Moderators IWS Posted August 24, 2010 Moderators Posted August 24, 2010 Old and Busted: Obama Regime Counting Jobs ?Saved or Created? by Stimulus Bill. New and Hot: Counting ?Lives Touched?? http://weaselzippers...-lives-touched/ Obamanomics: Touching lives $195,000 at a time Published: 2:04 PM 08/19/2010 | Updated: 9:34 PM 08/23/2010 Every time a report on the stimulus bill is released, one can almost hear the sound of ?Yakety Sax? playing in the background and the president?s team running around in frantic disarray. It isn?t simply the absurdity of a recent Government Accountability Report (GAO), finding that each job ?created? by the stimulus bill costs an average of $194,213. It?s the fundamental shell game that the administration is playing with the public regarding the numbers, a game that can only be interpreted one of two ways ? either the administration itself is inept in their reporting, or they assume the American people are too inept to catch on. In fact, the jobs reporting has been such a muddled mess, that even liberal media stalwart, MSNBC, couldn?t keep track of their stories earlier in the year. On January 13th, they ran two stimulus related stories, one which touted the White House claim that the stimulus had saved two million jobs, and another which explained why calculating such a number is impossible. Now however, the GAO report shows that the phrase ?jobs created? or ?jobs saved? is no longer the term of choice. They have decided to go with ? wait for it ? ?lives touched?. Essentially, we?ve now transitioned from the aforementioned terminology, on to ?jobs funded?, and eventually landed on something reminiscent of an after school special, ?lives touched?. So what exactly defines a touched life? A spokesperson from the CH2M Hill Plateau Remediation Company explains: ?Lives Touched? is a figure that the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) uses to track the amount of people who have been positively affected by the Recovery Act funds. This total would include people who have been provided full time employment (i.e. saved and created jobs) through the Recovery Act and people who at some point have supported a project funded by the Recovery Act. In other words, the administration has stumbled upon another way to inflate their job numbers. They were already reporting on those saved or created, but will now include ?people who at some point have supported a project.? Read more: http://dailycaller.c.../#ixzz0xU1imUWa Quote One of the consequences of such notions as "entitlements" is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.? ~ Thomas Sowell
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