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I remember once when I was a kid there was a couple of cow moose and calves on the side of the road. People pulled over and were walking in amongst them, taking pictures. The morons were lucky they didn't get trampled.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qD4xOOIkDc]YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

One of the consequences of such notions as "entitlements" is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.? ~ Thomas Sowell
I remember once when I was a kid there was a couple of cow moose and calves on the side of the road. People pulled over and were walking in amongst them' date=' taking pictures. The morons were lucky they didn't get trampled.YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

I remember that one! That happened on the UAA campus. Moose are usually pretty docile but if you provoke them they'll stomp the crap out of you.




Its dangerous in their baby moose season too I read. They have little ones, when the human little ones are on school holidays.


There was a piece in a paper I read where a 6 yo had wandered over to investigate a tiny moose and its mum really gave the kid a beating.


Moose (European Elk), Grizzlys (Brown bears), wolves etc all were wiped out in mediaeval times in the UK. I cant imagine what it must be like to suddenly see one of these things wandering around wild.


We do have boars back in the wild though, thanks to animal libbers raiding and releasing them from farms, and of course, the odd escape from farms from time to time.


Yet to see some though.

Don't preach in my school, or I'll think in your church.
I remember that one! That happened on the UAA campus. Moose are usually pretty docile but if you provoke them they'll stomp the crap out of you.

Not to mention, they are friggin HUGE. I was riding on the back of a motorcycle in the White Mountains one time, and I came across one, I could hear it walking over the loud pipes, it started to run out in front of us, then quickly backed up. Made me never want to ride through there in the dark that's for sure :eek:

When I lived in Duluth I was following a moose all over the city on my paper route one morn.. Everywhere I went there he was.. pretty cool. Cept I saw that night on the news they tranquilized him and he died. :(


Didn't scare me as much as the bears.. bout crapped my pants one morning. Hopped out of the car to drop a paper and heard a loud bang and was like 25 feet from a couple black bears raping a dumpster.. :D


They used to wander into the city for food every fall when it got cold..

I'm sick in mind and spirit, the mirror tells me lies ~ Ozzy


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