snafu Posted September 10, 2008 Posted September 10, 2008 ...You sound like someone who would kill me for food.. Ummm... how much you weigh anyway wez? :rolleyes: Quote *NEVER FORGOTTEN*
wez Posted September 10, 2008 Author Posted September 10, 2008 #1 My life is more valuable TO ME than some peoples... Not everyone.. But most... My son, and a few other key figures in the world are MUCH more valuable to me than even my own life... Now go ahead and tell me why I am a hypocrit you presumptuous liberal... #2 Who the hell made any claim to determining who lives or dies? you are like a hurricane stalled over warm water... you'll just keep feeding on your own hot air! Even when i was a Left minded liberal, I couldn't stand people like you... So sure that they, and only they, had the knowledge to secure humanities health and happiness... SO sure of it as a matter of fact, that most were willing to dictate happiness by the sword, both verbal and literal... I have argued BOTH SIDES of the coin, and I can tell you FROM EXPERIENCE that there are crazies on both sides... but there are far more on the left. A liberal? hahahahaha..... Not a label.. wez. There is more than Conservatives and Liberals in the world.. I don't even know what those mean, nor do I care to. They're both liars when elected to "serve". Perhaps you can tell me the difference? I assume liberals are against murder and Conservatives are for it from what you've claimed I am for what I've said? Why is your sons life more imprtant to you and not the sons of others whom you would kill both for their food? #2.. you did. You'd think less of me as a man if I didn't try to kill you to "secure" your.. errr. my food.. So I assume your logic works for you too.. I don't argue from the perspective of a left minded liberal..I argue against you, the same as I would argue for you.. I'm not responsible for your perspective. Perhaps your not being able to stand people like me lies in your desire to hold onto your illusions for dear life and can't retort with anything but personal jabs to attempt to gain some kind of illusionary upper hand like any student of war through psy ops.. I don't dictate happiness.. surely not by the sword.. happiness lies in the truth.. which is what I speak as I know it.. Other than claims of craziness, presumptuous liberal, and whatever else.. got any argument against anything I've specifically said? Quote I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy
wez Posted September 10, 2008 Author Posted September 10, 2008 Ummm... how much you weigh anyway wez? :rolleyes: 160#... why? :rolleyes: Quote I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy
Fullauto Posted September 10, 2008 Posted September 10, 2008 A liberal? hahahahaha..... Not a label.. wez. There is more than Conservatives and Liberals in the world.. I don't even know what those mean, nor do I care to. They're both liars when elected to "serve". Perhaps you can tell me the difference? I assume liberals are against murder and Conservatives are for it from what you've claimed I am for what I've said? I can no longer take you seriously if you are 39 and never had the intellectual curiousity to find out what those two terms means... The ranks of the left are trully filled with mindless sheep, to afraid of the world to lead it to greatness Why is your sons life more imprtant to you and not the sons of others whom you would kill both for their food? Simple... He's my son... MINE... self preservation and the preservation of our children is a natural instinct of most animals... Survival of the lineage... that is why a male lion will kill the cubs of a rival male when he takes over a pride... it's nothing against the cubs, it's just that they are not HIS cubs.. #2.. you did. You'd think less of me as a man if I didn't try to kill you to "secure" your.. errr. my food.. thankfully, we live in a world where we don't have to fight over food to feed ouselves or our children... yet... But if we were in that world, you can rest assured that I would kill you, your children, and anyone else I had to if I HAD to get food for my child... that is a basic premise of survival... The STRONG of body and of mind survive... You and your leftists pals would either die quickly or adapt to the age old standard... it's nothing personal... I don't hate you, or your seed... It's just that you and your kind are the weak of the herd... and in order to live, the herd must be lean... Every species will thin the herd... and yes... I do think you are less of a man... can't explain here... that's a whole other thread... So I assume your logic works for you too.. I don't argue from the perspective of a left minded liberal..I argue against you, the same as I would argue for you.. I'm not responsible for your perspective. Perhaps your not being able to stand people like me lies in your desire to hold onto your illusions for dear life and can't retort with anything but personal jabs to attempt to gain some kind of illusionary upper hand like any student of war through psy ops.. You don't even know what a left minded liberal is, and yet you are going to claim you don't argue from that perspective? You argue against me, but you don't even look deep enough into any argument i make to decide for yourself if there is any merit to them! You shut my thoughts down wholesale... But you call me brainwashed? I would expect mor from someone who is 39... I don't dictate happiness.. surely not by the sword.. happiness lies in the truth.. which is what I speak as I know it.. Other than claims of craziness, presumptuous liberal, and whatever else.. got any argument against anything I've specifically said? we've said much... I'll get back with you... don't have a huge amount of time for research.... good sparring with ya:D Quote "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children." - The 14 Words My FTP SITE ;)
wez Posted September 10, 2008 Author Posted September 10, 2008 I can no longer take you seriously if you are 39 and never had the intellectual curiousity to find out what those two terms means... The ranks of the left are trully filled with mindless sheep, to afraid of the world to lead it to greatness More important things to think about.. Seem the same to me. Crooks, liars, and hypocrites. Never asked you to take me seriously.. you said earlier you'd listen to me if... if what? I say what you want me to say and remain within the confines of some stupid political labels? No thanks.. Simple... He's my son... MINE... self preservation and the preservation of our children is a natural instinct of most animals... Survival of the lineage... that is why a male lion will kill the cubs of a rival male when he takes over a pride... it's nothing against the cubs, it's just that they are not HIS cubs.. Not yours... or anyone elses.. you sound like a 5 year old with his blanky.. MINE! :D Wouldn't you appreciate others appreciating that and not killing either of you for the securement of food? thankfully, we live in a world where we don't have to fight over food to feed ouselves or our children... yet... But if we were in that world, you can rest assured that I would kill you, your children, and anyone else I had to if I HAD to get food for my child... that is a basic premise of survival... The STRONG of body and of mind survive... You and your leftists pals would either die quickly or adapt to the age old standard... it's nothing personal... I don't hate you, or your seed... It's just that you and your kind are the weak of the herd... and in order to live, the herd must be lean... Every species will thin the herd... and yes... I do think you are less of a man... can't explain here... that's a whole other thread... I know you would.. and when the fighting starts, stay the hell away from me and my food.. Weak? hahahaha... I don't need an army and guns, like you.. I got 2 feet to stand on unlike weaklings who need to lump themselves in with whoever they think is mightiest = rightiest.. A guy like you would bail on the USA if it had no oil to run the war machine and someone else did rather than die like a real man standing up for whats right without might. You don't even know what a left minded liberal is, and yet you are going to claim you don't argue from that perspective? You argue against me, but you don't even look deep enough into any argument i make to decide for yourself if there is any merit to them! You shut my thoughts down wholesale... But you call me brainwashed? I would expect mor from someone who is 39... Then explain what one is.. every square inch of it.. all I see is one word.. liberal?? we've said much... I'll get back with you... don't have a huge amount of time for research.... good sparring with ya:D Always a pleasure.. ;) Quote I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy
wez Posted September 11, 2008 Author Posted September 11, 2008 Oh crap... almost forgot the most important part.. I was gonna tell you why you're a hypocrite... First theres this gem... "Liberals... Saving the planet one semester at a time..."fullauto... Then there's this bit of sheer genius.. Originally Posted by Fullauto Wez... you really must have an inflated sense of just how intelligent you are/sound... You keep quoting yourself, and they are not even that good... Yes, some stumble just past the line that separates drudgery from wit, and you even manage to say with some elegance something that someone much smarter than you had probably said years before. But MOST of your quotes, if you still insist that they are quotes and not just small verbal jabs at your oponents, are sort of baseless and make you sound like a 17 year old hippy... what gives? I assumed that this space was reserved for QUOTES, and not just sensless one-liners... Then two minutes later on the shoutbox you tell me to stop using "your" logic of "securement of resources" via murder.. then come to find out a moment later you actually lifted it off some long dead murderer and the US army.. Please explain... You are what you hate and that is why you hate it ~ wez BTW.. tell ya what.. if you ever think you need to kill someone for food, let me know.. I'll gladly give you whatever I have.. ;) Quote I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy
Moderators IWS Posted September 11, 2008 Moderators Posted September 11, 2008 BTW.. tell ya what.. if you ever think you need to kill someone for food, let me know.. I'll gladly give you whatever I have.. ;) I'll take some nice tender backstraps. :D Quote One of the consequences of such notions as "entitlements" is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.? ~ Thomas Sowell
Fullauto Posted September 11, 2008 Posted September 11, 2008 Lemon Scented Mass Graves... Can't wait... Quote "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children." - The 14 Words My FTP SITE ;)
wez Posted September 12, 2008 Author Posted September 12, 2008 Whether or not it needed to happen, I'm still convinced it needed to happen. [explaining why he sent U.S. troops into Iraq, Dec. 12, 2005] ~ George W. Bush God help us all... Quote I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy
wez Posted September 12, 2008 Author Posted September 12, 2008 All good is hard. All evil is easy. Dying, losing, cheating, and mediocrity is easy. Stay away from easy. ~ Scott Alexander Courage without conscience is a wild beast. ~ Robert G. Ingersoll It is only through your conscious mind that you can reach the subconscious. Your conscious mind is the porter at the door, the watchman at the gate. It is to the conscious mind that the subconscious looks for all its impressions. ~ Robert Collier See, the human mind is kind of like ... a pinata. When it breaks open, there's a lot of surprises inside. Once you get the pinata perspective, you see that losing your mind can be a peak experience. ~ Jane Wagner The major block to compassion is the judgment in our minds. Judgment is the mind's primary tool of separation. ~ Diane Berke The future belongs to those who give the next generation reason for hope. ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin Quote I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy
emkay64 Posted September 12, 2008 Posted September 12, 2008 When you lick a slug , your tongue goes numb. ---Bethany, Age 11 Quote
wez Posted September 12, 2008 Author Posted September 12, 2008 What is conservativism? Is it not the adherence to the old and tried against the new and untried? ~ Abraham Lincoln A conservative is a man who believes that nothing should be done for the first time. ~ Alfred E. Wiggam Conservative: a statesman who is enamoured of existing evils, as distinguished from the Liberal, who wishes to replace them with others. ~ Ambrose Bierce Ann Richards on How to Be a Good Republican: 1. You have to believe that the nation's current 8-year prosperity was due to the work of Ronald Reagan and George Bush, but yesterday's gasoline prices are all Clinton's fault. 2. You have to believe that those privileged from birth achieve success all on their own. 3. You have to be against all government programs, but expect Social Security checks on time. The only truly new ideas [the right] has come up with in the last twenty years are (1) supply side economics, which is a way of redistributing the wealth upward toward those who already have more than they know what to do with, and (2) creationism, which is a parallel idea for redistributing ignorance out from its fundamentalist strongholds to those who know more than they need to. ~ Barbara Ehrenreich A Conservative Government is an organized hypocrisy. ~ Benjamin Disraeli A conservative is a man who is too cowardly to fight and too fat to run. ~ Elbert Hubbard A conservative is a man with two perfectly good legs who, however, has never learned how to walk forward. ~ Franklin Delano Roosevelt The business of Progressives is to go on making mistakes. The business of Conservatives is to prevent mistakes from being corrected. ~ G . K. Chesterton I'm conservative, but I'm not a nut about it. ~ George H. W. Bush American liberals and conservatives share much of the same political heritage. Originally the term Liberal referred to the political and economic ideal of liberating individuals from unrepresentative and arbitrary governments. Early liberalism set in motion patterns for the rule of law that would guarantee individual rights, representation in law making, access to the courts, and protection of private property. Both conservatives and liberals are Liberal in this sense. But whereas American conservatives of various stripes have continued to place primary emphasis on individual freedom, the autonomy of private institutions, and limits to government in the economic area, American liberals have more frequently appealed to government to advance the liberation of individuals from economic, racial, and political disadvantages in society as a whole. ~ James W. Skillen The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness. ~ John Kenneth Galbraith Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives. ~ John Stuart Mill The radical of one century is the conservative of the next. The radical invents the views. When he has worn them out, the conservative adopts them. ~ Mark Twain Quote I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy
wez Posted September 12, 2008 Author Posted September 12, 2008 The Democrats are the party of government activism, the party that says government can make you richer, smarter, taller, and get the chickweed out of your lawn. Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work, and then get elected and prove it. ~ P. J. O'Rourke Education either functions as an instrument which is used to facilitate integration of the younger generation into the logic of the present system and bring about conformity or it becomes the practice of freedom, the means by which men and women deal critically and creatively with reality and discover how to participate in the transformation of their world. ~ Paulo Freire Reform is affirmative, conservatism negative; conservatism goes for comfort, reform for truth. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson A liberal is a conservative who's been arrested. A conservative is a liberal who's been mugged. ~ Wendy Kaminer Liberalism is trust of the people, tempered by prudence; conservatism, distrust of people, tempered by fear. ~ William E. Gladstone A conservative is a man who sits and thinks, mostly sits. ~ Woodrow Wilson A conservative is someone who makes no changes and consults his grandmother when in doubt. ~ Woodrow Wilson Quote I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy
wez Posted September 12, 2008 Author Posted September 12, 2008 Human history begins with man's act of disobedience which is at the very same time the beginning of his freedom and development of his reason. ~ Erich Fromm If... the machine of government... is of such a nature that it requires you to be the agent of injustice to another, then, I say, break the law. ~ Henry David Thoreau An individual who breaks a law that conscience tells him is unjust, and who willingly accepts the penalty of imprisonment in order to arouse the conscience of the community over its injustice, is in reality expressing the highest respect for the law. ~ Martin Luther King, jr Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is man's original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made, through disobedience and through rebellion. ~ Oscar Wilde Quote I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy
wez Posted September 12, 2008 Author Posted September 12, 2008 Fear is not the natural state of civilized people. ~ Aung San Suu Kyi Collective fear stimulates herd instinct, and tends to produce ferocity toward those who are not regarded as members of the herd. ~ Bertrand Russell Only when we are no longer afraid do we begin to live. ~ Dorothy Thompson The most destructive element in the human mind is fear. Fear creates aggressiveness. ~ Dorothy Thompson There is nothing to fear except the persistent refusal to find out the truth, the persistent refusal to analyze the causes of happenings. ~ Dorothy Thompson You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do. ~ Eleanor Roosevelt Ultimately we know deeply that the other side of every fear is a freedom. ~ Marilyn Ferguson You can judge your age by the amount of pain you feel when you come in contact with a new idea. ~ Pearl S. Buck Fear not for the future, weep not for the past. ~ Percy Bysshe Shelley Quote I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy
Moderators IWS Posted September 13, 2008 Moderators Posted September 13, 2008 A conservative is a man who sits and thinks, mostly sits. ~ Woodrow Wilson A conservative is someone who makes no changes and consults his grandmother when in doubt. ~ Woodrow Wilson [/i][/b] Woodrow Wilson did more to kill the US Constitution than anyone in history. ~ IWS Quote One of the consequences of such notions as "entitlements" is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.? ~ Thomas Sowell
snafu Posted September 18, 2008 Posted September 18, 2008 Ya know I'm not really qualified to explain this, so like anyone in the media, I will. - Uncle Jay Explains Quote *NEVER FORGOTTEN*
Fullauto Posted September 18, 2008 Posted September 18, 2008 A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject. Sir Winston Churchill Quote "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children." - The 14 Words My FTP SITE ;)
wez Posted September 18, 2008 Author Posted September 18, 2008 Stupid is as stupid does ~ Forrest Dumps mommy Birds of a feather ~ TJ Quote I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy
wez Posted September 18, 2008 Author Posted September 18, 2008 White + Might = right ~ fellacio Quote I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy
wez Posted September 21, 2008 Author Posted September 21, 2008 The true hypocrite is the one who ceases to perceive his deception, the one who lies with sincerity ~ Andre Gide Better to be known as a sinner than a hypocrite. ~ Proverb An hypocrite with his mouth destroyeth his neighbour: but through knowledge shall the just be delivered. ~ bible For what is the hope of the hypocrite, though he hath gained, when God taketh away his soul? ~ (Job 27:8) Great hypocrite are the real atheists ~ Francis Bacon, Sr. When he giveth quietness, who then can make trouble? and when he hideth his face, who then can behold him? whether it be done against a nation, or against a man only: /That the hypocrite reign not, lest the people be ensnared. ~ bible So are the paths of all that forget God; and the hypocrite's hope shall perish: / Whose hope shall be cut off, and whose trust shall be a spider's web. ~ bible He also shall be my salvation: for an hypocrite shall not come before him. ~ bible A hypocrite despises those whom he deceives, but has no respect for himself. He would make a dupe of himself too, if he could. ~ William Hazlitt Right, eddo? ~ wez Quote I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy
Members RoyalOrleans Posted September 21, 2008 Members Posted September 21, 2008 ?Success is never final, but failure can be.? - Bill Parcells Quote It's a mistake to think that poor people get the benefit from the welfare system. It's a total fraud. Most welfare go to the rich of this country: the military-industrial complex, the bankers, the foreign dictators, it's totally out of control. This idea that the government has services or goods that they can pass on is a complete farce. Governments have nothing. They can't create anything, they never have. All they can do is steal from one group and give it to another at the destruction of the principles of freedom, and we ought to challenge that concept. - Ron Paul
emkay64 Posted September 21, 2008 Posted September 21, 2008 My bicycle masters boardwalk and quagmire with aplomb. Those that doubt me... suck cok by choice. ---Tom Nuttal Quote
Moderators IWS Posted September 22, 2008 Moderators Posted September 22, 2008 Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering. ~ Yoda Quote One of the consequences of such notions as "entitlements" is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.? ~ Thomas Sowell
wez Posted September 22, 2008 Author Posted September 22, 2008 Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering. ~ Yoda Wise little errr.. ummmm.. puppet, that yoda.. ;) Quote I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy
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