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Ohhh... how mightily he strives to garner respect from people that he continuously puts down. A shame really.

Conversing with TJ is like continually petting a dog that you know damn well is going to eventually nip you...it's craziness! Pure craziness.
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Palin's record is more liberal than GW Bush's was when he was governor of Texas. In 2000 conservative Republicans voted overwhelmingly for GW and we ended up with 8 years of reckless spending and government growth. I'll vote for someone in 2012 who believes in limited government. That ain't Palin.


I ain't even talking about independents. There are Republicans that actually believe in limited government and are not simply political opportunists jumping on the bandwagon, ie Sarah Palin. Y'all gonna vote for a commie just cuz she's cute with her makeup on.

Regardless of Sarah Palin's and Dubya's supposed 'belief systems', they are both bone-chillingly stupid / incompetent and not the kind of people you'd want in government.








Please say yeah. All of you.


Also, I don't understand how anyone can support any kind of system other than one that might actually work, ie: a socialism based (taxed & managed) system where basic needs are met by government + individual innovation is rewarded (capitalism) + potential damage to the system (eg, pollution and unsustainable use of resources) is regulated via a fair economic paradigm (ecological economics).


Any other kind of system would be unstable, unfair, unsustainable and vulnerable to anarchy.

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As always occurred when he quarreled over principles in which he believed passionately, he would end up gasping furiously for air and blinking back bitter tears of conviction. There were many principles in which Clevinger believed passionately. He was crazy.
Conversing with TJ is like continually petting a dog that you know damn well is going to eventually nip you...it's craziness! Pure craziness.

I don't think that is fair Ali, me and you have had our issues but I am really working hard to try and be better at getting along without having to give up on my beliefs that things like personal responsibility are whar make America great while the lack is what tears us apart.


What I said was not a flame, it was a description and it was on topic with RO dodging a question. I asked you one time to help me be better so help me Ali, if you asked someone a direct question and they dodged it, what would be a nicer way of being firm and getting them to answer the question?


Any other kind of system would be unstable, unfair, unsustainable and vulnerable to anarchy.

You know Anna, the strongest, most powerful force for freedom in the world is a Country based on capitalism.


This same Country is getting weaker and weaker as we move closer to socialism. How many truly socialist Countries are helping other Countries the way we help for example?

Most if not all stereotypes hold some truth.


?The politicians don't just want your money. They want your soul. They want you to be worn down by taxes until you are dependent and helpless. When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both.? ~ James Dale Davidson

Regardless of Sarah Palin's and Dubya's supposed 'belief systems', they are both bone-chillingly stupid / incompetent and not the kind of people you'd want in government.








Please say yeah. All of you.


Also, I don't understand how anyone can support any kind of system other than one that might actually work, ie: a socialism based (taxed & managed) system where basic needs are met by government + individual innovation is rewarded (capitalism) + potential damage to the system (eg, pollution and unsustainable use of resources) is regulated via a fair economic paradigm (ecological economics).


Any other kind of system would be unstable, unfair, unsustainable and vulnerable to anarchy.

I'm not into politics but I do agree with your assessments of Palin and Bush. So I say "yeah"
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I don't think that is fair Ali, me and you have had our issues but I am really working hard to try and be better at getting along without having to give up on my beliefs that things like personal responsibility are whar make America great while the lack is what tears us apart.


What I said was not a flame, it was a description and it was on topic with RO dodging a question. I asked you one time to help me be better so help me Ali, if you asked someone a direct question and they dodged it, what would be a nicer way of being firm and getting them to answer the question?

You should work harder, TJ.


This time make it believable.



It's a mistake to think that poor people get the benefit from the welfare system. It's a total fraud. Most welfare go to the rich of this country: the military-industrial complex, the bankers, the foreign dictators, it's totally out of control. This idea that the government has services or goods that they can pass on is a complete farce. Governments have nothing. They can't create anything, they never have. All they can do is steal from one group and give it to another at the destruction of the principles of freedom, and we ought to challenge that concept. - Ron Paul

You should work harder, TJ.


This time make it believable.

Those who do not want to believe never will.


If you were really hurt by my comment about your running away from the question then you can also help me find new ways of saying the same thing in a 'softer' way RO. What would have been a better and nicer way of saying that you were intentionally avoiding the question but still be firm that the running away was not an honest thing to do if the person running away is interested in reasonable debate?


Another concept comes to mind, you could have just answered the question instead of running away in the first place, and then no comment from me about running away at all...........right?

Most if not all stereotypes hold some truth.


?The politicians don't just want your money. They want your soul. They want you to be worn down by taxes until you are dependent and helpless. When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both.? ~ James Dale Davidson

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I don't remember you coming in to referee the Chi-bashing parties and call "foul" on the others. Why would you bring her up unless you are trying to divert attention off your gross inequities as a man?

This is my original flame to TJ.


As far as the flames are concerned, I took considerable heat because I gave back what I got, I undetrstand now the mess only gets worse by feeding into the flames by giving it back, but at the same time I am not going to be a punching bag. Flames are not supposed to be a part of the forum anyway and yes I know, your staff so you can choose not to enforce the rule on yourself but in reality it is a very good rule. So being as I am not one to just be a punching bag, and this is a great rule even if it will not be enforced, I will simply point it out when it happens instead of joining in as I used to do.


My responding to flames made by other people was not wrong RO.


But it was garbage the rest of the forum got tired of seeing so even though I was not really wrong to respond in kind, I was still not being fair to my forum mates by adding to the mess. So, from now on when someone flames I will try to not respond with more flames but instead simply point them out instead. There really is no excuse for flames anyway.

This remark, from 3/29/10, is another of TJ's responses to my flame. Here TJ condemns flaming and then he makes the vow to never respond to a flame with more flames.


Fast forward...


Your bias is showing RO. I am sure you will delete this again but if your allowing other people to flame, I will reply not with returned flames but simply to defend myself and point out the flames for what they are. Post #39 in Right or Wrong

This remark, from 3/31/10, is TJ's response to something that he perceived as a flame and then he makes the same vow... never respond to a flame with more flames.


But my point is valid and that is why your running away from it like a scared little girl.

Then TJ waltzes into the voting thread and flames me for an answer that did not satisfy him.


Scared little girl? Gross inequities as a man? Despite the verbiage, both statements imply the same thing: "taking a shot at either's manhood".


The only, single difference here is: I never made such a vow as to never return a flame with a flame. TJ did in fact make that vow as noted on two separate occasion, listed above, and I caught him in a lie.


Though he has argued mightily what he said was not a flame, I would beg to differ the case of flames being subjective. He has also argued that it was inline with the debate, however his poor choice of words in the analogy was poorly received. As his subsequent posts have all been vindictive and accusatory implying that I did not answer his question.


Bottom line: TJ is a hypocrite. I caught him red-handed in lies. He puts up a big stink about it, because all he is trying to do is "save face" and divert attention away from himself.

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It's a mistake to think that poor people get the benefit from the welfare system. It's a total fraud. Most welfare go to the rich of this country: the military-industrial complex, the bankers, the foreign dictators, it's totally out of control. This idea that the government has services or goods that they can pass on is a complete farce. Governments have nothing. They can't create anything, they never have. All they can do is steal from one group and give it to another at the destruction of the principles of freedom, and we ought to challenge that concept. - Ron Paul

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Another concept comes to mind, you could have just answered the question instead of running away in the first place, and then no comment from me about running away at all...........right?

Translation: If she just would have done the dishes like she was told, then there wouldn't be a need for me to give her that black eye.


Blameshift tactics.

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One of the consequences of such notions as "entitlements" is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.? ~ Thomas Sowell

You have to take my words out of context to try and twist them into a flame, when the "entire" sentence is looked at you see my first words were that you ran away, then I describes a style of running away, that is the only way to take that comment for a reasonable person.


Now you have put me on moderation unless I admit I flamed you, and I cannot admit to something that never happened.


You see RO, your staff now, and your supposed to be setting the example. When you flam someone that is telling everyone on the forum that your behavior is what is expected. We even have rules against direct flames and still you have done it and have never apologized for your flame. Your comment was not on topic and had nothing to do with the discussion but was instead designed only to belittle and demean. Your purpose was evil and nasty RO. My comment on the other hand was designed to get you to respond to the question you had dodged, there was nothing evil about trying to get you back on topic RO.

Most if not all stereotypes hold some truth.


?The politicians don't just want your money. They want your soul. They want you to be worn down by taxes until you are dependent and helpless. When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both.? ~ James Dale Davidson

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There I made this post visible, TJ.


I will let you have your rebuttal.



It's a mistake to think that poor people get the benefit from the welfare system. It's a total fraud. Most welfare go to the rich of this country: the military-industrial complex, the bankers, the foreign dictators, it's totally out of control. This idea that the government has services or goods that they can pass on is a complete farce. Governments have nothing. They can't create anything, they never have. All they can do is steal from one group and give it to another at the destruction of the principles of freedom, and we ought to challenge that concept. - Ron Paul


Either the words are in context or they are not, in your usage of my words, you have to take a couple words outside of their context to turn them into a flame.


On the other hand, your comment in context was fully insulting, had nothing to do with the topic being discussed and there can be no other intent for those words even if we did take a couple words out of the sentence as you did with my words.


Is this it RO? Is this what you had in mind all along? It sure seems that way, the problem is I have changed, I have been working harder to be a better person and do you give me one ounce of credit for that? No, I can't credit for that because that does not serve your desire to remove me no matter what I say or do.

Wow guys you don't know what flaming is. I just came off of a forum with a member that made Times look like Alice in Wonderland. Times isn't all that bad he just has a knack for pissing people off. I suggest a mental health day for all :blink:

Flames, blames and shames.. boodily f*ckin' hoo.. Scared little girls and grossly inequitied men..


I think everyone knows I'm not TJ's #1 fan.. but I think it's rather ridiculous to "moderate" him to try to force him to admit something.. Or to just plain f*ck with him.. Sounds exactly like something TJ would do if he could.. why stoop? I don't want someone else deciding what of TJ's I can and can't read.. or someone deciding who I can or can't interact with if I choose. We're all adults here. If I can't take it, I can leave.. simple enough.


Let him be himself.. and let him post his hypocritical, double standardized, long winded, manipulative, judgmental, brimming with lies, meaningless posts.. who cares? Ignore him, laugh in his face, call him on his bullshit, "flam" the living piss out of him.. defend yourself.. learn patience from it.. but.. let him speak freely.

I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy


I think everyone knows I'm not TJ's #1 fan.. but I think it's rather ridiculous to "moderate" him to try to force him to admit something.. Or to just plain f*ck with him.. Sounds exactly like something TJ would do if he could.. why stoop? I don't want someone else deciding what of TJ's I can and can't read.. or someone deciding who I can or can't interact with if I choose. We're all adults here. If I can't take it, I can leave.. simple enough.

If you and TJ were the only ones here, I'd be all for that.


Unfortunately for your idea, there are more than just the two of you, and if everyone gets tired of his crap (or anyone elses for that matter) and start to leave, then the board dies. I don't want that. Others don't want that. Others have left because of his crap (and others for that matter, including my own messes.) Sometimes people just don't fit somewhere and need encouragement to move elsewhere. It doesn't mean he is a bad person, or that he's gonna get fired when he goes to work today, or that Tami's right tit is now going to explode.


It just means that he isn't welcome here right now, and at some point he will learn that and really adjust, or he'll stay gone from here.

I hate signatures, so I don't have one.



It just means that he isn't welcome here right now, and at some point he will learn that and really adjust, or he'll stay gone from here.

He's welcome here as far as I'm concerned whether he "adjusts" or not.. He doesn't need to prove anything to anyone.. If you don't want to interact with him.. don't.. simply ignore him.. Don't get yourself in a sh*t storm with him and blame him.. Gee.. if you do this/that I/we will like you!! Who the f*** am I or anyone else to decide what and who TJ should be? Please me/us or else? f*** that sh*t..
He's welcome here as far as I'm concerned whether he "adjusts" or not.. He doesn't need to prove anything to anyone.. If you don't want to interact with him.. don't.. simply ignore him.. Don't get yourself in a sh*t storm with him and blame him.. Gee.. if you do this/that I/we will like you!! Who the f*** am I or anyone else to decide what and who TJ should be? Please me/us or else? f*** that sh*t..

I don't speak for the mods here, but you've been invited many a time to open your own web forum and run it any way you would like. You can invite Sixes/trademark/guitargis, TJ, and anyone else you would like and have a hey day.


Until then, I would prefer some semblance of sanity and order be kept at the places I go to. that's part of why I go to those forums. :)

I hate signatures, so I don't have one.



I don't speak for the mods here, but you've been invited many a time to open your own web forum and run it any way you would like. You can invite Sixes/trademark/guitargis, TJ, and anyone else you would like and have a hey day.


Until then, I would prefer some semblance of sanity and order be kept at the places I go to. that's part of why I go to those forums. :)

I like crazy people.. TJ included.. makes life interesting..


BTW.. howed that policy work out at The Jungle for the last decade? Sane.. and dead?


Prolly why you spend most of your time here interacting with the very people you advocate to remove. You've been doing it for years eddo.. if that ain't insane I don't know what is.. prolly why you've always been one of my favorites.. ya crazy son of a bitch..

I like crazy people.. TJ included.. makes life interesting..


BTW.. howed that policy work out at The Jungle for the last decade? Sane.. and dead?


Prolly why you spend most of your time here interacting with the very people you advocate to remove. You've been doing it for years eddo.. if that ain't insane I don't know what is.. prolly why you've always been one of my favorites.. ya crazy son of a bitch..

lol, not gonna get dragged back into it with you wez. The Jungle is doing just fine.


Go start your own site and do whatever you want, however you want, with whomever you want. :)

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I hate signatures, so I don't have one.



lol, not gonna get dragged back into it with you wez. The Jungle is doing just fine.

Yeah.. it's a real happenin' joint..


Go start your own site and do whatever you want, however you want, with whomever you want. :)

Back at ya.. and.. if it was you on the chopping block.. I'd be advocating for your crazy ass as well..

FLAM ON PEOPLE!!!! I think the word "flame" is losing all meaning because of the sheer overuse of the word....flam, flamming, flame, FLAN?


Oh hey RO...I notice you have stars under your name....I want some stars too!




The best sneetches on the beaches are the star belly sneetches with stars upon thars!

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He's welcome here as far as I'm concerned whether he "adjusts" or not.. He doesn't need to prove anything to anyone.. If you don't want to interact with him.. don't.. simply ignore him.. Don't get yourself in a sh*t storm with him and blame him.. Gee.. if you do this/that I/we will like you!! Who the f*** am I or anyone else to decide what and who TJ should be? Please me/us or else? f*** that sh*t..

I think that was very well said weez and I agree.




Hi eddo! :P




jeeze you guys are boring.. whuzzup people..where the frak is everyone? you all go out and get lives?..aloo *aloo* **aloo**.. fricking crickets ~ Hack

hahahaha.. yeah.. funny post about what? .. happenin' joint.. like I said.. If only I could log in.. *sigh.. :(


ooops.. was posting this here an insane and bannable offense? Woe is weez..


Looks like I need to start a new site.. hmmmmm.. Just Crazies.. that's the ticket!


I love ya eddo.. ya nutty bastard.. you'll be getting your invitation soon!! :D

Hi eddo! :P




hahahaha.. yeah.. funny post about what? .. happenin' joint.. like I said.. If only I could log in.. *sigh.. :(


ooops.. was posting this here an insane and bannable offense? Woe is weez..


Looks like I need to start a new site.. hmmmmm.. Just Crazies.. that's the ticket!


I love ya eddo.. ya nutty bastard.. you'll be getting your invitation soon!! :D

LOL wtf? You guys is craizies.
  • 2 weeks later...

So what's up with TJ? Still can't post or what?


Ya know.. Seems to me someone just hypocritized him not too long ago about plagiarizing some plagiarism and TJ caught them red handed and they ran off like a scared little girl for a couple months before coming back.. did he ever get his acknowledgment or apology? Fair is fair..


Well.. an acknowledgment and apology and TJ being able to "moderate" the perp would make it fair at this point.. what's good for the goose is good for the gay goose..

I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy


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