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Had a co worker take his own life last Friday.


What is bazaar is he was going through the same thing I am. He even tried the bald head thing the same couple weeks I did. His wife is leaving him and she?s taking half of his retirement. Well I guess she gets it all now. I know its pretty chicken sh*t of him to do it but hasn?t that crossed everybody that?s over 40?s mind one time or another?


I can?t see my daughters trying to explain it to the grandkids or how the parents who?s in their 70?s and 80?s to see their son gone before them.


This guy lined up 5 bullets and put a name in front each one. I haven't heard the whole story yet but I know only one of the names and that guy is a nice guy. I can?t see why he picked him for one of the bullets.


Anyway the 6th one he used on himself.




Sorry to hear that snaf... Glad he didn't decide to go out in a blaze of glory and use those other 5 bullets first..


Hope you're doin' all right bud.. There's always better options than the one this guy chose, and no amount of retirement money, or anything else is worth non - existence. Life is short enough the way it is..

I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy


All hits too close to home for me. I wish you the best Snaf. The guy is an absolute coward and the drama he created with the bullets did nothing but make an already painful situation worse. What a douche...sorry.

Dispair and rejection is some of the most powerful negative events a human being can ever face, who can ever really understand why some people can find the strength to cope with the stress while other people do something like this.


I bet everyone close to him is wondering if they could have helped him, got him some help.


Stay tough Snaf, everything has the ability to get better until you give up. My thoughts are with you my friend.

Most if not all stereotypes hold some truth.


?The politicians don't just want your money. They want your soul. They want you to be worn down by taxes until you are dependent and helpless. When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both.? ~ James Dale Davidson


Yeah everybody's pointing fingers now on who should've known and what not. Someone should have intervined. Inspectors are questioning workers that were talking to him mostly. The bullet and list thing is what has them up in arms.


He could've used them without impunity. We don't have that much security other than badge swipe entrence.



Dispair and rejection is some of the most powerful negative events a human being can ever face, who can ever really understand why some people can find the strength to cope with the stress while other people do something like this.


I bet everyone close to him is wondering if they could have helped him, got him some help.


Stay tough Snaf, everything has the ability to get better until you give up. My thoughts are with you my friend.

Yeah it's like morning a death......



It crossed my mind once, when I split from my husband years ago. I truly didn't care anymore. I don't think I could have blown my head off, but I just didn't want to live anymore. I had lost my father and some very close friends before that though, and think I was overwhelmed. Now being a mom, I cannot imagine leaving my son without me. No spouse or any amount of money loss would be enough to make me feel that way again. Who knows what might have been for him. He might have actually met and fell in love with someone again who loved him back. Enjoyed more camping trips, fishing, friends. Really creepy that he would have names for the other bullits though. Also, had I taken my life after my split with my ex-husband, I wouldn't have my son, I wouldn't have had the dream job I got a year after that; I wouldn't have moved to shitty AZ (lol) although I had some great experiences while there and made some great friends. Everytime I go hiking I can't imagine never being able to do so. You never know what wonderful things can lie ahead if you end it too soon.
..... and CB you are nothing like him. You are thoughtful, kind and very muched loved by all who know you. So forget that you think you two had anything in common other than a haircut and being left by someone who is confused or stupid. ;)
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