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Sure, cut social security, but don't touch NASCAR !!

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WASHINGTON ? The Minnesota Democrat who's out to get rid of the Pentagon's sponsorships for NASCAR teams says she won't back away from her efforts and, despite GOP resistance, will broaden her fight to repeal tax breaks for track owners, too.


Rep. Betty McCollum says her work could save American taxpayers tens of millions of dollars. But Defense Department officials and lawmakers from NASCAR country say the sponsorships help military recruitment, and that the tax breaks could save jobs in the struggling economy.


Read more: http://www.mcclatchy...l#ixzz1FIHLgVw2

WASHINGTON ? The Minnesota Democrat who's out to get rid of the Pentagon's sponsorships for NASCAR teams says she won't back away from her efforts and, despite GOP resistance, will broaden her fight to repeal tax breaks for track owners, too.


Rep. Betty McCollum says her work could save American taxpayers tens of millions of dollars. But Defense Department officials and lawmakers from NASCAR country say the sponsorships help military recruitment, and that the tax breaks could save jobs in the struggling economy.


Read more: http://www.mcclatchy...l#ixzz1FIHLgVw2

Thirty Republicans voted for the amendment. Those are my type of Republicans. It looks like we got a whole thirty members of the house who are ready to get serious about the deficit.
I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts. ? Will Rogers

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