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Are you sure you linked to the correct video?


I don't see any of those things in the video. I see a guy in a Hummer, people walking behind him with signs with his name on them.


I also don't see anything in the video that says anyone in the video, the candidate or his supporters have anything to do with the tea party.

My bad, I was thinking of the other video.In THIS video, you have morons walking around capaigning with their guns to the side.


What the hell is THAT all about? Vote the way we want or else?


That's nothing more then intimidation.... and childish.






I disagree. It looked to me like the marchers were displaying their constitutional right to carry firearms.
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"Firearms stand next in importance to the constitution itself. They are the American people's liberty teeth and keystone under independence. From the hour the Pilgrims landed, to the present day, events, occurrences, and tendencies prove that to ensure peace, security, and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable. The very atmosphere of firearms everywhere restrains evil interference - they deserve a place of honor with all that's good." - George Washington

Are you sure you linked to the correct video?


I don't see any of those things in the video. I see a guy in a Hummer, people walking behind him with signs with his name on them.


I also don't see anything in the video that says anyone in the video, the candidate or his supporters have anything to do with the tea party.

My bad, I was thinking of the other video.In THIS video, you have morons walking around capaigning with their guns to the side.


What the hell is THAT all about? Vote the way we want or else?


That's nothing more then intimidation.... and childish.






I disagree. It looked to me like the marchers were displaying their constitutional right to carry firearms.


that's what I saw, RaE. They weren't threatening anyone, they weren't pointing their guns at anyone.


Just showing that it is legal to own and carry firearms, so that is what they were doing.


What's wrong Phreak- your "It's ok do do something that is completely legal" idea only apply to things that get you high? ;)

I hate signatures, so I don't have one.



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So what was their point in doing it? Of course it's legal, only has been for a few hundred years. So if your gonna nag about me pointing it out, then one has NO BUSINESS nagging about a small group like the Black Panthers doing the same.





The NBP were violating federal law. I would also point out something nobody else does. I would argue if it had been investigated at the scene, King Shabaz was probably in violation of carrying a concealed weapon laws also.
One of the consequences of such notions as "entitlements" is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.? ~ Thomas Sowell

I saw the video yesterday and it said it was 24 years ago, didn't post it because I saw it as a non-issue.


TJ must have been "duped" by the same blogs that the Obama administration and the NAACP were, and they once again, in another knee jerk reaction, they "acted stupidly".

Yep, a knee jerk reaction. Guess it could have been a worse knee jerk reaction... maybe something like a starting a war in the middle east under false info type knee jerk reaction... but, since it's the Obama administration, let's blame the president for not micromanaging every little department out there and say it's his fault. Let's make it out to be an even worse decision then Iraq and impeach him..




Again, my point had nothing to do with the lady speaking, it was about the NAACP audience who were all displaying great pleasure while the lady spoke about giving "whitie" a hard time.




You go on and on trying to claim that the tea party movement is racist but you can't show one example of how the average members are involved in any racist actions or speach. The most you can do is offer a couple idiots who are not part of the main audience with a stupid sign or maybe even saying something bad but that is the exception, not the rule Phreakwars.


As I already pointed out and you refuse to admit, there have been idiots with nasty signs at Democrat meetings in the past too, the sign saying they support troops who shoot their officers is one great example, does that sign at one of your big gatherings mean that "EVERY" person there where that sign also agreed that it was good for troops to shoot their officers Phreakwars?

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Most if not all stereotypes hold some truth.


?The politicians don't just want your money. They want your soul. They want you to be worn down by taxes until you are dependent and helpless. When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both.? ~ James Dale Davidson

So what was their point in doing it? Of course it's legal, only has been for a few hundred years. So if your gonna nag about me pointing it out, then one has NO BUSINESS nagging about a small group like the Black Panthers doing the same.





The point is we are only one USSC judge away fron the right to bear arms no longer being an individual right.
I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts. ? Will Rogers
The point is we are only one USSC judge away fron the right to bear arms no longer being an individual right.

That will NEVER EVER happen. This idea that liberals (Democrats if you will) are anti 2-a or anti guns is nothing more then a stereotype myth. Yes, you do find SOME liberals (rarely progressives), who are for banning guns and taking away rights, but those on the left who are pro 2-a and gun advocates themselves (myself included) more then make up for the minute number of crybabies who fear guns.


As for the video, I think the guys toting the guns are doing more harm for their own party's voters by emphasizing an intimidating stance with their guns. I think it will make the more moderate Republican cringe and say "hey now, we don't need to be making statements with weapons".





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You go on and on trying to claim that the tea party movement is racist but you can't show one example of how the average members are involved in any racist actions or speach. The most you can do is offer a couple idiots who are not part of the main audience with a stupid sign or maybe even saying something bad but that is the exception,

The exception, or the excuse? How many isolated exceptions does it take? That's why the tea party always has been and always will be a frikken joke. They don't want to claim ANY leadership because they know damn well there are too many whack jobs among them. Claiming no leadership gives them the perfect excuse to say "such and such is an isolated incident"


Typical right wing playbook scenario... NEVER take responsibility for what you have done.





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Mark Williams was treated just as bad as Mrs. Sherrod, he too, was taken out of context. His letter to President Lincoln was obvious satire, but nobody cared, because he was white...


No Context Allowed: Mark Williams Out At Tea Party ExpressI understood Mark Williams' item as satire. I expect everyone did. But no one on the Right should expect any context be given for what they say, do, or write. His timing wasn't very smart, either - given we had the NAACP on the run over their Tea Party resolution. Still, context is only reserved for those on the Left. Geesh! Everyone knows that!


In a letter to the Sacramento-based Tea Party Express, Williams said the media and "our domestic enemies" had misinterpreted his attempt at satire.



Was it poor satire, yes. But obvious satire.

One of the consequences of such notions as "entitlements" is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.? ~ Thomas Sowell
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So we should feel bad for a guy who says "OH, I WAS ONLY KIDDING" yet brand the woman who talked about how wrong racism is, but was purposely taken out of context to smear the current administration, a racist after all?





Two things. You obviously missed the point again. Williams shouldn't be called a racist for satire (like you did) and no, Sherrod shouldn't be branded anything for anything taken out of context.


That said, if you watch all of the video of Sherrod, and take into account all the things she's said since, she obviously didn't change her view of people after the "white farmer" event. She obviously still sees people through racial colored eyes, but that doesn't mean she lets it influence her job.

One of the consequences of such notions as "entitlements" is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.? ~ Thomas Sowell

The point is we are only one USSC judge away fron the right to bear arms no longer being an individual right.

That will NEVER EVER happen. This idea that liberals (Democrats if you will) are anti 2-a or anti guns is nothing more then a stereotype myth. Yes, you do find SOME liberals (rarely progressives), who are for banning guns and taking away rights, but those on the left who are pro 2-a and gun advocates themselves (myself included) more then make up for the minute number of crybabies who fear guns.


As for the video, I think the guys toting the guns are doing more harm for their own party's voters by emphasizing an intimidating stance with their guns. I think it will make the more moderate Republican cringe and say "hey now, we don't need to be making statements with weapons".






There have been two major Supremee Court decisions in the last couple years on the second amendment. Both decisions have been 5-4 in favor of the idea that the right to bear arms is an individual right, Guess who the four dissenting judges are?


Let me make it easy:


Supreme Court limits local gun bans


Justices rebuff Chicago, which defended ban as reasonable exercise of local powerVideo


Supreme Courts calls the shots on guns .Timeline


History of the Supreme Court .Advertisement | ad info




updated 6/28/2010 6:53:56 PM ET


Share Print Font: +-WASHINGTON ? The Supreme Court held Monday that Americans have the right to own a gun for self-defense anywhere they live, expanding the conservative court's embrace of gun rights since John Roberts became chief justice.


By a 5-4 vote, the justices cast doubt on handgun bans in the Chicago area, but signaled that some limitations on the Constitution's "right to keep and bear arms" could survive legal challenges.


On its busy final day before a three-month recess, the court also ruled that a public law school can legally deny recognition to a Christian student group that won't let gays join, jumped into the nation's charged immigration debate by agreeing to review an employer sanctions law from Arizona and said farewell to Justice John Paul Stevens, who is retiring after more than 34 years.


A short distance from the court, the Senate Judiciary Committee began confirmation hearings for Elena Kagan, nominated by President Barack Obama to replace Stevens.


In the guns case, Justice Samuel Alito said for the court that the Second Amendment right "applies equally to the federal government and the states."


The court was split along familiar ideological lines, with five conservative-moderate justices in favor of gun rights and four liberals opposed. Roberts voted with the majority.


Two years ago, the court declared that the Second Amendment protects an individual's right to possess guns, at least for purposes of self-defense in the home.

I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts. ? Will Rogers
I wonder if anyone was stopped and asked for their permits...I would imagine, none. Now just imagine how that would have played out if they had been non-whites walking down the street with their guns in holsters and around their necks? I bet they would be stopped, told to assume the position and taken to jail...no questions asked.
I wonder if anyone was stopped and asked for their permits...I would imagine, none. Now just imagine how that would have played out if they had been non-whites walking down the street with their guns in holsters and around their necks? I bet they would be stopped, told to assume the position and taken to jail...no questions asked.

If they were part of an organized parade I believe the result would have been the same.
  • Like 1
I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts. ? Will Rogers



You go on and on trying to claim that the tea party movement is racist but you can't show one example of how the average members are involved in any racist actions or speach. The most you can do is offer a couple idiots who are not part of the main audience with a stupid sign or maybe even saying something bad but that is the exception,

The exception, or the excuse? How many isolated exceptions does it take? That's why the tea party always has been and always will be a frikken joke. They don't want to claim ANY leadership because they know damn well there are too many whack jobs among them. Claiming no leadership gives them the perfect excuse to say "such and such is an isolated incident"


Typical right wing playbook scenario... NEVER take responsibility for what you have done.






So is it an exception or an excuse when it happend with you socialists/liberals/progressives?


That is my point Phreakwars.


A sign displayed at a liberal gathering of thousands of people where the sign says they support soldiers who shoot their officers.....was that an exception Phreakwars? Did ever Liberal in that group agree with what was on that sign?


When the lady described her abuse of the white farmer to an all NAACP assembly and the audience cheered, was that an exception?


You keep dodging my point, how can you paint all people involved with the tea parties as racists just because of a insignificant lone person holding a stupid sign? And if that is all it takes, then does that mean all liberals want soldiers to shoot their officers? All NAACP members love to screw over white people?


Really Phreakwars?

Most if not all stereotypes hold some truth.


?The politicians don't just want your money. They want your soul. They want you to be worn down by taxes until you are dependent and helpless. When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both.? ~ James Dale Davidson


Like I said before, how many isolated incidents does it take to make a pattern? You can point out some liberal holding up a sign saying shoot the officers, but can you point out a pattern of this like you could with the teabaggers?


And NAACP audience cheered at her talking about abuse of a white farmer? Where the hell are you seeing THAT version? Fox News?





Like I said before, how many isolated incidents does it take to make a pattern? You can point out some liberal holding up a sign saying shoot the officers, but can you point out a pattern of this like you could with the teabaggers?

Yes I can, I found hundreds of examples of signs with everything from saying they wanted Bush dead to asking for troops to kill their officers, do you really want me to post them?


My point is "BOTH SIDES" have idiots who show up at their meetings. You refuse to apply your standard to both sides. Either the idiots holding signs represent 'everyone' at the meetings or they do not. You can't have it both ways.


And NAACP audience cheered at her talking about abuse of a white farmer? Where the hell are you seeing THAT version? Fox News?





Try watching the whole thing.


They very clearly loved the story about sticking it to whitie.


And what is your obsession with Fox news? Upset they are crushing the other pure sociailist Networks? Sour grapes?

Most if not all stereotypes hold some truth.


?The politicians don't just want your money. They want your soul. They want you to be worn down by taxes until you are dependent and helpless. When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both.? ~ James Dale Davidson

Like I said before, how many isolated incidents does it take to make a pattern? You can point out some liberal holding up a sign saying shoot the officers, but can you point out a pattern of this like you could with the teabaggers?

Yes I can, I found hundreds of examples of signs with everything from saying they wanted Bush dead to asking for troops to kill their officers, do you really want me to post them?




My point is "BOTH SIDES" have idiots who show up at their meetings. You refuse to apply your standard to both sides. Either the idiots holding signs represent 'everyone' at the meetings or they do not. You can't have it both ways.

And NAACP audience cheered at her talking about abuse of a white farmer? Where the hell are you seeing THAT version? Fox News?





Try watching the whole thing.


They very clearly loved the story about sticking it to whitie.


Nope, didn't see that, post the clip and give me the time frame
And what is your obsession with Fox news? Upset they are crushing the other pure sociailist Networks? Sour grapes?

All networks EXCEPT fox are liberal media, yet for some reason Fox always seems to be the one getting caught up in all the lies and scandals they create which inevitably get debunked... hmm..





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One of the consequences of such notions as "entitlements" is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.? ~ Thomas Sowell

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