Moderators IWS Posted November 30, 2008 Moderators Posted November 30, 2008 I don't think he's a hero.. you do.. he served in the army and fought in the gulf war. He's a vet.. errr.. was a vet. Really? I do? Wez, I don't hold you accountable, I understand we only can go off of our experiences, and knowing how limited yours are, in the grand scheme of things, I see where you come from. Your views on veterans in general I can't condone. You are just like those who stood in airports and spit on the Vietnam vets when they came home and called them baby killers. With you it's black or white, right or wrong, good or bad. I'm sorry to burst your childhood fantasies and bedtime stories but that's not how the world works. I respect you as a person, respect your right to have and express your views, but to show the utter disrespect and condemnation for those who are willing to lay their lives down to protect and defend those rights, I can't back you and feel you way too often speak from a position of ignorance. Not ignorance in a bad way, but as not really knowing from experience of which you speak. Quote One of the consequences of such notions as "entitlements" is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.? ~ Thomas Sowell
Moderators IWS Posted November 30, 2008 Moderators Posted November 30, 2008 Barring any proof? Watch the vids yet? . Yea, I saw them but I also have knowledge and have extended what I know beyond those videos. I don't make it a habit of forming my opinion or basing my assumptions on one piece of evidence or one story/video. Quote One of the consequences of such notions as "entitlements" is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.? ~ Thomas Sowell
wez Posted November 30, 2008 Author Posted November 30, 2008 You think Tim McVie is a hero. Really, I do? what the f*ck? Right = right Wrong = wrong Little do you know, I'd lay my life down for any individual in this world for what's right. Not for a buck, power, or "glory". So before painting me as something else and telling me what I am and who I think is a hero, ask first. Quote I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy
snafu Posted November 30, 2008 Posted November 30, 2008 Going back to past **** has no reverence what so ever as to the plight of America and the world as we know it now. We've come a long way since then. Terrorist understand that the way to get to people with the understanding of the sanctity of life is to target the innocent . This is a fairly new tactic although carpet bombing cities back in the war was the same thing. To demoralize. These cells everywere lying dormant are ready for their day to attack. I think maybe a dirty bomb taking out an entire city with ill effects across the nation might awaken you to the realization that this is an enigma that can not be stopped. Saying your sorry for our ancestors won't help at this point. Put a helmet on and dig yourself a hole. The Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force and the National Gaurd will protect you. :cool: Quote *NEVER FORGOTTEN*
Moderators IWS Posted November 30, 2008 Moderators Posted November 30, 2008 Really, I do? what the f*ck? Right = right Wrong = wrong Once again you support my point. Just/unjust, good/bad, and right/wrong are all subjective terms. What one person believes is not necessarily what another does. That's why I said you live in a childhood fantisy world. Tim McVie believed what he did was right/just/good; your "19" believed they were doing what was right/just/good, Harry Trueman believed what he did was right/just/good, Pontius Pilot believed he was doing what was right/just/good, etc... and everyone of them were both right and wrong, depending on what your belief system is. Little do you know, I'd lay my life down for any individual in this world for what's right. Not for a buck, power, or "glory".So before painting me as something else and telling me what I am and who I think is a hero, ask first. No need to ask, you're actions speak for themselves. How can you pledge to lay your life down for what is right, when what is right is different for everyone, and most importantly when you are only offering this up for what you believe to be right. Is that really a noble pledge or a selfish one for ones own wants/beliefs/desires? As for Tim McVie, it's another reason you show yourself uncapable of grasping the real world. You say we think Tim McVie is a hero because he served in the miitary. The thing is, that this is more presumptuous than me claiming you find him a hero for standing up for his beliefs, but the difference is unlike you, I take the whole sum of a persons deeds in defining them. Just as I have taken everything I know of you and as much as you "claim" you love your country, your words and actions show otherwise. Countless times, over and over, you first condemn your country, you lump the actions of a few to define the deeds of the many in every situation. All businessmen are greedy theives and liars because a few have shown this trait. All Republicans are hypocrits because someone cites a few examples of their interpretation of such. A few soldiers have blindly followed orders and have done bad things so all soldiers are mindless killers. Quote One of the consequences of such notions as "entitlements" is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.? ~ Thomas Sowell
wez Posted November 30, 2008 Author Posted November 30, 2008 . The Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force and the National Gaurd will protect you. :cool: Since those things are not living entities, you must mean the individual human beings that belong to them mostly made up of poor kids enticed by free college and bonus checks to do the bidding of others. Sorry.. doesn't make me feel warm and fuzzy.. I'd rather stand up for myself and do my own dying as an indivdual. Quote I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy
wez Posted November 30, 2008 Author Posted November 30, 2008 Once again you support my point. Just/unjust, good/bad, and right/wrong are all subjective terms. What one person believes is not necessarily what another does. That's why I said you live in a childhood fantisy world. Good, then you must think it's ok for someone to melt your flesh off your bone. Whatever turns your crank. Tim McVie believed what he did was right/just/good; your "19" believed they were doing what was right/just/good, Harry Trueman believed what he did was right/just/good, Pontius Pilot believed he was doing what was right/just/good, etc... and everyone of them were both right and wrong, depending on what your belief system is. "My" 19? hahahaha.. Yeah, I loves me some death. Where all those people were wrong was in that they thought they had the right to decide that someone other than themselves walking the Earth should die and took actions to prove it. Whereas, I know better. No need to ask' date=' you're actions speak for themselves. How can you pledge to lay your life down for what is right, when what is right is different for everyone, and most importantly when you are only offering this up for what [b']you[/b] believe to be right. Is that really a noble pledge or a selfish one for ones own wants/beliefs/desires? I offer it up to anyone who lives under someone elses thumb because it's not right for people to lord over other people for their own selfish desires through violence, intimidation, and hypocrisy. If someone wants to kill me for saying so, so be it. I don't need to kill anyone to prove anything. If someone thinks that's "right", that someone is a sick individual who needs to be told it isn't right, but most likely is merely hypocritical and defines right/wrong inconsistantly depending on which side of the coin they're on. For example, you would probably think it's wrong for me to melt the flesh off your bones, yet you think it's ok to do to Panamanians. Or you probably would think it's wrong for another countries soldiers to invade your homeland and kick in your front door, yet you think it's ok to do to Iraqi's. Or you probably think it's wrong for people in Iran to obtain nuclear weapons but you think it's ok for people in your country to have them. Wrong = wrong Right = right Whatever you think is right/wrong is fine by me as long as you extend it to every individual human being in every other country on this planet, including yourself. Hypocrisy and double standards are always wrong, period. As for Tim McVie, it's another reason you show yourself uncapable of grasping the real world. You say we think Tim McVie is a hero because he served in the miitary. The thing is, that this is more presumptuous than me claiming you find him a hero for standing up for his beliefs, but the difference is unlike you, I take the whole sum of a persons deeds in defining them. Errrr.. you said he was my hero? Can't return the favor? How odd. I don't respect when people "stand up for their beliefs" with violence, intimidation, and hypocrisy, unlike you. Prolly think different if it was you they were doing it to though, I reckon. Tell me I'm wrong? Just as I have taken everything I know of you and as much as you "claim" you love your country, your words and actions show otherwise. Countless times, over and over, you first condemn your country, you lump the actions of a few to define the deeds of the many in every situation. I love people and I condemn no one, I forgive. And a country is not a living entity so it is not even possible to condemn it. Why do you think I wouldn't love the people who live in my homeland and show me where my words and actions say otherwise? If you love someone, you tell them the truth as you know/believe it. All businessmen are greedy theives and liars because a few have shown this trait. All Republicans are hypocrits because someone cites a few examples of their interpretation of such. A few soldiers have blindly followed orders and have done bad things so all soldiers are mindless killers. You show me where I ever said anything of the sort. I never said all businessmen are greedy thieves, nor did I say all republicans are hypocrites. Some soldiers actually do refuse to blindly follow orders. And killing other people whom you never met is always a bad thing and anyone in their right mind would know that. Matter of fact, I think I've made it quite clear that I believe labels = sh*t and no one is a word. Do you think all ______ are ______ because Saddam did bad things? Or all ______ are _______ because 19 people flew planes into buildings? You must.. you condone the invasion of their country.. So why then is it not ok for a country to do the same to us based on the actions of a few individuals? Or is it? Quote I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy
Moderators IWS Posted November 30, 2008 Moderators Posted November 30, 2008 Good, then you must think it's ok for someone to melt your flesh off your bone. Whatever turns your crank. Your opinion. Not fact. Just because you say it or believe it, doesn't make it so. "My" 19? hahahaha.. Yeah, I loves me some death. Where all those people were wrong was in that they thought they had the right to decide that someone other than themselves walking the Earth should die and took actions to prove it. Whereas, I know better. You don't "know" anything. You believe you know better. Just because you say it or believe it, doesn't make it so. I offer it up to anyone who lives under someone elses thumb because it's not right for people to lord over other people for their own selfish desires through violence, intimidation, and hypocrisy. If someone wants to kill me for saying so, so be it. I don't need to kill anyone to prove anything. If someone thinks that's "right", that someone is a sick individual who needs to be told it isn't right, but most likely is a merely a hypocrite who defines right/wrong inconsistantly depending on which side of the coin they're on. Just your opinon of what's right. Just because you say it or believe it, doesn't make it so. For example, you would probably think it's wrong for me to melt the flesh off your bones, yet you think it's ok to do to Panamanians. Or you probably would think it's wrong for another countries soldiers to invade your homeland and kick in your front door, yet you think it's ok to do to Iraqi's. Or you probably think it's wrong for people in Iran to obtain nuclear weapons but you think it's ok for people in your country to have them. Wrong = wrong Right = right Whatever you think is right/wrong is fine by me as long as you extend it to every individual human being in every other country on this planet, including yourself. Hypocrisy and double standards are always wrong, period. Your opinon of the situation. Just because you say it or believe this is the case, doesn't make it so. Errrr.. you said he was my hero? Can't return the favor? How odd. I don't respect when people "stand up for their beliefs" with violence, intimidation, and hypocrisy, unlike you. Prolly think different if it was you they were doing it to though, I reckon. Tell me I'm wrong? Nothing but your opinion. Just because you believe it, doesn't make it so. I love people and I condemn no one, I forgive. And a country is not a living entity so it is not even possible to condemn it. You say it, your actions prove otherwise. Just because you say it or believe it, doesn't make it so. You show me where I ever said anything of the sort. I never said all businessmen are greedy thieves, nor did I say all republicans are hypocrites. Some soldiers actually do refuse to blindly follow orders. And killing other people whom you never met is always a bad thing and anyone in their right mind would know that. Your opinion. Just because you believe it, doesn't make it so. Do you think all ______ are ______ because Saddam did bad things? Or all ______ are _______ because 19 people flew planes into buildings? You must.. you condone the invasion of their country.. So why then is it not ok for a country to do the same to us based on the actions of a few individuals? Or is it? Your opinion. Just because you say it or believe it, doesn't make it so. Quote One of the consequences of such notions as "entitlements" is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.? ~ Thomas Sowell
wez Posted November 30, 2008 Author Posted November 30, 2008 Opinions? Hahahaha.. perhaps.. There were also some questions in there for you.. I'll prove me right, or you'll prove me wrong. I really don't wanna assume anything... so... Lets start here.. Do you think it's ok for people in Iran to obtain nuclear weapons? Me.. No. What say you? Quote I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy
Moderators IWS Posted November 30, 2008 Moderators Posted November 30, 2008 Opinions? Hahahaha.. perhaps.. There were also some questions in there for you.. I'll prove me right, or you'll prove me wrong. I really don't wanna assume anything... so... Lets start here.. Do you think it's ok for people in Iran to obtain nuclear weapons? Me.. No. What say you? If you are only asking about nuclear weapons, and only asking my opinion. I say, "no". The current regime has expressed their intention to wipe another soverign nation off the map. Do I think it "right" that one nation has them and another one doesn't. In absolute theory, "no". In reality based on the basic intentions or likelyhood that any would be used in an act of agression, I believe that those that have them now, are kept in pretty much a good check and balance situation unlike the stated intentions of some rogue states. This goes back over a half decade where the US developed them and in theory actually saved lives by using them, against a nation that the US was at war with. Right or wrong, good or bad, is not for me to say. I believe the end result justified the use. With that said. Do I believe there should be a constant strive to work toward the elimination of such weapons, "yes", but for now we are where we are. Quote One of the consequences of such notions as "entitlements" is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.? ~ Thomas Sowell
wez Posted November 30, 2008 Author Posted November 30, 2008 If you are only asking about nuclear weapons, and only asking my opinion. I say, "no".The current regime has expressed their intention to wipe another soverign nation off the map. Do I think it "right" that one nation has them and another one doesn't. In absolute theory, "no". In reality based on the basic intentions or likelyhood that any would be used in an act of agression, I believe that those that have them now, are kept in pretty much a good check and balance situation unlike the stated intentions of some rogue states. This goes back over a half decade where the US developed them and in theory actually saved lives by using them, against a nation that the US was at war with. Right or wrong, good or bad, is not for me to say. I believe the end result justified the use. With that said. Do I believe there should be a constant strive to work toward the elimination of such weapons, "yes", but for now we are where we are. I only deal in absolute theories. I'm naive like that. Retarded if you will.. I believe that double standards and hypocrisy is wrong/never right, by absolute human nature, and will always lead to unecessary strife. Perhaps you think it's a good system because of where you live, eh? Perhaps you may not think it so hot if you lived on top of mass oil reserves and "rogue states" were everpresent in your region holding you in check through the use of violence, intimidation, and hypocrisy because they have an interest in what lies below your sand and are bound and determined to make sure it remains that way, or else. I'm not sure how you think any weapon ever used on other human beings in the history of the world "saved lives", let alone one that killed 250,000 people in one grand life saving explosion, but I'd be interested to hear that theory. Is it of your opinion that it woud be ok for people of a nation that are at war with people of our nation to use them on us to "save lives", in theory of course. Quote I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy
wez Posted November 30, 2008 Author Posted November 30, 2008 So in extrapulating from my theory of what cannot be seen or held in ones hand and only known from within, is that all theories in practice that can only be backed up with violence, threats, intimidation, double standards and hypocrisy are wrong, period. I also have a theory that every human being knows this to be absolutely true unless they are mentally impaired from birth/physical trauma, in a coma, or dead, whether they will openly admit it or not. I also know for a fact that what people say/think/do will never change this simple, pure, good and true aspect of human nature for all eternity, even if humans one day cease to exist, it will still have been true and will always be. Quote I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy
Moderators IWS Posted November 30, 2008 Moderators Posted November 30, 2008 So in extrapulating from my theory of what cannot be seen or held in ones hand and only known from within, is that all theories in practice that can only be backed up with violence, threats, intimidation, double standards and hypocrisy are wrong, period.I also have a theory that every human being knows this to be absolutely true unless they are mentally impaired from birth/physical trauma, in a coma, or dead, whether they will openly admit it or not. I also know for a fact that what people say/think/do will never change this simple, pure, good and true aspect of human nature for all eternity, even if humans one day cease to exist, it will still have been true and will always be. You may want to get a dictionary. You can't have a "theory" and then claim to know for a "fact" that it won't change. :rolleyes: Quote One of the consequences of such notions as "entitlements" is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.? ~ Thomas Sowell
wez Posted November 30, 2008 Author Posted November 30, 2008 You may want to get a dictionary. You can't have a "theory" and then claim to know for a "fact" that it won't change. :rolleyes: Don't mind me.. I'm a retard. But I know what I know.. ;) Quote I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy
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