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Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma?

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Re: Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma?


I contend 9/11 would never have most likely happened had we elected ANYONE but GB... They didn't care much for GB1 and I think he was avenging daddy more than anything.. You know, Saddam did threaten to kill him 10 years before.. God help us.

Nope, 9/11 was in the planning stage before GW was in office. Most of the hijackers were Saudis. The foreign policy of GW Bush is quite similar to the foreign policy of Clinton. They are both Wilsonites who fail to understand some people just ain't ready for democracy. George H. W. Bush had a much saner foreign policy. GHWB understood balance of power politics. Hussein was actually a bulwark against Islamic fundamentalism. His suppression of the Kurds also helped keep Turkey stable. If we were going to remove Saddam we should have done what Ike would have done. Replace him with another brutal dictator..It worked in Iran for a quarter of a century before another Wilsonite, Jimmy Carter, screwed it up. Human rights be damned, outside US borders, we should always act in a way to advance our national interests.


Our removal of Saddam strengthened Iran. Made no damn sense.

I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts. ? Will Rogers
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Re: Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma?


Nope, 9/11 was in the planning stage before GW was in office. Most of the hijackers were Saudis. The foreign policy of GW Bush is quite similar to the foreign policy of Clinton. They are both Wilsonites who fail to understand some people just ain't ready for democracy. George H. W. Bush had a much saner foreign policy. GHWB understood balance of power politics. Hussein was actually a bulwark against Islamic fundamentalism. His suppression of the Kurds also helped keep Turkey stable. If we were going to remove Saddam we should have done what Ike would have done. Replace him with another brutal dictator..It worked in Iran for a quarter of a century before another Wilsonite, Jimmy Carter, screwed it up. Human rights be damned, outside US borders, we should always act in a way to advance our national interests.Our removal of Saddam strengthened Iran. Made no damn sense.

Prolly right, woulda happened anyways but it was GB1 who originally pissed off those Saudi's when we "freed" Kuwait.. They, specifically Osama, did not want us there interfering with the regions affairs. He wanted Saudi Arabia and the other arab nations to deal with it. We weren't on good terms with Saddam after the Iran/Iraq war.. But Rummy was shaking his hand a half a decade before that.. idiots.

I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy



Re: Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma?


The "20th" hijacker..Zacarous Mousoui??? How ever the hell it's spelled, was found out and discovered at a county jail not 25 miles from my lifelong home.. He cheered when he got the news in jail, forget the minor charge, and people started asking questions... He was taking the flight lessons here in MN.. Hits a bit close to home.

I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy



Re: Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma?


Prolly right, woulda happened anyways but it was GB1 who originally pissed off those Saudi's when we "freed" Kuwait.. They, specifically Osama, did not want us there interfering with the regions affairs. He wanted Saudi Arabia and the other arab nations to deal with it. We weren't on good terms with Saddam after the Iran/Iraq war.. But Rummy was shaking his hand a half a decade before that.. idiots.

Sometimes you suffer consequences even when you do the right thing. I have no real problems with defending Kuwait, or our invasion of Afghanistan. If we had not diverted our energies to Iran the Taliban could have been demolished in Afghanistan and a puppet dictator installed. Once again, that is not the neocon (Wilsonian) way. What the Wilsonites do not understand is that liberating some people is akin to liberating a pet rabbit that was born and raised in captivity.
I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts. ? Will Rogers

Re: Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma?


It was not our oil well to defend.. The other countries of the region should have handled it themselves. We aren't hired thugs.. Perhaps aid and support, but sending our military in was a big mistake. Course, hindsight is always 20/20.

I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy



Re: Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma?


Bush 41:




I don't believe in mission creep," he continued. "Had we gone into Baghdad -- we could have done it, you guys could have done it, you could have been there in 48 hours -- and then what? "Which sergeant, which private, whose life would be at stake in perhaps a fruitless hunt in an urban guerilla war to find the most-secure dictator in the world?


"Whose life would be on my hands as the commander-in-chief because I, unilaterally, went beyond the international law, went beyond the stated mission, and said we're going to show our macho?" he asked. "We're going into Baghdad. We're going to be an occupying power -- America in an Arab land -- with no allies at our side. It would have been disastrous."

I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts. ? Will Rogers

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