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So when do you draw the line? I was trying to find another SNL skit where it was sexual harassment when the ugly guy hit on the chick at work but the cute guy got away with standing in his underwear.


It's sexual harassment only if your ugly.


Maybe someone with better luck can find that one but this one is pretty funny too.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AsR1TCBCI_w&feature=PlayList&p=BBE86E11D3890B7D&index=57]YouTube - Mad Tv - Cindy Delmont - Sexual harassment at work[/ame]




Sexual harassment was originally defined as any "unwanted" advances or behaviors, the cute guys actions are wanted, the fat guy trying to flirt is not.


This have changed though, now anything can be sexual harassment.

Most if not all stereotypes hold some truth.


?The politicians don't just want your money. They want your soul. They want you to be worn down by taxes until you are dependent and helpless. When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both.? ~ James Dale Davidson


Yes, sexual harassment is pretty subjective.


When I was in college, I was what I guess could be considered sexually harassed by a male manager at one of my jobs. He had called me at home about the schedule and the guy I was seeing at the time told him I was in the shower and I would call him back. From that point on, the manager teased me about showering while a man was there and it just got more and more explicit as the days went on....like, did I have to ask him to come and soap up my breasts and crap like that. At first I could laugh about it but then I started to feel really uncomfortable. Luckily it was close to the end of the school year and I quit the job to move home for the summer. I didn't go back.


I guess I could have filed a suit, but I didn't know any better back then. Meh. I survived.

  • Moderators
I guess I could have filed a suit, but I didn't know any better back then. Meh. I survived.

You would only have a chance of winning the suit, if you made a formal complaint, the company did nothing to address it, and the harassment continued.
One of the consequences of such notions as "entitlements" is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.? ~ Thomas Sowell
You would only have a chance of winning the suit, if you made a formal complaint, the company did nothing to address it, and the harassment continued.

Right. I did none of those things. I was "fresh off the farm" and just happy to be out of the situation to be honest.


I didn't know nuthin' 'bout no corporate politickan back then, y'all. :P

I guess I could have filed a suit, but I didn't know any better back then. Meh. I survived.

But do you think our "booty call" attitudes with sex has anything to do with it Ali?


I have to know a woman very well before I will even get close to making a sexual joke or play like that. It certainly is not fair because this kind of accusation is an instant guilty assumption against a man. I have seen very respected men get accused of sexual harassment and fight tooth and nail to prove their innocence but even if they do, they are scarred for life by the accusation.


I will tell you one of mine:


A security meeting was called at FSP (a prison) while I was there and many people were gathering in the conference room a few minutes early. There was about 25 guys there and one woman and we were chatting about a few different things and there was even a couple mild jokes told and then the woman turns to me and says "Inspector, how do you know when a woman is completely and totally sexually satisfied?".


First of all I had never had this kind of talk with this lady before and was very uneasy with even talking about sex on any level in a setting like this but everyone is looking at me waiting for my reply. So I very quickly ran through a number of answers but none of them seemed "safe" for the setting. I then considered that maybe there was a real and honest answer to the question.


Possible? Maybe, but I sure as hell was not going to say something that could get me into trouble so I weakly responded "Um, well I don't know, how?"


She responds, "I didn't think you would know."


Everyone laughs and even I have to admit she got me pretty good with that one but I remember thinking at the time, how would that have gone over if I had instead sexually slammed her in front of all those guys?


Two years later she was involved in a big sexual harassment lawsuit against two shift Captains. Did they do something? Maybe, I was not there, but I wonder if she had behaved with them the way she had with me?


This is why I don't play the word game with women, they get upset, you go to prison, or at least loose your job.

Most if not all stereotypes hold some truth.


?The politicians don't just want your money. They want your soul. They want you to be worn down by taxes until you are dependent and helpless. When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both.? ~ James Dale Davidson

But do you think our "booty call" attitudes with sex has anything to do with it Ali?

No, not really. I think it's more the false sense of entitlement people have of "getting something for nothing".


I think you all know that I have a liberal and even kinky sexual nature, but I can assure you that when I am on someone else's time clock I am all business. There is a time and place for that kind of play and work isn't it.


However, I have seen a couple of instances where women have claimed sexual harassment suits against male managers simply out of revenge so I do know that it can and does happen. That really pisses me off because it casts a shadow of doubt against all claims making it more difficult for legitimate cases to come to the forefront and be recognized.


The same with rape. Some women will claim rape out of some kind of sick revenge against a man and make it that much more problematic for true victims to seek justice.


Sexual harassment does happen and it is disgusting. But I think equally disgusting are those who make a mockery of it by claiming false reports simply for selfish gain.


I've been reverse sexually harassed by one of my workers. She had a very strange habit of running her boobs into me all the time, or I'd have my hand down on my side and she'd be in back of me and her a$$ would hit my hand. I don't think I could count how many times my hands have had chance encounters with her boobs and a$$. It got to be almost ridiculous. Not that I was complaining (she was kinda cute) :D , but I did mention it to her several times that she needed to quit reverse sexually harassing me and watch where the hell she was going so that she wasn't bumping into me..


Well, she finally started doing OK, hadn't had an incident in ages, but then on her last day of work, I had her sweeping an area while I was cleaning the slicer. She comes near me while I'm doing my thing, and dammit, would ya know it, her a$$ comes right up against my hand again... and I was like. "You just had to get that last reverse sexual harassment in before ya clocked out, didn't ya!! I know I'm extremely hot as hell, but you can't have me, I'm happily married."


She got a good laugh out of that.






[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fNsU8JfgcE]YouTube - Mad Tv - Police Officer hits on a Woman[/ame]


White cops harassing black men and black cops harassing white women; what we gonna do with our men in blue?

I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts. ? Will Rogers
did I have to ask him to come and soap up my breasts



did you???


and Phreakwars, I dunno if I would call that "reverse" sexual harassment- it is flat out harassment.


She made you uncomfortable, you told her about it, and she continued it. Harassment of a sexual nature.


by the way, anyone else always notice how the word harassment has the word "ass" right in the middle of it??? :D

I hate signatures, so I don't have one.



  • Moderators
by the way, anyone else always notice how the word harassment has the word "ass" right in the middle of it??? :D

Yea, and I've always wondered if there is something to the fact that therapist is "the rapist" put together.
One of the consequences of such notions as "entitlements" is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.? ~ Thomas Sowell
No, not really. I think it's more the false sense of entitlement people have of "getting something for nothing".

Is that not part of the "booty call" mentality though?


Sex for the sake of sex and nothing else?


While there are certainly exceptions, men and women working together offer a lot of chances for them to both think about other things. Think about it, your around them twice as much as your family. Your working side by side 8 hours every day, at home your lucky to get an hour or two together in the romantic glow of the television before going to sleep if you have children. If there are children then there is a very good chance the guy is not getting any sex at home, so when we are "looking" what will you see first?


What is right in front of you.

Most if not all stereotypes hold some truth.


?The politicians don't just want your money. They want your soul. They want you to be worn down by taxes until you are dependent and helpless. When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both.? ~ James Dale Davidson

and Phreakwars, I dunno if I would call that "reverse" sexual harassment- it is flat out harassment.


She made you uncomfortable, you told her about it, and she continued it. Harassment of a sexual nature.

Nah, I wouldn't say she was actually harassing me and making me uncomfortable, she was just kinda one of those clumsy types who never stayed aware of her surroundings and of who else might be there. She kinda had a big butt too.. OK, not a real big butt, bout your average teen sized 30 inch waist bubble butt, but it was big enough :D . Working in the small kitchen area we had, it was kinda hard to NOT bump into someone when your scrambling to fill orders. She was just the right size and height that her boobs and butt were the parts that bumped into you the most. Always had to flip her shiit about that.





If it stopped for a long time then suddenly came back on her last day that looks pretty intentional to me, but that is just me.

Most if not all stereotypes hold some truth.


?The politicians don't just want your money. They want your soul. They want you to be worn down by taxes until you are dependent and helpless. When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both.? ~ James Dale Davidson

Is that not part of the "booty call" mentality though?Sex for the sake of sex and nothing else?

Don't you get anything out of sex, TJ?


*Psssssssst* - if you're not, you're doing it wrong!


I still don't think the "booty call" mentality has anything to do with it, no.


While there are certainly exceptions' date=' men and women working together offer a lot of chances for them to both think about other things. Think about it, your around them twice as much as your family. Your working side by side 8 hours every day, at home your lucky to get an hour or two together in the romantic glow of the television before going to sleep if you have children. If there are children then [b']there is a very good chance the guy is not getting any sex at home[/b], so when we are "looking" what will you see first? What is right in front of you.

If he isn't, then neither is she. If he wants more sex, then maybe he should pitch in and help with the kids more. Personally, I think that's a more feasible solution than going to work and banging the Accounts Recievable department manager in the supply closet.
Don't you get anything out of sex, TJ?


*Psssssssst* - if you're not, you're doing it wrong!

I get a lot from a loving relationship where an active and fun sexual lifestyle is a major part. But I also see where removing the relationship element completely changes things.


Eliminating love changes sex into a simple form of physical release, similar to taking a dump, any toilet will do, no big deal.


I still don't think the "booty call" mentality has anything to do with it, no.

So you don't think an overall attitude of sex being an insignificant event between men and women these days can contribute to both being more likely to look for sex in more place with more people?


Fewer barriers I guess is my point.


I believe it does erase barriers.


If he isn't, then neither is she. If he wants more sex, then maybe he should pitch in and help with the kids more. Personally, I think that's a more feasible solution than going to work and banging the Accounts Recievable department manager in the supply closet.

Well men have a chemical driven sex drive, while women have a emotion driven sex drive. If a woman is upset about something, her sex drive is erased (at least for her husband) while a man will still be desiring sex no matter what is happening.


Now take the same guy with the same chemical driven sexual drive who gets cut off and he has some attractive ladies at work who he also spends more time with than his wife.........


All I am saying is it is "ONE" element among many.


Turn it around, a woman who is not getting the emotional propping from her man at home works with men at work and one is very supportive, compliments her on her looks, listens to her when she has something to say.....well maybe????




Taken to the extreme, women who work at prisons and fall in love with convicts.


I have investigated many situations of women who work at a prison but who end up in relationships with the inmates. These men obviously do not have much to offer a woman, no job, no helping around the house with children or washing dishes and yet these ladies still put everything on the line to have affairs and even in some cases help the prisoners to escape..........why?


I have seen everything from healthcare workers to relatively high ranked Security officials who have been drawn into these relationships and not being a woman myself I cannot really understand why?


I assume it is the level of attention the imnates shower on the women but I could be wrong. Certainly the women spend a lot more time around these guys than with their husbands so there is a time element with who is giving her more emotional support. Most of my investigations showed a very, very long buildup between the people to include letters, pictures (yes, even nude, lol) phonecalls, and it leads to sex and other things. My first investigation was started by nude pictures found during a routine shakedown of an inmate by two internal security officers. They saw some nude pictures hidden in the cover of a book so it made them look closer and were stunned to understand they knew her, she was their supervisor in the control room and the inmate was the main gate housekeeping worker. She later confessed to a three year affair with this inmate.....sad.


All I can say is you would think they would know better, but still it happens a lot more often than the public is allowed to know.

Most if not all stereotypes hold some truth.


?The politicians don't just want your money. They want your soul. They want you to be worn down by taxes until you are dependent and helpless. When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both.? ~ James Dale Davidson

I get a lot from a loving relationship where an active and fun sexual lifestyle is a major part. But I also see where removing the relationship element completely changes things.Eliminating love changes sex into a simple form of physical release, similar to taking a dump, any toilet will do, no big deal.

It's not impossible to have a loving relationship with multiple partners while being single. Perhaps that's where the term "lovers" comes into play?


Personally, I think a friends with benefits situation is ideal. Typically it involves two people who care about one another and are willing to help each other out, who genuinely enjoy one another's company and even have sex together but choose not to be in a monogamous relationship for whatever reason.


I can see how "cum-n-go" sex with a prostitute or a one night stand with the slightly crazed drunk chick you spotted at the end of the bar could be likened to taking a "sexual dump", but not all sexual relationships outside of a marriage should be placed into that category, IMO.


So you don't think an overall attitude of sex being an insignificant event between men and women these days can contribute to both being more likely to look for sex in more place with more people?Fewer barriers I guess is my point.


I believe it does erase barriers.

Sex in the work place isn't a new concept.


It seems to me that lots of men were notorious for banging their secretaries back in the day.....lots of married men. So I guess the idea that if more people were in monogamous, "loving" relationships, it would prevent them from "getting it on" on the job isn't a really valid argument, now is it?


Well men have a chemical driven sex drive, while women have a emotion driven sex drive. If a woman is upset about something, her sex drive is erased (at least for her husband) while a man will still be desiring sex no matter what is happening.Now take the same guy with the same chemical driven sexual drive who gets cut off and he has some attractive ladies at work who he also spends more time with than his wife.........


All I am saying is it is "ONE" element among many.


Turn it around, a woman who is not getting the emotional propping from her man at home works with men at work and one is very supportive, compliments her on her looks, listens to her when she has something to say.....well maybe????

If these people are choosing to restrict themselves to a monogamous relationship, then they have a personal responsibility to refrain from looking outside their marriage, including in the work place, for sex. Period.


Taken to the extreme, women who work at prisons and fall in love with convicts.I have investigated many situations of women who work at a prison but who end up in relationships with the inmates. These men obviously do not have much to offer a woman, no job, no helping around the house with children or washing dishes and yet these ladies still put everything on the line to have affairs and even in some cases help the prisoners to escape..........why?


I have seen everything from healthcare workers to relatively high ranked Security officials who have been drawn into these relationships and not being a woman myself I cannot really understand why?


I assume it is the level of attention the imnates shower on the women but I could be wrong. Certainly the women spend a lot more time around these guys than with their husbands so there is a time element with who is giving her more emotional support. Most of my investigations showed a very, very long buildup between the people to include letters, pictures (yes, even nude, lol) phonecalls, and it leads to sex and other things. My first investigation was started by nude pictures found during a routine shakedown of an inmate by two internal security officers. They saw some nude pictures hidden in the cover of a book so it made them look closer and were stunned to understand they knew her, she was their supervisor in the control room and the inmate was the main gate housekeeping worker. She later confessed to a three year affair with this inmate.....sad.


All I can say is you would think they would know better, but still it happens a lot more often than the public is allowed to know.

Ehhhh....male prison workers are known for fukking female convicts, too. I guess some people like the idea of keeping the object of their desires in a cage....literally.


Most likely these people have control issues. Pity.


So yeah, I don't get it either, TJ.

It's not impossible to have a loving relationship with multiple partners while being single. Perhaps that's where the term "lovers" comes into play?


Personally, I think a friends with benefits situation is ideal. Typically it involves two people who care about one another and are willing to help each other out, who genuinely enjoy one another's company and even have sex together but choose not to be in a monogamous relationship for whatever reason.


I can see how "cum-n-go" sex with a prostitute or a one night stand with the slightly crazed drunk chick you spotted at the end of the bar could be likened to taking a "sexual dump", but not all sexual relationships outside of a marriage should be placed into that category, IMO.

As long as your happy I guess that is all that matters, but I ask a question, what happens when your 70 and look back at the "bumps" in the road of many different partners and yet nobody is beside you at the end?


In the youth sex ed class I help to teach, we cover that God intended sex to be a kind of communication between our souls, a binding beyond the physical or logical realm. The more souls we "mingle" with, the more we confuse our souls and after awile it becomes close to impossible to have a lasting relationship with someone of the opposite sex.


But this is just my opinion.


Sex in the work place isn't a new concept.


It seems to me that lots of men were notorious for banging their secretaries back in the day.....lots of married men. So I guess the idea that if more people were in monogamous, "loving" relationships, it would prevent them from "getting it on" on the job isn't a really valid argument, now is it?

The job is the place more men and women are exposed to each other over long periods of time. If your "looking" for something that is missing and there are less barriers inhibiting your initiating a sexual encounter, the workplace seems to be the most logical place to look first.


If these people are choosing to restrict themselves to a monogamous relationship, then they have a personal responsibility to refrain from looking outside their marriage, including in the work place, for sex. Period.

I agree, remember I am the responsibility "preacher" beyond everything else but our society has been changing into being almost completely void of responsibility these days. We are teaching people that being selfish is good.


Ehhhh....male prison workers are known for fukking female convicts, too. I guess some people like the idea of keeping the object of their desires in a cage....literally.


Most likely these people have control issues. Pity.


So yeah, I don't get it either, TJ.

In the cases I investigated with women, the most common theme was inmates who were showering the ladies with a lot of attention. It would start with going out of their way to say hi to the woman every day and asking for advise on things from her, trying to get her into discussions of relationships and personal feelings. Then there is hand made cards or other crafts (some inmates are true artists) but I see it all as just keeping the flow of attention on the woman, making her feel important and then one day they allow it to go further.


These guys have 24 hours a day to figure out ways to manipulate the system and the officers/nurses. In the case of the pictures I mentioned before he had broken the ice with this woman by approaching her with needing a "woman's" advise on how to deal with his teenage daughter who was in a lot of trouble. That was the bridge to get her to open up on her own personal information.


But even though he did have a daughter, his ex-wife broke all ties with him and would not even allow a letter to the daughter much less phone calls or visits so he never needed help with his daughter, it was all just a scam.




So what conclusion can possibly be made from this?


Well it seems that the key to happiness with some women is showing her a lot of attention, listen to her and make her feel important with asking her advise on things and give her little gifts now and then and no matter how bad you can be in every other way outside of this involvement, she will love you.

Most if not all stereotypes hold some truth.


?The politicians don't just want your money. They want your soul. They want you to be worn down by taxes until you are dependent and helpless. When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both.? ~ James Dale Davidson

As long as your happy I guess that is all that matters, but I ask a question, what happens when your 70 and look back at the "bumps" in the road of many different partners and yet nobody is beside you at the end?In the youth sex ed class I help to teach, we cover that God intended sex to be a kind of communication between our souls, a binding beyond the physical or logical realm. The more souls we "mingle" with, the more we confuse our souls and after awile it becomes close to impossible to have a lasting relationship with someone of the opposite sex.


But this is just my opinion.

At 70, I could have been married to the same man for 50 years and still wind up alone. Marriage doesn't guarantee that someone will be by my side in my waning years.


I'm not worried about being alone....I guess because I'm really not. It's hard to explain.


The job is the place more men and women are exposed to each other over long periods of time. If your "looking" for something that is missing and there are less barriers inhibiting your initiating a sexual encounter, the workplace seems to be the most logical place to look first.

Well yeah, it is pretty common for relationships to form at work. I'm not disputing that.


The point I was addressing is that the NEW "booty call" mentality is what is causing these types of relationships to form and I would argue that it's not based on the fact that it's been going on for decades....with both singles and married folks.


I agree, remember I am the responsibility "preacher" beyond everything else but our society has been changing into being almost completely void of responsibility these days. We are teaching people that being selfish is good.

Well looky there. We agree on something.


In the cases I investigated with women, the most common theme was inmates who were showering the ladies with a lot of attention. It would start with going out of their way to say hi to the woman every day and asking for advise on things from her, trying to get her into discussions of relationships and personal feelings. Then there is hand made cards or other crafts (some inmates are true artists) but I see it all as just keeping the flow of attention on the woman, making her feel important and then one day they allow it to go further.These guys have 24 hours a day to figure out ways to manipulate the system and the officers/nurses. In the case of the pictures I mentioned before he had broken the ice with this woman by approaching her with needing a "woman's" advise on how to deal with his teenage daughter who was in a lot of trouble. That was the bridge to get her to open up on her own personal information.


But even though he did have a daughter, his ex-wife broke all ties with him and would not even allow a letter to the daughter much less phone calls or visits so he never needed help with his daughter, it was all just a scam.




So what conclusion can possibly be made from this?


Well it seems that the key to happiness with some women is showing her a lot of attention, listen to her and make her feel important with asking her advise on things and give her little gifts now and then and no matter how bad you can be in every other way outside of this involvement, she will love you.

Fools in love are just that.....fools.


I will agree that women are the more forgiving sex, though, and sometimes that tends to burn them pretty damn bad.

At 70, I could have been married to the same man for 50 years and still wind up alone. Marriage doesn't guarantee that someone will be by my side in my waning years.


I'm not worried about being alone....I guess because I'm really not. It's hard to explain.

One would think that there would be more of a connection between people who have been together 'exclusively' for most of their life compared to people who have been bouncing around from one person to the next without dedication or love being between them.


Well yeah, it is pretty common for relationships to form at work. I'm not disputing that.


The point I was addressing is that the NEW "booty call" mentality is what is causing these types of relationships to form and I would argue that it's not based on the fact that it's been going on for decades....with both singles and married folks.

So if girls don't even want to be taken out for dinner before sex, if both men and women are turning more and more to shallow sexual encounters, you don't think that can bleed over to the workplace?


Well looky there. We agree on something.

Strange things happen sometimes ;)


Fools in love are just that.....fools.

I don't know, I don't feel like a fool, in fact I feel like a brilliant man, I did something right to end up in love, it is the best feeling in the world to know someone loves you that does not feel obligated to love you like family.


I will agree that women are the more forgiving sex, though, and sometimes that tends to burn them pretty damn bad.

That is why I have little sympathy for women who complain about men who don't pay their child support. The guy was obviously a scumbag before you made a baby with him, don't act surprised now when he follows through with his potential you knew about.


Being a tad more selective who they produce children with would make a lot of women much more happy.


The same goes for men, I have no sympathy for guys who have one night stands then cry about how they were "trapped" into child support by a woman who lied about being on the pill or something. They were fools, and will get the result of being a fool. They earned it.

  • Like 1

Most if not all stereotypes hold some truth.


?The politicians don't just want your money. They want your soul. They want you to be worn down by taxes until you are dependent and helpless. When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both.? ~ James Dale Davidson

  • Members
That is why I have little sympathy for women who complain about men who don't pay their child support. The guy was obviously a scumbag before you made a baby with him, don't act surprised now when he follows through with his potential you knew about.

Therein lies the rub, TJ.


If the guy doesn't cough up some child support, then you have a single mother who has to turn to the government for support (That is, hopefully at last resort and if all other efforts have failed.). Making their child the perfect little citizen: government educated, welfare'd to adulthood, and weak.


I would rather see scumbag, sh!theel fathers brought before a judge and garnished into paying child support than the taxpayer's dollar supporting the little bastard. The child did not get to choose his parents.


Hindsight is 20/20 and a little discretion goes a long way, but I'm no responsible for some other guy's kid.

  • Like 1



It's a mistake to think that poor people get the benefit from the welfare system. It's a total fraud. Most welfare go to the rich of this country: the military-industrial complex, the bankers, the foreign dictators, it's totally out of control. This idea that the government has services or goods that they can pass on is a complete farce. Governments have nothing. They can't create anything, they never have. All they can do is steal from one group and give it to another at the destruction of the principles of freedom, and we ought to challenge that concept. - Ron Paul

Therein lies the rub, TJ. If the guy doesn't cough up some child support, then you have a single mother who has to turn to the government for support (That is, hopefully at last resort and if all other efforts have failed.). Making their child the perfect little citizen: government educated, welfare'd to adulthood, and weak.


I would rather see scumbag, sh!theel fathers brought before a judge and garnished into paying child support than the taxpayer's dollar supporting the little bastard. The child did not get to choose his parents.


Hindsight is 20/20 and a little discretion goes a long way, but I'm no responsible for some other guy's kid.

Sure you are, RO. We ALL are. Don't forget, "it takes a village".
  • Like 1
Been wrong before, could be wrong now, will probably be wrong again. Don't take yourself so dang seriously. ;)
Therein lies the rub, TJ. If the guy doesn't cough up some child support, then you have a single mother who has to turn to the government for support (That is, hopefully at last resort and if all other efforts have failed.). Making their child the perfect little citizen: government educated, welfare'd to adulthood, and weak.


I would rather see scumbag, sh!theel fathers brought before a judge and garnished into paying child support than the taxpayer's dollar supporting the little bastard. The child did not get to choose his parents.


Hindsight is 20/20 and a little discretion goes a long way, but I'm no responsible for some other guy's kid.

i soooooooooooooooooo totally agree.
  • Like 1

I hate signatures, so I don't have one.



One would think that there would be more of a connection between people who have been together 'exclusively' for most of their life compared to people who have been bouncing around from one person to the next without dedication or love being between them.

I dunno. I feel pretty darn connected to some people who I don't share my intimate surroundings with on a daily basis. Hell, I probably appreciate them more because they aren't up my ass all day bugging me about little drudgeries that can become just so darn annoying.


I guess to each their own.


So if girls don't even want to be taken out for dinner before sex, if both men and women are turning more and more to shallow sexual encounters, you don't think that can bleed over to the workplace?

It's possible.


Actually, I think women are pretty tough today and many are realizing that they CAN and often times have to make it on their own. I will tell you, the last thing I want when I go to work to try to forge out an honest living for myself is for some jackhole sitting around commenting on my tits or ass when I'm trying to get sh!t done. I don't have time for such nonsense!


Perhaps that's why there are more sexual harassment suits today? Many women don't have that second income to rely on and can't just quit and go back to being a homemaker if things get too "dirty" at work. They NEED that job. Just a thought.


Oh, and I definitely require that a man take me out to dinner before sex....at the Country buffet. On double coupon day. God that gets me HOT!


Strange things happen sometimes ;)

'Tis true!


I don't know, I don't feel like a fool, in fact I feel like a brilliant man, I did something right to end up in love, it is the best feeling in the world to know someone loves you that does not feel obligated to love you like family.

I'm just saying love often makes one blind to the object of their affection's faults. Therefore a woman in love won't see a bad man as being "that" bad. I'm not excusing it, just saying that's possibly why such things happen.


That is why I have little sympathy for women who complain about men who don't pay their child support. The guy was obviously a scumbag before you made a baby with him, don't act surprised now when he follows through with his potential you knew about.Being a tad more selective who they produce children with would make a lot of women much more happy.


The same goes for men, I have no sympathy for guys who have one night stands then cry about how they were "trapped" into child support by a woman who lied about being on the pill or something. They were fools, and will get the result of being a fool. They earned it.



TJ - all the times we've gone 'round and 'round in debates, that is all I ever wanted you to say! Is that the responsibility goes both ways!


Wow! This makes me want to go out and learn how to Rumba. :P

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