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Everything posted by Phreakwars

  1. I was scoping out godaddy for more domain names that I can own and wow, out of the blue, I thought of www.mychatforum.com and I'd be damned it was available... Thinking of selling it on eBay. For now though, it points to this other place. So anyways, the SPAM site isn't really to promote it, but to ask for a guesstimated appraisal value of that domain name. Place your (non legally binding) bids here... What would ya give me for this fine domain name? . .
  2. If you think that is what made WPYO, WPYO, then let the new owner know. I might not be a part of WPYO, but I still believe the site should continue. We ARE NOT trying to compete in any way. We have our own plans, right now we are holding off for a bit, waiting on a few things before commencing with what this site will be. As much as I am glad to have you around Jhony, if what we create isn't for you, then we won't try and make you stay either way. Bob & Phreak don't = WPYO format. And I don't want to give the illusion that things will be similar except for maybe the same software (vBulletin). Like I said in the RULES AND FEATURES post on the top of every forum... This site is in BETA. We have plans, just gotta get it done. . .
  3. Depends on what your mom finds sexually offensive. Good to have you back.Uhm... GO COLTS !!! . .
  4. I'll bet it was an auto renewel on WPYO or something. RSCHWARZ is Bob's Paypal name. Let him know so he can refund you. . .
  5. Basically, what I wanted to do was make it so every new person who registers gets the ability to create and moderate their own forum. So essentially, you would create your own forum theme in a designated section, and from that point, you will be responsible for the topics created on the forum assigned to you. That will leave the responsibility of moderating the main forums up to the admins until membership is high enough that a forum MOD would need to be assigned. Another thing I am looking at, is possibly making it so not only do you have your own forum, you also can customize your forums theme/colors/smileys...etc... And if it can be pulled off, separate shoutboxes for each forum category. But we'll have to see about that.. Still yet, more things to come, to be announced at a later time. ;) . .
  6. I suppose if I was an uptight , self righteous, zealot it might offend me. . .
  7. [ame=http://www.ifilm.com/video/2880010]Comedy Gone Wild - Rabbis Gone Wild - Comedy - SPIKE Powered by IFILM[/ame]
  8. What's nice about that, is it makes embedding a video into your post easy for ANYBODY. , no more dang url code to mess with. And your not limited to only youtube or google as the videos source.. .
  9. http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/08/31/nifong.contempt/index.html OK wait a minute here.. This guy witheld evidence that could have made innocent people serve time in prison, and all he gets for it is one damn day? He should have gotten 30 days IMHO. It would have sent a clear message to other prosecutors who withold evidence just because they want the prosecution LULZ. I am all for prosecuting a suspected criminal, but if in your investigation something comes up that could clear the one your prosecuting, it should be a moral obligation to come forward and say... hey.. these guys might be innocent after all.. . .
  10. The site is nothing but gross misconduct. The suckage has no rules, no mods, and not really much of an admin staff to speak of. It's perfect for those who would rather post in a more OPEN FORUM environment over posting on a site that will have established rules of conduct. My best advice on the suckage if your gonna post there... Don't make any friends and you'll have more fun. And be prepared for mature, and very immature content. The site is hosted on an adult web host that doesn't have restrictions that a typical host would put on a web master. In the words of one of the founding members of this very old school, free speech forum: So basically, if JustBS.us isn't your kind of place, instead of being a TROLL on this site, try the suckage instead, it might be what your looking for. . .
  11. Toasted Jalapeno Ravioli's . .
  12. Out of curiosity, which key phrase did you use to find this site?. .
  13. Uhm, welcome suckage poster? . .
  14. I see the Sucks500 guys are sending their greetings to everyone. Thanx guys:rolleyes: . .
  15. testing this again
  16. testing this
  17. Were just getting started. ;) . .
  18. Just gotta round up the others. I gotta get going to work, so for whoever else shows up in the mean time..WELCOME!! . .
  19. I am the linguistic artist formally known as Phreakwars. Edit: Why the name change? Ehh.. why not? . .
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