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Everything posted by ToriAllen

  1. Bad, bad! Any good paying job worth having takes hard work, some just get to avoid the baptism by fire approach of law school. Hazing through humiliation passed off as character and confidence building. I guess it is one way of making sure you are there for the right reasons.
  2. Unless, you're pro bono or public service...:eek: Maybe they are just masochists.
  3. Well, I guess you'll know better for next time won't you? :rolleyes:
  4. I thought maybe we could dicuss the concept of equallity. The general rule is that everyone is equal, or at least created equal, and should therefore, be treated equally. But, everyone also knows we are not exactly the same. Some of us are born into different scocioeconomic circumstances, have a better potential for learning, or just have more opportunties for learning, are stronger, better looking, or have some disability that hinders ability. There are both genetic and environmental forces that seem to disrupt the idea that we are all equal. So my question is, are we equal or not, and why?
  5. After seven days of law school I, along with the majority of my classmates, are asking ourselves this question. We have already covered, in depth, 36 cases. For each of these we have to read, analyze, and brief each one before class. There is no slacking or 'I had a bad night', because the teachers call on random individuals in the class to give in depth analysis of the case. This is fine, except for the fact that we are all holding our breath until the teacher has called on someone. I swear you can literally hear the room exhale once a name has been called. Then, after the person gives the facts and analysis, the teacher starts throwing in 'what ifs' or questions that have no answer. It is nerve racking. The worst and best class is contracts. You know ahead of time that you will be called on, but the teacher is really abrasive. What ever you do, do NOT use pronouns like 'he', 'she', 'his', 'hers', and especially 'it'. Never say "I guess". Never begin a sentence with 'that'. These rules seem simple, but once you are put on the spot, they go out the window. When you are on the spot, you want to choke him, but when someone else is one the spot, he is hilarious. I just about busted a gut in class today after he made two men come to the front of the class that made the mistake of saying they were having a hard time hearing and making the man that was 'on the spot' move to the back because he was talking to quietly. On average there is about six hours of out of class work per day. I try to fit it into the time I have between classes, but that doesn't always work, so I end up trying to study while kids are running around, chasing each other and yelling at the top of their lungs (something they only do if they think I'm distracted). Then there is the fact that there are no quizzes or mid-terms or other tests to gauge your understanding and progress in the class. Just one huge four hour test at the end of the semester. There are no outlines or study materials to help you in knowing what to study. You just have to try to pull out the min concepts and ideas from the cases and hope you can apply them to hypotheticals, and hope you don't miss any important issues in the hypothetical that might need to be addressed. It is all a bit stressful.
  6. Way to completely avoid the 'key phrase' question... Unless that was your key phrase, in which case I would have to question what the hell you were looking for.
  7. What happened to 'shout history'? I can't just come in on the middle of a convo and not know what lead up to it.
  8. Not long since he put it in the shout box, but then again, some of them can be pretty thick at times.
  9. Let's try this again. Hi, I'm me.
  10. You're shameless!
  11. After the site was sold, the first time I came back to find all of our good threads gone, I was upset, but I figured we would just have to move on from there and start rebuilding all of the old 'good' threads. I never imagined it was the beginning of the end. I hope the site is able to be rebuilt, but I also realize it will never be exactly the same, and neither will any other site. I'm just glad I was there to see the site in it's hay-day. If WPYO is brought back, it will be different, but hopefully it can recapture the old spirit. I'm sure you all know I like the more substance and less 'profanity, insulting, and racial slurs' that this site has promised. Maybe I can find time to pop in once in a while. It is also good to see some familiar members, and smilies;).
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