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Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma?

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Re: Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma?


LOL.. I meant, are you ok with me, as say, the leader of a foreign country, keeping the fabric of society strong, deciding you should die? I wanted you to look from the perspective of say an Iraqi grandfather? Not that of a soldier or even an American citizen..


Why is the question childish? Seems quite appropriate.. and trust me, I understand what I'm saying, I don't think you do..

People die every day, the question is if they die for a good cause.


The war in Iraq had oil as a minor consideration to be sure, but it was not the main reason, or even close to major to be honest.


A real man sacrifices their own life, not someone elses, so to answer your question, yes, I would give up my car, computer, my life, before I would cowardly sacrifice someone elses life.. I can learn to ride a horse, matter of fact, prolly prefer it.


Your life is worth that which you value least..it can be no other way.

Fine, don't just talk though, do it. Turn off your computer, give away your car and live the live you "say" you are willing to live because as long as you are living the live of a consumer of oil, you are adding tot he problem, making it necessary to get that oil you are using.


It is easy to blast off your mouth when you will never give up anything. You want everyone else to give up their computers and cars but refuse to take that step yourself.


Stand up for what you "say" you believe in, do it now, don't wait for everyone else. Set the example.


Otherwise, you are part of the problem you claim other people are to blame for.


I don't need to educate myself on why we went to Iraq, I'd prefer you educate me on why your life is worth more than anyone elses on the face of the entire Earth..Or better yet, why your car and computer are worth more than anyones life on the planet..

Ask yourself that question, you are using up as much oil as I am, if you are incapable of letting it all go, why attack others for doing the same as you?


If you think oil is why anyone is dying, then you do need to educate yourself on why we went to war in Iraq.


And one more thing, I've owned Ford, Pontiac and Chevy.. even though they decided to send most operations out of the country to save money on cheap labor.. the funny thing is, there are now Toyota's that are more "Made in America" than anything out of Michigan... who's the problem?

Nope, The Toyotas parts are shipped in and the profit is sent out of the Country. You do not help America buying an "american" Toyota.

Most if not all stereotypes hold some truth.


?The politicians don't just want your money. They want your soul. They want you to be worn down by taxes until you are dependent and helpless. When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both.? ~ James Dale Davidson

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Re: Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma?


People die every day, the question is if they die for a good cause.

What would be a good cause for YOU and your family to die?


The war in Iraq had oil as a minor consideration to be sure, but it was not the main reason, or even close to major to be honest.

What was the reason? Seems to me they had/have more reason to fear us then vice versa.


Fine, don't just talk though, do it. Turn off your computer, give away your car and live the live you "say" you are willing to live because as long as you are living the live of a consumer of oil, you are adding tot he problem, making it necessary to get that oil you are using.

My society chose to take this path long before I was born, I adapt, do what I can, and speak my mind..


It is easy to blast off your mouth when you will never give up anything. You want everyone else to give up their computers and cars but refuse to take that step yourself.

See above..


Stand up for what you "say" you believe in, do it now, don't wait for everyone else. Set the example.

Words of truth are the example, rather, the lack of fear in speaking those words.


Otherwise, you are part of the problem you claim other people are to blame for.

I accept 100% of the responsibilty, and if I could forfiet my life so no one on Earth ever has to have someone forfiet theirs, for them, again, I would.


Ask yourself that question, you are using up as much oil as I am, if you are incapable of letting it all go, why attack others for doing the same as you?

I attack no one, and like I said, I adapt to the society the best I can, tell the truth, and can see where the path we chose, ends.


If you think oil is why anyone is dying, then you do need to educate yourself on why we went to war in Iraq.

Educate me. Like I said, who was more of a threat to who and according to you, Iraq should have made the preemptive strike as their fear, is now a reality.


Fear through intimidation is not respect, despite popular opinion. People get to the point where death is preferable to life and will fly an airplane into a building to prove it. Fear fades, hate replaces it, vengence follows. Micro, and macro scales...


Nope, The Toyotas parts are shipped in and the profit is sent out of the Country. You do not help America buying an "american" Toyota.

Nope, Toyota's are built right here in factories in the good ole USA.. and provide a more stable job for Americans than anywhere in Michigan. Sad, but true. And like I said, Ford, Pontiac, Chevy. No one in my family has ever owned anything but.. You? Ever owned a foreign car?


And where do you think the parts for Michigan are made and shipped in from?

I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy



Re: Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma?


What would be a good cause for YOU and your family to die?

There are no "good" reasons to die but many reasons that are worth dying for. Freedom, even for other people is a one of those reasons.


Have I mentioned that I have served my Country and my son has just joined the Marines? Obviously service to a Country can be a very good thing, to those with the courage to do so.


What was the reason? Seems to me they had/have more reason to fear us then vice versa.

I gave you the link, please read.


My society chose to take this path long before I was born, I adapt, do what I can, and speak my mind..

That is called hypocrisy.


If you truly believe what you say, back it up with actions instead of empty words.


Words of truth are the example, rather, the lack of fear in speaking those words.

That is called hypocrisy.


I have a saying you can make your mouth say anything. If all you do is talk, but you live the life you say you are against, you are the crowning example of hypocrisy. Being as you like to bang that drum against religion, maybe you need to learn to remove so much hypocrisy from your own life first.


I accept 100% of the responsibilty, and if I could forfiet my life so no one on Earth ever has to have someone forfiet theirs, for them, again, I would.

Baby steps, stop using so much of the product you "claim" is causing the problem first. You cannot complain that we chould not go to such lenghts to get oil if you are one of the gluttons using it. Right now you are wasting electricity to use your computer, to complain about our oil needs, kind of silly. Why not start by not using oil yourself?


I attack no one, and like I said, I adapt to the society the best I can, tell the truth, and can see where the path we chose, ends.

Bull, you want to complain but you refuse to do anything about taking away your own part in the problem.


Educate me. Like I said, who was more of a threat to who and according to you, Iraq should have made the preemptive strike as their fear, is now a reality.


Fear through intimidation is not respect, despite popular opinion. People get to the point where death is preferable to life and will fly an airplane into a building to prove it. Fear fades, hate replaces it, vengence follows. Micro, and macro scales...

You are confused, we are not talking about 9/11, invading Iraq had little to do with 9/11, just take a few seconds and click on the link I provided so you can know what you are talking about.


Nope, Toyota's are built right here in factories in the good ole USA.. and provide a more stable job for Americans than anywhere in Michigan. Sad, but true. And like I said, Ford, Pontiac, Chevy. No one in my family has ever owned anything but.. You? Ever owned a foreign car?

Wrong again my little friend, being "assempled" in America does not mean it is made in America. Parts are shipped here and those parts are assembled. So, all the industrial jobs for creating all the parts are over seas, not in America. The only Americans getting anything out of it are the assemblers at the plant, nobody else but a Ford has thousands of American Companies and millions of employees involved in the production of many parts of the car.


And where do you think the parts for Michigan are made and shipped in from?

Some are over seas, but many are made here as well while all of the Toyots parts are made elsewhere.


Just as a helpful comment, there is a button next to the submit button that says "preview post". If you hit that button, you can preview your post so you don't have to do so many edits.

Most if not all stereotypes hold some truth.


?The politicians don't just want your money. They want your soul. They want you to be worn down by taxes until you are dependent and helpless. When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both.? ~ James Dale Davidson


Re: Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma?


There are no "good" reasons to die but many reasons that are worth dying for. Freedom, even for other people is a one of those reasons.

Freedom is directly proportional to the size of your bank account, especially here in the land of the free.


Have I mentioned that I have served my Country and my son has just joined the Marines? Obviously service to a Country can be a very good thing, to those with the courage to do so.

Takes more courage to stand up against the mob and say, this is wrong, I refuse to participate.


I gave you the link, please read.

I've heard and read all the reasons our president has given o'er the years.


That is called hypocrisy.If you truly believe what you say, back it up with actions instead of empty words.

Should I follow the example and take action by killing people to prove my point?


I have a saying you can make your mouth say anything. If all you do is talk, but you live the life you say you are against, you are the crowning example of hypocrisy. Being as you like to bang that drum against religion, maybe you need to learn to remove so much hypocrisy from your own life first.

I have a saying to.. whatever is ok for me to do to another human being, is ok for every other human to do me. And I act accordingly


Baby steps, stop using so much of the product you "claim" is causing the problem first. You cannot complain that we chould not go to such lenghts to get oil if you are one of the gluttons using it. Right now you are wasting electricity to use your computer, to complain about our oil needs, kind of silly. Why not start by not using oil yourself?

People killed each other long before oil was a wet dream in the head of J. Paul Getty. I said no product is the problem, people are.


Bull, you want to complain but you refuse to do anything about taking away your own part in the problem.

I live in a mobile home, I just got rid of a P2 comp that I bought used 4 years ago. I don't participate in conspicuous consumerism. I do what I can.


You are confused, we are not talking about 9/11, invading Iraq had little to do with 9/11, just take a few seconds and click on the link I provided so you can know what you are talking about.

Why did those folks fly planes into the World trade center? They hate freedom?


Wrong again my little friend, being "assempled" in America does not mean it is made in America. Parts are shipped here and those parts are assembled. So, all the industrial jobs for creating all the parts are over seas, not in America. The only Americans getting anything out of it are the assemblers at the plant, nobody else but a Ford has thousands of American Companies and millions of employees involved in the production of many parts of the car.

Again, ever owned a foreign car?


Just as a helpful comment, there is a button next to the submit button that says "preview post". If you hit that button, you can preview your post so you don't have to do so many edits.

I'm getting better the day, thanks for the advice.

I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy


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Re: Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma?


Takes more courage to stand up against the mob and say, this is wrong, I refuse to participate.

This is a completely false statement. Both are doing what they believe in. Neither involves any more courage then the other. It is only less so if you believe one thing but do another. Anyone who stands up for something they believe in, whether it is by action or by protesting, demonstrating against that action, is just as courageous as the other. Sitting by and doing nothing however takes no courage what so ever.
One of the consequences of such notions as "entitlements" is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.? ~ Thomas Sowell

Re: Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma?


This is a completely false statement. Both are doing what they believe in. Neither involves any more courage then the other. It is only less so if you believe one thing but do another. Anyone who stands up for something they believe in, whether it is by action or by protesting, demonstrating against that action, is just as courageous as the other. Sitting by and doing nothing however takes no courage what so ever.

I don't think so, that it's completely false... easier to blend into the herd and regurgitate the dogma you swallow.. harder to stand on your own in the face of a mob.. and damn lonely. Ask Jesus when He comes back... But the rest of what you said after that is right on brother.. Although, it doesn't take a whole lot of guts to kill people by remote control.. try to stand toe to toe if you believe in the might makes right theory...

I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy



Re: Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma?


Freedom is directly proportional to the size of your bank account, especially here in the land of the free.

If you think money is the only freedom you are missing most of the point of being an American.


I have had the chance to know many people in the top 10% of income in America, and I will tell you this, most people with lots of money are unhappy. T


rue freedom has nothing to do with money.


Takes more courage to stand up against the mob and say, this is wrong, I refuse to participate.

No, your belief makes you no more special than anyone else with their belief.


If you refuse to back your words with actions, you are just as guilty as those you complain about.


All bark, no bite.


I've heard and read all the reasons our president has given o'er the years.

But you have not understood them obviously.


Should I follow the example and take action by killing people to prove my point?

Your point is we should not be taking action to secure oil for our society, if you believe that then stop giving us a reason to need the oil in the first place.


I have a saying to.. whatever is ok for me to do to another human being, is ok for every other human to do me. And I act accordingly

Fine, I respect your ideas, I just find them nieve.


People killed each other long before oil was a wet dream in the head of J. Paul Getty. I said no product is the problem, people are.

But the product it a tool, a method.


If you say that the government should not do anything to get oil, you need to back that up with actions that support that claim.


If you refuse to live the life you say others should, then you are guilty of hypocrisy.


I live in a mobile home, I just got rid of a P2 comp that I bought used 4 years ago. I don't participate in conspicuous consumerism. I do what I can.

No you do not, you are only skirting the edges, there is much more you can do if you are willing to make the scarifice, if you truly believe the stuff you are shoveling.


First of all, you should not own or ride in a car, if you do then you are justifying America's need for oil. If America needs oil, then the government needs to be sure it can get that oil.


Second, use no electricity, if you do then you are justifying America's need for oil. If America needs oil, then the government needs to be sure it can get that oil.


Why did those folks fly planes into the World trade center? They hate freedom?

Again, the attackers from 9/11 were not from Iraq and is a seperate issue but to answer your question, radical islam (not to be confused with regular islam) preaches that all infidels need to be removed "using all stratigms of war". Their fanatical beliefs cannot be completely understood by anyone not fanatical but suffice it to say, people hate for many reasons, most of them without good cause.


Again, ever owned a foreign car?

I would have thought that was obvious considering my stands but no, I have never purchased a vehicle that was not American made. I also refuse to shop at Wal-Mart unless they are the only place to get what I need, I will spend extra and go to the local privately owned stores.


I hate that we lost all the electronics to other Countries and I have no choice there but I will buy American any time I have the chance.


I'm getting better the day, thanks for the advice.

Always willing to help.



Most if not all stereotypes hold some truth.


?The politicians don't just want your money. They want your soul. They want you to be worn down by taxes until you are dependent and helpless. When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both.? ~ James Dale Davidson


Re: Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma?


If you think money is the only freedom you are missing most of the point of being an American.

Tell that to the wage slaves who have nothing to sell but their labor, I know what true freedom is, and am thankful everyday.


I have had the chance to know many people in the top 10% of income in America, and I will tell you this, most people with lots of money are unhappy. True freedom has nothing to do with money.

Agree 110%


No, your belief makes you no more special than anyone else with their belief.If you refuse to back your words with actions, you are just as guilty as those you complain about.


All bark, no bite.

I'm no more special than the lowest "untouchable" on the streets of India, and I back my words with action in the way i live and treat people, not violence. You really don't want me to come barking with a gun, do you?


But you have not understood them obviously.

They hate freedom, they are making weapons of mass destruction, they are a threat to our freedom. I'm not an idiot.


Your point is we should not be taking action to secure oil for our society, if you believe that then stop giving us a reason to need the oil in the first place.

I said we shouldn't kill people to secure our oil, how about we work hard, and buy it with cash or goods that they need?


Fine, I respect your ideas, I just find them nieve.

Tell that to Jesus, they're his ideas, I just fully believe it.


But the product it a tool, a method.If you say that the government should not do anything to get oil, you need to back that up with actions that support that claim.

Hard work, fair trade, able to take no for an answer.


If you refuse to live the life you say others should, then you are guilty of hypocrisy.

I live by my words, and will die by my words.


No you do not, you are only skirting the edges, there is much more you can do if you are willing to make the scarifice, if you truly believe the stuff you are shoveling.

You too.. better get the guns ready.. lots of evil doers out there.. Go stop the genocide in Africa with violence, please. Freedom beckons...


First of all, you should not own or ride in a car, if you do then you are justifying America's need for oil. If America needs oil, then the government needs to be sure it can get that oil.

First off, polish your weapon and buy a plane ticket to Darfur... Oil is fine.. working hard, trading on the up and up, and purchasing it is a ok with me. If a merchant doesn't want to sell me their goods because I'm a pile of crap bully and he's sick of it, I won't ever kill him, or threaten to kill him.. I respect his freedom to secure mine.


Second, use no electricity, if you do then you are justifying America's need for oil. If America needs oil, then the government needs to be sure it can get that oil.

See statments on the correct way to do business..

I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy



Re: Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma?


Tell that to the wage slaves who have nothing to sell but their labor, I know what true freedom is, and am thankful everyday.

Wage slaves?


Few people are independantly wealthy, so I am not sure of your point.


I'm no more special than the lowest "untouchable" on the streets of India, and I back my words with action in the way i live and treat people, not violence. You really don't want me to come barking with a gun, do you?


And yet you perpetuate the need for oil, so you are still a party to the actions.


They hate freedom, they are making weapons of mass destruction, they are a threat to our freedom. I'm not an idiot.

They use chemocal weapons on their own people, they have been violating human rights for over 20 years with the UN refusig to enforce their own resolutions, the list goes a long way without ever mentioning oil, but you think people are dying for oil, kinda missing the point there.


I said we shouldn't kill people to secure our oil, how about we work hard, and buy it with cash or goods that they need?

Again, that is not the sace, we have naver killed people to get oil, oil may have been a consideration way down the list, but people are not dying for oil as a major consideration.


Besides, people were dying every day anyway. Did you know Suddam was raping little girls and killing their entire families if they complained?


Tell that to Jesus' date=' they're his ideas, I just fully believe it.[/quopt']


Nope, Jesus lived the life he preached, you do not.


Hard work, fair trade, able to take no for an answer.

You take no for an answer, stop driving, stop increasing the need for oil. If you cannot live without oil as a single person, how can you ask a nation to do it?


I live by my words, and will die by my words.

Your still consuming power, you still using oil, so you do not live by your words.


You too.. better get the guns ready.. lots of evil doers out there.. Go stop the genocide in Africa with violence, please. Freedom beckons...

Everyone has their limits. You can't even make a basic sacrifice to stop adding to the nations need for oil but you want everyone else to sacrifice, that is wrong.


First off, polish your weapon and buy a plane ticket to Darfur... Oil is fine.. working hard, trading on the up and up, and purchasing it is a ok with me. If a merchant doesn't want to sell me their goods because I'm a pile of crap bully and he's sick of it, I won't ever kill him, or threaten to kill him..

But without expending oil, you can't even get there to try and talk to the merchant, catch 22.


A plane consumed massive amounts of fuel, fuel comes from oil, you are increasing the need for oil just by traveling, you see, even your own comments require a greater use of the very oil you say we should not be trying to get.


See statments on the correct way to do business..

Supply and demand. I own three businesses and have a very good grasp on business concepts and practice.


If you remove the demand, you don't need the supply.


By adding to the need for more oil, you are contributing to our government needing to keep the supply comming.


You are part of the problem, stop complaining until you stop being part of the problem.


Most if not all stereotypes hold some truth.


?The politicians don't just want your money. They want your soul. They want you to be worn down by taxes until you are dependent and helpless. When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both.? ~ James Dale Davidson


Re: Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma?


Wage slaves?Few people are independantly wealthy, so I am not sure of your point.

The point is, freedom exists in the mind, and the time to do nothing but find it is crucial.


And yet you perpetuate the need for oil, so you are still a party to the actions.

Oil is not evil, people who kill people to get it are.


They use chemocal weapons on their own people, they have been violating human rights for over 20 years with the UN refusig to enforce their own resolutions, the list goes a long way without ever mentioning oil, but you think people are dying for oil, kinda missing the point there.

Where do you think they got those weapons? Why did we support Saddam at the time they gassed the Kurds in the Iran/Iraq war, and why did Rummy have a photo op shaking Saddams hand in the 80's after this took place, and lastly, why did we all the sudden care 20 years after the fact?


Again, that is not the sace, we have naver killed people to get oil, oil may have been a consideration way down the list, but people are not dying for oil as a major consideration.

Fine, I'll grant you that. We kill for freedom, and you have a lot of killing to do around the world to back up your beliefs, so quit the barking, and start the biting.


Besides, people were dying every day anyway. Did you know Suddam was raping little girls and killing their entire families if they complained?

Got some evidence or does that help you sleep at night?


Nope, Jesus lived the life he preached, you do not.

Nope, I also live the life I preach, you sir, don't.


You take no for an answer, stop driving, stop increasing the need for oil. If you cannot live without oil as a single person, how can you ask a nation to do it?

Again.. oil is not evil, and I never said we should live without it. Stop trying to claim I did.


Your still consuming power, you still using oil, so you do not live by your words.

See many previous statements counteracting your efforts to put words in my mouth.


Everyone has their limits. You can't even make a basic sacrifice to stop adding to the nations need for oil but you want everyone else to sacrifice, that is wrong.

See above


But without expending oil, you can't even get there to try and talk to the merchant, catch 22.

See 2 replies above


A plane consumed massive amounts of fuel, fuel comes from oil, you are increasing the need for oil just by traveling, you see, even your own comments require a greater use of the very oil you say we should not be trying to get.

See 3 replies above


Supply and demand. I own three businesses and have a very good grasp on business concepts and practice.If you remove the demand, you don't need the supply.


By adding to the need for more oil, you are contributing to our government needing to keep the supply comming.


You are part of the problem, stop complaining until you stop being part of the problem.

See 4 lines above.

I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy



Re: Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma?


So what?s all this got to do with liberating Burma? You both are beating a dead horse.

Snaf, this has everything to do with "liberating" Burma.. and this horse is immortal.. been galloping since the dawn of time.. I aim to kill the mother ****er with words.. ;)

I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy


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Re: Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma?


I don't think so, that it's completely false... easier to blend into the herd and regurgitate the dogma you swallow.. harder to stand on your own in the face of a mob.. and damn lonely.

Exactly what are you doing that is making a difference. I think you are one of those that stands by and does nothing but criticize the actions of others while doing nothing more than inaction.


Your new nickname is "France".

  • Like 1
One of the consequences of such notions as "entitlements" is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.? ~ Thomas Sowell

Re: Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma?


Exactly what are you doing that is making a difference. I think you are one of those that stands by and does nothing but criticize the actions of others while doing nothing more than inaction.Your new nickname is "France".

I'm exercising my freedom of speech.. What other action do you suggest? That I shut up because you don't like what I have to say, Communist China?


France.. Hmmm.. I am a lover.. I like it.. Use it :)


Your new nickname shall be "Pinky"...

I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy



Re: Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma?


Hey Pinky.. you wanna discuss anything with me on the topic at hand or just poke your head in and critisize me from time to time?

I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy


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Re: Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma?


Hey Pinky.. you wanna discuss anything with me on the topic at hand or just poke your head in and critisize me from time to time?

Your "Pinky" comment doesn't even apply. I am all for speaking what you believe, but if you want to be considered brave, act on those beliefs. Otherwise you are a coward hiding behind a keyboard on a fledgling forum site.
One of the consequences of such notions as "entitlements" is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.? ~ Thomas Sowell

Re: Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma?


Your "Pinky" comment doesn't even apply. I am all for speaking what you believe, but if you want to be considered brave, act on those beliefs. Otherwise you are a coward hiding behind a keyboard on a fledgling forum site.

What do you suggest? Violence is out of the question...

I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy


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Re: Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma?


I'm exercising my freedom of speech.. What other action do you suggest? That I shut up because you don't like what I have to say, Communist China?

I didn't say to shut up. I said to prove what you are doing to act on your beliefs. You put TS's family down for going to war to support their beliefs. I feel they have just as much of a right to support their beliefs as you do, the difference is they are doing something about it. You on the other hand are doing nothing. Write or call your Senator or Congressman, or even the White House. Get actively, involved with an organization that supports your view, do something. Typing on this forum is nothing. Until you actively do something, I don't think you can criticize anyone.


France.. Hmmm.. I am a lover.. I like it.. Use it :)

It seems to fit. Check this out...


Ted Nugent, rock star and avid bow hunter from Michigan , was being interviewed by a French journalist and animal rights activist.The discussion came around to deer hunting. The journalist asked, "What do you think is the last thought in the head of a deer before you shoot him?" Is it, "Are you my friend?" or is it "Are you the one who killed my brother? "


Nugent replied, "Deer aren't capable of that kind of thinking.


All they are about is, 'What am I going to eat next, who am I going to screw next, and can I run fast enough to get away. They are very much like the French."


The interview ended at that point.

Sounds like you, "France".:cool:
One of the consequences of such notions as "entitlements" is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.? ~ Thomas Sowell

Re: Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma?


I didn't say to shut up. I said to prove what you are doing to act on your beliefs. You put TS's family down for going to war to support their beliefs. I feel they have just as much of a right to support their beliefs as you do, the difference is they are doing something about it. You on the other hand are doing nothing. Write or call your Senator or Congressman, or even the White House. Get actively, involved with an organization that supports your view, do something. Typing on this forum is nothing. Until you actively do something, I don't think you can criticize anyone.

I don't have to prove dick to anyone, especially you, Pinky, and because my beliefs don't match TJ's, it's not critisizing.. exchange of ideas.. and I don't like organizations.. I believe people hide behind them so they don't have to stand up and speak for themselves, or be held accountable for their actions.. I speak for me, no one else, and no one speaks for me. I'm an individual and don't need one other person on this Earth to validate my beliefs for me.. if you didn't notice, the critisizing came from you and TJ.. I got no problem with TJ, his beliefs, his family, or his right to speak his mind...


I don't mind, trust me, I know every shut up trick in the book..critisizing, anger, death threats, attempts at humiliation, guilt trips... hahahahaha.. Don't like it? Move to China, Pinky... I think TJ's capable of speaking for himself..


Although, I am a tremendous smartass so if you think I'll get self concious at insults and worry about what other people think, think again.. I can play the "I'll make you look like an idiot" game too, may the best man win.. and afterwards, I'll have no hard feelings..


By the way, You don't even qualify as typing your beliefs on a fledgling website let alone doing Jack Black/actions before you critisize, so you must be less than nothing.. How does that work? Please explain....Smells like hypocrisy, Pinky :cool:

I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy



Re: Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma?


Your "Pinky" comment doesn't even apply. I am all for speaking what you believe, but if you want to be considered brave, act on those beliefs. Otherwise you are a coward hiding behind a keyboard on a fledgling forum site.

What are you? What do you believe? I won't tell you, like you told me.. speak it.


And I'm sure since you've earned the right to critisize me, you must have a long list of brave actions based on your beliefs to share... I'm giddy with excitment.. I may even follow your example..

I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy



Re: Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma?


Fine, don't just talk though, do it. Turn off your computer, give away your car and live the live you "say" you are willing to live because as long as you are living the live of a consumer of oil, you are adding tot he problem, making it necessary to get that oil you are using.


It is easy to blast off your mouth when you will never give up anything. You want everyone else to give up their computers and cars but refuse to take that step yourself.




Interesting post TJ. I wonder how many of us could do this, if only for a month. It reminded me of an experiment done in England a few years back. Several families lived in a stone age village for several months. They had no gas,cars,electricity etc. They spent their time making clothes, tools and smelting iron. They hunted and grew food to eat. They kept livestock too. A lot of time got spent gathering firewood.They managed and even prospered.


Something like this was also done in the USA. There, families lived like they did in pioneer days. I saw the programme. I was amazed at how much weight the men lost. They started out being very overweight, and ended up looking like athletes. One guy did not want to return to his former life, and stayed.


I would like to try something like that myself.

Don't preach in my school, or I'll think in your church.

Re: Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma?


[ QUOTE=timesjoke;2768 ]


Fine, don't just talk though, do it. Turn off your computer, give away your car and live the live you "say" you are willing to live because as long as you are living the live of a consumer of oil, you are adding tot he problem, making it necessary to get that oil you are using.


It is easy to blast off your mouth when you will never give up anything. You want everyone else to give up their computers and cars but refuse to take that step yourself.




Interesting post TJ. I wonder how many of us could do this, if only for a month. It reminded me of an experiment done in England a few years back. Several families lived in a stone age village for several months. They had no gas,cars,electricity etc. They spent their time making clothes, tools and smelting iron. They hunted and grew food to eat. They kept livestock too. A lot of time got spent gathering firewood.They managed and even prospered.


Something like this was also done in the USA. There, families lived like they did in pioneer days. I saw the programme. I was amazed at how much weight the men lost. They started out being very overweight, and ended up looking like athletes. One guy did not want to return to his former life, and stayed.


I would like to try something like that myself.



Your this >-< close to making a correct qoute . Make sure the [ is in front of the end qoute code.


beggining qoute code: [ QUOTE=timesjoke;2768 ]minus the spaces,(so you can see it)


end quote code: [ /QUOTE ]minus the spaces,(so you can see it)


The paste function is a pain in the ass to get just the codes or all of the codes so you have to clean it up yourself.


Sorry for the interruption.


Please continue.




Re: Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma?


You know, France does seem to fit well, funny stuff.


France is the only Country to be conquered more than Britney Spears.


Look France, I don't have a problem with you voicing your opinions, they are just raw without the tempering factor that age and wisdom brings.


There is an old saying:


"If your not Liberal by the time your 25, you don't have a heart"


"If your not a Conservative by the time your 35, you don't have a brain"


With youth, there is ideas without substance. There is ideas without reality. There is ideas without a way to pay for them.


With age there is reason. With age there is wisdom. With age there is common sense.


You complain that the government should not work to keep oil supply comming to America and yet you are helping to increase America's dependance on oil. That is a great idea, but you don't have your good idea tempered with comon sense.


If you want someone like me to take you seriously, you need to walk the walk when you talk the talk.

Most if not all stereotypes hold some truth.


?The politicians don't just want your money. They want your soul. They want you to be worn down by taxes until you are dependent and helpless. When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both.? ~ James Dale Davidson


Re: Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma?


You complain that the government should not work to keep oil supply comming to America and yet you are helping to increase America's dependance on oil. That is a great idea, but you don't have your good idea tempered with comon sense.If you want someone like me to take you seriously, you need to walk the walk when you talk the talk.

How many times do I have to say it.. I didn't say that, and quit claiming I did. Are you saying war is the only way to keep the oil coming?


And do you see me turning tail and running from anyone? BTW, where's pinky? I'm waiting for his autobiography.. Musta turned tail and ran back to Mother China.. hahahahaha


Conquer me with logic, not your words in my mouth please... I'm a patient man.

I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy



Re: Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma?




One Fabric De Arms 1944 7.92mm rifle with bayonet


It is in great condition. It?s only been dropped once.





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