Times Posted February 5, 2010 Posted February 5, 2010 Re: Going Rogue The way you worded it, I thought you were implying that Hillary actually orchestrated the affair as a means to sell her book. Now I see what you were saying. My bad. Please, carry on. Well.....now that you mention that I can see where it could sound like that, I should have been more clear in my comment. Of course Hillary did not create the scandle, but she did cash in on it ;) Quote Most if not all stereotypes hold some truth. ?The politicians don't just want your money. They want your soul. They want you to be worn down by taxes until you are dependent and helpless. When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both.? ~ James Dale Davidson
hugo Posted February 5, 2010 Posted February 5, 2010 Re: Going Rogue Now Sarah is attacking Rush Limbaugh. She is a damn commie. Quote I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts. ? Will Rogers
Old Salt Posted February 5, 2010 Posted February 5, 2010 Re: Going Rogue Now Sarah is attacking Rush Limbaugh. She is a damn commie. Where'd you hear that? Huffington Post? Quote Been wrong before, could be wrong now, will probably be wrong again. Don't take yourself so dang seriously. ;)
Times Posted February 5, 2010 Posted February 5, 2010 Re: Going Rogue Don't forget Newt took a few shots at Limbaugh as well. The last big one I remember was when Rush said he wanted Obama to fail and Newt said "You're irrational if you don't want the president to succeed." Sarah Palin did not want Obama to succeed either. So again hugo, Sarah is a Conservative because she took a shot at Rush, but Newt who has taken several shots at Rush, has voted for hundreds of welfare programs, voted for raising the debt ceiling many times, voted for massive foreign aid.....Newt is a great conservative? Newt like Rush is a person who makes a lot of money "talking" about being conservative but when you look at Newts voting record, you see he was not really a pure conservative himself. Why the double standard against Sarah hugo? Because you have to justify to yourself why you voted for Obama. Quote Most if not all stereotypes hold some truth. ?The politicians don't just want your money. They want your soul. They want you to be worn down by taxes until you are dependent and helpless. When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both.? ~ James Dale Davidson
hugo Posted February 6, 2010 Posted February 6, 2010 Re: Going Rogue She is going liberal PC trying to get the word retarded banned. Retarded is a perfectly good word. Beats "dumber than a box of rocks". Sarah Palin Embraces ‘Retarded’ Political CorrectnessFebruary 02, 2010 11:34 AM ET | John Aloysius Farrell | Permanent Link | Print By John Aloysius Farrell, Thomas Jefferson Street blog Several years ago, when my last surviving aunt died, I became responsible, with my sister, for our mentally disabled cousin. I say this not for sympathy, but for context. I don't have a baby with Down's syndrome at home, like Sarah Palin does, but like most Americans I have someone dear to me who suffers from mental illness or addiction or developmental shortfalls. Palin claims to be outraged by White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel's reported statement, made in a private meeting last summer, that Democrats who attack other Democrats are "f…ing retarded." This is an insult to the disabled, says Palin, and he should be forced to resign. I'm disappointed to see Palin embracing this kind of political correctness. I thought that was the province of very silly liberals. When he used the adjective "retarded," Emanuel was not insulting or commenting about people with special needs. If he had been, then some sort of wrist slap or apology might be in order, as the noun "retard" has, at the request of advocates for the mentally disabled, been deemed too crude for general use, and retired to the closet of public discourse. Emanuel, however, was not talking about people like my cousin. He was talking about Democrats, and castigating the kind of self-indulgent cannibalism that, too often, characterizes allegedly sound-minded liberals. Reaching for a word to convey the idiocy of such self-destructive political behavior, Emanuel summoned "retarded." He might well have chosen "moronic" or "foolish" or "imbecilic." It was merely an apt metaphor. To say that someone is "intellectually crippled," for example, is not to insult folks with canes and wheelchairs. To judge that the healthcare reform bill has a "fat chance" to pass Congress due to the missteps of Team Audacity is not to sneer at people, like me, to whom evil nature has given a slow metabolism and a taste for the new dark chocolate Reese's peanut butter cups. Emanuel's use of colorful profanity is well-known in Chicago and Washington--to the point of being a clich?. I am sure that somewhere out there in the great rolling fields of the Republic there is a blue-haired old lady at a Methodist quilting bee who has never muttered the evocative English slang word for sexual intercourse, but I will leave it to you to find her. I have not been to Alaska, but I carry the impression that the residents of the state are a feisty, hardy lot. I could be wrong. Perhaps Alaskans, when their snowmobiles carry them into a sturdy fir, or a moose applies its antlers to their buttocks, or their fishhooks snag a finger, shout, "Gee! That was painful!" Maybe the whole state is filled with sappy, politically correct morons like Ned Flanders. I surely hope not. Off with commie bitch's head. Quote I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts. ? Will Rogers
Moderators IWS Posted February 6, 2010 Moderators Posted February 6, 2010 Re: Going Rogue She is going liberal PC trying to get the word retarded banned. Retarded is a perfectly good word. Beats "dumber than a box of rocks".Off with commie bitch's head. I prefer to use the term, "half wit" or "corky" myself. Quote One of the consequences of such notions as "entitlements" is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.? ~ Thomas Sowell
hugo Posted February 6, 2010 Posted February 6, 2010 Re: Going Rogue Using your own retarded child for political gain. Can you get much lower than that? Quote I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts. ? Will Rogers
Moderators IWS Posted February 7, 2010 Moderators Posted February 7, 2010 Re: Going Rogue Using your own retarded child for political gain. Can you get much lower than that? When are you going to stop being such a petty, fukkstikk. I had a classmate growing up who had a Down's Syndrome brother who was very sensitive when he heard "retard" being thrown around, I suppose he was after political gain, too. The only difference is, Palin has the megaphone to bring it recognition. Do I agree with the PC of it? No. Do I believe it's for political gain? No more than you being offended by the belief that everyone from Texas is an intolerant, redneck. YouTube - family guy texas Quote One of the consequences of such notions as "entitlements" is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.? ~ Thomas Sowell
hugo Posted February 7, 2010 Posted February 7, 2010 Re: Going Rogue When are you going to stop being such a petty' date=' fukkstikk.YouTube - family guy texas Since TJ has ran off everyone interested in intelligent debate I have lowered my debate standards here. Quote I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts. ? Will Rogers
Times Posted February 8, 2010 Posted February 8, 2010 Re: Going Rogue Since TJ has ran off everyone interested in intelligent debate I have lowered my debate standards here. Oh, it is my fault you behave poorly........imagine that. The problem is....your not interested in intelligent debate, you have dodged every difficult question ever asked of you even by other people, not just me. I just happen to be the only guy calling you out for dodging so you direct your irritation for being pinned down with questions you can answer at me.......... In this thread you have called Sarah a commie because she supported what "YOU" believe to be a welfare like program and at the same time every person you mention as a "good" conservative, I have shown them to be fully supportive of actual welfare programs, Newt has voted to increase the debt ceiling several times and yet you still offer the double standard. Your need to be so petty is why I am positive you voted for Obama, there simply no other reason you would be so rediclious in your comments against Sarah. Take this example you mention about the word retarded. If nothing else, Sarah has stuck it back at the Liberals with their own game of namecalling, nevermind she has every right as a mother of a special needs child to show irritation when our leaders toss hurtful words like that around, just look at the fact that a Conservative would have been ripped apart if he has said the same thing and it got into the press. Sarah is pointing out the double standard Liberals have, I would think you could support something like that.......if you really were conservative minded and did not like what the liberals were doing. You know hugo, your sounbding more and more like an agent of the Democrat party every day. They also hate Sarah Palin and go out of their way to be overly critical of her. Quote Most if not all stereotypes hold some truth. ?The politicians don't just want your money. They want your soul. They want you to be worn down by taxes until you are dependent and helpless. When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both.? ~ James Dale Davidson
hugo Posted February 14, 2010 Posted February 14, 2010 Off with her head Palin enthusiastically practices socialism, Alaska-style ELSTUN LAUESEN COMMENT Candidate Palin along with such formidable intellects as Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher (a.k.a., "Joe the Plumber"), Elisabeth Hasselbeck and Victoriah Jackson, attacked Barack Obama during the campaign for being, variously, a Marxist, a communist and a socialist. Ironically, as Keith Olberman of MSNBC noted last week, Sarah Palin just presided a huge redistribution of wealth when she signed an energy "rebate" of $1,200 for every man, woman and child in Alaska. The money for that wealth redistribution comes from our collective wealth, which we have thanks to our state constitution. Article VIII, Section 2 holds that the resource of the state will be utilized, developed and conserved for the "... maximum benefit of its people." This precept of public management of benefit is precisely what makes Alaska today one of a handful of states that enjoys a budget surplus while other states are struggling with deficits. The framers of our constitution wisely didn't want state resources to be privatized, as they are in Texas, for example, where the people of that state are separated from their wealth by billionaires. Thanks to the framers of our state's constitution, our collective ownership of state resources guarantees low taxes and high revenues, not to mention a Permanent Fund dividend program, another socialist scheme that gave each Alaskan over $2,000 this year. Alaskans like to boast that they are different, that they "don't give a damn how they do it in the lower 48." Ironically, Sarah Palin and her handlers and many of her fans here in Alaska don't understand how different we Alaskans really are. Truth be told, when Gov. Palin redistributes the wealth held in common by the people of Alaska, she is fulfilling the socialist dream of many of Alaska's pioneers. I'm from Fairbanks and each summer we celebrate "Golden Days," a celebration honoring the mining days of yore. Golden Days has morphed into a cowboy Western-style show since the construction of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline; that's understandable, considering where many of the pipeline immigrants come from. Ironically, many of the early miners and pioneers of Alaska were from Europe, with corresponding accents and political views including European socialist views. The history of mining in Alaska in the late 19th and early 20th century has a parallel history of socialist political organizing. Many of our forefathers and mothers here in Alaska were proud members of socialist parties or worker affiliates in Ketchikan, Nome, and Fairbanks. A local blog, insurgent49.com, published a review of the early leftist history of Alaska. Regarding my hometown the review notes, "Lena Morrow Lewis started publishing the semimonthly Alaska Socialist newspaper in Fairbanks, which lasted for about three years. Two other left-wing Fairbanks publications from this period that were shorter-lived were the Tanana Valley Socialist and the Socialist Press. Around the same time, Gustave Sandberg served as secretary of the Alaska Socialist Educational Society, which did such activities as lecturing in mining camps. At least several times, a young writer named Jack London was one of the lecturers." In 1914 the Alaska Socialist Party was formed and the platform advocated typical socialist ideas like federal funding of railroads and highways in Alaska. When Alaskans sing about the "gold of the Sourdough's Dream" in the Alaska Flag Song, we should also remember an associated dream held by many of those pioneer Alaskans honored in that song: a world in which all people would get a fair day's pay for a fair day's work, and the prejudices and inequalities among people disappear as the fruits of prosperity are shared by all. Ironically, despite her posturing before adoring mobs in the Lower 48, Sarah Palin has so far been a pretty good socialist governor. I hope that when she returns, she continues her good work and stops worrying so much about how they do it Outside. Quote I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts. ? Will Rogers
hugo Posted February 14, 2010 Posted February 14, 2010 Re: Going Rogue Never met a Floridian who was not dumber and smelled worse than a load of manure. 1 Quote I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts. ? Will Rogers
wez Posted February 14, 2010 Posted February 14, 2010 Re: Going Rogue I've never known a Floridian that wasn't a total dumbass. 1 Quote I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy
Times Posted February 15, 2010 Posted February 15, 2010 Re: Going Rogue lol, going to join in Wez? Attack the person to take attention away from the words you can't refute........ Quote Most if not all stereotypes hold some truth. ?The politicians don't just want your money. They want your soul. They want you to be worn down by taxes until you are dependent and helpless. When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both.? ~ James Dale Davidson
Times Posted February 15, 2010 Posted February 15, 2010 Re: Off with her head The framers of our constitution wisely didn't want state resources to be privatized, as they are in Texas, for example, where the people of that state are separated from their wealth by billionaires. And yet Texas still gives every Texan a huge monetary gift to offset their tax burdon every year. There really is no meaningful difference because every Texan benefits from the money directly while they do nothing to actually "EARN" this cash benefit. It is s shell game, move the "free money" around in all kinds of directions to make it look different, but in reality Texas is siphoning off money from oil sales to help all Texans, just like Alaska. Quote Most if not all stereotypes hold some truth. ?The politicians don't just want your money. They want your soul. They want you to be worn down by taxes until you are dependent and helpless. When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both.? ~ James Dale Davidson
snafu Posted February 15, 2010 Author Posted February 15, 2010 Re: Off with her head And yet Texas still gives every Texan a huge monetary gift to offset their tax burdon every year. There really is no meaningful difference because every Texan benefits from the money directly while they do nothing to actually "EARN" this cash benefit.It is s shell game, move the "free money" around in all kinds of directions to make it look different, but in reality Texas is siphoning off money from oil sales to help all Texans, just like Alaska. Yeah... its the same damn thing. And it's not like taking it from the workers and giving it to the non workers. It's not like a communist society in which you are told what level of society you belong in and what job you are allowed to do. this is a resorce that belongs to everybody, everybody should get a share. Quote *NEVER FORGOTTEN*
hugo Posted February 15, 2010 Posted February 15, 2010 Re: Off with her head What huge monetary gift? Would ya stop engaging in pure fiction. No wonder I got that dumbass on ignore. Unless he is talking about the oil production tax that amounts to 8 cents a day per Texan. Look up which state spends the least per citizen (Texas) and which spends the most (Alaska). Quote I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts. ? Will Rogers
hugo Posted February 15, 2010 Posted February 15, 2010 Re: Off with her head Yeah... its the same damn thing. And it's not like taking it from the workers and giving it to the non workers. It's not like a communist society in which you are told what level of society you belong in and what job you are allowed to do. this is a resorce that belongs to everybody, everybody should get a share. Yes state ownership of productive assets, classical Marxism, Don't call yourselves conservatives. Jesus hates commies. But now I have written unto you, not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother, be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner, with such an one, no not to eat. Saint Paul1 Corinthians 6:9 Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, Quote I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts. ? Will Rogers
Times Posted February 16, 2010 Posted February 16, 2010 Re: Off with her head What huge monetary gift? Would ya stop engaging in pure fiction. No wonder I got that dumbass on ignore. Unless he is talking about the oil production tax that amounts to 8 cents a day per Texan. Look up which state spends the least per citizen (Texas) and which spends the most (Alaska). Funny stuff. Yes, Alaska allows a more direct route with some of the funds where Texas takes a more round about direction with those funds, but the result is the same Hugo. In Texas money is taken from oil companies and used to pay for State programs including many welfare type programs. These funds would have to come from each texan through much, much higher taxes each of you would have to pay........but the oil money pays those taxes for you. Your getting the same exact benefit just in a different direction hugo. It has already been pointed out to you that everything costs much more in Alaska right down to milk and flour so in reality, they are not getting as much "welfare" as you are trying to say. It is you hugo who is engaging in pure fiction, and the only motivation that could be causing that is your trying desperately to justify why you voted for Obama. Quote Most if not all stereotypes hold some truth. ?The politicians don't just want your money. They want your soul. They want you to be worn down by taxes until you are dependent and helpless. When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both.? ~ James Dale Davidson
mercury Posted February 17, 2010 Posted February 17, 2010 Re: Going Rogue whew! glad I never formalized my residency, then got out of there before the stigma stuck! Quote
Times Posted February 17, 2010 Posted February 17, 2010 Re: Going Rogue whew! glad I never formalized my residency, then got out of there before the stigma stuck! You don't get away that easy, there was no time limit offered so your a Floridian too, lol. ;) Or as I call us, a Floridiot Quote Most if not all stereotypes hold some truth. ?The politicians don't just want your money. They want your soul. They want you to be worn down by taxes until you are dependent and helpless. When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both.? ~ James Dale Davidson
hugo Posted February 17, 2010 Posted February 17, 2010 Re: Going Rogue whew! glad I never formalized my residency, then got out of there before the stigma stuck! They would have found out your IQ was over 60 and kicked ya out. Quote I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts. ? Will Rogers
hugo Posted February 17, 2010 Posted February 17, 2010 Re: Going Rogue Floridians gave the commie Obama their electoral votes. Most of them are a bunch of fornicators damned to spend eternity in hell. Quote I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts. ? Will Rogers
mercury Posted February 17, 2010 Posted February 17, 2010 Re: Going Rogue Nope... I was never an official resident. Never changed my driver's license OR registered to vote. And I smell pretty damn good! :) I thought my EYE QUE was fiddy-too, hugo? Mabee itz 1 hunnerd fiffy-too.... I didn't vote for that commie... or the other one. Quote
Times Posted February 17, 2010 Posted February 17, 2010 Re: Going Rogue You lived here my lady, your still one of us, lol. And make no mistake, hugo did vote for Obama, that is why he is so desperate to try anf make Palin look bad, the people who gave Obama the election were independents, mostly Libertarians who pretend to hold conservative values but when the rubber hits the road, they vote socialist, lol. I did not 100% like the last ticket, but I will vote for someone who believes in 60% of what I believe and like versus someone like Obama who is purely socialist. We can't always get what we want, but we can sometimes get "some" of what we want. If we do not cut our nose off to spite our face that is. Quote Most if not all stereotypes hold some truth. ?The politicians don't just want your money. They want your soul. They want you to be worn down by taxes until you are dependent and helpless. When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both.? ~ James Dale Davidson
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