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Everything posted by eddo

  1. good job of covering your butt... :P
  2. I think I disagree with this. I love Feckless, and admire her immensely, but what is the point of having a lifetime of experience if you don't and won't share it with your kids (even if they are adult?) I can see the point of not forcing these now thrust into adulthood children into doing what you want them to do, but isn't being a parent about guiding and leading your kids into healthy decisions? These two obviously aren't prepared to be making full grown adult decisions (shown by their lack of responsibility thusfar: the boy still living with the folks, and the girl not being able to tell her mom.) IMO, more guidance is needed- not just "Here's the facts, go do whatever you want." And maybe you are doing more than that Feckless, but it didn't come across like that to me.
  3. Just as an FYI: Wikipedia isn't always the most reliable source for factual info. Not saying you are wrong Jhony5, as the crusades are nowhere not an expertise of mine, just saying.
  4. Maybe you should stop in and ask? Mega-churches are the exception, not the rule. I forget the actual stat, but somewhere around 70-80% of the churches in the US have less than 100 in attendance each week. These are the churches that struggle to pay bills, these are the churches that need a paint job, have toilets that don't shut themselves off, have pastors that need second jobs to pay their own bills, and from my own experience- these are the churches that care and put into practice what the Bible teaches. Example: My pastor probably makes less in a month than most do in a week. As the youth pastor, I make more in five weeks at my second job (as a mechanic) than I make in a year as the youth pastor. Our children's pastor makes less than I do. We aren't in it for the money, so your "business" baloney won't work here. But this is the most caring church I have ever been a part of. As a church, we are cautious with the money God gives us to run on. and we survive. We don't have a big fancy mural or stained glass windows- because that isn't what we are about. Our sanctuary roof has water spots from where the roof leaked years ago. Yeah, it would be nice to repaint, but again, that isn't what we are about. We do have people in the church who step up and volunteer to paint things (our whole childrens area was just repainted- all with donated time and paint) and a couple years ago I repainted the youth rooms as a youth group project- again with all donated paint. We let the Boy and Cub scouts use our building for free. We used to have an AA group that met there twice a week. They actually left because we refused to charge them rent to be there. I still don't understand why they would choose that... I'm probably babbling, and I don't share any of this to brag- but hopefully you can see that making money isn't what all churches are about, and it isn't what any of them should be about. However, I do understand and agree that some are in it for the money, and that sickens me- probably more than it does you. I would prefer to see churches honor God more with service to and through their people than with glamorous and expensive buildings. Me thinks you need to broaden your horizons regarding church, as it appears all you see are the big glamorous buildings. Those are out there, but so are real people that really care. lol!!
  5. If you honestly believe that swearing allegiance to Qwagnar is the answer to eternal salvation from working in the salt mines, then yes- I would hope that you would want to share that with others. You would be a selfish jerk not to. When the Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses, etc., come round knocking- I don't get upset at them. Sure it is an inconvenience and spreading of lies as far as I am concerned- but I understand the compassion that it takes to try to get others to see God before it is "to late." I see no need to get angry or bent out of shape about it- or call them stupid. In the end, when death comes- some of us are going to be right, and some of us are going to be wrong. Period. We cannot all be right. We cannot all be wrong. and frankly, whatever we face after death will be the same for everyone. If the Christian God is true- then I am good. But what do you have then? Nothing. (I don't believe "hell" is a physical place of fire, I think it is just eternal separation from God.) If we fade into the nothingness after we die- then you were right- Jesus and God were false. But you won't know it. and what will I have? I will have wasted my life trying to better myself, trying to be nicer to other people, and giving of my time, energy, and sometimes money to help others- because that is what the Bible teaches me to do. and ya know what? I'm ok with wasting my life like that. If one of the other religions is correct (and thus all others false)- then we are both screwed, lol. For now, I live my life with hope and an encouragement of things to come. I am forgiven, I am striving to be better than I was yesterday, and I try to treat others better than they treat me. Really now- what's so bad about that?
  6. Those Christians sure are a bunch of asswipes for not wanting you to spend eternity in hell... What is their problem???
  7. I like pizza
  8. lmao! Rep for that!
  9. I'd ask him: Fold or wad?
  10. So.... it's ok for him to take those pics, but not ok for her to pose for them?
  11. pretty much what I expected. You haven't learned a thing. Thanks for proving my point.
  12. I just have to ask: What have you learned wez?
  13. guess it depends on if anyone wants it...
  14. Nah Tori, it just proves that Bob is an ass man. :)
  15. absolutely disgusting...
  16. hehehe :) *adding extra letters to make this long enough to submit. Is that long enough? I hope that is long enough. It said to lengthen it to 10 characters, and I think I have passed the 10 character count, so I will try now.
  17. Did you actually type that any slower than normal?
  18. But why connect yourself to something that the Nazi's apparently did use? The Rainbow has been around forever, but since the homosexual movement "borrowed" it as their logo, I acknowledge that it is their logo and if I wear it, then I am showing them support.
  19. this is cool. :)
  20. Timesjoke is referring to the link shared on the homepage of WPYO. He tried to sign up as a member at WPYO, and it wouldn't let him. Welcome Timesjoke!
  21. I could see it as a guest. ???
  22. That she is... :P
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