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A married Wisconsin man has been charged with causing a woman to have two miscarriages by slipping her the abortion pill.Authorities said the woman already has a 3-year-old child with Manishkumar Patel and had become pregnant by him two other times.


Authorities said the woman became suspicious of a smoothie that Patel had bought for her from an ice cream shop. She contacted police after having a sample tested by a California lab, which confirmed the presence of the abortion pill RU-486.


The newspapers reported that Patel is charged with attempted first-degree intentional homicide of an unborn child; second-degree reckless endangerment; placing foreign objects in edibles; possession of prescription drugs; stalking; burglary; possession of burglary tools and two counts of violating a restraining order. The burglary charge stems from his allegedly entering the woman's residence while she was out.


His attorney said he expects Patel to plead not guilty.

So this guy slips the morning after pill in his girlfriend smoothie. Not only once but twice and she miscarriages both times. He's obviously guilty of reckless endangerment and should be charged with the rest of the crimes but why should he be charged with murder? If it's his kid shouldn't he have the same rights to abort if he choses not to be a parent again? Don't get me wrong. I think he's guilty of murder. But Then again I'm against freedom of choice (murder by choice) for women too.


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Good points Snafu. I've always felt bad for guys who are trapped in such situations, but on the other hand he should have made sure she was either taking the pill or used other forms of contraceptions. This is pretty sickening. There needs to be a solution for the overpopulation problem as it is but maybe the less kids you have the more tax breaks you get would be a better solution than a welfare check for some of the irresponsibles.

I am against abortion quite firmly. I have had sex with many women/girls, many many times each. Yet I only got one female pregnant, one time and we had that child. This was a planned pregnancy during a marriage. So I am not sympathetic to people that destroy a sentient being because they cannot understand how NOT to create an unwanted life. I would presume this mans religious beliefs stand in defiance of birth control. That is no excuse. His religious beliefs also stand in defiance of adultery, which was the reason for the poisonous assault. Of course he doesn't want to have anymore kids. He's married and the pregnant woman was his girlfriend.


I feel no sympathy for him due to his overt infanticidal act.


If it's his kid shouldn't he have the same rights to abort if he choses not to be a parent again?

NO! As a man you have full control over whether or not you ejaculate into a womans coochy. His body does not host this new life so he has no right whatsoever to violate the sanctity of the confines of her body. As to the charges and potential sentencing;


I wouldn't think life imprisonment is due in this case. This is a classic example of a killer whom can be brought to understand his wrongs and be a safe candidate for future release after rehabilitation. The murder charge should be demoted to a lesser manslaughter statute. I think the physical assault on the womans body is as serious as the do-it-yourself abortion. I would see a 10-20 year sentence as reasonable. His crime does have lifelong ramifications for his victim(s).



I'm better than normal. I'm abnormal.

I wouldn't think life imprisonment is due in this case. This is a classic example of a killer QUOTE]


I too am generally against abortion. There are of course a few exceptions. Rape, or where the pregnancy endangers the womans life.


In the UK, the law and pro-abortion lobbyists insist that a foetus is not a human being ! Somehow, a foetus miraculously becomes human at birth. What nonsense !


He is certainly guilty of wreckless endangerment to the woman. He has not idea or cncern regarding her future health. There may be long term consequences to her after this poison has been sneaked into her body.

Don't preach in my school, or I'll think in your church.
I too am generally against abortion. There are of course a few exceptions. Rape' date=' or where the pregnancy endangers the womans life.[/quote']Yes. I forgot to stipulate a disclaimer. There are instances in which an abortion is just. My issue with it is when it becomes a reactionary form of birth control.



I'm better than normal. I'm abnormal.

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So this guy slips the morning after pill in his girlfriend smoothie. Not only once but twice and she miscarriages both times. He's obviously guilty of reckless endangerment and should be charged with the rest of the crimes but why should he be charged with murder? If it's his kid shouldn't he have the same rights to abort if he choses not to be a parent again? Don't get me wrong. I think he's guilty of murder. But Then again I'm against freedom of choice (murder by choice) for women too.

I don't agree that he should have the right to decide to abort a fetus out of another person, but I also don't agree with charging him with murder. I will agree to charging him with assault on the woman, but not murder for the fetus, unless the State of Wisconsin is also willing to charge every woman who gets an abortion, in Wisconsin with murder. It really shouldn't depend on who decides to end a life whether it's murder or not.


I personally, don't agree with abortion, but I also am pro choice. I don't feel that I, as a man, have the right to tell a woman what she can and can't do with her body. Just to give some insight on my stance on abortion.

One of the consequences of such notions as "entitlements" is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.? ~ Thomas Sowell
............I personally, don't agree with abortion, but I also am pro choice. I don't feel that I, as a man, have the right to tell a woman what she can and can't do with her body. Just to give some insight on my stance on abortion.

Pro choice is a fancy non threating way of saying abortion. Abortion is a tame way of saying murder.






If the women has the right to chose then so dose the man. The child aborted or born is NOT and I repeat NOT hers!! She should have no rights to terminate that child that is part of two people!



If the women has the right to chose then so dose the man. The child aborted or born is NOT and I repeat NOT hers!! She should have no rights to terminate that child that is part of two people!

The man can go get an abortion if he wishes. But it will do him no good because the baby is inside the woman. Sorry Snaffy, I gotta side with the ladies on this one. Don't get a b*tch prego if you're gonna act like a jerk and demand she murder the baby.


Once the language is used wherein the man makes it known that he doesn't want it, he wants it dead, the baby should be rightfully and fully claimed as hers. However, if that is how they wanna play the game, I say the man should be absolved of child support. After all, its hers right? There ya go. Enjoy!



I'm better than normal. I'm abnormal.

And that's my point. The man shouldn't be allowed to have her abort the child an the women shouldn't have the right to abort the child if the man wants it. I don't give a **** about it being her body thats helping the baby develop or not. Same thing about the guy knowing where he puts his penis, the women also knows the consequences of having sex.



There are instances in which an abortion is just. My issue with it is when it becomes a reactionary form of birth control.

Spot on Jhony. It sickens me to read of people having several abotions in a row. Meanwhile, there are huge queues for hip replacements etc
Don't preach in my school, or I'll think in your church.
I don't feel that I, as a man, have the right to tell a woman what she can and can't do with her body.

But is it right that s/he, or anyone else can do as s/he/they please with someone else's body ? IE the little person in there.


Without serious mitigating circumstances I would say no. Examples would be rape, or a serious threat to the woman's health to go full term. Just my view.


I read somewhere that a society is judged by how it treats its most vulnerable members. I think unborn babies fit in here. I don't subscribe to the silly argument that they are somehow non-people

Don't preach in my school, or I'll think in your church.
...I don't feel that I, as a man, have the right to tell a woman what she can and can't do with her body....

That's like saying I can do anything I want with my trigger finger. Its not her body I'm worried about.



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That's like saying I can do anything I want with my trigger finger. Its not her body I'm worried about.

If you look back I said that I don't agree with abortion. That's my personal beliefs and moral/religious opinion. I guess I shouldn't have said I was pro choice. I should have said that with Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court says a woman can do this. I don't feel I have the right to tell anyone what to do with their body if it is legal. I think telling someone they can't do something that is legal because of my belief system, is like forcing my beliefs/morals/religion on them.


I also am totally against partial birth/third trimester abortions, unless medically necessary. I guess my feelings about the whole thing is that until there is a heartbeat and brain activity, my personal feeling is this isn't any different then a tumor or parasite.

One of the consequences of such notions as "entitlements" is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.? ~ Thomas Sowell
I cannot see a philosophically consistent argument that allows a woman to hire a hitman (a doctor) to kill the unborn child and allow the action of another to be charged with murder for killing the same unborn child. The most he should be charged with is assault on the woman given our current abortion laws. Thank God for abortion. Otherwise Al Gore would be President.
I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts. ? Will Rogers
I cannot see a philosophically consistent argument that allows a woman to hire a hitman (a doctor) to kill the unborn child and allow the action of another to be charged with murder for killing the same unborn child. The most he should be charged with is assault on the woman given our current abortion laws. Thank God for abortion. Otherwise Al Gore would be President.

There is an element of legal hypocrisy involved. It isn't "murder" for a doctor to destroy a fetus. But it is for a boyfriend to do this. Does the fact that the host (his girlfriend) didn't know the abortion was in effect change it from a sterile process of fetal elimination to full-on murder?


This trial will be interesting to say the least.



I'm better than normal. I'm abnormal.

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There is an element of legal hypocrisy involved. It isn't "murder" for a doctor to destroy a fetus. But it is for a boyfriend to do this. Does the fact that the host (his girlfriend) didn't know the abortion was in effect change it from a sterile process of fetal elimination to full-on murder?This trial will be interesting to say the least.

I have the same issue here as you do. I often get in debates with people who approve of abortion but agree with the idea that if you murder a pregnant woman you can be charged with two counts of murder or if you run a stop sign causing an accident where a pregnant woman loses her baby it's OK to be charged with motor vehicle homicide or manslaughter.


You can't have it both ways. Either you can kill a fetus without punishment under penalty of law, or you can't.

One of the consequences of such notions as "entitlements" is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.? ~ Thomas Sowell
I have the same issue here as you do. I often get in debates with people who approve of abortion but agree with the idea that if you murder a pregnant woman you can be charged with two counts of murder or if you run a stop sign causing an accident where a pregnant woman loses her baby it's OK to be charged with motor vehicle homicide or manslaughter.You can't have it both ways. Either you can kill a fetus without punishment under penalty of law, or you can't.



It either is, or is not, a living human being. Does the fact that the mother didn't choose to murder her baby somehow change the validity of the infant life?



I'm better than normal. I'm abnormal.

You can't have it both ways. Either you can kill a fetus without punishment under penalty of law, or you can't.

But that would be logical and when has man ever been able to do anything in a logical mannor for very long before an illogical alternative was invented to take it's place.


In this case we have a system designed to allow women total control over life. A woman can decide a life is not worthy of continuing but a man cannot. While I am against abortions for selfish reasons, I see no difference between a women killing a fetus or a man killing a fetus for thise same selfish reasons.


I would only allow abortions for incest, rape, and "true" medical necessary reasons, not the fake ones currently allowed without documented proof of the need.


If I was on the jury of this case, I let him walk, not because I see his actions as good, but in my atempt to show how unfair it is to have a double standard for the killing of an innocent fetus.

Most if not all stereotypes hold some truth.


?The politicians don't just want your money. They want your soul. They want you to be worn down by taxes until you are dependent and helpless. When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both.? ~ James Dale Davidson

I am pro-CHOICE (not pro-abortion, there is a difference). I don't believe someone has the right to force a woman to have an abortion. HOWEVER-I think it is hypocritical to charge him with murder. If it's legal for a woman to choose to have one, it shouldn't be called murder. If he is tried and convicted of murder, this will be a big hit for abortion rights.
I am pro-CHOICE (not pro-abortion, there is a difference). I don't believe someone has the right to force a woman to have an abortion. HOWEVER-I think it is hypocritical to charge him with murder. If it's legal for a woman to choose to have one, it shouldn't be called murder. If he is tried and convicted of murder, this will be a big hit for abortion rights.

The double standard for killing a fetus is well established.


A woman can do it, a man cannot.


As far as forcing a woman to do something with her body, that is not what anyone wants to do.


The woman already did what she wanted to do with her body, she had irresponsible and unprotected sex with her body and wants to kill the result of her mistake.


All I want is for women to face the responsibility for their actions instead of killing an innocent life to cover it up.


Most abortions are from women who already have at least one child already and have never been married so they are not stuipd girls who don't know how babies are made or what can be done to prevent getting pregnant. Over 93% of all abortions occur for social reasons (i.e. the child is unwanted or inconvenient). About 14% of all abortions in the United States are paid for with public funds, virtually all of which are state funds. 16 states (CA, CT, HI, ED, IL, MA , MD, MD, MN, MT, NJ, NM, NY, OR, VT, WA and WV) pay for abortions for some poor women.


My tax money should not be used to kill innocent life.

Most if not all stereotypes hold some truth.


?The politicians don't just want your money. They want your soul. They want you to be worn down by taxes until you are dependent and helpless. When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both.? ~ James Dale Davidson

  • 5 weeks later...
I am pro-CHOICE (not pro-abortion, there is a difference).

I feel the same way.


I don't think I would ever personally be able to have an abortion, but then again I don't think anyone has the right to dictate what women want to do with their own bodies.


While a foetus is growing inside a woman, it belongs to her. I imagine that many men (and some women) don't want to hear that, and they don't want to accept it, so they fight to control it, but they need to learn that this is something that they are simply never going to be able to control.


Women have the right to decide whether or not they want to put their body through carrying a baby, and I respect that right. Everyone else should learn to respect it, too.


Also, if women don't have access to clean, medical abortion facilities they'll resort to unclean backyard methods like coathangers and goodness knows what else, thus endangering their own lives.


If men want to have an opinion on it, they should take action to stop other men raping women, underage girls, and even their own children. Untill all that kind of nasty inhumane behaviour stops happening, women need to have abortions legally available.

As always occurred when he quarreled over principles in which he believed passionately, he would end up gasping furiously for air and blinking back bitter tears of conviction. There were many principles in which Clevinger believed passionately. He was crazy.
I feel the same way. I don't think anyone has the right to dictate what women want to do with their own bodies.


While a fetus is growing inside a woman, it belongs to her. I imagine that many men (and some women) don't want to hear that, and they don't want to accept it, so they fight to control it, but they need to learn that this is something that they are simply never going to be able to control.


Women have the right to decide whether or not they want to put their body through carrying a baby, and I respect that right. Everyone else should learn to respect it, too.

No it dose not! It took a mans sperm to create this fetus. It's a part of the man!!! why can't women understand this? It would be like killing a part of me! The women new the consequence of what sex would bring just like the man.


Also, if women don't have access to clean, medical abortion facilities they'll resort to unclean backyard methods like coathangers and goodness knows what else, thus endangering their own lives.

This is were stiff jail time and other murers charges would come in handy.


If men want to have an opinion on it, they should take action to stop other men raping women, underage girls, and even their own children. Untill all that kind of nasty inhumane behavior stops happening, women need to have abortions legally available.

I would stop a rape in a heartbeat if I could. And it would be with a 45. caliber bullet.


*A bullet to the brain stops a rape in an instant. Saying I have a gun stops it even sooner* - Pen & Teller.



No it dose not! It took a mans sperm to create this fetus. It's a part of the man!!! why can't women understand this? It would be like killing a part of me! The women new the consequence of what sex would bring just like the man.

Ok, I can see that I appear a little harsh, so please let me explain.


Women have to carry the nine month burden of being pregnant. Men don't.


I think there should definitely be lengthy discussions between the two responsible parties (if possible) about it before the abortion is decided upon, but it seems fair that the final decision belongs to the woman.


Would you rather a baby was born, unwanted, to ill equipped and unprepared parents?


Why should a woman go through nine months of pain if she really isn't ready for it?


Please, stop being incensed and try to understand it from a female point of view. Having a baby is a huge decision, a huge responsibilty, a major life altering experience - and shouldn't be forced upon anyone.

As always occurred when he quarreled over principles in which he believed passionately, he would end up gasping furiously for air and blinking back bitter tears of conviction. There were many principles in which Clevinger believed passionately. He was crazy.
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Ok, I can see that I appear a little harsh, so please let me explain.Women have to carry the nine month burden of being pregnant. Men don't.


I think there should definitely be lengthy discussions between the two responsible parties (if possible) about it before the abortion is decided upon, but it seems fair that the final decision belongs to the woman.


Would you rather a baby was born, unwanted, to ill equipped and unprepared parents?


Why should a woman go through nine months of pain if she really isn't ready for it?


Please, stop being incensed and try to understand it from a female point of view. Having a baby is a huge decision, a huge responsibilty, a major life altering experience - and shouldn't be forced upon anyone.

That's fine, but if I run into your car in a drunken romp, and the only thing that results, is you loose the baby, I shouldn't be charged with a crime.
One of the consequences of such notions as "entitlements" is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.? ~ Thomas Sowell
Why should a woman go through nine months of pain if she really isn't ready for it?

Why should a baby be killed just because it's mother was irresponsible or it may "inconvenience" her?


Abortion as a form of birth control (which is how it abortion is used the majority of the time) infuriates me.


If you aren't prepared to be a parent, then your best bet is to not have sex (because abstinence is the only 100% effective form of birth control.)

I hate signatures, so I don't have one.



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