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What part of my reply didn't you like. Every answer is correct. :D

Ohhhh....you are just a turd.


ALL women like shoe stores.Now!


Bombard me with instances of women who don't like shoe stores.


Not now, though.





I like shoe stores. Yes.


However, I did know a girl in college who did NOT like to go shoe shopping. She was color blind and since she had to buy new shoes for a wedding she made me go with her to pick them out because she couldn't match up colors properly.


There. ALL women don't like shoe store. :P


And...AND, I bet you have more shoes in your closet than I do, RO!


Care to place a wager? Hmmmm?


By the way, folks, I just asked MrsK to join us over here so we'll see what she says. :)

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Glen Beck- Hero, or psycho madman?

One of the consequences of such notions as "entitlements" is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.? ~ Thomas Sowell
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And...AND, I bet you have more shoes in your closet than I do, RO!

Why? Do you keep them under your bed?
One of the consequences of such notions as "entitlements" is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.? ~ Thomas Sowell
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And...AND, I bet you have more shoes in your closet than I do, RO!Care to place a wager? Hmmmm?

Ohh... yeah. You're a brazen hussy... what do you need with shoes? You're in bed all the time.


You irresponsible vagina.



It's a mistake to think that poor people get the benefit from the welfare system. It's a total fraud. Most welfare go to the rich of this country: the military-industrial complex, the bankers, the foreign dictators, it's totally out of control. This idea that the government has services or goods that they can pass on is a complete farce. Governments have nothing. They can't create anything, they never have. All they can do is steal from one group and give it to another at the destruction of the principles of freedom, and we ought to challenge that concept. - Ron Paul

Why? Do you keep them under your bed?

No, I keep mine in my closet with the exception of two pairs of boots that are stored in my stairwell.


Besides, where would the monsters under my bed go if I crowded them out with shoes? Duh!


Ohh... yeah. You're a brazen hussy... what do you need with shoes? You're in bed all the time.

Ohhhhhhh, but at least I'm not a SLUT!!!!!!! :eek:


You irresponsible vagina.

I think the term "irresponsible vagina" is quite unfair in my case. It should be reserved for women with 4-5 children, all with different "baby daddys" who are content to live off the tax payer's dime, sit at home unkempt watching soap operas and eat too much generic brand macaroni and cheese.


My vagina is not that irresponsible.


Mine is...opportunistic.


I hear you're an opportunist. I'm sure you understand. :D

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I think the term "irresponsible vagina" is quite unfair in my case. It should be reserved for women with 4-5 children, all with different "baby daddys" who are content to live off the tax payer's dime, sit at home unkempt watching soap operas and eat too much generic brand macaroni and cheese.

Or as Ronald Reagan called them, Welfare Queens.
One of the consequences of such notions as "entitlements" is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.? ~ Thomas Sowell
I think the term "irresponsible vagina" is quite unfair in my case. It should be reserved for women with 4-5 children, all with different "baby daddys" who are content to live off the tax payer's dime, sit at home unkempt watching soap operas and eat too much generic brand macaroni and cheese.

I'm 1-2 kids and a couple baby daddys short. I only accept after tax donations... but the rest fits :D

Do flip-flops count as shoes? I have a lot of those, but very few pairs or regular shoes. NOt that I don't like to shop for them, I just can't find any that I like anymore!


My mother in law hates to shop at all... I think shoes top the list. She buys hers through mail order or at Walgreens when necessary. My mother more than makes up for her aversion, though.

Well..here's your exception. I do NOT like shoe stores. An entire retail industry dedicated to my most hated limb. Grotesque people squeezing smelly feet into shoes I have the possibility of buying...disgusting. I do love new shoes and boots, but the store...no....thanks.

The lack of opposition from Phreakwars is because he took all of this political stuff and his need to worship Obama blindly too seriously, too close to his heart.


Even thought many of you love to twist what I say into things I never said as sport, at the core the majority of us do not believe in the nanny State, Phreakwars is one of the few who really believes the Government should turn America into a daycare center.


I am sure that position is homosexuals should not be allowed to be married and if you disagree you are an irresponsible socialist fag,

We have had this discussion already and I am fully on the side of allowing same sex unions that share all of the same rights as same sex marriage but I reserve the specific term "marriage" to be only between man and woman. The term "Marriage" was a descriptive term to describe the religious bonding between man, woman, and God long before the Government of America was formed. The American Government accepted these relationships as an example of a legal bonding and can accept other bondings just as easily.


I believe a Country run on laws and personal freedoms has an obligation to preserve the rights of all people and same sex relationships have just as much right to things like Inheritance and insurance coverages.

Most if not all stereotypes hold some truth.


?The politicians don't just want your money. They want your soul. They want you to be worn down by taxes until you are dependent and helpless. When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both.? ~ James Dale Davidson

Even thought many of you love to twist what I say into things I never said as sport' date=' at the core the majority of us do not believe in the nanny State, [b']Phreakwars is one of the few who really believes the Government should turn America into a daycare center.[/b]

OH the IRONY!!!!



I hate signatures, so I don't have one.



OH the IRONY!!!!http://justbs.us/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://dave1stuff.files.wordpress.com/2009/04/oh_the_irony.jpg&key=216fb3dd694d1be0a12b166308bd60444a19301174e2ddbc13b78e16282be8a4

I think I just peed my pants. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!
OH the IRONY!!!!

lol, more of your "nice" things you say about me eddo?


Every post you make is negative, and why? You cry like a baby when I point these things out but you at the same time cannot offer any other picture of your agenda for posting about me purely negative all the time.


Yes, "all".


Then of course there is Ali jumping on the bandwagon who also claims she is trying to keep the nasty stuff off the "main" forum........I guess she only intends to keep what she considers a flame off the forum......and anything negative said about me is not a flame in her mind, lol.


Just glorious, :)

Most if not all stereotypes hold some truth.


?The politicians don't just want your money. They want your soul. They want you to be worn down by taxes until you are dependent and helpless. When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both.? ~ James Dale Davidson

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lol, more of your "nice" things you say about me eddo?Every post you make is negative, and why? You cry like a baby when I point these things out but you at the same time cannot offer any other picture of your agenda for posting about me purely negative all the time.


Yes, "all".


Then of course there is Ali jumping on the bandwagon who also claims she is trying to keep the nasty stuff off the "main" forum........I guess she only intends to keep what she considers a flame off the forum......and anything negative said about me is not a flame in her mind, lol.


Just glorious, :)

Seriously? You can't see that eddo was pointing out that in the same post that you claimed other people twisted your words, you twisted and exaggerated Phreakwarss words, and that was the irony?


For fukks sake, he made it bold for you.

One of the consequences of such notions as "entitlements" is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.? ~ Thomas Sowell
Seriously? You can't see that eddo was pointing out that in the same post that you claimed other people twisted your words, you twisted and exaggerated Phreakwarss words, and that was the irony?For fukks sake, he made it bold for you.

I saw eddo lie and try to make it "sound" like I twisted Phreakwarss words but Phreakwars does believe in things like the Government should run healthcare and that the "rich" should be punnished for as he put it, they are screwing the little guy.


Phreakwars said himself that he supports the notion that if we do not agree with Obama we are racists.


And sorry, but racism IS a major factor here.

Are you the racist Joe? Am I? How about RO? We are the only real opposition to what Phreakwars says so when he says our opposition is driven by racism........what and who is he talking about?


IWS, you have posted fact after fact that Conservatives have offered alternatives and does Phreakwars even admit what you posted exists? No. Why?


You tell me why Phreakwars refuses to admit there is even one thing wrong with what Obama has done up to now? Why has Phreakwars always made excuses for "everything" Obama does, and yes I am saying everything, and you can't offer me an example of when Phreakwars has ever not agreed with any of the purely socialist stuff comming out of the Whitehouse.


Let's look at one example of what "YOU" have said about Phreakwars's comments:


An explaination of ACORN's activities with all the factual acuracy of a Daily Kos blog.

You compare Phreakwarss comments to the Daily Kos?

Most if not all stereotypes hold some truth.


?The politicians don't just want your money. They want your soul. They want you to be worn down by taxes until you are dependent and helpless. When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both.? ~ James Dale Davidson

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I saw eddo lie and try to make it "sound" like I twisted Phreakwarss words but Phreakwars does believe in things like the Government should run healthcare and that the "rich" should be punnished for as he put it, they are screwing the little guy.Phreakwars said himself that he supports the notion that if we do not agree with Obama we are racists.


Are you the racist Joe? Am I? How about RO? We are the only real opposition to what Phreakwars says so when he says our opposition is driven by racism........what and who is he talking about?


IWS, you have posted fact after fact that Conservatives have offered alternatives and does Phreakwars even admit what you posted exists? No. Why?


You tell me why Phreakwars refuses to admit there is even one thing wrong with what Obama has done up to now? Why has Phreakwars always made excuses for "everything" Obama does, and yes I am saying everything, and you can't offer me an example of when Phreakwars has ever not agreed with any of the purely socialist stuff comming out of the Whitehouse.


Let's look at one example of what "YOU" have said about Phreakwars's comments:


You compare Phreakwarss comments to the Daily Kos?

One of the consequences of such notions as "entitlements" is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.? ~ Thomas Sowell



Yep, run away, you done stepped on your pecker with that one, lol.



Most if not all stereotypes hold some truth.


?The politicians don't just want your money. They want your soul. They want you to be worn down by taxes until you are dependent and helpless. When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both.? ~ James Dale Davidson

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http://justbs.us/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://affordablehousinginstitute.org/blogs/us/wp-content/uploads/python_run_away_small.jpg&key=d60f5777969972b7c1ba063e0be871b163e142d2bde42674b0c8c808aa709affYep, run away, you done stepped on your pecker with that one, lol.



Yea, that's it. It's not that you're too fukkin stupid to see what eddo meant by irony.


You said people turn your words around, and then you turned around and exaggerated Phreakwarss position in the same paragraph.


That's irony, and ignorance if you can't see it. Just like you kept claiming I said things, or agreed with things or finally admitted things, I never said, and called you on in the Obama song thread.


that is why you get the Blockhead award.


I didn't retreat, I know it's futile to try to beat my head against a brick wall, or try to get through to a person with a cinder block for a head.


If I had any sense that you could show these posts to someone who wasn't afraid to disagree with you, like an independent "friend" not a live in slave, I'd suggest you get a second opinion, but since that is likely futile...



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One of the consequences of such notions as "entitlements" is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.? ~ Thomas Sowell

You know Joe, I had a bunch of posts by you and RO selected all saying how closed minded Phreakwars is, how he completely ignores your many points and how you have compared him to being liberal/socialist............but I have come to understand your just like him sometimes, you have made up your mind and there is no amount of proof that will sway your opinion.....no matter how factual.


So I will continue to be me and you will be you and I hope some day you get your mind wrapped around the idea I am not the horrible guy your always trying to make me into, any of you.

Most if not all stereotypes hold some truth.


?The politicians don't just want your money. They want your soul. They want you to be worn down by taxes until you are dependent and helpless. When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both.? ~ James Dale Davidson

  • Members



It's a mistake to think that poor people get the benefit from the welfare system. It's a total fraud. Most welfare go to the rich of this country: the military-industrial complex, the bankers, the foreign dictators, it's totally out of control. This idea that the government has services or goods that they can pass on is a complete farce. Governments have nothing. They can't create anything, they never have. All they can do is steal from one group and give it to another at the destruction of the principles of freedom, and we ought to challenge that concept. - Ron Paul

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