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Anymore homegrown terrorists?

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A weak looking President and 9/11 was Bill Clinton's fault-lol My, my... Carry on.

It is not a new concept that looking weak invites attacks.


There was a story about how young and inexperienced Presidents of the past were challenged early in their Presidency to see how they would react. The same is true for Obama who has seen a steady increase of agression from NK and Iran when they were not doing anything like that while Bush was in office.


Clinton's refusal to take terrorist activities seriously and restricting the abilities of our intelligence gathering groups made 9/11 possible. Clinton was as much a behind kisser as you could ever find on the world stage and he al but handed complete control of our military to the UN but still the radicals hated us enough to play and execute 9/11 during most of Clinton't two terms of office.


After Bush took direct action against these radicals and took the fight to their lands we didn't have any direct attacks on our soil but now we again have an appeasement President, suddenly we are getting more terrorist attention........coincidence?


I don't think Obama's decision to persecute Bush era investigators and such is helping things either, I am sure most of the intelligence gathering community is scared they will be the next target of scapgoating from this administration so it is better to ease off a little and still be able to support their families instead of working harder to get information just to be cought up in a witch hunt.

Most if not all stereotypes hold some truth.


?The politicians don't just want your money. They want your soul. They want you to be worn down by taxes until you are dependent and helpless. When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both.? ~ James Dale Davidson

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