You answered your own question in another post?.
Madness is a sickness? You saying that outright denouncing the existence of a God is madness is the same as me saying that the outright denouncing of God is sick? Why are you trying to argue for something that you don?t believe in? There is a time and a place to play Devil?s advocate.
Damn skippy it was a great movie. You could look at that quote any way you wanted to. You shed a different light on the way you look at anything, depending on the point you?re trying to convey. If you?re arguing for God and Christianity, you would want to look at how true this statement is, and how it makes sense that people don?t believe in religion because the Devil has them fooled. If you were arguing against religion, you would want to attack religious folk for being na?ve and scared of some ultimate evil. The same goes for anything that you?re arguing.
Why take that chance? Why purposefully damn yourself to suffer if you don?t have to? Why go out of your way to do this? Doesn?t make sense. I don?t understand going out of your way for it, that?s all.
YouTube is not a website for atheists. This is the basic flaw in your argument. Saying that you believe in God is not denouncing atheism?
Being taught the stories in the Bible is not sick. Being brainwashed by some atheists into believing that he has no soul and that by denouncing God he will be freed from the burdens of a belief system that THEY don?t subscribe to, that?s what?s really sick. Someone out there is going to see one of these vids and think that those sick bastards are brave? Brainwashing begins again.
I hope my reply suffices.