wez Posted September 15, 2010 Posted September 15, 2010 By the way, being as we are on the subject of your abused anus, you may want to consider this http://en.wikipedia..../Anal_bleaching Your starting to look a little stained back there. What... gay sex game time again, champ? How about you just declare yourself victorious and shut the hell up? 2 Quote I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy
Times Posted September 15, 2010 Posted September 15, 2010 If it's so dangerous, we need the Mexicans to do it anyway. Mind you, again, the moratorium was on deep-water drilling, so as I was saying, the story was just made up for a slow news day. "We're supporting something monetarily that Obama had nothing against. Let's write some news!" You do know that it is the same Gulf Of Mexico right? They will be deep-water drilling too, and if they have an accident currents will drive that spill to America anyway so why not let Americans have those jobs instead of giving them away to Mexico and even paying Mexico to take the American jobs? I Guess Obama does not feel we need jobs here. See previous. Also, the moratorium was lifted on June 21st of this year. The story IWS posted was dated 9/11/10. So why was it news that the ban that had already been lifted by a federal judge was being subverted by the powers that be? Since, you know, you can't actually get around a non-existant ban. Why is it you know nothing about just about everything you comment on? I have to provide you with some of the most basic of information every time I turn around like you being clueless about how the Democrats blocked every attempt of the Republicans to increase regulations on the banks and Fannie/Freddie that caused the housing market meltdown? This is really getting old constantly having to tell you things you should already know as an American, at least if you want to talk about these things you should have enough motivation to actually go out and read up on the facts first. http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE65O5TA20100712 "I am basing my decision on evidence that grows every day of the industry's inability in the deepwater to contain a catastrophic blowout, respond to an oil spill and to operate safely," Salazar said.The new ban will extend until November 30 and affects the same drill rigs as before, although it is based on types of drilling technologies rather than on water depths as the old one was. Every day you prove yourself to be an uneducated kid who is more interested in shooting off his mouth than actually knowing what he is talking about. You have a trend to defend Obama in anything he does reguardless if you understand the issue at hand or not. 1 Quote Most if not all stereotypes hold some truth. ?The politicians don't just want your money. They want your soul. They want you to be worn down by taxes until you are dependent and helpless. When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both.? ~ James Dale Davidson
jokersarewild Posted September 16, 2010 Posted September 16, 2010 See previous. Also, the moratorium was lifted on June 21st of this year. The story IWS posted was dated 9/11/10. So why was it news that the ban that had already been lifted by a federal judge was being subverted by the powers that be? Since, you know, you can't actually get around a non-existant ban. Why is it you know nothing about just about everything you comment on? I have to provide you with some of the most basic of information every time I turn around like you being clueless about how the Democrats blocked every attempt of the Republicans to increase regulations on the banks and Fannie/Freddie that caused the housing market meltdown? This is really getting old constantly having to tell you things you should already know as an American, at least if you want to talk about these things you should have enough motivation to actually go out and read up on the facts first. http://www.reuters.c...E65O5TA20100712 "I am basing my decision on evidence that grows every day of the industry's inability in the deepwater to contain a catastrophic blowout, respond to an oil spill and to operate safely," Salazar said.The new ban will extend until November 30 and affects the same drill rigs as before, although it is based on types of drilling technologies rather than on water depths as the old one was. Every day you prove yourself to be an uneducated kid who is more interested in shooting off his mouth than actually knowing what he is talking about. You have a trend to defend Obama in anything he does reguardless if you understand the issue at hand or not. http://www.bloomberg...um-illegal.html Which, as it turns out, is still illegal, because it's basically the same thing. Oh, and hey, back to my point: The story was saying there was a moratorium on drilling (the one IWS posted). Despite President Obama's moratorium on U.S. deepwater drilling in the Gulf of Mexico Ok. The "current" moratorium isn't about water depth, it's about the type of equipment used. So he didn't ban drilling in depths over 500 feet, he just banned the equipment. Which is illegal on his part. But he didn't ban deepwater drilling. "None of these projects involve deepwater drilling," bank spokeswoman Maura Policelli told FoxNews.com in an e-mail. OH HEY LOOK! None of them involve deepwater drilling anyway. Oh wow. So the story was...MADE UP FOR A SLOW NEWS DAY!? God damn, that's amazing. And TJ said: They will be deep-water drilling too Oh wait...no they won't. Not the parts Ex-Im is loaning to, anyway. I'd recommend you educate yourself before you talk down to me, because it makes you look like a moron. 1 Quote "...and I want to look him straight in the eye and I want to tell him what a, cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-ass, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed, sack of monkey sh*t HE IS!? ?..Hallelujah! Holy sh*t! Where?s the Tylenol?"
Builder Posted September 16, 2010 Posted September 16, 2010 I'd recommend you educate yourself before you talk down to me, because it makes you look like a moron. TJ has no problem there at all, Joker. He'll be talking about your anus next. :pinch: Says he doesn't do the reach around thing. Whatever the phukk that means. :woot: Camp as a row of tents. :ermm: 1 Quote Totally do not remind me to be tidy round the house.
Times Posted September 16, 2010 Posted September 16, 2010 I'd recommend you educate yourself before you talk down to me, because it makes you look like a moron. What are you ranting about? The "second" request to lift the new ban was not approved, the new rules was targeting deep water drilling, they even admit it has the same effect just in a different way so this story IWS offered was about how the Obama administration has taken measures to kill jobs here, but at the samr time helps finance the same kind of drilling in the Gulf for Mexican workers that we will later be paying for as well because we will be buying the oil they produce instead of being able to have our own domestic supply. There is more to this than just the lost jobs kid, this is about the longer term harms of increasing our dependence on imported oil instead of helping us to increase our own supply. You do know there was a simpler solution don't you? If Obama was so concerned with safety why not lift the older ban on shallow drilling in the Gulf? If the problem was caused by America forcing drillers to drill so deep due to the regulations put in place by our Government, then avoid that danger by letting them drill at safer depths. But that solution would have made too much sense and kept American jobs, we can't do that now can we, lol. ****************** Hey Builder, before you try to talk smack about my replies try to remember it was you who started trying to attack me in a sexual way when you said I was buying nipple clamps, if you can't stand the reply to what you start, don't start it. 1 Quote Most if not all stereotypes hold some truth. ?The politicians don't just want your money. They want your soul. They want you to be worn down by taxes until you are dependent and helpless. When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both.? ~ James Dale Davidson
jokersarewild Posted September 17, 2010 Posted September 17, 2010 I'd recommend you educate yourself before you talk down to me, because it makes you look like a moron. What are you ranting about? The "second" request to lift the new ban was not approved, the new rules was targeting deep water drilling, they even admit it has the same effect just in a different way so this story IWS offered was about how the Obama administration has taken measures to kill jobs here, but at the samr time helps finance the same kind of drilling in the Gulf for Mexican workers that we will later be paying for as well because we will be buying the oil they produce instead of being able to have our own domestic supply. Actually, it's going to trial on the 22nd, TJ. Read the article I linked. And when it gets overturned, then deepwater drilling can begin again. There is more to this than just the lost jobs kid, this is about the longer term harms of increasing our dependence on imported oil instead of helping us to increase our own supply. Hm. Could be. However, again, the loan doesn't go to deepwater drilling outfits. Just thought I'd reiterate. You do know there was a simpler solution don't you? Do tell. If Obama was so concerned with safety why not lift the older ban on shallow drilling in the Gulf? If the problem was caused by America forcing drillers to drill so deep due to the regulations put in place by our Government, then avoid that danger by letting them drill at safer depths. http://en.wikipedia....toc_I_oil_spill http://www.examiner.com/environmental-policy-in-national/second-oil-spill-discovered-gulf-of-mexico-as-shallow-drilling-deemed-safe http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1969_Santa_Barbara_oil_spill http://www.nytimes.com/2010/05/03/us/03montara.html So safe. http://www.bloomberg...mwich-says.html http://www.cbsnews.c...069-503544.html http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/business/energy/7033974.html ^Research. But that solution would have made too much sense and kept American jobs, we can't do that now can we, lol. No, not at all. Even though you fail at research so bad you refuse to acknowledge that we actually have :P Quote "...and I want to look him straight in the eye and I want to tell him what a, cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-ass, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed, sack of monkey sh*t HE IS!? ?..Hallelujah! Holy sh*t! Where?s the Tylenol?"
Times Posted September 17, 2010 Posted September 17, 2010 Actually, it's going to trial on the 22nd, TJ. Read the article I linked. And when it gets overturned, then deepwater drilling can begin again. So you were wrong, you claimed the ban was already lifted and you said what IWS posted was a non story, how about just admitting you were wrong instead of trying to save face? And the outcome is not certain, the oil rigs are not going to just sit around waiting forever as round, after round, after round of new obsticles are tossed in their way by this Obama administration. Hm. Could be. However, again, the loan doesn't go to deepwater drilling outfits. Just thought I'd reiterate. The loan is to a company, not a specific form of drilling kid, this company (PEMEX) does a lot of deep water drilling and there is no reason to believe they will not be deep drilling with this loan. And again, this is more about how Obama is eliminating jobs here, while helping oil jobs get started someone else, the fact they will be drilling in the Gulf too is simply an interesting cherry on the top. We need more of our own oil, not set in place policies and actions that make us more dependent on foreign oil. Do tell. Well as usual your not even keeping up with the conversation. Let's try this again, the Obama administration has blocked deep drilling because of his concernes for the "greater danger" of dealing with a spill at those deapths. Yes, spills do happen in shallow water, but they are easier to cap and deal with than the deep water drilling. Nothing in life is 100% safe, but if Obama is so concerned with the deep water drilling he can open up the shallow drilling industry instead and provide hundreds of thousands of American jobs and at the same time provide America with a much larger domestic oil supply that increases the security of this Nation. I would call that a win-win situation. No, not at all. Even though you fail at research so bad you refuse to acknowledge that we actually have :P I already told you then you ran around trying to gain some knowledge with last minute google searches and even your own links said the same thing I did: Apache Corp. on July 16 got the first permit after the rules changed. An industry coalition said today in a statement that 15 of 46 available shallow-water rigs are idle without permits. Your confusing getting a permit with getting oil as well, they have to get the permit then start the process of trying to get the oil, many permits result in no oil being harvested Joker. But look at this, 15 rigs are sitting around idle, we could have way more than 46 rigs but there is no reason to have more if the American Government will not approve permits to let them work so companies are out trying to get the oil where they are allowed to drill, and that is why we were deep drilling. It costs a lot more to deep drill, if America would let them they would gladly turn away from deep drilling and concentrate on shallow drilling instead. So as I said, there is an easy solution if this Administration wants to make it easier to shallow drill and it has a nice side effect of employing hundreds of thousands of Americans. Oh, all those workers will also be paying taxes, something the Government needs right now, lol. 1 Quote Most if not all stereotypes hold some truth. ?The politicians don't just want your money. They want your soul. They want you to be worn down by taxes until you are dependent and helpless. When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both.? ~ James Dale Davidson
jokersarewild Posted September 21, 2010 Posted September 21, 2010 Hm. Could be. However, again, the loan doesn't go to deepwater drilling outfits. Just thought I'd reiterate. The loan is to a company, not a specific form of drilling kid, this company (PEMEX) does a lot of deep water drilling and there is no reason to believe they will not be deep drilling with this loan. http://www.cnsnews.c...s/article/72342 The Bank?s activities are not affected by the Obama administration?s ban on offshore drilling because that ban applies only to deepwater drilling--drilling in 500 meters of water or deeper--and the PEMEX projects financed by the Ex-Im Bank are shallow-water projects. Must be great to be right, eh? No, not at all. Even though you fail at research so bad you refuse to acknowledge that we actually have :P I already told you then you ran around trying to gain some knowledge with last minute google searches and even your own links said the same thing I did: Apache Corp. on July 16 got the first permit after the rules changed. An industry coalition said today in a statement that 15 of 46 available shallow-water rigs are idle without permits. No, you said: If Obama was so concerned with safety why not lift the older ban on shallow drilling in the Gulf? You said it was banned. Exact quote. Your confusing getting a permit with getting oil as well, they have to get the permit then start the process of trying to get the oil, many permits result in no oil being harvested Joker. Your source for this would be...? Quote "...and I want to look him straight in the eye and I want to tell him what a, cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-ass, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed, sack of monkey sh*t HE IS!? ?..Hallelujah! Holy sh*t! Where?s the Tylenol?"
Times Posted September 21, 2010 Posted September 21, 2010 Must be great to be right, eh? Again, your nieve, the loans are to a company, not a specific style of oil drilling, there is nothing in the loans themselves to limit where the money can be used Joker, you fell for one of the oldest political tricks in the book, disinformation. Look at how that fake story made you feel, that is what the progressives do to gain powerr over you, you let a irrelivent and wrong news story by a progressive news group alter reality in your mind. You were so filled with rapture you missed the biggest painful truth they hid in that story " Because the United States accounts for a large share of Mexico?s oil exports, it is inevitable that the country will import oil produced as a result of federal loans, meaning that the U.S. federal government loaned money to the Mexican government to produce oil so that we could import it." They loan the money to Mexico so we can buy their oil, so our tax money is taken from us to give to someone else who will then make a massive profit off of us as we buy their oil............ Why not help local companies get local oil and stop giving away our money to other Countries? You said it was banned. Exact quote. The problem is you refuse to understand how a ban like this works. It is banned, and the only way around that ban is to get special permits. These permits are not being issued fast enough because the permit process is too slow and the Government does not want to approve the permits anyway. Stop trying to over analyse what I am saying, the deep water drilling is expensive, shallow water drilling is much, much cheeper, allowing companies to drill in shallow water will end the need for the riskier deep water drilling, but Obama does not want to free that up either so our only choice is to make our dependence on foreign oil even worse under his leadership. Your source for this would be...? The same sources you used kid, look at the quote I offered: Apache Corp. on July 16 got the first permit after the rules changed. An industry coalition said today in a statement that 15 of 46 available shallow-water rigs are idle without permits. 15 rigs are idle and can't find work, they need those permits to operate and this administration is not willing to allow them to drill, I say let them drill and make America stronger and safer in the process while giving hundreds of thousands of American good paying jobs. Quote Most if not all stereotypes hold some truth. ?The politicians don't just want your money. They want your soul. They want you to be worn down by taxes until you are dependent and helpless. When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both.? ~ James Dale Davidson
jokersarewild Posted September 22, 2010 Posted September 22, 2010 Must be great to be right, eh? Again, your nieve, the loans are to a company, not a specific style of oil drilling, there is nothing in the loans themselves to limit where the money can be used Joker, you fell for one of the oldest political tricks in the book, disinformation. They're financing specific projects. Look at how that fake story made you feel, that is what the progressives do to gain powerr over you, you let a irrelivent and wrong news story by a progressive news group alter reality in your mind. Fake story? Your sources would be what? Your proof where? What makes this story fake? You were so filled with rapture you missed the biggest painful truth they hid in that story " Because the United States accounts for a large share of Mexico?s oil exports, it is inevitable that the country will import oil produced as a result of federal loans, meaning that the U.S. federal government loaned money to the Mexican government to produce oil so that we could import it." "Loan" implies they will pay it back. Which they have thus far on the other loans they've recieved from Ex-Im. Also, they contract US people and buy equipment FROM US to do this stuff. You need people to contract and people to make the stuff they buy. People who would do this work for pay. Almost like they would go to work every day. As if it were a JOB or something. They loan the money to Mexico so we can buy their oil, so our tax money is taken from us to give to someone else who will then make a massive profit off of us as we buy their oil............ And if there's a ton of oil created because of what we finance, oil prices drop, which makes it cheaper for Americans (assuming we reach a point where it's cheaper this way than it would be otherwise), and businesses start saving money, and can hire people. Creating jobs. I know that's just a theory, but I present it. You said it was banned. Exact quote. The problem is you refuse to understand how a ban like this works. It is banned, and the only way around that ban is to get special permits. These permits are not being issued fast enough because the permit process is too slow and the Government does not want to approve the permits anyway. Ban: to prohibit, forbid, or bar; interdict: to ban nuclear weapons; The dictator banned all newspapers and books that criticized his regime. Needing a permit to do something doesn't mean it's banned. It means it's REGULATED. I need a license to legally drive a car, doesn't mean driving's banned. It means they have rules permitting just anybody from doing it without having to follow proceedures, agreeing to follow them, etc. Stop trying to over analyse what I am saying, the deep water drilling is expensive, shallow water drilling is much, much cheeper, allowing companies to drill in shallow water will end the need for the riskier deep water drilling, but Obama does not want to free that up either so our only choice is to make our dependence on foreign oil even worse under his leadership. Can't blame him for being worried about the dangers either way. I'm sure the political pressure on both sides is a b!tch. Let's say he goes "Well, deepwater drilling is bad, let's open up some shallow water drilling!" Fox, CNN: "Obama Drills Despite Disaster" Republicans: "Obama is trying to destroy our beaches!" Democrats: "Obama hates the environment!" Your source for this would be...? The same sources you used kid, look at the quote I offered: Apache Corp. on July 16 got the first permit after the rules changed. An industry coalition said today in a statement that 15 of 46 available shallow-water rigs are idle without permits. 15 rigs are idle and can't find work, they need those permits to operate and this administration is not willing to allow them to drill, I say let them drill and make America stronger and safer in the process while giving hundreds of thousands of American good paying jobs. The regulations are in place for a reason, TJ. Also, I wasn't challenging that part of your quote. What I was challenging was this: many permits result in no oil being harvested Joker. Source? Quote "...and I want to look him straight in the eye and I want to tell him what a, cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-ass, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed, sack of monkey sh*t HE IS!? ?..Hallelujah! Holy sh*t! Where?s the Tylenol?"
Times Posted September 22, 2010 Posted September 22, 2010 They're financing specific projects. No they are not, the loans are to a company not a specific job, the contracts do not have limititation how the money can be used and even if they did it is very easy to shuffle money on paper to make it look any way they want it to look kid, your nieve and too blindly trusting of your progressive leadership. Your still trying too hard to pull attention away from the fact that this costs American jobs, puts us more at the the mercy of foreign oil, and is hypicritical to stop oil drilling in the Gulf in America but help other companies drill in the Gulf. Fake story? Your sources would be what? Your proof where? What makes this story fake? The part where they tried to say the money is for specific projects, the loans are to a company, there are no limitations on how they can use the money. "Loan" implies they will pay it back. Which they have thus far on the other loans they've recieved from Ex-Im. Also, they contract US people and buy equipment FROM US to do this stuff. You need people to contract and people to make the stuff they buy. People who would do this work for pay. Almost like they would go to work every day. As if it were a JOB or something. Your very slow sometimes. I borrow $100 bucks from you, I use that $100 to buy 5,000 pieces of fruit, then I turn around and sell those pieces of fruit to you for $10,000 and a couple weeks later I send you a check for $150 to pay off the loan, who paid for the loan in reality? Oh, the drilling by American companies buy more equipment here because they are here drilling, not just a couple pieces here and there for appearances joker. And if there's a ton of oil created because of what we finance, oil prices drop, which makes it cheaper for Americans (assuming we reach a point where it's cheaper this way than it would be otherwise), and businesses start saving money, and can hire people. Creating jobs. I know that's just a theory, but I present it. Again, your nieve, the imported oil prices are governed by the speculators, any oil comming to America from outside sources will be about the same as it comming from any outside source. But, a huge increase of domestic oil will force prices down for foreign oil to stay in line with our domestic sources, not completely but close. Then of course there are hundreds of thousands of American jobs to consider and how that helps all of America. Ban: to prohibit, forbid, or bar; interdict: to ban nuclear weapons; The dictator banned all newspapers and books that criticized his regime. Needing a permit to do something doesn't mean it's banned. It means it's REGULATED. I need a license to legally drive a car, doesn't mean driving's banned. It means they have rules permitting just anybody from doing it without having to follow proceedures, agreeing to follow them, etc. Trying to play word games does what for the intent of this discussion kid? Ban, severe and hostile regulation, restrictions, limitations, exclusions, whatever you want to call it your still avoiding the point, the Government is not letting shallow drilling happen at a pace that keeps all the platforms working so these oil companies have to try and deep drill to get the oil we and they need. If the shallow drilling was allowed by the Government they would not be trying to deep drill because it costs way more to deep drill. Well, I am sure some deep drilling would still be desired for the really big deposits, but the main point is America needs oil, we have oil, but Obama is blocking our ability to get that oil and put Americans to work. Can't blame him for being worried about the dangers either way. I'm sure the political pressure on both sides is a b!tch. Let's say he goes "Well, deepwater drilling is bad, let's open up some shallow water drilling!" Fox, CNN: "Obama Drills Despite Disaster" Republicans: "Obama is trying to destroy our beaches!" Democrats: "Obama hates the environment!" I can blame him for doing the wrong thing, stopping or limiting domestic oil production hurts America, and all Americans. Only the progressives want to stop the domestic oil production, if they were concerned about the environment and the dangers they would not be helping other Countries drill for oil as we are doing Joker, oil spills in other places hurt the environment too, but they are encouraging oil drilling in other places and do you know why? It is part of their guilt, progressives always feel guilty that America has so much and other places do not, that is why they refuse to close the border with Mexico and that is why they love to increase our dependence on foreign oil and foreign products. This way they can force a redistribution of wealth away from us and into poor areas. The regulations are in place for a reason, TJ. Also, I wasn't challenging that part of your quote. What I was challenging was this: Um.....I guess you really are the product of a crappy education system in California, well kid, look back at the quote, see that part where there are 15 rigs sitting idle? Well them sitting idle means they are not harvesting oil, simple conclusion really using basic logic, try it some time. ************************** By the way, you still have not told IWS your sorry for trying to claim he posted a non-story. You claimed the ban was lifted so the story was bogus but I showed you it was still in place and you never admitted you were wrong and this was a great story. At least have enough integrity to admit you were wrong about that and should not have put down IWS. Quote Most if not all stereotypes hold some truth. ?The politicians don't just want your money. They want your soul. They want you to be worn down by taxes until you are dependent and helpless. When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both.? ~ James Dale Davidson
jokersarewild Posted September 22, 2010 Posted September 22, 2010 Irony. And yes, the ban was reinstated. I already admitted that. Also, I never insulted IWS. If I did, I apologize. See, I actually respect his opinions. Quote "...and I want to look him straight in the eye and I want to tell him what a, cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-ass, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed, sack of monkey sh*t HE IS!? ?..Hallelujah! Holy sh*t! Where?s the Tylenol?"
Moderators IWS Posted September 22, 2010 Author Moderators Posted September 22, 2010 Everyone, feel free to continue to not apologize to me. I don't know if anyone owes me one, but I'll live. Quote One of the consequences of such notions as "entitlements" is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.? ~ Thomas Sowell
jokersarewild Posted September 23, 2010 Posted September 23, 2010 I just wanted to kill one of his talking points. The others are just him pulling random bits and pieces out of things and saying my education sucked. And how illogical it is to not agree that 15 oil rigs are sitting idle, which because of my crappy education, I can't fathom. Mind you, I never questioned that. I simply asked how "most permits don't result in oil", something he never sourced and can't answer because it's one of the talking points he pulled out of his ass. Also, I don't feel guilty about such things, TJ. I'm glad we have more than other places. It means we're succeeding where they failed, which is one of those "cause and effect" things I probably can't understand because of my crappy education. Also, you said they were banned. Now you say they aren't banned, they're just moving slowly. WHICH SIDE OF THE FENCE ARE YOU ON HERE? Are they banned? Say they aren't banned. Say you were wrong, TJ. Just that you misspoke. I'm sure it was accidental. But don't keep defending it by acting like "ban" is just another word for "not banned, just slow". Quote "...and I want to look him straight in the eye and I want to tell him what a, cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-ass, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed, sack of monkey sh*t HE IS!? ?..Hallelujah! Holy sh*t! Where?s the Tylenol?"
jokersarewild Posted September 23, 2010 Posted September 23, 2010 Um.....I guess you really are the product of a crappy education system in California, well kid, look back at the quote, see that part where there are 15 rigs sitting idle? Well them sitting idle means they are not harvesting oil, simple conclusion really using basic logic, try it some time. Seriously, what in the flying f*** does this have to do with what I challenged you on? I mean really, you question my education quality, then answer my challenge with an argument that was so outta left field, I think I was temporarily blinded by the stupidity. Let's take a look: Your source for this would be...? The same sources you used kid, look at the quote I offered: Apache Corp. on July 16 got the first permit after the rules changed. An industry coalition said today in a statement that 15 of 46 available shallow-water rigs are idle without permits. 15 rigs are idle and can't find work, they need those permits to operate and this administration is not willing to allow them to drill, I say let them drill and make America stronger and safer in the process while giving hundreds of thousands of American good paying jobs. The regulations are in place for a reason, TJ. Also, I wasn't challenging that part of your quote. What I was challenging was this: many permits result in no oil being harvested Joker. Source? The response to that? Um.....I guess you really are the product of a crappy education system in California, well kid, look back at the quote, see that part where there are 15 rigs sitting idle? Well them sitting idle means they are not harvesting oil, simple conclusion really using basic logic, try it some time. Ok, so the 15 idle rigs have no permits. They aren't harvesting oil because they don't have permits. Simple concept. many permits result in no oil being harvested Joker. And your proof for this was the 15 idle rigs without a permit? In what world does that make sense? If they don't have permits, they can't harvest oil. If they do, they can. You said that many of them result in no oil being harvested. I asked you to cite a source. Um.....I guess you really are the product of a crappy education system in California, well kid, look back at the quote, see that part where there are 15 rigs sitting idle? Well them sitting idle means they are not harvesting oil, simple conclusion really using basic logic, try it some time. Yeah. My educational system definitely failed me. Moron. Quote "...and I want to look him straight in the eye and I want to tell him what a, cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-ass, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed, sack of monkey sh*t HE IS!? ?..Hallelujah! Holy sh*t! Where?s the Tylenol?"
jokersarewild Posted September 23, 2010 Posted September 23, 2010 Silly, silly TJ: No they are not, the loans are to a company not a specific job, the contracts do not have limititation how the money can be used and even if they did it is very easy to shuffle money on paper to make it look any way they want it to look kid, your nieve and too blindly trusting of your progressive leadership. You've read the contracts? And I suppose you could shuffle money around in such a way, but why would PEMEX risk pissing us off? We loan them quite a bit of money (and have for awhile) for such operations. Why risk losing that? Your still trying too hard to pull attention away from the fact that this costs American jobs, puts us more at the the mercy of foreign oil, and is hypicritical to stop oil drilling in the Gulf in America but help other companies drill in the Gulf. Yes, we'll require foreign oil. It's not hypocritical to lend money to a company who's doing something we haven't banned. And I'm not trying to draw attention away from anything. Not quite sure where you got that from. The part where they tried to say the money is for specific projects, the loans are to a company, there are no limitations on how they can use the money. And that could be true. It's more likely they will have a contract drawn up for such to ensure that only shallow-water projects can benefit from this. Your very slow sometimes. *has a good laugh* I borrow $100 bucks from you, I use that $100 to buy 5,000 pieces of fruit, then I turn around and sell those pieces of fruit to you for $10,000 and a couple weeks later I send you a check for $150 to pay off the loan, who paid for the loan in reality? $2 per fruit isn't a bad price. And if that's how it has to be until this mess is sorted out, that's how it has to be. And yes, that is a bad deal for us as far as how much they make off of it. But I can't personally do a damn thing about it. Also, on a related note, congress can shoot down the loan without even an "official" vote (as they would with a bill or some such). They just have to go "Nah, we don't like it" and it can't go through. Oh, the drilling by American companies buy more equipment here because they are here drilling, not just a couple pieces here and there for appearances joker. They also contract OUR people because we have the experts. Chances are those experts are going to want to use the US-made equipment, since they're used to it. Trying to play word games does what for the intent of this discussion kid? You said it is banned. It's not. That's not a word game, dipshit. It's me proving you're wrong. Ban, severe and hostile regulation, restrictions, limitations, exclusions Coincidentally, they don't mean the same things. One of those things is not like the others. I'll let you determine which. whatever you want to call it your still avoiding the point, the Government is not letting shallow drilling happen at a pace that keeps all the platforms working so these oil companies have to try and deep drill to get the oil we and they need. It's probably overregulated. And if Obama tried to kill a few of those regulations, he'd get sh!t flung at him from both parties, and the regulations would probably still stand anyway. If Congress could pull their heads out of their asses and actually do something to change things, it wouldn't be an issue. But good ol' Media, they try to regulate it logically, and CNN/Fox pop in with "THEY ARE MAKING IT MORE DANGEROUS!" and suddenly quite a few people in congress just lost votes. Is it right to make decisions based on pandering to the morons that don't research certain topics? I don't believe so. Is it logical to avoid doing something that will possibly make you lose your job? Yes. Quote "...and I want to look him straight in the eye and I want to tell him what a, cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-ass, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed, sack of monkey sh*t HE IS!? ?..Hallelujah! Holy sh*t! Where?s the Tylenol?"
Times Posted September 23, 2010 Posted September 23, 2010 Yeah. My educational system definitely failed me. Moron. OMG, is there really a person this stupid who can still function in the world? Do you think every drilling operation results in oil production? I gave you enough credit to know that drilling a hole is not a gurantee they will be able to harvest oil. Take for example this event where an oil rig had a big problem and they cap the well. Sometimes all sorts of problems come up and they even abandon the site to try somewhere new. I am sorry for assuming you understood that much. Quote Most if not all stereotypes hold some truth. ?The politicians don't just want your money. They want your soul. They want you to be worn down by taxes until you are dependent and helpless. When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both.? ~ James Dale Davidson
jokersarewild Posted September 23, 2010 Posted September 23, 2010 Never said "every one of them" does. Using the word "many" in your statement, however, implies that there are a good chunk that don't that also have permits. Seems to me like if they just kept wasting money on doing things that lost a whole bunch of money, they'd be out of business or would just stop doing it. Where are you getting your info from? Quote "...and I want to look him straight in the eye and I want to tell him what a, cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-ass, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed, sack of monkey sh*t HE IS!? ?..Hallelujah! Holy sh*t! Where?s the Tylenol?"
jokersarewild Posted September 23, 2010 Posted September 23, 2010 OMG, is there really a person this stupid who can still function in the world? Unfortunately, your parents taught you how to walk and breathe at the same time. 1 Quote "...and I want to look him straight in the eye and I want to tell him what a, cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-ass, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed, sack of monkey sh*t HE IS!? ?..Hallelujah! Holy sh*t! Where?s the Tylenol?"
Times Posted September 24, 2010 Posted September 24, 2010 Never said "every one of them" does. Using the word "many" in your statement, however, implies that there are a good chunk that don't that also have permits. Seems to me like if they just kept wasting money on doing things that lost a whole bunch of money, they'd be out of business or would just stop doing it. Where are you getting your info from? So you make assumptions and insert all sorts of things I never said and then you want me to be responsible for yor what you inserted? Sorry kid, all I can do is speak to what I am taking about, not what you try to insert. I think maybe your inserting things to give you something to reply to because you failed so miserably on the actual topic, I can only tell you to go and educate yourself on topic before you make yourself a fool saying things that really don't make any sense. All I said was not all permits result in oil harvesting, this was fact and anything you tried to add to it is your fault, not mine. Quote Most if not all stereotypes hold some truth. ?The politicians don't just want your money. They want your soul. They want you to be worn down by taxes until you are dependent and helpless. When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both.? ~ James Dale Davidson
Times Posted September 24, 2010 Posted September 24, 2010 OMG, is there really a person this stupid who can still function in the world? Unfortunately, your parents taught you how to walk and breathe at the same time. Unfortunately your parents never taught you how to think on your own and all you have are empty talking points that once we get past your automatic programmed replies, your standing there with empty hands. Your very young and I know that tends to make some kids very arrogant and self-centered but the majority of your last posts have been you trying to save face for being wrong. This story was about Obama killing American jobs by blocking oil production while helping other Countries produce more jobs there and sell their oil to us when we could provide that same oil ourselves. You came in talking trash about how the ban was lifted and this was a non-story and you did not even know a new ban was put in place until I educated you on that point. You shoot your mouth off first, then you later see the truth, you might want to reverse that trend kid, you will find you won't need to work so hard trying to save face that way. Quote Most if not all stereotypes hold some truth. ?The politicians don't just want your money. They want your soul. They want you to be worn down by taxes until you are dependent and helpless. When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both.? ~ James Dale Davidson
jokersarewild Posted September 24, 2010 Posted September 24, 2010 OMG, is there really a person this stupid who can still function in the world? Unfortunately, your parents taught you how to walk and breathe at the same time. Unfortunately your parents never taught you how to think on your own and all you have are empty talking points that once we get past your automatic programmed replies, your standing there with empty hands. Your very young and I know that tends to make some kids very arrogant and self-centered but the majority of your last posts have been you trying to save face for being wrong. I'm not trying to save face for anything. I already admitted that there is still a ban. You just don't read what I post and then just make things up. I said the ban was reinstated (after reading something you'd posted), and that it was illegal (which the judge who killed the first ban said it is). I said it was going to trial the 22nd of this month (or was supposed to). If you actually read what I posted, this wouldn't be an issue for you. Also, what empty talking points would those be, TJ? This story was about Obama killing American jobs by blocking oil production while helping other Countries produce more jobs there and sell their oil to us when we could provide that same oil ourselves. You came in talking trash about how the ban was lifted and this was a non-story and you did not even know a new ban was put in place until I educated you on that point. I already admitted there was another ban in place. Glad to see you're literate. Also, part of my basis for the non-story argument is because the loans are going to specific projects, none of which are deepwater drilling. You shoot your mouth off first, then you later see the truth, you might want to reverse that trend kid, you will find you won't need to work so hard trying to save face that way. I haven't had to work to save face, TJ. I'm still not sure where you're getting that. I had a single post where I had to admit that you were right about something I'd missed in my research. And I didn't "shoot my mouth off". That would imply saying something like "Obama is a Muslim" or "I hate negros". Something with no factual basis that is at least mildly insulting to someone. Quote "...and I want to look him straight in the eye and I want to tell him what a, cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-ass, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed, sack of monkey sh*t HE IS!? ?..Hallelujah! Holy sh*t! Where?s the Tylenol?"
Times Posted September 27, 2010 Posted September 27, 2010 I'm not trying to save face for anything. I already admitted that there is still a ban. You just don't read what I post and then just make things up. I said the ban was reinstated (after reading something you'd posted), and that it was illegal (which the judge who killed the first ban said it is). I said it was going to trial the 22nd of this month (or was supposed to). If you actually read what I posted, this wouldn't be an issue for you. Also, what empty talking points would those be, TJ? Empty talking points is when your main points comming into the discussion are wrong or given to you by the media trying to get the masses like you to not see the truth. You only admitted there was a ban "AFTER I" educated you, 5 seconds of real research in the topic would have shown you that but you were happy spouting the empty talking points handed you instead of doing your own research. I already admitted there was another ban in place. Glad to see you're literate. Literate enough to know the truth about the ban on drilling, you did not even know that, so who here is really having literacy issues? You only know this now because of me, and why do I know while you did not? Because I take the time to educate myself on these kinds of details, you obviously do not but that did not stop you from talking down your nose and trying to act all superior claiming this was a non-topic and such. Also, part of my basis for the non-story argument is because the loans are going to specific projects, none of which are deepwater drilling. The loans are to a Mexican company who we do not have the power to subpoena their books, even if there were specific projects on the loan *but there is not) there would be no way to check and be sure that is where they used the money. Any claims of specific usage of the money id pure propaganda by people like you trying to save face for Obama's decision. The one thing you have not admitted to is this directly hurts Americans. Hundred of thousands of American jobs are eliminated by Obama while at the same time Obama is helping create jobs in Mexico, that is the bigger part of the story and that big part is one your not wanting to discuss. We need jobs here in America but every time we turn around, our President seems to be going out of his way to eliminate jobs, not create them, and that is the real point of this story. I haven't had to work to save face, TJ. I'm still not sure where you're getting that. I had a single post where I had to admit that you were right about something I'd missed in my research. And I didn't "shoot my mouth off". That would imply saying something like "Obama is a Muslim" or "I hate negros". Something with no factual basis that is at least mildly insulting to someone. No, shooting your mouth off is also going on and on about something like the ban being lifted when it was not. You did zero research and relied on what the liberal media programmed you to believe instead of going out there and finding out for yourself. "I" educated you because you were too lazy to educate yourself and after you did have to rely on my greater knowledge, you come bac trying to insult me and put me down with talk about my parents and such all because you need to try and save face for being so completely wrong. This stuff your doing now is how your trying to save face kid. Why not instead thank us all for helping you to better understand things better than you did? 1 Quote Most if not all stereotypes hold some truth. ?The politicians don't just want your money. They want your soul. They want you to be worn down by taxes until you are dependent and helpless. When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both.? ~ James Dale Davidson
jokersarewild Posted September 28, 2010 Posted September 28, 2010 Holy flying f*** you're full of yourself. Yes, I missed that when I was researching the moratorium. I already said this. And yes, I did research, despite what you believe. You seriously spent a whole post like that repeatedly inflating your own ego. I'm almost impressed. Almost. Quote "...and I want to look him straight in the eye and I want to tell him what a, cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-ass, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed, sack of monkey sh*t HE IS!? ?..Hallelujah! Holy sh*t! Where?s the Tylenol?"
jokersarewild Posted September 28, 2010 Posted September 28, 2010 Also... http://www.exim.gov/mexico/pemex.cfm It's important to note that Ex-Im Bank receives no taxpayer funds from Congress. The Bank is totally self-sustaining, paying all of its expenses from the fees and interest that it collects. In fact, since 1992, Ex-Im Bank has given U.S. taxpayers about $5 billion in excess of the cost of Bank operations. Since 1998, Ex-Im Bank financing for PEMEX's purchases of U.S. goods and services has helped create or sustain the jobs of over 47,000 American workers at over 1,300 U.S. companies, including 915 small businesses and 400 large companies. What a bunch of assholes. Quote "...and I want to look him straight in the eye and I want to tell him what a, cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-ass, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed, sack of monkey sh*t HE IS!? ?..Hallelujah! Holy sh*t! Where?s the Tylenol?"
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