all turned around on us.We've done our part and as far as I'm concerned we live in the greatest nation in the world. You have to elaborate more Although we have our faults so dose the rest of the world but we became the leader. It’s not arrogance it’s a fact. Ask any other nation. My contention is that not only do we have to be the humanitarian but the force to control it. Or just turning in nation of cowards in general? Who are these cowards you speak of, what are they cowering from? I’m talking about the media and the liberal left. I’m talking about ACLU that protects enemies and weakens not only our nation but the world as a whole. I'm talking about trumpt up laws that protect or enemis and pirate combatants. Where our boarder patrols and troops have to worry about being jailed while doing their duties to protect and preserve our country. This standoff with the pirates is yet another chance to show the world not only or resolve but our might. We went in there before to fed these people and got our asses kicked out by diplomacy. I'm sick and tired of that! I'm ready to show our might! If we're the leader we should prove it. So your saying lets kill us some pirates and the captain is expendable? Works for me. I salute your patriot SNAFU. I take that as a complement. Thank you. Yes kill us some pirates, go in to their bases and kill some more. If the captain dies he is expendable. I think he knows that and is a true patriot too. Quote *NEVER FORGOTTEN*
Phreakwars Posted April 12, 2009 Posted April 12, 2009 So Korea and Vietnam were just connivances for us? Dropping food do to the starving Somalia?s was just a convenience? Sadly, yes, there was always an ulterior motive behind the alleged quests to end tyranny. Although we have our faults so dose the rest of the world but we became the leader. It?s not arrogance it?s a fact. Ask any other nation. My contention is that not only do we have to be the humanitarian but the force to control it. By what right, because we are America? I'm sorry, but that is self centered egotistical thinking. Tell that to China, or Russia, or even France, that we, the all great USofA should be the ones policing them because we are so damn great. I?m talking about the media and the liberal left. I?m talking about ACLU that protects enemies and weakens not only our nation but the world as a whole. I'm talking about trumpt up laws that protect or enemis and pirate combatants. Where our boarder patrols and troops have to worry about being jailed while doing their duties to protect and preserve our country. It's always the medias fault, their always left leaning aren't they? Do you ever think for yourself? But more important, do you even give a damn about a humans life in general... unless it's in a womb? Sure the ACLU can be a pain in the ass sometimes, but look at what the ACLU stands for AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION. They're a watchdog group ensuring EVERYBODY, yes even those you might not think are deserving, receive the rights that are guaranteed to them under the constitution of the United States, to bitch about them says you hate freedom and democracy... but alas.. you'll say NO I BELIEVE IN FREEDOM AND DEMOCRACY... but do you, do you really? You sure don't sound like you believe in that for EVERYBODY. I take that as a complement. Thank you. I kind of took it more as a sign that you think human life is expendable. Yes kill us some pirates, go in to their bases and kill some more. If the captain dies he is expendable. I think he knows that and is a true patriot too. He's not a patriot, he'd be a casualty.. . Quote The return of the Suckage
Moderators IWS Posted April 12, 2009 Moderators Posted April 12, 2009 Just a side note. I too would have no problem with the ACLU, if they really cared about individual civil liberties, but they don't. Just like the supposed womens groups they only care about the civil liberties if it's civil liberties that they were for. If you're for the 2A, you won't get any backing from either group. If you're a woman and pro-life, you won't get backing from either group. If you're a victim of rape and want to advocate the tracking of or confinement of a sexual predator, you won't get that backing. I'ts BS. If the ACLU was fair. Fine. They aren't and often advocate for the rights of offenders of crimes against those who are weak or can't defend themselves, like women and children over the rights of the actual victims. Have they done good advocacy over the years yes. Does that outweigh the advocacy for pedophiles, rapists and murderers, not to me. Fukk the ACLU, it's as big of a cancer on the world as the UN (other than the W.H.O.), Quote One of the consequences of such notions as "entitlements" is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.? ~ Thomas Sowell
snafu Posted April 12, 2009 Author Posted April 12, 2009 It's always the medias fault, their always left leaning aren't they? Do you ever think for yourself? But more important, do you even give a damn about a humans life in general... unless it's in a womb? Sure the ACLU can be a pain in the ass sometimes, but look at what the ACLU stands for AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION. They're a watchdog group ensuring EVERYBODY, yes even those you might not think are deserving, receive the rights that are guaranteed to them under the constitution of the United States, to bitch about them says you hate freedom and democracy... but alas.. you'll say NO I BELIEVE IN FREEDOM AND DEMOCRACY... but do you, do you really? You sure don't sound like you believe in that for EVERYBODY. . . I know I started this thread with many avenues for this to lead. I did it on purpose to stir **** up. So I won't try to cut and paste the ones we are forging on. The ACLU was fine and glorious in its day. It served it's purpose way back in the 70's & 80's for the suppression of our black brothers & sisters. It was for civil rights at the time and was a damn good cause. I would agree with you back then but it's ****now! It now protects terrorists and criminals. It is a dieing horse that needs to be shot! Going back to your remark "do I think for myself?" You've known me for quite some time. Truly am I a sheep? Because of my believes you think that I follow some sort of flock? I have real believes and real ideals. Just because they are the same as the right doesn't mean they are not mine. I find that offensive. I don't judge you for you believes. In that frame of mine do you think for yourself? I think you might just be holding on to the idea that just maybe you might have been right voting for change when the change is not particularly what you perceived it to be. I think you are in the denial stage of a failed administration you elected for. Quote *NEVER FORGOTTEN*
snafu Posted April 12, 2009 Author Posted April 12, 2009 By what right, because we are America? I'm sorry, but that is self centered egotistical thinking. Tell that to China, or Russia, or even France, that we, the all great USofA should be the ones policing them because we are so damn great. I also want to rebut this.... No not just because we are the greatest county in the world and we have accepted the role as the the world police, do you suggest any other country to take the role? If so please let us all know. Say China or any other country should be the world police, please elaborate on how this will elevate the worlds plight. Quote *NEVER FORGOTTEN*
Phreakwars Posted April 12, 2009 Posted April 12, 2009 I guess the reason I asked if you even think for yourself, is because of this cliche' of "LIBERAL MEDIA" your rambling on about. That always seems to be the excuse when people hear news about something they don't agree with, that the enterprise reporting it is sucking up to some sort of Liberal agenda, whatever that might be. Makes me wonder if you even know what a "LIBERAL AGENDA" even is, even if it was staring you right in the face. There is no LIBERAL MEDIA, there is however, Liberals giving commentary. Just because a news agency reports say a potential success of an administration does not make them Liberal. Would you rather your local news always bitched and complained about how terrible this and that person is, how the whole world sucks and were headed for doom and gloom and slavery? I mean hell, it's all you'll hear from Faux news if that's what your into.. But hell, look at that. One lonely network called FOX, the only alleged "FAIR AND BALANCED" place to get news, yet all the others... every damn one of them.... LIBERAL MEDIA... OH COME THE FUKK ON !!! Ridiculous I tell ya. I say if you only have 1 network spewing all this BS, it is in fact THAT NETWORK who is the more LIBERAL to the rest. Have they not liberated what and how they choose to report something from the rest? You know what REALLY REALLY annoys the hell out of me about news agencys? BUZZ WORDS. They affix that crap into everyones head, and until that buzz word dies down, it's what everybody is talking about in the forums and saying in the cafes of America. It's all a BS game they play with us to make us all subserviant drones to what we all should be alegedly FOR or AGAINST on our respective political aliances. It's gotten so bad, that our respective house and senate reps are at a point where they oppose things merely on the party line principal and just to disagree. Hell, if the Democratic senate had a bill saying the sky was blue, the Republicans would oppose it and say it should be changed to teal just because a Democrat proposed it. Some BUZZ WORDS thrown out there that make you (and I) a mindless drone: SOCIALISM, SHOCK & AWE, LIBERAL MEDIA, LIPSTICK ON A PIG, COMMUNISM, FACISM, TERRORISTS, SUBPRIME, SURGE, RESESSION, FIST JAB, TEA PARTY, BRITNEY SPEARS. Jesus, I don't know about you, but anymore I just can't stand to listen to the news PERIOD. It's not just Faux news, but MSNBC, CNN, and even ABC sometimes. It even almost makes me think I should go back to smoking weed or something, turn on some tunes, and just drown out the world as a whole, what sucks is I don't have any weed contacts :mad: unless IWS wants to hook me up :D . Maybe I'm just getting sick of politics. I really don't happen to believe our world is in quite the sorry shape as the "LIBERAL MEDIA" likes to project, but I do believe the "LIBERAL MEDIA" even Faux, tends to hide real news stories from us all. Quite frankly, I'd rather liberate from the liberals and conservatives and just enjoy life... Seemed to be a less stressful life when I lived that way before. . . 1 Quote The return of the Suckage
Phreakwars Posted April 13, 2009 Posted April 13, 2009 Here's your "FAIR AND BALANCED" [ame=]YouTube - Republicans own Fox News: Admission by Bush Apologist Robert G. Kaufman[/ame] . . Quote The return of the Suckage
Phreakwars Posted April 13, 2009 Posted April 13, 2009 Here's more focused at JUST YOU Snafu, more THINK FOR YOURSELF.. You support the troops, right? It's pretty sad when others don't just because a Democrat President is in the room with them. But hey, it wasn't a bunch of pansy liberals dissing the troops, oh no.. Look close and you will see these tidbits about the troops among other BS "Look closely at the photograph. Do you see any lean, mean infantry soldiers? No. This puff piece by an appropriately named reporterette doesn't seem to note the absence of any real fighters. Back in the day, these people were called REMFs." "REMFS? Recently enlisted minorities and femmes? If not, please spill!" "Rear Echelon Mother F$$!!s" "Yeah, these folks rarely wander outside the wire. They get hot showers, hot meals, and a mattress and pillow. They don't smell like real sojers." "A Forward Operating Base (FOB) is just as it sounds. A FOBBIT is someone that never leaves the FOB (same as a REMF). Think of HOBBITS on a magical tour in Lord of the Onion Rings at the chow hall." "They are actually fat." right in with what I said about the Democrats saying the sky is blue and the Republicans disagreeing just to disagree. Quite disgusting I say. . . Quote The return of the Suckage
Moderators IWS Posted April 13, 2009 Moderators Posted April 13, 2009 How's this for a visual of what you're sayin', Phreakwars... Quote One of the consequences of such notions as "entitlements" is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.? ~ Thomas Sowell
Phreakwars Posted April 13, 2009 Posted April 13, 2009 From Glen Beck's message board: Sure as hell looks like a threat to the President and Congress to me. Oh, sorry... Kool-aid... it's all kool-aid... right... right.. . . Quote The return of the Suckage
Moderators IWS Posted April 13, 2009 Moderators Posted April 13, 2009 From Glen Beck's message board: Sure as hell looks like a threat to the President and Congress to me. Oh, sorry... Kool-aid... it's all kool-aid... right... right.. . . Where did you get it from. I will bet it wasn't the Glenn Beck site. You found it on another site. This was actually discussed today on the Beck show and they have discovered that libs posing as conservatives are posting crap like this to give fodder to the Daily Kos. These are the same people who have pledged to go to the Tea Parties, pretending to be for the issue and cause problems and disruptions. Oh, and you obviously missed my point with the cartoon. My point was that you have people on one side that will follow along with whatever that side says and those on the other that just believe whatever is fed to them. I wasn't making a jab at any one side over the other. Quote One of the consequences of such notions as "entitlements" is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.? ~ Thomas Sowell
Phreakwars Posted April 13, 2009 Posted April 13, 2009 I feel bad for you, your rebuttals as of late have all turned out to be denials. Your comeback was... They even discussed on Beck today on how their out to get him. :P . . Quote The return of the Suckage
Moderators IWS Posted April 13, 2009 Moderators Posted April 13, 2009 I feel bad for you, your rebuttals as of late have all turned out to be denials. Your comeback was... They even discussed on Beck today on how their out to get him. :P . . Nice spin. That's not what I said. Like I said. You try to take things out of context so much and say things were said that weren't, you should try to get a job with the Daily Kos or HuffPo. Quote One of the consequences of such notions as "entitlements" is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.? ~ Thomas Sowell
Phreakwars Posted April 13, 2009 Posted April 13, 2009 No spin, everyone knows Beck is a paranoid phreak. :D . . Quote The return of the Suckage
snafu Posted April 14, 2009 Author Posted April 14, 2009 Here's more focused at JUST YOU Snafu, more THINK FOR YOURSELF..You support the troops, right? It's pretty sad when others don't just because a Democrat President is in the room with them. But hey, it wasn't a bunch of pansy liberals dissing the troops, oh no.. Obama in Baghdad, tells troops Iraq must take over (a retired soldier interprets photos) Look close and you will see these tidbits about the troops among other BS Ties right in with what I said about the Democrats saying the sky is blue and the Republicans disagreeing just to disagree. Quite disgusting I say. . . Your right. I don't agree with this. Hmmm... so maybe I am thinking for myself? :cool: Quote *NEVER FORGOTTEN*
Phreakwars Posted April 15, 2009 Posted April 15, 2009 I guess what I'm saying here, is DAMN, yeah, you had those on the left who despised GWB, but man, I have never seen any lefty's come down so hard on Bush as they do Obama. Threats to kill him, and repulsive comments about troops who were in his presence coming from REPUBLICANS just because they don't like Obama. It makes me wonder how blind these people actually are... so blind that they would not only wish death, but threaten to carry it out, so blinded by party lines, they would rather call soldiers in a photo with the man, rear-ecleon mother fukkers. OF COURSE the only place your gonna hear about it, is LIBERAL MEDIA.. what else is there? RIGHT WING MEDIA? Like Sean Hannity is gonna say.. "In other news, a fellow Republican threatened to kill the President and other members of Congress today in comments made on my colleague Glen Beck's message board, and, in another incident, our troops were ridiculed just for posing with the President". Nope, sorry, Huffington and DailyKOS might report it, but don't shoot the messenger and accuse them of being "LIBERAL MEDIA".. Would you rather be in the dark about such things? As for some LEFTY imitating a right winger and posting that.. NO WAY... Risk getting a visit from the FBI for writing a threat to the President just to set up someones message board? Tell me you REALLY believe that theory. . . Quote The return of the Suckage
snafu Posted April 15, 2009 Author Posted April 15, 2009 I guess what I'm saying here, is DAMN, yeah, you had those on the left who despised GWB, but man, I have never seen any lefty's come down so hard on Bush as they do Obama. Threats to kill him, and repulsive comments about troops who were in his presence coming from REPUBLICANS just because they don't like Obama. It makes me wonder how blind these people actually are... so blind that they would not only wish death, but threaten to carry it out, so blinded by party lines, they would rather call soldiers in a photo with the man, rear-ecleon mother fukkers. OF COURSE the only place your gonna hear about it, is LIBERAL MEDIA.. what else is there? RIGHT WING MEDIA? Like Sean Hannity is gonna say.. "In other news, a fellow Republican threatened to kill the President and other members of Congress today in comments made on my colleague Glen Beck's message board, and, in another incident, our troops were ridiculed just for posing with the President". Nope, sorry, Huffington and DailyKOS might report it, but don't shoot the messenger and accuse them of being "LIBERAL MEDIA".. Would you rather be in the dark about such things? As for some LEFTY imitating a right winger and posting that.. NO WAY... Risk getting a visit from the FBI for writing a threat to the President just to set up someones message board? Tell me you REALLY believe that theory. . . Oh so Handy is as bias as you have suggested before then? He reports both sides. Bush was constantly threatened. O'Rilley was taking to Beck and they were also taking of the death threats they receive and how O'Rilley warned Beck he was gonna receive these threats. Beck went on to say how he had to explain to his kid why to cop cars were always in front of his house. It works both ways bud. Quote *NEVER FORGOTTEN*
Phreakwars Posted April 15, 2009 Posted April 15, 2009 Bush was constantly threatened. Yeah, with Impeachment, not death O'Rilley was taking to Beck and they were also taking of the death threats they receive and how O'Rilley warned Beck he was gonna receive these threats. Beck went on to say how he had to explain to his kid why to cop cars were always in front of his house. It works both ways bud. Never seen any proof of these threats, just allegations ( from the paranoid freaks). I see like IWS, you have resorted to denial as well. Even trying to find a hypocrisy to compare it to, sorry, there is none.. . Quote The return of the Suckage
snafu Posted April 15, 2009 Author Posted April 15, 2009 Yeah, with Impeachment, not deathNever seen any proof of these threats, just allegations ( from the paranoid freaks). I see like IWS, you have resorted to denial as well. Even trying to find a hypocrisy to compare it to, sorry, there is none. . . Come on Phreakwars. You believe what confirms your beliefs but doubt stuff you read that doesn't? Hypocrisy? Good lord that is hypocrisy in it's finest! I am starting to think you can't think for yourself. I believe in the threats to Obama as well as to Bush, Beck and O'Rilley. You're being totally naive if you don't think each and every president and high figure hasn't had death threats. Quote *NEVER FORGOTTEN*
Phreakwars Posted April 15, 2009 Posted April 15, 2009 Ho hum, show me the media reports. :rolleyes: . . Quote The return of the Suckage
Members RoyalOrleans Posted April 17, 2009 Members Posted April 17, 2009 No spin, everyone knows Beck is a paranoid phreak. :D . . Who exactly is "everyone", Bendy? I'd like to see the media reports of how EVERYONE knows that Beck is a paranoid (f)phreak. I would like to know how I was polled without being asked a gawdamm thing. Quote It's a mistake to think that poor people get the benefit from the welfare system. It's a total fraud. Most welfare go to the rich of this country: the military-industrial complex, the bankers, the foreign dictators, it's totally out of control. This idea that the government has services or goods that they can pass on is a complete farce. Governments have nothing. They can't create anything, they never have. All they can do is steal from one group and give it to another at the destruction of the principles of freedom, and we ought to challenge that concept. - Ron Paul
Moderators IWS Posted April 17, 2009 Moderators Posted April 17, 2009 Who exactly is "everyone", Bendy? I'd like to see the media reports of how EVERYONE knows that Beck is a paranoid (f)phreak. I would like to know how I was polled without being asked a gawdamm thing. MSLSD, The HuffPo and Daily Kos told him. To Phreakwars, that's everyone. Oh, yea. Media Matters also. Quote One of the consequences of such notions as "entitlements" is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.? ~ Thomas Sowell
Members RoyalOrleans Posted April 17, 2009 Members Posted April 17, 2009 MSLSD, The HuffPo and Daily Kos told him. To Phreakwars, that's everyone. Oh, yea. Media Matters also. That air of aloofness and assumption reminds me of a certain someone. Hmmm... Who could it be? IWS... a little help? Quote It's a mistake to think that poor people get the benefit from the welfare system. It's a total fraud. Most welfare go to the rich of this country: the military-industrial complex, the bankers, the foreign dictators, it's totally out of control. This idea that the government has services or goods that they can pass on is a complete farce. Governments have nothing. They can't create anything, they never have. All they can do is steal from one group and give it to another at the destruction of the principles of freedom, and we ought to challenge that concept. - Ron Paul
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