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What's a bigger threat to America.

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Listen to this recording of a representative to the Oklahoma state legislature, Sally Kerns ®.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BPB7bTdz2xQ]YouTube - Republican Hate Speech[/ame]


Tulsa World: Oklahoma legislator's anti-gay comments stir hostile reaction


I knew that terrorists have sleeper cells and other operatives in the US but I didn't realize that the gays were a "gang" or had their own mafia.


I'm not sure which one to be more afraid of.

One of the consequences of such notions as "entitlements" is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.? ~ Thomas Sowell

I have no problem with gays in general, but DAMMIT why does being gay get over pushed into our faces.. Oh my god, I swear EVERY damn celeb gossip commentator is a flaming homo.. Why?


Is it because "REAL MEN" don't really give a damn about Paris Hilton or Britney Spears?


Gay all over is a damn plague anymore and it needs to stop... Not because O am against the homosexual lifestyle, but because I'm sick of hearing gay people stereotype themselves with lispy voices and random acts of homo-ness on camera.


The homosexuals that I personally know of, do not act in any way like the media queers we see all the time.






I had to vote gays.. You know, 2 people of the same sex, having sex is going to be the end of America..


Really, people don't have a problem with friends and roommates and the like being the same gender... it's just the act of sex people have a problem with.. Hahahaha.. who cares? No one is going to force anyone to have gay sex..Unless you're in prison of course. :D


If churches don't want to marry them, that's fine.. but as far as the laws and benifits given to married couples, they should be available to all domestic partnerships, in my opinion.. gay and straight, if they choose to.


If it's Gods will to condemn them after death.. that's their choice. It is a fact that genetics get messed up and although someone may look like a man or woman on the outside, they are completely opposite on the inside.. Hormones play a huge role in who we are..

I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy


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I have no problem with gays in general, but DAMMIT why does being gay get over pushed into our faces.. Oh my god, I swear EVERY damn celeb gossip commentator is a flaming homo.. Why?Is it because "REAL MEN" don't really give a damn about Paris Hilton or Britney Spears?



Gay all over is a damn plague anymore and it needs to stop... Not because O am against the homosexual lifestyle, but because I'm sick of hearing gay people stereotype themselves with lispy voices and random acts of homo-ness on camera.The homosexuals that I personally know of, do not act in any way like the media queers we see all the time.





You answered your own question. The gays that are on TV are just like any other subsect of the population. There are always members of the group that feed into the stereotypes of the group, unfortunately, like the red neck, tornado victim, these are the ones that always make it on TV.
One of the consequences of such notions as "entitlements" is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.? ~ Thomas Sowell

I guess it all depends on what you think each is threatening.


Terrorism threatens inocent lives, threatens our "safe and secure" feeling that we get from being the most powerful nation on the planet. Terrorism threatens our economy.


Homosexuality is thought to threaten the moral fabric of America. I agree with wez that if two people want to have sex, it's none of my business, but like Phreakwars said- At every chance homosexuality is shoved down our throats- and if we complain- then we are considered intolerant.


Terrorism is much more a physical threat, while homosexuality is more of a political threat.


Terrorism is seen as an outside threat, while Homosexuality is a "from the inside out" threat.


Terrorism tends to be a surprise attack, while homosexuality is more and more creepign into every fabric of society.


Differences, but both causes could be very damaging to our society as a whole.

I hate signatures, so I don't have one.



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I guess it all depends on what you think each is threatening.Terrorism threatens inocent lives, threatens our "safe and secure" feeling that we get from being the most powerful nation on the planet. Terrorism threatens our economy.


Homosexuality is thought to threaten the moral fabric of America. I agree with wez that if two people want to have sex, it's none of my business, but like Phreakwars said- At every chance homosexuality is shoved down our throats- and if we complain- then we are considered intolerant.


Terrorism is much more a physical threat, while homosexuality is more of a political threat.


Terrorism is seen as an outside threat, while Homosexuality is a "from the inside out" threat.


Terrorism tends to be a surprise attack, while homosexuality is more and more creepign into every fabric of society.


Differences, but both causes could be very damaging to our society as a whole.

Isn't homosexuality, like fear of a certain race, only a threat if it isn't accepted or understood? More like the fear of the unknown. Like the many past fears, around the world, of Jews, or the American historical, fear of the Irish, the Chinese, the Blacks, or more recently the Hispanics.
One of the consequences of such notions as "entitlements" is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.? ~ Thomas Sowell

In a way yes. Much like the races you mentioned- it shouldn't matter to society if people want to be gay or not.


the difference is that being gay has become a cause, a battle if you will, of debauchery and sleaze. It isn't the normal everyday homosexual person fighting this battle, it's the in your face gay people in a parade through your city publicly wearing buttless chaps, giant dildos, and other perversions that if were done publicly by any other member of society they would be locked up. Children are being exposed to sexuality earlier and earlier all the time, and these public displays don't help anything


the moral fiber of America is being eroded by these types of people (not that they are alone in that, not by any means,) and it's that moral fiber that helps hold us together as Americans.

I hate signatures, so I don't have one.



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In a way yes. Much like the races you mentioned- it shouldn't matter to society if people want to be gay or not.the difference is that being gay has become a cause, a battle if you will, of debauchery and sleaze. It isn't the normal everyday homosexual person fighting this battle, it's the in your face gay people in a parade through your city publicly wearing buttless chaps, giant dildos, and other perversions that if were done publicly by any other member of society they would be locked up. Children are being exposed to sexuality earlier and earlier all the time, and these public displays don't help anything


the moral fiber of America is being eroded by these types of people (not that they are alone in that, not by any means,) and it's that moral fiber that helps hold us together as Americans.

I understand that and we all know, that the first Amendment protects this, but wouldn't acceptance and aknolwedgement, remove this necessity from these people? I mean, since we had the acceptance of racial equality in the 1960's we no longer have the marches and protest like we had. Wouldn't this most likely end the need for gay marches and such?
One of the consequences of such notions as "entitlements" is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.? ~ Thomas Sowell

Is there really a "need" for them now?


I have no issue with protests and marces to support your views, but the gay pride parades go beyond just a protest march and enters perversion. It's this perversion that I have issue with.

I hate signatures, so I don't have one.



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Is there really a "need" for them now?I have no issue with protests and marces to support your views, but the gay pride parades go beyond just a protest march and enters perversion. It's this perversion that I have issue with.

I guess we would only know if there is a need for them, if you are gay. I don't know.


I'm sure that the white majority, didn't see a need for civil rights marches or protests.


I personally would corrollate the ordeal of gays today to that of blacks, 50 years ago. I think homosexuality is only an issue of personal morals. 50 years ago societal views were negative toward blacks. Did that make it right?


Today, societal, or moral views are negative toward homosexuals. Does that make it right?

One of the consequences of such notions as "entitlements" is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.? ~ Thomas Sowell

I dont mind gays at all. Being gay is normal for some people.


What I do mind, is gay activists and liberals shoving it down our throats.


A while ago in the UK it was discovered that a book writen for school infants, had two characters in it that were male gays. And of course they live together, and all the rest of it.


That in my opinion is not suitable reading for little children.


Tolerance yes. Indoctrination of minors- NO.

Don't preach in my school, or I'll think in your church.

A terrorist can be discovered and even if they get away with their plans like 9/11, most of the time America will come together under a common goal. While a terrorist can do damage, that damage is external and does not harm the foundation of America.


A homosexual "lifestyle" does wear on the foundation of America because it directly attacks our moral standards. Any sex act/thought that is not hetrosexual is a sexual deviant act as defined by the AASI (Abel Assessment for Sexual Interest).


Why do we give one kind of sexual disorder a pass while every other sexual disorder like Frotteurism, Coprophilia, Urophilia, Ephebophilia, Mysophilia, necrophilia, are all in the same boat as homosexuality?


By making exceptions to our moral fiber we allow a slow and very determined decline to happen in America, something terrorists cannot make happen.

Most if not all stereotypes hold some truth.


?The politicians don't just want your money. They want your soul. They want you to be worn down by taxes until you are dependent and helpless. When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both.? ~ James Dale Davidson


OK now that the fun and games is over lets get into the real threat of America.




Iran is a global threat and it is the inevitable that we or us (UN) will have to deal with Iran. How should this be done? More diplomacy, More sanctions, or unilaterally?


I think diplomacy is not working. I think sanctions are not working. I think the only other alternative is military intervention.


What say you?



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OK now that the fun and games is over lets get into the real threat of America. Iran.....


Iran is a global threat and it is the inevitable that we or us (UN) will have to deal with Iran. How should this be done? More diplomacy, More sanctions, or unilaterally?


I think diplomacy is not working. I think sanctions are not working. I think the only other alternative is military intervention.


What say you?

I think it's pretty safe to say that any diplomacy where the US is directly involved won't work very well. It would have to be done through a friendly Muslim state like Egypt or Saudi Arabia.
One of the consequences of such notions as "entitlements" is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.? ~ Thomas Sowell
I think it's pretty safe to say that any diplomacy where the US is directly involved won't work very well. It would have to be done through a friendly Muslim state like Egypt or Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia is the main culprit! We play games with them all the time because they got the money and oil. Did you notice all the attackers on 9-11 were Saudis? Maybe diplomacy can work with them but they are the untouchables.



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Saudi Arabia is the main culprit! We play games with them all the time because they got the money and oil. Did you notice all the attackers on 9-11 were Saudis? Maybe diplomacy can work with them but they are the untouchables.

Did you also notice that Timothy McVeigh was an American and Saddam Hussein, Manuel Noriega, Osama Bin Laden were all once allys?


Saudi Arabia also exhiled Osama Bin Laden after he was linked to the US Embassy bombings. Just because a radical faction of Saudis were involved in Al Quaida doesn't mean the country isn't a friendly state.

One of the consequences of such notions as "entitlements" is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.? ~ Thomas Sowell

Well that maybe true. And maybe the financing of the 9-11 attacks and other attacks that were actually done by the Saudi family was unbeknown to them. But the fact is they were. And that's what makes them untouchable. Pretty shrewd diplomacy if you ask me.


But Iran is working independent at this time I believe and they need to be stopped.



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