RaE Posted January 7, 2008 Posted January 7, 2008 this isnt about artificial insemination or any of that. This is about abortion. Please keep the moronic comments to yourself. "Firearms stand next in importance to the constitution itself. They are the American people's liberty teeth and keystone under independence. From the hour the Pilgrims landed, to the present day, events, occurrences, and tendencies prove that to ensure peace, security, and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable. The very atmosphere of firearms everywhere restrains evil interference - they deserve a place of honor with all that's good." - George Washington
wez Posted January 7, 2008 Posted January 7, 2008 this isnt about artificial insemination or any of that. This is about abortion. Please keep the moronic comments to yourself. When you have a choice between giving birth and aborting yourself, you'll have some credibility on the subject. I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy
sheik-yerbouti Posted January 7, 2008 Posted January 7, 2008 In reality, I too, have had several close, female friends who have had abortions, based on life's convenience. Every one of them, later in life, when they had children, regretted their "choice" when they were young.More then one, needed several years of therapy to realize that was the root cause of their issue, whether it be depression or ptsd or whatever. I also noticed that the ones who had the most problems later, were the ones who were pressured into having an abortion by either the baby's daddy or their own parents. I have a friend who had an abortion in her late teens. She was pressurised to do by doctors, and the thought of other peoples disaproval. A few weeks after the termination she developed schizophrenia. It has never left her to this day. I have also heard of another lady this happened to. Don't preach in my school, or I'll think in your church.
wez Posted January 7, 2008 Posted January 7, 2008 I have a friend who had an abortion in her late teens. She was pressurised to do by doctors, and the thought of other peoples disaproval. A few weeks after the termination she developed schizophrenia. It has never left her to this day.I have also heard of another lady this happened to. I understand that, some people are unstable period. I know of women who have kids and regret it every day of their life and are utterly depressed and haven't recovered to this day. Some mothers go so far as to kill their children after they're born. I don't know whether it's becoming more frequent or just being reported more frequently but it's happening everywhere. I know plently of women who have had abortions and although feel sad, know they made the best decision for themselves. I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy
snafu Posted January 7, 2008 Author Posted January 7, 2008 What you're not getting her Anna, is that we're blaming everyone equally. If you see "so abortion is OK, but a man not wanting a child makes him a deadbeat" somewhere... We're trying to point out the ironic nature of the whole situation. A woman can claim "it's my body, it's my right to abort if I want to" but if a guy says "I don't want that child" he has to pay child support for 18 years of the kid's life. I still think he's an ass, but why should she get a 'free pass' as it were? You see the point? Or are you too blinded by the feminist garbage you've been spouting? Yes excatly. The whole thread was to point out he irony of him getting the first degree murder charge (which in my opinion is just), but it's perfectly acceptable for the women. *NEVER FORGOTTEN*
wez Posted January 7, 2008 Posted January 7, 2008 Yes excatly. The whole thread was to point out he irony of him getting the first degree murder charge (which in my opinion is just), but it's perfectly acceptable for the women. There's a big difference between a consious choice for yourself and someone making a choice for another without their knowledge and slipping them drugs.. First degree murder will not stand, it can't under current law. I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy
snafu Posted January 7, 2008 Author Posted January 7, 2008 Perhaps if you grew and sh*t out a 10# sack of potatoes in your body you could put yourself on equal footing when it comes to childbirth.. Don't forget, you'll be expected to nurture and love those taters every minute of every day for at least 18 years because of the bond you'd feel by growing them in your body .. Take a look at history.. Men cannot understand what they cannot experience firsthand.... That's the facts of life. Women have a reproductive sytem. We don't. And I don't think she would be able to **** out a 10 pound sack of potatos either. *NEVER FORGOTTEN*
snafu Posted January 7, 2008 Author Posted January 7, 2008 There's a big difference between a consious choice for yourself and someone making a choice for another without their knowledge and slipping them drugs..First degree murder will not stand, it can't under current law. Again we were pointing out the irony. I totally agree he endagered the women and killed the fetous. He should get life in prison for his actions. *NEVER FORGOTTEN*
wez Posted January 7, 2008 Posted January 7, 2008 That's the facts of life. Women have a reproductive sytem. We don't. And I don't think she would be able to **** out a 10 pound sack of potatos either. True.. then you'd have to piss them out through your ureter like a women does, OUCH!! .. :D I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy
wez Posted January 7, 2008 Posted January 7, 2008 Again we were pointing out the irony. I totally agree he endagered the women and killed the fetous. He should get life in prison for his actions. He should go to prison for many things, but first degree murder will not stand.. I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy
snafu Posted January 7, 2008 Author Posted January 7, 2008 He should go to prison for many things, but first degree murder will not stand.. I don't know, we'll see. I tried to get an update but couldn't find any. When I was younger I had unprotected sex. I could’ve help conceive and unwanted child. But I would never want the child aborted. Society has abandoned my rights to the child that would've been a part of me. I would have no say in the abortion and would have to live with the fact that my bad judgment to have unprotected sex ended a life. I would have serious problems with that. Let me rephrase that, an un expected child would be conceived. I would want the child. *NEVER FORGOTTEN*
Times Posted January 7, 2008 Posted January 7, 2008 First of all Anna, I notice you completely dodged my comment about how the woman did make a choice by engaging in the unsafe sex. You keep talking about how the woman should have a choice but when I point out she did have a choice, you just dodge that point, clearly this is admitting you see but refuse to admit that point. Care to prove that? What I said is self supportive. You seem to be repeating the same kind of avoidance over and over. If someone says something you don't want to admit is true, you make some weak claim that it needs some kind of proof so you can discount it. The facts are there, simply put them together. The women is engaging in dangerious, unprotected sex and gets pregnant. All the statistics show that the women getting pregnant already have at least one child and know how babies are made. All the statistics show women who get abortions do so getting the abortion is about escaping their responsibility. The statistics prove that most women who get abortions either never use protection, or use it in an irregular way in the month they got pregnant so it is not a case of an accident or protection failure. So my definition is accurate: An abortion is nothing more than a way for the woman to escape taking responsibility for the "choice" she already made but regretted later. Well, apparently, it's only his child if he wants it. Other than that, it's all the mother's responsibility, and of course, fault. Your trying to twist things again, that is just silly. It is the man's child only if the woman does not kill it, if the woman wants to kill it, then your possition is that the man is irrelivant. Why is it the man's responsibility only if the woman allows it to live? Actually' date=' nobody has proven that he has [b']no[/b] say. I personally believe that the final decision (if the two parents can't agree) should be given to the mother. That's all. You just said it again, if the man's desire is not given any power, then he has no say in the life being either killed or allowed to live. It seems like you want your cake and eat it too. You want men to be held completely responsible for a life he has no ability to make decisions about. If the man cannot save the life of a child he wants when the mother wants to kill that life, then don't hold him responsible the other way around, that is just being fair. As far as I'm aware' date=' abortions are already legal, so why would I [b']want[/b] what I've already got? It used to be legal to own slaves as well, something being legal does not make it right. What I want is for pompous men to a) stop imposing double standards on women, and to B) stop being so hard on women in general. No, it is self serving females that are making the double standard. Men can be responsible for supporting a child for 18 years through giving up 1/3 to 1/2 of their monthly income but they cannot protect the life of their child if the woman wants to kill that life, yep, double standard. They are being painted as cold blooded killers in this thread, which is seriously unfair. Nobody ever said life or the truth was fair. The women are cold blooded killers, I am sorry if the facts are making you feel bad, but I don't make the facts, I am just talking about the facts. Where are you getting your statistics from? The Alan Guttmacher Institute like eddo, if your going to have a discussion about abortion, maybe you should check out the single most respected authority on abortion related studies so you can debate based on the facts, not just your gut reactions. And who are these women conceiving moths? Attacking spelling must be the single most juvinile personal attack on the internet. Yes, I am a bad speller, too many years of word with spell checker and others doing my typing for me, that does not remove the fact you can still easily understand what I am saying and the points I make, please refrain from these petty attacks. Again' date=' it's the focus is on [b']women[/b] killing children. The men have absolutely nothing to do with the killing, right? :rolleyes: No we don't. Only the woman has the ability to make that decision. Sure you get the rare situation like this idiot giving his girl the day after drug but like rape, these examples do not even scratch the surface of the real numbers of irresponsible abortions women have each year. In this society, only women can kill a child and it not be considered a crime. Care to prove that? Okay, now your just playing stupid. I have 3 children. I was deeply involved in every pregnancy, I even talked to my children while in the womb every night. Any man can attest that pregnant woman is not the most stable person in the world, even the doctors all talk about how things like the hormone imbalance causes some interesting effects. Here is a great artical where is says 1 in 5 pregnant women are depressed: Many Pregnant Women Are Depressed Here is a good study showing how abortion "causes" depression as well: Abortion Causes Massive Mental Health Problems | Human Events | Find Articles at BNET.com Even if you see nothing wrong with killing children, maybe you can have a little concern with how damaging an abortion is to the woman. You are arrogant, offensive, and clearly unqualified to make a claim like this. Also, please learn how to spell "impaired" if you want me to believe you are qualified to make an opinion on impairment. And you are simply burrying your head in the sand, refusing to even admit that there is a serious problem with abortion being used as a birth control method by irresponsible women. You refuse to admit that it is lives that are being ended, killed because women refuse to take responsibility for the "choice" to have risky sex. It seems like you want men to take responsibility, you want them to pay support if the baby is born right? If the man has no choice about taking responsibility for having risky sex, why is it you believe women should have the right to dodge taking that same responsibility? Again, attacking spelling is just juvinile, please stop this kind of silly behavoir. Again, care the prove this? Clearly this is my opinion and I offered it as such. The reality we see does support my opinion, if women of our society did value life, they would not be killing children over a million times every year. But don't hug your father? In this context, the father has no say in a life being killed or not. Only the mother can decide if she will kill her children or not. I think the bearer of that sticker should go f**k a crucifix. Now that was about as rude as it gets. Why should someone be attacked by you for voicing their opinion? I love the way, time and time again it is the liberals that prove themselves to be the intolerant ones. I matters not if the baby has no concept of thought' date=' fear, pain or feeling, You are steering yourself away from the truth you do not wish to confront. The simple truth is that an unborn child is a human being, and should not be murdered at anyone's convenience.[/b'] This is a great point. Let's not forget that about 400,000 of those abortions are late term, able to survive outside the womb if given the chance. Most if not all stereotypes hold some truth. ?The politicians don't just want your money. They want your soul. They want you to be worn down by taxes until you are dependent and helpless. When you subsidize poverty and failure, you get more of both.? ~ James Dale Davidson
RaE Posted January 7, 2008 Posted January 7, 2008 When you have a choice between giving birth and aborting yourself, you'll have some credibility on the subject. Being someone who's mother had an abortion (I should have an older sibling) might give me a little credibility. Maybe not... Who really cares. When my wife/girlfriend/what ever gets pregnant by me, I'll have a say in whether the baby lives or not. We will talk it out, and decide what to do next. Then we'll have the baby, and either keep it, or put it up for adoption. That's how it should be. If she doesn't want to keep it, she can move herself out and I'll be making room for my child. Bottom line, that's it. If she tries to have an abortion or anything else like that, I'll have her locked up for endangerment or something. There's a big difference between a consious choice for yourself and someone making a choice for another without their knowledge and slipping them drugs..First degree murder will not stand, it can't under current law. There's not really a difference in the situation we're talking about. Typical situations: Situation A: Mother doesn't want child, Father doesn't want child. Decision to terminate made by both. No legal consequences. Situation B: Mother doesn't want child, Father wants child. Mother decides to terminate anyway. Father loses out with no option. No legal consequences. Situation C: Mother wants child, Father does not want child. Mother has child. Father pays half his paycheck to child support for at least 18 years. Situation D: Mother wants child, Father does not want child. Father causes abortion. Father spends the rest of his life in jail. Woman moves on. See the differences there? True.. then you'd have to piss them out through your ureter like a women does, OUCH!! .. :D Difference is... They're made for it. Their bodies were designed to handle it. Ours were not. Yours is a ridiculous argument. "Firearms stand next in importance to the constitution itself. They are the American people's liberty teeth and keystone under independence. From the hour the Pilgrims landed, to the present day, events, occurrences, and tendencies prove that to ensure peace, security, and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable. The very atmosphere of firearms everywhere restrains evil interference - they deserve a place of honor with all that's good." - George Washington
wez Posted January 7, 2008 Posted January 7, 2008 About 4 years ago, my girlfriend of 18 years got pregnant unexpectedly. We never used anything but natural birth control methods, me being careful to remove it from the birth canal, the whole time we were together. When we were young we'd have sex several times a day, everyday. At the time she got pregnant she was taking birth control pills to help regulate her periods and so I was less careful. I knew she was pregnant before she did as I kept asking her if she has gotten her period yet. Finally, after like 2 months I went and got a test kit and sure enough, she was pregnant. Things had been very bad in our relationship for a long time as she was a very verbally abusive, manipulative, angry person. Her entire family is this way. She watched her older sister have 2 kids to trap men twice over and torture the man and children on a daily basis. Her two brothers used kids to trap women and torture the kids and women on a daily basis.My girlfriend was the same way in many ways, towards me, but I never let her get any legally binding strings attached to me. I stayed because I wanted to, not because I had to. I did love her and understand why she was this way but it got to be too much. I couldn't take any more and ended the relationship 2 years ago. As for the abortion, we talked about it and both decided that it was the best thing as I knew she would torture the child as well and in the back of her mind, so did she. She hated her sister for what she did to her kids and men, although she didn't see that she did the exact same to me, I assure you, she does now. It was probably the main factor why we both never wanted to have kids together. It would have been a bloody nightmare. We stayed together for another 2 years of hell and to this day, I know the proper decision was made. I wouldn't have lived through a child being used against me in the most evil ways possible.. Not good for any child.. I do sometimes feel really bad about the decision and even cry, but I made my bed and as much as I would have loved to have kids in a happy, healthy household like I grew up in, I didn't make those choices in my pick of a partner and know the proper decision was made. I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy
RaE Posted January 7, 2008 Posted January 7, 2008 at least you two talked about it. That doesn't excuse this deplorable action. If you knew the kid would be so bad off with the mother, you could have filed for custody and taken the kid from her. If that wasnt going to work, put him/her up for adoption. Then again... it may be better if you didn't breed. :P "Firearms stand next in importance to the constitution itself. They are the American people's liberty teeth and keystone under independence. From the hour the Pilgrims landed, to the present day, events, occurrences, and tendencies prove that to ensure peace, security, and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable. The very atmosphere of firearms everywhere restrains evil interference - they deserve a place of honor with all that's good." - George Washington
wez Posted January 7, 2008 Posted January 7, 2008 at least you two talked about it. That doesn't excuse this deplorable action. If you knew the kid would be so bad off with the mother, you could have filed for custody and taken the kid from her. If that wasnt going to work, put him/her up for adoption. Then again... it may be better if you didn't breed. :P I come from grade A stock, boy.. :D We made the proper choice early in the pregnancy. She got the pill and did it at home. Her sisters oldest daughter became a stripper at 18, met a guy my age at the strip bar, and now has his child. She'll be worse than her mother. Her brothers oldest daughter starting getting DWI's at 15 and has been in the legal system for years.. The other also spent years in and out of child detention for basically sticking up for herself.. Ugly sh*t my friend.. I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy
RaE Posted January 7, 2008 Posted January 7, 2008 You're just pointing out places where the good parent should have stepped in and removed the child. If there was no good parent, then someone else should have. CPS or DeFaCS should have been notified. Anyone who saw this type of abuse and didn't report it, it seems to me, is just as guilty as the bad parent(s). "Firearms stand next in importance to the constitution itself. They are the American people's liberty teeth and keystone under independence. From the hour the Pilgrims landed, to the present day, events, occurrences, and tendencies prove that to ensure peace, security, and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable. The very atmosphere of firearms everywhere restrains evil interference - they deserve a place of honor with all that's good." - George Washington
snafu Posted January 7, 2008 Author Posted January 7, 2008 Originally Posted by Anna Perenna Again, it's the focus is on women killing children. The men have absolutely nothing to do with the killing, right? Apparently they do. That's why this guy is up for murder. But I get your jest. They had a part in the conception so it’s partly his fault too. The big problem in this picture is he has no say in the abortion. *NEVER FORGOTTEN*
snafu Posted January 7, 2008 Author Posted January 7, 2008 So Anna do you believe by this guy slipping her this drug in her smoothie he commited murder? *NEVER FORGOTTEN*
wez Posted January 7, 2008 Posted January 7, 2008 You're just pointing out places where the good parent should have stepped in and removed the child. If there was no good parent, then someone else should have. CPS or DeFaCS should have been notified. Anyone who saw this type of abuse and didn't report it, it seems to me, is just as guilty as the bad parent(s). I don't think you understand how nearly impossible it is to take a child away from their mother. Often making the situation worse.. Not everyone is as lucky as K Fed to have the public eye on the mother of his kids 24/7 drinking and partying.. I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy
RaE Posted January 7, 2008 Posted January 7, 2008 I don't think you understand how nearly impossible it is to take a child away from their mother. Often making the situation worse.. Not everyone is as lucky as K Fed to have the public eye on the mother of his kids 24/7 drinking and partying.. Yeah... I don't buy that for a single second. My father got FULL CUSTODY of me AND my little brother from my mother when we were 2 and 3 years old. A friend of mine, and a guy that I work with got custody of his kid from his ex. It's not THAT hard, and definitely not impossible for a man that wants custody bad enough, to take it. "Firearms stand next in importance to the constitution itself. They are the American people's liberty teeth and keystone under independence. From the hour the Pilgrims landed, to the present day, events, occurrences, and tendencies prove that to ensure peace, security, and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable. The very atmosphere of firearms everywhere restrains evil interference - they deserve a place of honor with all that's good." - George Washington
snafu Posted January 7, 2008 Author Posted January 7, 2008 I don't think you understand how nearly impossible it is to take a child away from their mother. Often making the situation worse.. Not everyone is as lucky as K Fed to have the public eye on the mother of his kids 24/7 drinking and partying.. But wez you said you both didn't want the child. How would it be hard to take the child? Or do you think you just might get attached to the child? And my wife had a abortion with her first husband. We don't talk about it becuse she knows my stand on the issue. I think she only brought it up once saying something like my first child would've been x years old. I don't judge. *NEVER FORGOTTEN*
Moderators IWS Posted January 7, 2008 Moderators Posted January 7, 2008 I think we are all basically on the same page as far as the conception (with the exception of rape or incest) is the responsibility of both the man and woman and that the actions this guy took to slip morning after pills to this gal should be a criminal offense. The difference comes in as to the charge. Should he be charged with both assault on the girlfriend and murder of the fetus, just be charged with assault on the girlfriend and not murder of the fetus or not charged with any crime? My personal opinion is that he should be charged with assault on the girlfriend, for slipping her a drug without her knowledge, but he should NOT be charged with murder if the state of Wisconsin allows women to abort fetus' on a daily basis. Aborting a fetus should not be a crime for one person to do it (i.e. the man) when it is perfectly legal for another person (i.e. the woman) to do the same thing. This is gender discrimination. One of the consequences of such notions as "entitlements" is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.? ~ Thomas Sowell
Moderators IWS Posted January 7, 2008 Moderators Posted January 7, 2008 Yeah... I don't buy that for a single second. My father got FULL CUSTODY of me AND my little brother from my mother when we were 2 and 3 years old. A friend of mine, and a guy that I work with got custody of his kid from his ex. It's not THAT hard, and definitely not impossible for a man that wants custody bad enough, to take it. He was fortunate to live in the state that he did. In Nebraska, unless you can prove that the mother is a drug addict or should be in a mental institution, she will almost always get custody. There is even a movement and fliers in many courthouses addressing the gender bias in custody situations in the states District Courts (that's the court in Nebraska that decides custody). One of the consequences of such notions as "entitlements" is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.? ~ Thomas Sowell
RaE Posted January 7, 2008 Posted January 7, 2008 I think we are all basically on the same page as far as the conception (with the exception of rape or incest) is the responsibility of both the man and woman and that the actions this guy took to slip morning after pills to this gal should be a criminal offense.The difference comes in as to the charge. Should he be charged with both assault on the girlfriend and murder of the fetus, just be charged with assault on the girlfriend and not murder of the fetus or not charged with any crime? My personal opinion is that he should be charged with assault on the girlfriend, for slipping her a drug without her knowledge, but he should NOT be charged with murder if the state of Wisconsin allows women to abort fetus' on a daily basis. Aborting a fetus should not be a crime for one person to do it (i.e. the man) when it is perfectly legal for another person (i.e. the woman) to do the same thing. This is gender discrimination. I think that most of the guys are on the same page. I haven't seen anything from Anna (she's in Australia) or anyone with a differing opinion. I don't think he should be charged with any crime. What did he do to the girlfriend aside from put that in her drink (I really don't know, I need to go back and read the original story again)? If nothing that harmed her physically, then no crime. "Firearms stand next in importance to the constitution itself. They are the American people's liberty teeth and keystone under independence. From the hour the Pilgrims landed, to the present day, events, occurrences, and tendencies prove that to ensure peace, security, and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable. The very atmosphere of firearms everywhere restrains evil interference - they deserve a place of honor with all that's good." - George Washington
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