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Everything posted by IWS

  1. This isn't my first time at a debate forum. :)
  2. I think that the record companies are just getting what they deserve. It was common knowledge that long before p2p became an issue that the record companies were charging 12 - 15 dollars for cd's, when it only cost them less than one dollar to produce, market and distribute the damn things. Sounds like karma to me. If they think they should get money from the file downloaders then maybe they should give some of the ungodly amounts of money they raped us for over the years by way overcharging on their products. For the record, I'm not a person that downloads files from p2p sites.
  3. Good enough to bring a twinkle to the eye of any bio-terrorist out there. :(
  4. Re: Hey, why don't we "LIBERATE" Burma? I think the US should stop being the worlds policeman, make the UN and the other countries involved, (especially the countries in the UN security council) buck up and take care of some these problems on their own, without military or economic support from the US. See what gets done (if anything). We need to tell France, Russia, China, etc... that the ball is in their court, we're tied up at the moment. For decades the US has given aid and money to nations all over the world and they still hate us. Why bother. With the way our economy is headed, the US needs to just worry about the conflicts we are already in, and get the ship righted.
  5. I didn't even know that there was porn on the internet. :rolleyes:
  6. All animals are equal. Some animals are just better with mashed potatoes and gravy than others. ~ unkown
  7. I'd ask him who his heroes are. Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, etc...?
  8. I think he should be able to speak, as to deny him would just give him more ammo to claim the US is the great Satan, and is trying to censor him and somehow link it to an Islamic prejudice. I too hope people can look past his retractions of past comments and base their opinions of this man who, in my opinion, is an insane dictator that is taking advantage of religious belief to foster his own fanatical agenda. We need to pay attentions to his actions more than his lies.
  9. Even though I'm new here, I'll welcome you OS. As a fellow CT Forum member and, I might be jumping the gun with this but also as a former WPYO member. It appears that this place is just getting off the ground, but if it's like the WPYO of old, you will fit in fine. So, if I may, welcome to the community.
  10. What was Nazz' deal? Why did he mess up WPYO?
  11. Anyone who kills anyone, other then a stranger in self defense, should loose all rights to have custody of their kids. Forever.
  12. That's too bad. For the doll anyway.
  13. I hope so. It was great there for the first year and a half I was posting there. Then it went to crap. Whatever happened to Builder?
  14. Hey all. I'm a WPYO transplant. Hope some good happens here since WPYO went to crap.
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