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Some of it is genetic snaf, lots of conditions criminal and othrwise are genetic.You and I have sex chromosomes of XY


Did you know that 40% of male prison inmates are XYY ? I'm not sure what the name of the condition is, but those with it are certainly criminals, and it is certainly a genetic condition

Did you ever see Trading Places? I think it brings the idea home. And it was a funny movie. :D



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I really do see your point. And I've fought with it myself. But to allow an abortion for the reasons that you've specified, would open up that doors to hundreds of other reasons. Then we're right back where we started.

Sometimes it is very difficult to do what needs to be done, so much so that some sit on the fence unable to climb down. It is also sometimes difficult to have an opinion which contradicts your main belief.


I refuse to be intimidated by the dilemma.


I have said what I believe to be right. I believe you have said what is a convenience to you. I also think you know way down that your opinion is wrong.

Don't preach in my school, or I'll think in your church.
Sometimes it is very difficult to do what needs to be done, so much so that some sit on the fence unable to climb down. It is also sometimes difficult to have an opinion which contradicts your main belief.I refuse to be intimidated by the dilemma.


I have said what I believe to be right. I believe you have said what is a convenience to you. I also think you know way down that your opinion is wrong.

You believe that my opinion is wrong, I believe yours is wrong. Let's not make this personal.


I think it takes more to stand up for your belief (especially one that is not popular) than it does to bend to another's whims.


Allowing certain exceptions in the abortion issue is opening a new area of attack in your plan.


Allowing abortion for certain cases, is bending. It's opening a hole in your argument against abortion.


It is simply, illogical.

"Firearms stand next in importance to the constitution itself. They are the American people's liberty teeth and keystone under independence. From the hour the Pilgrims landed, to the present day, events, occurrences, and tendencies prove that to ensure peace, security, and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable. The very atmosphere of firearms everywhere restrains evil interference - they deserve a place of honor with all that's good." - George Washington
Sometimes it is very difficult to do what needs to be done, so much so that some sit on the fence unable to climb down. It is also sometimes difficult to have an opinion which contradicts your main belief.I refuse to be intimidated by the dilemma.


I have said what I believe to be right. I believe you have said what is a convenience to you. I also think you know way down that your opinion is wrong.

I don't think your being fair on this Sheik.


His opinion is just as valid as yours, no point being nasty about it.


I agree with his stand on a personal basis and would never abort a child for any reason or have anything to do with a woman who would.


But, where I differ with him is on a possition with society in general. I do not believe it is right to forse my religious moral stand on others, but I do feel requiring people to take responsibility for their actions is reasonable.


If no responsibility (rape) then no obligation to keep the child. Sure, I wish life could have a chance because this life is innocent, but based on responsibility, I find the mother not to blame for the condition.


I wouls like to add that I find your idea that a rapists child must become a rapist himself fairly shocking. I do not subscribe to any child being anything from birth or even from environment. I have seen children raised in great homes be killers and children raised in the ghetto with prison dads grow up to be great human beings.


How can you prelabel a child into being a criminal like a rapist?

Most if not all stereotypes hold some truth.


?The politicians don't just want your money. They want your soul. They want you to be worn down by taxes until you are dependent and helpless. When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both.? ~ James Dale Davidson

..I wouls like to add that I find your idea that a rapists child must become a rapist himself fairly shocking. I do not subscribe to any child being anything from birth or even from environment. I have seen children raised in great homes be killers and children raised in the ghetto with prison dads grow up to be great human beings.


How can you prelabel a child into being a criminal like a rapist?

Yeah it's how you were raised. Has nothing to do with genetics. The gene argument if it's real would be an anomaly



Yeah it's how you were raised. Has nothing to do with genetics. The gene argument if it's real would be an anomaly

I think that both sides have an argument. There are some genetic factors that could cause someone to be more predisposed to criminal acts.


The person could be genetically more aggressive, or genetically have less fear response.


These things, mixed with the right home life (or lack there of), and you've got a recipe for bad guy.


Instead of Nature vs. Nurture... It should be Nature + Nurture.

"Firearms stand next in importance to the constitution itself. They are the American people's liberty teeth and keystone under independence. From the hour the Pilgrims landed, to the present day, events, occurrences, and tendencies prove that to ensure peace, security, and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable. The very atmosphere of firearms everywhere restrains evil interference - they deserve a place of honor with all that's good." - George Washington
I think that both sides have an argument. There are some genetic factors that could cause someone to be more predisposed to criminal acts. The person could be genetically more aggressive, or genetically have less fear response.


These things, mixed with the right home life (or lack there of), and you've got a recipe for bad guy.


Instead of Nature vs. Nurture... It should be Nature + Nurture.

It all sounds good but I still do not buy it.


My oldest son's best friend is mixed, half white, half black. His father has been in prison his entire life for murder. His step-dad is racist and calls him half breed and even the "N" word sometimes. (I have been close to beating his behind a couple times for this) You would look at his situation and based on what is being said here, he should be doomed to being a criminal.


But this kid has a very soft heart. He has come to my house crying about things his step-dad has said to him and we have had long talks about life and society where I can tell you he will be a great man. Aborting this child under the idea that he is doomed to be a criminal or worse would have been a great injustice.


I think I have posted this before but I will post it again, I am not sure where I got this but it has been with me for most of my life:


"A person is a collection of their lifetime experiences and how he dealt with them."

Most if not all stereotypes hold some truth.


?The politicians don't just want your money. They want your soul. They want you to be worn down by taxes until you are dependent and helpless. When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both.? ~ James Dale Davidson

then it immediately acknowledges- for the purpose of this discussion- that He exists.

We never said that God, whatever that term means to each individual, didn't exist. You're projecting assumptions.


Based on that, your quote is God speaking, and it being recorded as such.

Yes, a miscarriage could be interpreted that way, but that doesn't give you, or anyone else, the right to assume to know what God wants in each INDIVIDUAL case. Try not to put the cart before the horse.


That is exactly what I am suggesting, and have said flat out many times in here.

Good, then this is your lucky day, as there is a very simple solution for it. You simply need to educate yourself what birth control is, and isn't. We won't assume that the reader has any knowledge of what birth control is, so we'll start with the basics. Consider it a refresher course for the rest of us.


birth control: noun: |bərth kənˈtrōl| contraceptive devices or preparations.


contraception : noun: |ˌk?ntrəˈsep sh ən| 1.*prevention of fertilization 2.*means of preventing pregnancy.


Birth control happens before the pregnancy can occur, not afterward! Once implantation occurs, the woman is already pregnant, and birth control would have no effect. Abstinence, Condoms, Oral Contraceptives, The Mini-Pill, Copper T IUD, Progestasert IUD, Ortho Evra, Sterilization... these are all forms of birth control. They all work BEFORE pregnancy, not afterward.


The definition of an abortion is to terminate a pregnancy (after fertilization has already occurred) where the death of the fetus results.


Think of it like this. There is a scale. The middle of the scale (or its pivot if you will) is the word pregnancy. On one side is the word contraception/birth control. On the other is the word abortion. One happens BEFORE pregnancy, and one happens after pregnancy.




Abortion does not (and cannot) happen before pregnancy, nor can abortion prevent pregnancy, it can only terminate an already pregnant woman. Hence it cannot and will not ever be a form of contraception or birth control. Only someone really, really ignorant , or someone who repudiates established medical facts would think so.


There are some genetic factors that could cause someone to be more predisposed to criminal acts.

Very good point. There are indeed genetic factors that come into play, just the same as there are genetic factors that makes a person religious. Oops... betcha didn't see that one coming :D





When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.

We never said that God, whatever that term means to each individual, didn't exist. You're projecting assumptions.Yes, a miscarriage could be interpreted that way, but that doesn't give you, or anyone else, the right to assume to know what God wants in each INDIVIDUAL case. Try not to put the cart before the horse.


Good, then this is your lucky day, as there is a very simple solution for it. You simply need to educate yourself what birth control is, and isn't. We won't assume that the reader has any knowledge of what birth control is, so we'll start with the basics. Consider it a refresher course for the rest of us.


birth control: noun: |bərth kənˈtrōl| contraceptive devices or preparations.


contraception : noun: |ˌk?ntrəˈsep sh ən| 1.*prevention of fertilization 2.*means of preventing pregnancy.


Birth control happens before the pregnancy can occur, not afterward! Once implantation occurs, the woman is already pregnant, and birth control would have no effect. Abstinence, Condoms, Oral Contraceptives, The Mini-Pill, Copper T IUD, Progestasert IUD, Ortho Evra, Sterilization... these are all forms of birth control. They all work BEFORE pregnancy, not afterward.


The definition of an abortion is to terminate a pregnancy (after fertilization has already occurred) where the death of the fetus results.


Think of it like this. There is a scale. The middle of the scale (or its pivot if you will) is the word pregnancy. On one side is the word contraception/birth control. On the other is the word abortion. One happens BEFORE pregnancy, and one happens after pregnancy.


Abortion does not (and cannot) happen before pregnancy, nor can abortion prevent pregnancy, it can only terminate an already pregnant woman. Hence it cannot and will not ever be a form of contraception or birth control. Only someone really, really ignorant , or someone who repudiates established medical facts would think so.


Very good point. There are indeed genetic factors that come into play, just the same as there are genetic factors that makes a person religious. Oops... betcha didn't see that one coming :D

Don't be petty. We're not talking semantics here. You understand what he means, unless you're a complete dolt.


But just in case… They're using abortion to prevent birth, just as one would use contraceptives or birth control. Alas, the reference to abortion being a form of birth control…


In fact… your entire argument is based on a fallacy. Your argument is based on the fact that contraceptives or birth control only have effect if they prevent pregnancy. This is not the case. The term ‘Birth Control’ seems to speak to the fact that it controls birth, not pregnancy. The concept being that if you prevent conception (getting pregnant) you prevent birth. That is true, but abortion seems to be another method of BIRTH CONTROL. Think about that for a minute before you respond.

"Firearms stand next in importance to the constitution itself. They are the American people's liberty teeth and keystone under independence. From the hour the Pilgrims landed, to the present day, events, occurrences, and tendencies prove that to ensure peace, security, and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable. The very atmosphere of firearms everywhere restrains evil interference - they deserve a place of honor with all that's good." - George Washington
..Birth control happens before the pregnancy can occur' date=' [i']not afterward[/i]

Wrong again Tonto..


Lets try to educate you.


We're talking about RU486. It's called the morining after pill and they call it birth control. Hmmm...


RU-486 is the generic name of mifepristone in the U.S., and is sometimes referred to as non-surgical abortion, medical abortion, or RU486. Non-surgical abortions using RU486 are performed in the first 63 days of the first trimester.

RU486 The Abortion Pill


Women will take this drug on a asumption that they might be pregnant.



We never said that God, whatever that term means to each individual, didn't exist. You're projecting assumptions.Yes, a miscarriage could be interpreted that way, but that doesn't give you, or anyone else, the right to assume to know what God wants in each INDIVIDUAL case. Try not to put the cart before the horse.

This makes no sense in this discussion. Are you saying that abortion is ok with God? that it is ok for us to end an innocent life that He created?


If so, then I cannot buy that.


Good' date=' then this is your lucky day, as there is a very simple solution for it. You simply need to [i']educate[/i] yourself what birth control is, and isn't. blah blah blah blah blah

you have got to be kidding me...


*slaps forehead for getting involved with webDressing*


I don't even know how to reply as that was seriously the stupidest rebuttal I have ever read.

I hate signatures, so I don't have one.



But just in case? They're using abortion to prevent birth, just as one would use contraceptives or birth control. Alas, the reference to abortion being a form of birth control?In fact? your entire argument is based on a fallacy. Your argument is based on the fact that contraceptives or birth control only have effect if they prevent pregnancy. This is not the case. The term ?Birth Control? seems to speak to the fact that it controls birth, not pregnancy. The concept being that if you prevent conception (getting pregnant) you prevent birth. That is true, but abortion seems to be another method of BIRTH CONTROL. Think about that for a minute before you respond.

We're talking about RU486. It's called the morining after pill and they call it birth control. Hmmm...Women will take this drug on a asumption that they might be pregnant.

Both excellent points, and spot on.

I hate signatures, so I don't have one.



This makes no sense in this discussion. Are you saying that abortion is ok with God? that it is ok for us to end an innocent life that He created?If so, then I cannot buy that.


you have got to be kidding me...


*slaps forehead for getting involved with webDressing*


I don't even know how to reply as that was seriously the stupidest rebuttal I have ever read.



He thinks we missed sex ed in school or something. Thank God he was here to explain conception to us. :rolleyes:



We're talking about RU486.

NO we're not! To paraphrase; the statement was "abortion = birth control" or would you like me to post the exact quotes? You see I worded my question VERY SPECIFICALLY because I KNEW ahead of time what you'd all be saying. You're nothing if not predictable. The FACT is that abortion is NOT a form of birth control, so don't start playing your petty immature word games!


Several people here made a false statement, and I pulled your bluff and called you on it. Guess what? They were full of it, and the facts easily proved this! After you lick your wounds, please try and deal with it. Luckily for you I don't see this as any kind of a contest that can (or should) be won by one side or the other. I'm only exposing how truly idiotic some of things posted here are. Thank you for your participation. Really, claiming that abortion is a form of birth control, what a joke :rolleyes:


If you now want to change the subject to RU486 then just say so, but don't make blanket statements like abortion = birth control, because anyone who has even the most basic of medical training will just laugh at the level of your sheer ignorance on the topic. Sorry, you can't change REAL facts just to please yourself :rolleyes:


Pick a topic and stick with it!


They're using abortion to prevent birth, just as one would use contraceptives or birth control.

Yes, an abortion would prevent a birth, BUT that does NOT make it "birth control" :rolleyes:


Anyone who has graduated from grade school knows this VERY BASIC FACT :rolleyes:


Just because you want to shoe horn it into being a form of birth control doesn't make it fact. You could pretend that a dogs tail is a leg, but in reality that doesn't mean that dogs have 5 legs, no matter how much YOU may believe that they do. No one but the fundamentalist are interested in what YOU fantasize. The real world is only interested in unvarnished MEDICAL FACT. Deal with it.


This is very basic and fundamental to the abortion topic. If you are so ignorant that you don't even know the difference between birth control, and what happens AFTER conception, then you have no business discussing this matter.





When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.




I don't wanna call you a moron but if you abort something aren’t' you controlling its destiny? You’re the kind of person that can never be wrong aren’t you.


You can splice and dice it anyway you want but abortion is a form of birth control plain and simple.


You’re a just a loss cause..



Are you saying that abortion is ok with God?

They're called miscarriages, look it up sometime.


that it is ok for us to end an innocent life that He created?

If I buy into your preposition (which isn't in any way factual by the way) then you still have missed a very key point. If HE created the life, then it is up to HIM to decide what happens to the woman, NOT YOU! Quit trying to pretend that you can read Gods mind! I'm sure God finds it most annoying, if not downright rude of you. I mean would you like it if someone tried to put words in your mouth, or blamed their actions on you? :rolleyes:


If so, then I cannot buy that.

I can accept that. I can even respect that response. At least you're being honest and not trying to pretend that 1+1=3 like several others here. I thank you at least for that.



When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.

You?re the kind of person that can never be wrong aren?t you.

I do a LOT of research and look up the FACTS before I respond. You should try it once. I fully understand that it will go against what your religion has pushed down your throat, but at some point you have to decide - do you want to know just your religions view of it is, or do you want to know the true facts of the matter. Personally, I care more about the facts.


abortion is a form of birth control plain and simple

Then PROVE IT by posting a legitimate MEDICAL article that says so. Oh and don't even bother trying to post any of your bogus links to websites owned and/or operated by your religious group. Go to the AMA and find something that backs up your imaginary theory. I won't be holding my breath though. I think every educated person reading this already knows what your outcome is going to be, and that says it all for me ;)


You have yourself a nice day :)



When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.

Act of God...

Yes, a miscarraige IS an act of God. No need to keep repeating what we already said snafu ;)



When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.


Since you skipped this... I thought I'd put it here again so you could read it.


Don't be petty. We're not talking semantics here. You understand what he means, unless you're a complete dolt. But just in case? They're using abortion to prevent birth, just as one would use contraceptives or birth control. Alas, the reference to abortion being a form of birth control?


In fact? your entire argument is based on a fallacy. Your argument is based on the fact that contraceptives or birth control only have effect if they prevent pregnancy. This is not the case. The term ?Birth Control? seems to speak to the fact that it controls birth, not pregnancy. The concept being that if you prevent conception (getting pregnant) you prevent birth. That is true, but abortion seems to be another method of BIRTH CONTROL. Think about that for a minute before you respond.

Don't just skip the things that show that you're wrong, either accept them or show how it is incorrect. And I want YOU to back it up. You're not showing me anything so far. ;)


Wrong again Tonto.. Lets try to educate you.


We're talking about RU486. It's called the morining after pill and they call it birth control. Hmmm...


RU486 The Abortion Pill


Women will take this drug on a asumption that they might be pregnant.

Looks like he's brainwashed by his propagandist buddies who don't see logic.


NO we're not! To paraphrase; the statement was "abortion = birth control" or would you like me to post the exact quotes? You see I worded my question VERY SPECIFICALLY because I KNEW ahead of time what you'd all be saying. You're nothing if not predictable. The FACT is that abortion is NOT a form of birth control, so don't start playing your petty immature word games!

You still skipped my entire argument... and... posted yours that's all opinion... A skewed, very biased, incorrect opinion... but an opinion none the less.


Several people here made a false statement, and I pulled your bluff and called you on it. Guess what? They were full of it, and the facts easily proved this! After you lick your wounds, please try and deal with it. Luckily for you I don't see this as any kind of a contest that can (or should) be won by one side or the other. I'm only exposing how truly idiotic some of things posted here are. Thank you for your participation. Really, claiming that abortion is a form of birth control, what a joke

What bluff? I'm holding the royal flush dude. Show me a "FACT" that shows that Abortion has not been used as a form of "Birth" control (not "pregnancy" control, please note the different words I used here).


If you now want to change the subject to RU486 then just say so, but don't make blanket statements like abortion = birth control, because anyone who has even the most basic of medical training will just laugh at the level of your sheer ignorance on the topic. Sorry, you can't change REAL facts just to please yourself Pick a topic and stick with it!

It seems that you can change whatever facts you like to suit you... Nah...


Yes, an abortion would prevent a birth, BUT that does NOT make it "birth control"

Hmm... Birth control - taking the words themselves means controlling (stopping) birth... In your own words, you just said that abortion IS birth control then turned around and said the opposite... Hypocrisy?


Anyone who has graduated from grade school knows this VERY BASIC FACT

lol... apparently you dont... Maybe try grade school again.


Just because you want to shoe horn it into being a form of birth control doesn't make it fact. You could pretend that a dogs tail is a leg, but in reality that doesn't mean that dogs have 5 legs, no matter how much YOU may believe that they do. No one but the fundamentalist are interested in what YOU fantasize. The real world is only interested in unvarnished MEDICAL FACT. Deal with it.

*Start Twilight Zone Music* O.K. fella... If you say so...


This is very basic and fundamental to the abortion topic. If you are so ignorant that you don't even know the difference between birth control, and what happens AFTER conception, then you have no business discussing this matter. Seriously.

Lol... if you say so... wait... no. You're wrong.


I do a LOT of research and look up the FACTS before I respond. You should try it once. I fully understand that it will go against what your religion has pushed down your throat, but at some point you have to decide - do you want to know just your religions view of it is, or do you want to know the true facts of the matter. Personally, I care more about the facts.

Sure you do... Put the drugs down... Start paying attention. Just because you've been brainwashed by propaganda does not mean what you say is fact...


Then PROVE IT by posting a legitimate MEDICAL article that says so. Oh and don't even bother trying to post any of your bogus links to websites owned and/or operated by your religious group. Go to the AMA and find something that backs up your imaginary theory. I won't be holding my breath though. I think every educated person reading this alreadyknows what your outcome is going to be' date=' and that says it [i']all[/i] for me You have yourself a nice day

I'd say' you're all wrong.


Yes, a miscarraige IS an act of God. No need to keep repeating what we already said snafu

Wow you're condescending... It's gotta be embarrassing to be so wrong and still be such a jerk...
"Firearms stand next in importance to the constitution itself. They are the American people's liberty teeth and keystone under independence. From the hour the Pilgrims landed, to the present day, events, occurrences, and tendencies prove that to ensure peace, security, and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable. The very atmosphere of firearms everywhere restrains evil interference - they deserve a place of honor with all that's good." - George Washington
O.K. fella..

How do you know "he's" a fella and not a "she"?

I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy


How do you know "he's" a fella and not a "she"?

You're right. It was an assumption. Tell us WD... Are you a he or she?
"Firearms stand next in importance to the constitution itself. They are the American people's liberty teeth and keystone under independence. From the hour the Pilgrims landed, to the present day, events, occurrences, and tendencies prove that to ensure peace, security, and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable. The very atmosphere of firearms everywhere restrains evil interference - they deserve a place of honor with all that's good." - George Washington
You're right. It was an assumption. Tell us WD... Are you a he or she?

If she's a she, she has more weight than all us idiots combined on this topic.. We're men, we can't birth or abort kids/fetuses...

I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy


If she's a she, she has more weight than all us idiots combined on this topic.. We're men, we can't birth or abort kids/fetuses...

I dont buy that for a second. It took as much of my action as it did hers to create the baby... I should have just as much say.


This thread started because a guy forced an abortion...

"Firearms stand next in importance to the constitution itself. They are the American people's liberty teeth and keystone under independence. From the hour the Pilgrims landed, to the present day, events, occurrences, and tendencies prove that to ensure peace, security, and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable. The very atmosphere of firearms everywhere restrains evil interference - they deserve a place of honor with all that's good." - George Washington
I dont buy that for a second. It took as much of my action as it did hers to create the baby... I should have just as much say.

Fantasies.... You'll carry some weight on the subject when you can birth a child..


This thread started because a guy forced an abortion...

Yeah, that was wrong what he did.. I think everyone agrees on that..


How about you let women pass laws on your penis then?

I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy


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