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I guess you're the same as Ted Bundy then.

If he was human.. I guess I am.. He was trying to "spare everyone the pain" by concealing his crimes as well.. He was a hero for it. :rolleyes:

I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy


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Contrary to what you may think, wez, I've dealt with enough personalities to know that we aren't all the same.


Many have no concept of guilt, many can't even stand someone looking at them until they spill their guts, many hold in guilt until presented with proof, many go forever holding it in.


You have to know someone, before you know what they are capable of.

One of the consequences of such notions as "entitlements" is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.? ~ Thomas Sowell
Contrary to what you may think, wez, I've dealt with enough personalities to know that we aren't all the same.Many have no concept of guilt, many can't even stand someone looking at them until they spill their guts, many hold in guilt until presented with proof, many go forever holding it in.


You have to know someone, before you know what they are capable of.

I agree.. everyone deals with it differently.. and I know all those types as well.. And know how one deals with it, or avoids dealing with it, or has become so adept at lying to themselves they don't even think they've done what they've done anymore and how it effects what they do and who they are in relation to others.


here's an interesting article I was looking at.. Forgiveness: Thoughts on the Nature of Guilt and Innocence


And this one.. MysticalGuide Soul Talk


The second one is playing a muzak version of this.. :D


How deep is your love


Bee Gees




Love this song! Bee Gees rule..


Now is muzaking this one.. another great tune. Hahaha... funny.


Let it be








Here's one more link for anyone interested.. Jesus Is Precious Because He Removes Our Guilt :: Desiring God Christian Resource Library


Good quote from it here at the end of the article..


Turn away from all the intellectual, physical, and religious tactics the world uses to evade its guilt, and rest in Jesus. Jesus is precious because he alone removes our guilt.

I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy


Contrary to what you may think, wez, I've dealt with enough personalities to know that we aren't all the same.Many have no concept of guilt, many can't even stand someone looking at them until they spill their guts, many hold in guilt until presented with proof, many go forever holding it in.


You have to know someone, before you know what they are capable of.



"many hold in guilt until presented with proof, may go forever holding it in"


sometimes, if u really want your relations to go on, u may choose not to tell your loved one; but if u do the guilty thing out of some wicked purposes, your spouse will find it later or sooner, because of the long-existed problem between u two. U r destined to say goodbye!


IMO, if u really care about each other and love each other, u will never do teh guilty things! there must be reasons there!

Yes@!"many hold in guilt until presented with proof, may go forever holding it in"


sometimes, if u really want your relations to go on, u may choose not to tell your loved one; but if u do the guilty thing out of some wicked purposes, your spouse will find it later or sooner, because of the long-existed problem between u two. U r destined to say goodbye!


IMO, if u really care about each other and love each other, u will never do teh guilty things! there must be reasons there!

Hi wendy! Nice to see you again . :)


Very well spoken, wendy. I completely agree with you about the guilt.

I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy



If I was the person being cheated on, I would want to know, no matter how hurtful.


You need to know who exactly you are with, even if it means knowing how badly they can behave.


And I honestly think it hurts more in the long run to feel stupid and fooled years later, than to find out immediately and deal with it.

As always occurred when he quarreled over principles in which he believed passionately, he would end up gasping furiously for air and blinking back bitter tears of conviction. There were many principles in which Clevinger believed passionately. He was crazy.

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