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Everything posted by RaE

  1. NO! . . . (added for dramatic effect)
  2. RaE

    Ring that bell

    LOL! I haven't been able to watch this because I was at work... Checking this at home lets me see it... That IS funny stuff there!
  3. yeah... they had con-vick as the qb... remember?
  4. Go... Atlanta?... *shrugs*
  5. Re: "Dog" Chapman screwed, show pulled from A&E multiple something... beatings... bee stings... something
  6. Re: "Dog" Chapman screwed, show pulled from A&E Dude's cryin...
  7. A spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down... - Mary Poppins.
  8. I say we drop most of our bombs on Asia. Bye bye China, Bye bye India, Bye bye Japan, bye bye middle east. Bomb all of those places into extinction. Who needs em?
  9. I know. I should have clarified... Restate: Hello n00bs. You know me, you just may not know you know me. Wait... I said n00bs... You're not exactly a n00b here eddo... lol.
  10. Hello n00bs. You know me, you just don't know you know me.
  11. Re: Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma? I'm 6foot 2inches also... and around 270. Huh... And and SEC fan... sorry, not trying to hijack the thread... Burma doesnt exist anymore... And they don't have anything that we want... they're kinda just taking up space.
  12. great song.
  13. You answered your own question in another post?. Madness is a sickness? You saying that outright denouncing the existence of a God is madness is the same as me saying that the outright denouncing of God is sick? Why are you trying to argue for something that you don?t believe in? There is a time and a place to play Devil?s advocate. Damn skippy it was a great movie. You could look at that quote any way you wanted to. You shed a different light on the way you look at anything, depending on the point you?re trying to convey. If you?re arguing for God and Christianity, you would want to look at how true this statement is, and how it makes sense that people don?t believe in religion because the Devil has them fooled. If you were arguing against religion, you would want to attack religious folk for being na?ve and scared of some ultimate evil. The same goes for anything that you?re arguing. Why take that chance? Why purposefully damn yourself to suffer if you don?t have to? Why go out of your way to do this? Doesn?t make sense. I don?t understand going out of your way for it, that?s all. YouTube is not a website for atheists. This is the basic flaw in your argument. Saying that you believe in God is not denouncing atheism? Being taught the stories in the Bible is not sick. Being brainwashed by some atheists into believing that he has no soul and that by denouncing God he will be freed from the burdens of a belief system that THEY don?t subscribe to, that?s what?s really sick. Someone out there is going to see one of these vids and think that those sick bastards are brave? Brainwashing begins again. I hope my reply suffices.
  14. Rofl. Everytime I go to TheJungle I sing that song, lol.
  15. I still say she's a danger to everyone around her. If she gets those kids, they'll either be dead in a couple of years or they'll be murders themselves.
  16. Nah. It'll be volcanic eruption in 2013. All of the volcanoes in the world will go off at once. There will be very few survivors.
  17. Shiek. It's much easier to read. I see all the right markings, but they're out of sequence... when you start a quote [ quote ] the close tags have to follow, you can't open a new one. and they work in order. So, following [ quote=hugo;1641 ] should be [ / quote ] and that will make much better and easier to read though. thanks for trying.edit... I added alot of spaces so that you could see the tags as they are written.
  18. Click the "remember me" or "keep me signed in" button... should resolve this.
  19. MAN it's good to see the old TA back!!
  20. That website is sick. Created by sick people, and with sick intentions... Here was a great movie quote... "The greatest trick the devil ever pulled, was making the world believe he didn't exist." Think about that one.
  21. Shiek... you ignored my post...
  22. Sheik... You are wrong. He was not a Christian. He may have started as a Christian, but he changed that. Think of it like this. You have a job, you walk out of said job without telling anyone. After a week of not going back, you pretty much know, you don't have a job there anymore, you're not employed there anylonger. You are not a part of that organization. Hitler as a Christian did basically the same thing. He walked out and left the religion. He was no longer a part of it. Even though he never "Formally renounced" his membership.
  23. and, you don't have to go back and make 150 edits after the post... of course, if you did some proof-reading before you post... nm... I'm sure you'll figure it out.
  24. Money hungry is right. These peole get payed way too much for way too little.
  25. When a Christian bears witness to a non-believer, they don't attack them. When you're calling all that Christianity is based on a lie, that is an attack. See the difference?
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