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1 month

Big Time BS'er
Aug 27, 2007
China executes man who attacked 29 kids

April 29 attack was one of five major assaults against schoolchildren

updated 9:41 p.m. CT, Sat., May 29, 2010

BEIJING - A state news agency says China has executed a man who attacked a kindergarten in eastern China last month, wounding 29 children and three teachers.

The official Xinhua News Agency says Xu Yuyuan was executed Sunday after being convicted of attempted murder by the Taizhou Intermediate Court in the eastern province of Jiangsu.

The April 29 attack was one of five major assaults against schoolchildren in the last two months that left 17 dead and more than 50 hurt.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
I agree, very acceptable and allows the public to see a real result from the crime and 'that' is a deterrent.
Big Time BS
Mar 3, 2008
Killing is a waste..there are many things we can use these people for. Killing is so easy too. I would suggest a de-limbing...no anesthetic..just a tourniquet. For every offense you say goodbye to an appendage. I wonder....if the cost of enjoying a playground scene was a plucked eyeball. One misplaced hand...well you get the drift...and lord forbid rape. I think I may have a pretty good system here. They would also be ineligible for handicap stickers.
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Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Well I am sure that level of action would be considered reasonable to some, but I can just hear the ACLU and other liberals screaming their heads off over something like this.

Besides, who would do it? Would you want to chop off someone's arm? Being the executioner if you have an emotional tie to the event would be easy I am sure, but if a stranger is placed before you and is crying for mercy while you prepare to cut off his arm, would that be easy? If you found that to be easy, would that make you as bad as the guy your punnishing?

As much as I agree with you on the level of punnishment they deserve, I believe that would most likely not be something most people would be able to do unless they were sick themselves. I would like to have public executions though, bring the reality back to the town square.
Big Time BS
Mar 3, 2008
It wouldn't make me any worse than agreeing to kill someone who is crying would it? I'm not murdering them. That was your idea. I was suggesting something more painful..consequences...rather than a cushy euthanasia..but that's just me. I don't believe in capital punishment...however my way would stand a better chance at not re-offending, it would also be incredibly painful. I mean..ultimately it's their choice to make. The problem with the law is that it's wishy washy. There is a very good chance that deals can be made, some asshat can just change the law etc. etc. If a person knows in absolute term that a guilty charge is a loss of limb...no negotiating...I'm sure a few may reconsider. If I stand a good chance of a nifty jail cell..porn, cigarettes,clean clothes, television and regular meals...meh..what's the downside?

I would absolutely do the cutting! I'd make them wish for a lethal injection.
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The Man
Aug 27, 2007
lol @ emkay.

1 month seems like a much better system than our 15 years... certainly more responsible from a taxpayer prospective.

I do like emkay's response. Slow terrible torture of a baddy would be a great thing... but it would have to end in death. No reason to be cruel and unusual...
I don't like you.
Aug 27, 2007
Killing is a waste..there are many things we can use these people for. Killing is so easy too. I would suggest a de-limbing...no anesthetic..just a tourniquet. For every offense you say goodbye to an appendage. I wonder....if the cost of enjoying a playground scene was a plucked eyeball. One misplaced hand...well you get the drift...and lord forbid rape. I think I may have a pretty good system here. They would also be ineligible for handicap stickers.
to the pain!!!


The Man
Aug 27, 2007
Killing is a waste..there are many things we can use these people for. Killing is so easy too. I would suggest a de-limbing...no anesthetic..just a tourniquet. For every offense you say goodbye to an appendage. I wonder....if the cost of enjoying a playground scene was a plucked eyeball. One misplaced hand...well you get the drift...and lord forbid rape. I think I may have a pretty good system here. They would also be ineligible for handicap stickers.
to the pain!!!
+25 for the princess bride ref...

your post was full of win
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
It wouldn't make me any worse than agreeing to kill someone who is crying would it? I'm not murdering them. That was your idea. I was suggesting something more painful..consequences...rather than a cushy euthanasia..but that's just me. I don't believe in capital punishment...however my way would stand a better chance at not re-offending, it would also be incredibly painful. I mean..ultimately it's their choice to make. The problem with the law is that it's wishy washy. There is a very good chance that deals can be made, some asshat can just change the law etc. etc. If a person knows in absolute term that a guilty charge is a loss of limb...no negotiating...I'm sure a few may reconsider. If I stand a good chance of a nifty jail cell..porn, cigarettes,clean clothes, television and regular meals...meh..what's the downside?

I would absolutely do the cutting! I'd make them wish for a lethal injection.
I think you missed my point.

I agree with you in principle, but who does the arm chopping?

You? Will you volunteer to stand in public and chop off arms for a day? How do you look into your children's eyes after that?

While these guys "DESERVE" the attention your proposing, I believe it reduces us down to that level of animal we are punnishing them for. A clean execution is something completely different, we are humanely eliminating a bad creature from society, removing their existence because they have demonstrated they cannot exist in society in a peaceful way. We show our own humanity by "not" stooping down to their level.

Of course I speak on that on a society level, if I had the chance to settle something done to my loved ones, the Government would not have to worry about how to punnish them.
Big Time BS
Mar 3, 2008
You are okaying murder but limb removal is just too barbaric? I don't get it...but whatever.
Big Time BS'er
May 7, 2008
It wouldn't make me any worse than agreeing to kill someone who is crying would it? I'm not murdering them. That was your idea. I was suggesting something more painful..consequences...rather than a cushy euthanasia..but that's just me. I don't believe in capital punishment...however my way would stand a better chance at not re-offending, it would also be incredibly painful. I mean..ultimately it's their choice to make. The problem with the law is that it's wishy washy. There is a very good chance that deals can be made, some asshat can just change the law etc. etc. If a person knows in absolute term that a guilty charge is a loss of limb...no negotiating...I'm sure a few may reconsider. If I stand a good chance of a nifty jail cell..porn, cigarettes,clean clothes, television and regular meals...meh..what's the downside?

I would absolutely do the cutting! I'd make them wish for a lethal injection.
I think you missed my point.

I agree with you in principle, but who does the arm chopping?

You? Will you volunteer to stand in public and chop off arms for a day? How do you look into your children's eyes after that?

While these guys "DESERVE" the attention your proposing, I believe it reduces us down to that level of animal we are punnishing them for. A clean execution is something completely different, we are humanely eliminating a bad creature from society, removing their existence because they have demonstrated they cannot exist in society in a peaceful way. We show our own humanity by "not" stooping down to their level.

Of course I speak on that on a society level, if I had the chance to settle something done to my loved ones, the Government would not have to worry about how to punnish them.
Who will do the torturing? Well that's easy! The victim's parents and family - duh! Wouldn't you be more than willing if some monster killed your child in such a brutal way for no reason??
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Big Time BS
Mar 3, 2008
Fine...fine...I'll send them home with a cookie and a juice box and a Dora the explorer band-aid. See..I'm not so mean.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
You are okaying murder but limb removal is just too barbaric? I don't get it...but whatever.
Because murder is impersonal, nowhere in the record is it ever written down who flipped the switch on an execution for example. Most places have a pool of "possible" people to do the deed and the actual person who did it is never released or known unless they speak of it. I have known of officers who thought they could do it and when the time came, even under those controlled and clinical conditions just could not drag up the courage and determination to flip that switch.

Dragging a guy out to a "chopping block" and waxcking off his arm would tend to be a little more hands on and a lot harder to keep your identity private.

I guess another way to make this point is to say it is a lot harder to kill or hurt another human being even when you have a good reason to do so. And that is normal emkay. We are not supposed to like doing things like that, people who "want" to behave that way without some other driving force like defending their life or loved ones are most likely a tad sick.


Chi, I would be very glad to take care of that, but we were talking from the point of view of society and government with laws and procedures, not street justice.

And I bet even many families would not be able to do those kinds of things even to a monster who attacked a loved one. For the same reasons I already offered to emkay, it is a lot harder to hurt a human being than you might think.
Big Time BS'er
May 7, 2008
Chi, I would be very glad to take care of that, but we were talking from the point of view of society and government with laws and procedures, not street justice.

And I bet even many families would not be able to do those kinds of things even to a monster who attacked a loved one. For the same reasons I already offered to emkay, it is a lot harder to hurt a human being than you might think.

Your opinion. And only because that is not the norm nowadays. Maybe it should be. It would certainly deter a lot of these cowards from doing some of these things to others and the innocent/weak. If one family member was unwilling there is always another who would or even a volunteer I am sure.
I don't like you.
Aug 27, 2007
I think anonymity would be best in this situation- so as to curb retaliation violence. It's the revenge mindset of murder that keeps gangs running so well- You killed my friend, so now I have to kill you, and then your friend will have to kill me, and then my friend will have to kill him, etc, etc, etc...

even if the courts ordered it, it shouldn't be known who actually pulled the trigger, gave the shot, flipped the switch, released the hounds, etc.

Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Chi, I would be very glad to take care of that, but we were talking from the point of view of society and government with laws and procedures, not street justice.And I bet even many families would not be able to do those kinds of things even to a monster who attacked a loved one. For the same reasons I already offered to emkay, it is a lot harder to hurt a human being than you might think.
Your opinion. And only because that is not the norm nowadays. Maybe it should be. It would certainly deter a lot of these cowards from doing some of these things to others and the innocent/weak. If one family member was unwilling there is always another who would or even a volunteer I am sure.
As I said before, I agree on the deterrent aspect, all I was trying to say is normal people would not find chopping off limbs to be easy to do without the emotional tie one would have as a family member or something, and even then many family members have been very vocal in the past in not wanting the killers killed for their act.

Yes, that is my opinion, but based on some real life examples, for example:

While working as a prison investigator we had a case where an officer working in a tower saw an inmate escaping through the fence. This is a max prison where all the inmates are really hard criminals with lots of time so an escaping inmate represents massive danger to the public. Tower officers are armed with AR15's and 12 gauge shotguns and are instructed to shoot any inmate where it is clear he will escape if not shot. The woman tried to do her duty, she pointed her weapon and shouted warnings to the inmate, but she could not pull the trigger. Lucky for the institution they had a roving patrol who came along and the inmate was stopped but if not for that other officer, the inmate would have escaped because the officer could not pull the trigger.

We can talk big and bad all we want, we can play the part of someone who talks big about what we will do when the time comes, but many times people find out that once they are thrust into that situation their bravado and words don't pull that trigger or flip that switch, or even swing that axe. I know better than most how it feels to be responsible for taking a life, and even though I did so to defend my own life, it is still a very heavy weight I will carry with me for all of my days.
Big Time BS'er
May 7, 2008
Chi, I would be very glad to take care of that, but we were talking from the point of view of society and government with laws and procedures, not street justice.And I bet even many families would not be able to do those kinds of things even to a monster who attacked a loved one. For the same reasons I already offered to emkay, it is a lot harder to hurt a human being than you might think.
Your opinion. And only because that is not the norm nowadays. Maybe it should be. It would certainly deter a lot of these cowards from doing some of these things to others and the innocent/weak. If one family member was unwilling there is always another who would or even a volunteer I am sure.
As I said before, I agree on the deterrent aspect, all I was trying to say is normal people would not find chopping off limbs to be easy to do without the emotional tie one would have as a family member or something, and even then many family members have been very vocal in the past in not wanting the killers killed for their act.

Yes, that is my opinion, but based on some real life examples, for example:

While working as a prison investigator we had a case where an officer working in a tower saw an inmate escaping through the fence. This is a max prison where all the inmates are really hard criminals with lots of time so an escaping inmate represents massive danger to the public. Tower officers are armed with AR15's and 12 gauge shotguns and are instructed to shoot any inmate where it is clear he will escape if not shot. The woman tried to do her duty, she pointed her weapon and shouted warnings to the inmate, but she could not pull the trigger. Lucky for the institution they had a roving patrol who came along and the inmate was stopped but if not for that other officer, the inmate would have escaped because the officer could not pull the trigger.

We can talk big and bad all we want, we can play the part of someone who talks big about what we will do when the time comes, but many times people find out that once they are thrust into that situation their bravado and words don't pull that trigger or flip that switch, or even swing that axe. I know better than most how it feels to be responsible for taking a life, and even though I did so to defend my own life, it is still a very heavy weight I will carry with me for all of my days.
Let's add prison investigator to the long list of TJ expertise and personal experience. So who'd you kill, TJ? During time of war?
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Chi, I would be very glad to take care of that, but we were talking from the point of view of society and government with laws and procedures, not street justice.And I bet even many families would not be able to do those kinds of things even to a monster who attacked a loved one. For the same reasons I already offered to emkay, it is a lot harder to hurt a human being than you might think.
Your opinion. And only because that is not the norm nowadays. Maybe it should be. It would certainly deter a lot of these cowards from doing some of these things to others and the innocent/weak. If one family member was unwilling there is always another who would or even a volunteer I am sure.
As I said before, I agree on the deterrent aspect, all I was trying to say is normal people would not find chopping off limbs to be easy to do without the emotional tie one would have as a family member or something, and even then many family members have been very vocal in the past in not wanting the killers killed for their act.

Yes, that is my opinion, but based on some real life examples, for example:

While working as a prison investigator we had a case where an officer working in a tower saw an inmate escaping through the fence. This is a max prison where all the inmates are really hard criminals with lots of time so an escaping inmate represents massive danger to the public. Tower officers are armed with AR15's and 12 gauge shotguns and are instructed to shoot any inmate where it is clear he will escape if not shot. The woman tried to do her duty, she pointed her weapon and shouted warnings to the inmate, but she could not pull the trigger. Lucky for the institution they had a roving patrol who came along and the inmate was stopped but if not for that other officer, the inmate would have escaped because the officer could not pull the trigger.

We can talk big and bad all we want, we can play the part of someone who talks big about what we will do when the time comes, but many times people find out that once they are thrust into that situation their bravado and words don't pull that trigger or flip that switch, or even swing that axe. I know better than most how it feels to be responsible for taking a life, and even though I did so to defend my own life, it is still a very heavy weight I will carry with me for all of my days.
Let's add prison investigator to the long list of TJ expertise and personal experience. So who'd you kill, TJ? During time of war?
I mentioned my time working for prisons a long, long time ago Chi.

Instead of attacking the person, how about reading and trying to understand the words offered because if you can start doign that you might find our that we would agree on more, you just said you afree to what eddo said about illegals and I had said the same words long before eddo and you said you did not agree, all because someone else said the words.

Most of the time you dissagree with em without ever reading one word I wrote.
Big Time BS'er
May 7, 2008
I think anonymity would be best in this situation- so as to curb retaliation violence. It's the revenge mindset of murder that keeps gangs running so well- You killed my friend, so now I have to kill you, and then your friend will have to kill me, and then my friend will have to kill him, etc, etc, etc...

even if the courts ordered it, it shouldn't be known who actually pulled the trigger, gave the shot, flipped the switch, released the hounds, etc.

yeah, the difference would be legally being able to get rid of scum and also a justifiable reason vs gang turf or you are in another gang or you killed my homie or whatever. If anonimity helps, sure, that should also be an option for those who are scared or in danger of retaliation or being ostracized.