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"Dog" Chapman screwed, show pulled from A&E

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Re: "Dog" Chapman screwed, show pulled from A&E


multiple something... beatings... bee stings... something

"Firearms stand next in importance to the constitution itself. They are the American people's liberty teeth and keystone under independence. From the hour the Pilgrims landed, to the present day, events, occurrences, and tendencies prove that to ensure peace, security, and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable. The very atmosphere of firearms everywhere restrains evil interference - they deserve a place of honor with all that's good." - George Washington

Re: "Dog" Chapman screwed, show pulled from A&E


He's really going off on a helluva tangent.Is it just me, or does it look like Dog has suffered multiple bee stings to the face?

I saw that.. good God Doggie.. Now he says he's negotiating to be buried in a nameless grave amongst George Washingtons slaves on a hill at his Mt. Vernon estate.. Begging for the country to forgive him. Forgive yourself doggie, that's all that matters.


Does look like he tangled with a bees nest and lost.. what the hell?

I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy



Re: "Dog" Chapman screwed, show pulled from A&E


I saw that.. good God Doggie.. Now he says he's negotiating to be buried in a nameless grave amongst George Washingtons slaves on a hill at his Mt. Vernon estate.. Begging for the country to forgive him. Forgive yourself doggie, that's all that matters. Does look like he tangled with a bees nest and lost.. what the hell?

Good god is right. I don't think he's sorry, he just doesn't want to lose his tv show and the money that is generating. Also, has he apologized to his son and the girlfriend?

Re: "Dog" Chapman screwed, show pulled from A&E


I saw Dog on Larry King Live. He was crying occasionally during the interview, but CNN must have better make-up people because his face looked pretty normal.

Been wrong before, could be wrong now, will probably be wrong again. Don't take yourself so dang seriously. ;)

Re: "Dog" Chapman screwed, show pulled from A&E


I saw Dog on Larry King Live. He was crying occasionally during the interview, but CNN must have better make-up people because his face looked pretty normal.

He's thinking about his house payment when those tears start flowing. I think Dog might actually pull this off. He may be the first "N*gger guy" to actually not circle the drain and disappear from public view.


N*gger Guy? Yea, that's from Southpark's "The N word" episode. Other N*gger guys include; Jimmy the Greek. Michael Richards. Imus. All N*gger guys.




Even Donald Duck was once a "N*gger Guy".


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbjyJE27gUY]YouTube - Donald Duck Racist?[/ame]



I'm better than normal. I'm abnormal.


Re: "Dog" Chapman screwed, show pulled from A&E


You mean nagger guy right?

Right. Nagger guy. Thats what I meant. Maybe thats what Dog "meant" to say. Maybe his sons girlfriend was just a nagger.


Holy sh*t!! That would have been the way to go. Better than all this sobbing on the TV and bullsh*t about being buried with slaves. He could have gone with plausible denial. He should have just said he didn't say n*gger. He said nagger. PERFECT!!!



I'm better than normal. I'm abnormal.


Re: "Dog" Chapman screwed, show pulled from A&E


The thing that bothers me most about this is that the son recorded this convo 8 months ago, and is just now selling it.


I thought Dog seemed very remorseful on Larry King last night (the 15 or so minutes that I watched of it anyway.)


And seriously, why is the word such a bad word? It's just six letters. It has no power unless you let it. If it's really that bad then where is the outcry towards the gansta rappers that use it more than they use the word "the"? Or the homeboys that toss it back and forth as a term of brotherhood and friendship? (See Rush Hour for a good example of this.)


I'm not excusing Dog, cause he screwed up, and he screwed up hard. But he is accepting blame for it, not pushing it off on any number of people or circumnstances that he could (ie: The Inquirer, his son, his ex-wife, rappers, etc.)

I hate signatures, so I don't have one.




Re: "Dog" Chapman screwed, show pulled from A&E


I found him remorseful also. Like he said he thought he was cool enough to use it as he did with some of his black friends. I don't believe he's racist. I think him and his sons girl friend just don't get along. Nothing racist about that.




Re: "Dog" Chapman screwed, show pulled from A&E


I wonder how it would be received if white folks went up in arms with this lynch mob mentality and went after a black guy for saying "white trash"? No this term doesn't have the historical punch of the word "n*gger", but its still a racist remark. "Nappy headed hoes" doesn't have historical context but that was enough to ruin a guys life. So why is "white trash" acceptable?


The problem is, the only organized white people that would speak out are skinheads and Klansman.



I'm better than normal. I'm abnormal.


Re: "Dog" Chapman screwed, show pulled from A&E


I think having to sleep with that wife of his should absolve him of any sins.

I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts. ? Will Rogers

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