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If you remember back several months things got like this and it was addressed by requesting these issues be taken to topic specific threads in the free for all forum and it got better for quite a while. It has now been addressed again and other things might be coming in the future to allow a different outlet for these jabs and comments that don't contribute to the topic of the thread but members feel need to be discussed with one another.I wouldn't classify anyone as being disruptive in every discussion. Some people are passionate about topics and emotions get involved.


I don't think anyone wants this site to get so over moderated that a mod jumps in every time some members have issues or disagreements akin to a boxing ref jumping in and splitting up the fighters at the first sign of a lock up, but would rather give a bit of opportunity for them to separate and get back to the fight before interfering.


Right now I'm trying to find a happy medium. :)

Personally, I think you're doing a great job.. I really am kinda against adults needing a babysitter anyways, but some people don't know when to quit.. I'm practicing. :rolleyes:


I mean really, I share something really personal about my life knowing full well what I would hear, and took it like a man I thought.. Call me a murderer, like I give a f*ck.. Anyone can say anything they want to me and I will do the same. Won't catch me balling to anyone. Unreal..

I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy


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In the same vein, men who want their girlfriends, wives etc to have abortions should undergo a vasectomy.

What's the point if his gf has been sterilized??



I hate signatures, so I don't have one.



What's the point if his gf has been sterilized?? :P

I see your joke, knave, and I raise you a semi-serious reply. :P


In the cases where it's the man pursuing the abortion, the woman should be allowed to keep her ovaries on the chance she is able to meet a nicer man in future.

As always occurred when he quarreled over principles in which he believed passionately, he would end up gasping furiously for air and blinking back bitter tears of conviction. There were many principles in which Clevinger believed passionately. He was crazy.
I wouldn't classify anyone as being disruptive in every discussion. Some people are passionate about topics and emotions get involved.

My only real problem with Wez is when he turn on his 5 year old "I'm not you" crap. That is why I am now just giving him the same crap he has been giving this forum for several months in "every" thread he is involved in.


Even now, he is still crying about things that happened at another forum with eddo. When does the drama queen stop the crap already?


Sometimes the only way to deal with a unruly 5 year old is to sit them in the corner, being as that seems to not be an option, the only things still possible is to get down to his level.


Fairly dissapointing at a fourm intended for adult conversation, but we do what we must to maintain sanity.

Most if not all stereotypes hold some truth.


?The politicians don't just want your money. They want your soul. They want you to be worn down by taxes until you are dependent and helpless. When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both.? ~ James Dale Davidson

My only real problem with Wez is when he turn on his 5 year old "I'm not you" crap. That is why I am now just giving him the same crap he has been giving this forum for several months in "every" thread he is involved in.Even now, he is still crying about things that happened at another forum with eddo. When does the drama queen stop the crap already?


Sometimes the only way to deal with a unruly 5 year old is to sit them in the corner, being as that seems to not be an option, the only things still possible is to get down to his level.


Fairly dissapointing at a fourm intended for adult conversation, but we do what we must to maintain sanity.

What you call crap, has been done at very specific times when you've done things such as you've done, and apparently are going to continue to do til one of us gets banned. Why don't you put me on your ignore list? I'd like that..

I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy


What you call crap, has been done at very specific times when you've done things such as you've done, and apparently are going to continue to do til one of us gets banned. Why don't you put me on your ignore list? I'd like that..

I know you are but what am I?

Most if not all stereotypes hold some truth.


?The politicians don't just want your money. They want your soul. They want you to be worn down by taxes until you are dependent and helpless. When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both.? ~ James Dale Davidson

What you call crap, has been done at very specific times when you've done things such as you've done, and apparently are going to continue to do til one of us gets banned. Why don't you put me on your ignore list? I'd like that..

Why not put him on ignore? I did, and the forum seems so much more reasonable and sane to me now.


Perhaps if you didn't pay any attention to him, you could spend your time debating with the people who actually want to debate seriously and considerately.


Believe it or not, there are people here who are genuinely interested in reading what other people have to say, and are even willing to take it into consideration.


Give them a moment of your time, Wez.


Come back into the light!! :)

As always occurred when he quarreled over principles in which he believed passionately, he would end up gasping furiously for air and blinking back bitter tears of conviction. There were many principles in which Clevinger believed passionately. He was crazy.
Why not put him on ignore? I did, and the forum seems so much more reasonable and sane to me now.Perhaps if you didn't pay any attention to him, you could spend your time debating with the people who actually want to debate seriously and considerately.


Believe it or not, there are people here who are genuinely interested in reading what other people have to say, and are even willing to take it into consideration.


Give them a moment of your time, Wez.


Come back into the light!! :)

Done darling.. You're right.. It smells like springtime flowers all the sudden... :D


Sorry TJ.. you really left me no choice. I'd rather not had to do it as I have this stupid idea that I can really get along with anyone under reasonable, fair circumstances.. perhaps we can try again sometime. I had fun but we are not the only ones here and now you don't need to worry about me.. I'd suggest ignore listing me to save yourself the pain of reading my posts.. I wont be responding to you anymore. You wont let me.. Take care bud..

I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy



All I can say is don't let the door hit you on the way out, lol.


Well, I guess his own medicine was too much for him, for those of you that are tired of his garbage, you now have the cure, just give him back the same as he gives and he will give up, damn victory is sweet.

Most if not all stereotypes hold some truth.


?The politicians don't just want your money. They want your soul. They want you to be worn down by taxes until you are dependent and helpless. When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both.? ~ James Dale Davidson

Done darling.. You're right.. :D

A man who calls me darling while telling me I'm right.


Yes Wez, you're husband material! :)

As always occurred when he quarreled over principles in which he believed passionately, he would end up gasping furiously for air and blinking back bitter tears of conviction. There were many principles in which Clevinger believed passionately. He was crazy.
In the same vein, men who want their girlfriends, wives etc to have abortions should undergo a vasectomy.

I SOOO AGREE!!! That was going to be my next suggestion!.
"Firearms stand next in importance to the constitution itself. They are the American people's liberty teeth and keystone under independence. From the hour the Pilgrims landed, to the present day, events, occurrences, and tendencies prove that to ensure peace, security, and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable. The very atmosphere of firearms everywhere restrains evil interference - they deserve a place of honor with all that's good." - George Washington
In the same vein, men who want their girlfriends, wives etc to have abortions should undergo a vasectomy.

Vasectomy and hysterectomy are fairly permanent soltions to contraception. They are suitable for those who know absolutely that they do not want a/another child. If I fell into this group, yes I would be happy to be sterilised. Until then, its safe sex, and if that fails, you can call me daddy !!
Don't preach in my school, or I'll think in your church.
Vasectomy and hysterectomy are fairly permanent soltions to contraception. They are suitable for those who know absolutely that they do not want a/another child. If I fell into this group, yes I would be happy to be sterilised. Until then, its safe sex, and if that fails, you can call me daddy !!

The snip, clip and zip.


Vasectomies are reversible.



  • Moderators
The snip, clip and zip. Vasectomies are reversible.

I heard a radio ad saying that they don't even have to inject a local to numb the sack anymore. They use some kind of blast of air to do it.
One of the consequences of such notions as "entitlements" is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.? ~ Thomas Sowell
I heard a radio ad saying that they don't even have to inject a local to numb the sack anymore. They use some kind of blast of air to do it.

I had it done quite a few years back. After my son was born I figured it was best. It's an esier and a safer procedure than the women having the hysterectomy.




My mother got her 'tubes tied' after giving birth to me and my twin sister. She felt that three little girls in as many years was enough.


However, 8 years later, my brother was miraculously conceived.

As always occurred when he quarreled over principles in which he believed passionately, he would end up gasping furiously for air and blinking back bitter tears of conviction. There were many principles in which Clevinger believed passionately. He was crazy.
My mother got her 'tubes tied' after giving birth to me and my twin sister. She felt that three little girls in as many years was enough.However, 8 years later, my brother was miraculously conceived.

Dose he look like he's been though a strainer? :P



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My mother got her 'tubes tied' after giving birth to me and my twin sister. She felt that three little girls in as many years was enough.However, 8 years later, my brother was miraculously conceived.

I'm not sure what you were saying. My mind got stuck on the whole "you're a twin" thing. :cool:
One of the consequences of such notions as "entitlements" is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.? ~ Thomas Sowell
Dose he look like he's been though a strainer? :P

Hehe. He looks like a wild unwashed cave man, actually.


I'm not sure what you were saying. My mind got stuck on the whole "you're a twin" thing. :cool:

People were discussing the permanency of reproductive surgeries, and I thought I'd throw in my own familial case study.


As for the twin thing, I agree that it's cool. :cool:

As always occurred when he quarreled over principles in which he believed passionately, he would end up gasping furiously for air and blinking back bitter tears of conviction. There were many principles in which Clevinger believed passionately. He was crazy.
I would have been a twin except my twin chose to self-abort as a better option than being my twin. I never liked the butt hole anyhow.
I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts. ? Will Rogers
  • 2 weeks later...
Yes, It's ok for a woman to claim domain over her own body and that which is contained inside it.

The child too has human rights.

Sorry sheik-yerbouti, either your terminology is wrong, or your facts are. A 'child' is a person who's between birth and puberty. Not many children residing in a womans uterus :rolleyes: That said if its already been born it has rights, otherwise it doesn't. Simple facts.



When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.

I'm not sure what you were saying. My mind got stuck on the whole "you're a twin" thing. :cool:

I remember reading somewhere that we were all twins once I think. We all killed out twin in the uterus.
Don't preach in my school, or I'll think in your church.
Sorry sheik-yerbouti' date=' either your terminology is wrong, or your facts are. A 'child' is a person who's between birth and puberty. Not many children residing in a womans uterus :rolleyes: That said if its already been born it [i']has[/i] rights, otherwise it doesn't. Simple facts.

WebD. These are your opinions, and there are some who agree with you,and some who do not.


My opinion, which is just as valid as yours, is that we are human from conception and should be treated as such. There are just a few examples where I do endorse termination: the womans health, rape, and very serious congenital conditions which the baby is certainly suffering from

Don't preach in my school, or I'll think in your church.
Sorry sheik-yerbouti' date=' either your terminology is wrong, or your facts are. A 'child' is a person who's between birth and puberty. Not many children residing in a womans uterus :rolleyes: That said if its already been born it [i']has[/i] rights, otherwise it doesn't. Simple facts.

I have to agree with Shiek on this one.


Many people believe that once a man and woman have created the unique life growing inside the woman's womb, it is on a journey that will result in a person. Any itrerruption of that process is stopping life. The life had no choice in being created, that choice was in the hands of the mother at the time she decided to have risky sex.


Ending a life should be more serious than getting a mole removed from your behind but modern society has almost completely removed the vale of life to the point we kill over a million lives each year with abortions.


Abortions are now 95% birth control, 5% real need. I would be reluctant, but still supportive of the 5%, but the 95% irresponsible and selfish abortions should not be legal in my opinion.

Most if not all stereotypes hold some truth.


?The politicians don't just want your money. They want your soul. They want you to be worn down by taxes until you are dependent and helpless. When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both.? ~ James Dale Davidson

This is the whole crust of debate Webdressing. A man is going up for first degree murder for slipping the morining after pill in his girlfiends smoothie. The man gets a first degree murder charge but if the women claimed she wanted to abort the child then there would be no murder charge. And what ever you call it, a fetus or a child it has rights.



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