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Obama gives progressives the finger and switches political parties

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I actually agree with him. He's saying he cares more about what helps the American People than the notion that if we give an inch, we've given a mile.
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"...and I want to look him straight in the eye and I want to tell him what a, cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-ass, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed, sack of monkey sh*t HE IS!? ?..Hallelujah! Holy sh*t! Where?s the Tylenol?"

He's lying his ass off. It WON'T help the American people, it will only benefit the rich and of course, cost us money that we will be lending from China to pay for it all.


If those tax breaks the rich are supposedly so damn great, how come they never worked for the 8 years Bush was in office?


Obama is nothing but a god damn sell out and I hope Democrats primary his ass out.





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He's lying his ass off. It WON'T help the American people, it will only benefit the rich and of course, cost us money that we will be lending from China to pay for it all.

You and your buddies on the left lied for 10 years that the Bush tax cuts only helped the rich but funny how now the left is wanting to keep the Bush tax rates for the middle and lower class in effect, that they argued for years didn't exist.


Next leftist lie...


If those tax breaks the rich are supposedly so damn great, how come they never worked for the 8 years Bush was in office?





The left has no credibility on it's claims of any fiscal/economic/financial claims.


(See thread on Freddy Mac and Fannie Mae)


Obama is nothing but a god damn sell out and I hope Democrats primary his ass out..



Never happen.
One of the consequences of such notions as "entitlements" is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.? ~ Thomas Sowell
Do the progressives realize that Queen Nancy is soon to be dethroned and that Obama has to deal with a Republican House? If he wanted to extend unemployment benefits it was his only choice. Sadly, it looks like we have returned to the Bush era of borrow and spend. The right gets their tax cuts and the left gets their government programs.
I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts. ? Will Rogers

IWS, if those article links you posted are accurate.. WHERE ARE THE JOBS?


If that was accurate, Obama wouldn't have had a mess to deal with in the first place.


If that were accurate, Obama wouldn't even have gotten elected..




The proof is in the pudding, not in the opinion pieces.


Where is all the great wealth the cuts created?





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IWS, if those article links you posted are accurate.. WHERE ARE THE JOBS?


If that was accurate, Obama wouldn't have had a mess to deal with in the first place.


If that were accurate, Obama wouldn't even have gotten elected..




The proof is in the pudding, not in the opinion pieces.


Where is all the great wealth the cuts created?





I see you still are in denial about where the financial crisis started. The housing bubble is the right answer. That's why I referenced the Freddy Mac and Fannie Mae thread showing all the times the conservatives wanted to fix them and the progressives kept blocking attempts and denying anything was wrong.
One of the consequences of such notions as "entitlements" is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.? ~ Thomas Sowell
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The housing bubble is the reason we lost millions of jobs? Yeah right.. explain that one.


Explain to me how bad home loans resulted in companies shutting down.


THIS I gotta hear.











Hell, even Wikipedia has accepted this...




It was like dominos after the housing crash.


I will admit that the fed keeping interest rates artificially low for far too long led to way too much cheap, easy, money and a deal of the blame.

One of the consequences of such notions as "entitlements" is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.? ~ Thomas Sowell

What the hell was THAT? All those links linked to is sh*t about the mortgage financial crisis, which has NOTHING to do with business shutting down. What, did bosses fire employees who couldn't make mortgage payments? Did banks forclose on business' because they were bad business deals made to people who bought homes? GET REAL MAN. There is one VERY huge hole in the whole Fannie and Freddie did it theory... FANNIE AND FREDDIE ARE HOME LENDERS, NOT BUSINESS LENDERS.


That Fannie and Freddie meme is horse sh*t Republican blame game talk about something completely unrelated to America losing it's industrial sector. The banks could have very easily switched liquid assets into the industrial sector and avoided the housing sector, but they didn't, they got greedy.


The REAL problem is wage inequality which resulted in Americans losing valuable income to actually make payments on sh*t. Losing money to afford to buy sh*t to keep other business afloat, that is pretty damn obvious I don't care what your politics are.





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What the hell was THAT? All those links linked to is sh*t about the mortgage financial crisis, which has NOTHING to do with business shutting down. What, did bosses fire employees who couldn't make mortgage payments? Did banks forclose on business' because they were bad business deals made to people who bought homes? GET REAL MAN. There is one VERY huge hole in the whole Fannie and Freddie did it theory... FANNIE AND FREDDIE ARE HOME LENDERS, NOT BUSINESS LENDERS.


That Fannie and Freddie meme is horse sh*t Republican blame game talk about something completely unrelated to America losing it's industrial sector. The banks could have very easily switched liquid assets into the industrial sector and avoided the housing sector, but they didn't, they got greedy.


The REAL problem is wage inequality which resulted in Americans losing valuable income to actually make payments on sh*t. Losing money to afford to buy sh*t to keep other business afloat, that is pretty damn obvious I don't care what your politics are.





I see you didn't read them.
One of the consequences of such notions as "entitlements" is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.? ~ Thomas Sowell





Science Reading Maths


1 Finland 563 547 548


2 Canada 534 527 527


3 Japan 531 498 523


4 New Zealand 530 521 522


5 Australia 527 513 520


6 Netherlands 525 507 531


7 Korea 522 556 547


8 Germany 516 495 504


9 United Kingdom 515 495 495


10 Czech Republic1 513 483 510


11 Switzerland 512 499 530


12 Austria 511 490 505


13 Belgium 510 501 520


14 Ireland 508 517 501


15 Hungary 504 482 491


16 Sweden 503 507 502


17 OECD average 500 492 498


18 Poland1 498 508 495


19 Denmark 496 494 513


20 France 495 488 496


21 Iceland 491 484 506


22 United States 489 .. 474


23 Slovak Republic 488 466 492


24 Spain 488 461 480


25 Norway 487 484 490


26 Luxembourg 486 479 490


27 Russian Federation 479 440 476


28 Italy 475 469 462


29 Portugal1 474 472 466


30 Greece 473 460 459


31 Turkey1 424 447 424


32 Mexico 410 410 406


33 Brazil1 390 393 370


In the era of globalization being poorly educated ain't good for individuals or nations.

I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts. ? Will Rogers

? American Indian---482/480 (962)


? Asian American-----575/508 (1083)


? African American-----426/431 (857)


? Puerto Rican----457/448 (905)


Other Hispanic----464/457 (921)


? White-----534/529 (1063)


? Other ----513/501 (1014)


Us whiteys ain't doing bad.

I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts. ? Will Rogers

What the hell was THAT? All those links linked to is sh*t about the mortgage financial crisis, which has NOTHING to do with business shutting down. What, did bosses fire employees who couldn't make mortgage payments? Did banks forclose on business' because they were bad business deals made to people who bought homes? GET REAL MAN. There is one VERY huge hole in the whole Fannie and Freddie did it theory... FANNIE AND FREDDIE ARE HOME LENDERS, NOT BUSINESS LENDERS.


That Fannie and Freddie meme is horse sh*t Republican blame game talk about something completely unrelated to America losing it's industrial sector. The banks could have very easily switched liquid assets into the industrial sector and avoided the housing sector, but they didn't, they got greedy.


The REAL problem is wage inequality which resulted in Americans losing valuable income to actually make payments on sh*t. Losing money to afford to buy sh*t to keep other business afloat, that is pretty damn obvious I don't care what your politics are.





I see you didn't read them.


The hell I didn't, I see you read them, but made something out of it that isn't there... an excuse for losing the job sector.Bottom line, the BANKS ( you know, the guys we bailed out and keep pressuring to start lending again) had control of the job lending, not Freddie or Fannie, don't care how much you wanna spin it and try blaming them, it's simply not so.


The only reason right wingers keep it up and keep it up with the "BLAME FREDDIE AND FANNIE" BS is because it wasn't a Republican program, and it was headed by a gay congressman.


Complete frikken political rhetoric.





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In the era of globalization being poorly educated ain't good for individuals or nations.

What's sad, is thanks to defunding, todays generation, is actually dumber then the last.




Defunding what?


Not education. Since 1970 spending per student have sky rocketed, but scores haven't improved.



One of the consequences of such notions as "entitlements" is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.? ~ Thomas Sowell

In the era of globalization being poorly educated ain't good for individuals or nations.

What's sad, is thanks to defunding, todays generation, is actually dumber then the last.




Defunding what?


Not education. Since 1970 spending per student have sky rocketed, but scores haven't improved.




Don't need no stinking science, but gotta have math and reading. How else can you tell if you're getting all of your benefits in the unemployment check?
  • Like 2
Been wrong before, could be wrong now, will probably be wrong again. Don't take yourself so dang seriously. ;)
Defunding what?

In the 70's, Pell grants for instance, covered 100% of your tuition cost for 2 years, now it covers what? 50%-60?


Your talking about k-12, I'm talking about higher education.


Correct me if I'm wrong here, but I could have sworn jobs that are geared towards advancements in technology and science, require a little bit more then just a high school diploma.


Also, if your into all that bookworm stuff, here's a GREAT read that I read about a year ago:




I think I still have it here around the house somewhere in the boxes of books my wife rarely throws out. I'll be happy to borrow it to you. It's not a very big book, only like 200 pages or so. Very interesting read and perspective though.


As for K-12, the problem there isn't the funding, the problem there is what is being taught and at what levels.


The Chinese for instance, have 3rd grade aged kids doing algebra. English is taught as a second language to 6 year olds.


Did you know, there are more people in China who speak English then there are Americans who speak it.


It's things like that, that give them an edge, and it's a sobering reality that some people either aren't aware of, or don't want to believe.





Defunding what?

In the 70's, Pell grants for instance, covered 100% of your tuition cost for 2 years, now it covers what? 50%-60?


Your talking about k-12, I'm talking about higher education.


Correct me if I'm wrong here, but I could have sworn jobs that are geared towards advancements in technology and science, require a little bit more then just a high school diploma.


Also, if your into all that bookworm stuff, here's a GREAT read that I read about a year ago:




I think I still have it here around the house somewhere in the boxes of books my wife rarely throws out. I'll be happy to borrow it to you. It's not a very big book, only like 200 pages or so. Very interesting read and perspective though.


As for K-12, the problem there isn't the funding, the problem there is what is being taught and at what levels.


The Chinese for instance, have 3rd grade aged kids doing algebra. English is taught as a second language to 6 year olds.


Did you know, there are more people in China who speak English then there are Americans who speak it.


It's things like that, that give them an edge, and it's a sobering reality that some people either aren't aware of, or don't want to believe.






But how long have they been doing this for? The way I understand it, this is a fairly recent thing. I'm curious as to whether their students will do better, or worse, later in their lives. Sure, they will have more stuff hammered into them, but will they be too burnt out for higher learning?


Also, having 8 year olds doing algrebra seems ludicrous.

"...and I want to look him straight in the eye and I want to tell him what a, cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-ass, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed, sack of monkey sh*t HE IS!? ?..Hallelujah! Holy sh*t! Where?s the Tylenol?"
Obama is nothing but a god damn sell out and I hope Democrats primary his ass out.





How fast they turn on their own, in this reguard Obama is right, to many it is either all or nothing. To the true die hard socialist progressives, the only success is the complete takeover of all things by the Government, anything that falls short is utter failure. Progressives wanted socialist healthcare so bad that nothing else Obama has done will ever measure up.


But Obama is also right about something else, social security was not designed to be the out of control spending machine it is today, it "GREW" into what we see today and this was Obama's plan all along. Get "SOMETHING" passed and let it grow just like every other entitlement program ever created. If allowed to survive, Obamacare will slowly tranform into a full blown single payer system just like Canada has.


Cry a river guys but Obama simply did not have the votes to pass anything more than what he did pass. That is not being a traitor, that is being realistic.


As far as the Bush tax cuts are concerned, try to consider "WHO" creates jobs. Why would a rich guy spend millions of dollars to create a new business, or expand an existing business if he was going to be taxed so high he will end up losing money instead of making money? Without changing any tax code right now, around 50% of Americans already pay no Federal taxes.


The biggest problem with Progressives is they believe every penny made should belong to the Government and the Government then issues out money back to the people as they see fit. I don't want that vision of America to come true.

Most if not all stereotypes hold some truth.


?The politicians don't just want your money. They want your soul. They want you to be worn down by taxes until you are dependent and helpless. When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both.? ~ James Dale Davidson

The bill is fiscally irresponsible. Noone should support it. The whole tax system must be overhauled.
  • Like 1
I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts. ? Will Rogers

Obama is nothing but a god damn sell out and I hope Democrats primary his ass out.







As far as the Bush tax cuts are concerned, try to consider "WHO" creates jobs.




What jobs?They had 10 years to create them, they never did.. and now the excuse is... well, we can't create them because of the uncertainty our taxes will go up... BULLSHIT.. What's the excuse for not creating them before Obama even took office, before the guy even ran.


If those tax cuts were so damn great, we wouldn't have elected Obama in the first place.


And again








Obama is nothing but a god damn sell out and I hope Democrats primary his ass out.







As far as the Bush tax cuts are concerned, try to consider "WHO" creates jobs.




What jobs?They had 10 years to create them, they never did.. and now the excuse is... well, we can't create them because of the uncertainty our taxes will go up... BULLSHIT.. What's the excuse for not creating them before Obama even took office, before the guy even ran.


If those tax cuts were so damn great, we wouldn't have elected Obama in the first place.


And again








The same can be said about the jobs created with the "Stimulus" the progressives passed. They claim all the time they created millions of jobs but where are they Phreakwars?


When the Progressives caused the housing and banking meltdown it caused collateral damage to millions of jobs because most bigger and even some smaller companies had at least some attachment and investments to the banking industry as well. The damage caused to the banking industry is the key, and that damage was caused by Progressives trying to force home ownership in society to people who could never afford it.


The reason why the rich have been holding onto their money is because Obama and the rest of the progressives have been promising to increase taxes on the "rich" from day one. Why would anyone risk their money when there is someone there promising to punish them if they do?


Again Phreakwars, who creats jobs? You want people like you to get a tax break but how many people do you employ? Only the "rich" employ other people, if you continue to treat the "rich" like the enemy, they will continue to keep their money sitting still where the Government can't touch it.




By the way, just to be completely accurate, this is not a tax break, this is continuing "EXISTING" tax levels. If they are not continued, then a massive tax hike would happen, and it is the tax hike that has businesses concerned.

Most if not all stereotypes hold some truth.


?The politicians don't just want your money. They want your soul. They want you to be worn down by taxes until you are dependent and helpless. When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both.? ~ James Dale Davidson


I see instead of answering the question, you just jump into a blame game response. As proven by this:


The reason why the rich have been holding onto their money is because Obama blah blah blah

You STILL haven't answered the question


WHAT WAS THE EXCUSE BEFORE OBAMA EVEN RAN. Doesn't matter, it's STILL just an excuse, The Republican President Obama has proven time and time again to LOVE big business.


Just like IWS your trying to claim


that damage was caused by Progressives trying to force home ownership in society to people who could never afford it

The old "FREDDIE AND FANNIE" did it excuse which does NOT answer why the industrial sector fell when Freddie & Fannie are HOME LENDERS, not business lenders. No matter how much you want to spin it, it doesn't change the fact that business loans were secured by banks, not Freddy & Fanny. Doesn't matter if the banks did have any stakes in those 2, they didn't have their arms twisted. Fannie & Freddie were secured by the government, not banks., try again.


Again Phreakwars, who creats jobs?

Certainly not the wealthy, as proven by 10 years of tax cuts, 8 of which under Bush with no fear of those "evil democrats" raising taxes.So common TJ, what the excuse for 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008. You can't blame Obama, you can't blame home lenders.


Hell, even if you COULD blame them, explain 2002, 2003, 2004, etc, etc.. when they just kept running wild and STILL never created jobs.


None of this Fannie & Freddie sh*t came to light till about 2007.





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