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Canadian college students threaten Ann Coulter

Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
TJ... just a question out of turn, but address it here nonetheless...

Do you think that you would be taking up for Keith Olbermann if he was the one in this situation? Olbermann has said many hateful, spiteful, and wrathful things about the GOP and conservatives, but do you think he deserves the same respect if an angry mob retorted with suggestions of violence?
I have no idea what your trying to imply RO? You taking a shot at me again? When have I ever taken a possition that people should be attacked if they say things I do not agree with? I have no idea even where your comment comes from.

I am not taking up for anyone RO, you need to go read my posts and try to understand the words I have posted, I even said in my last I was hardly a fan of this woman but when free speach is only tolerated when the speaker is saying what you want to hear, that is not free speach. I have been very clear on this subject so there is no real honerable reason for your comment to me, your obviously just trying to start something.
I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
I have no idea what your trying to imply RO? You taking a shot at me again? When have I ever taken a possition that people should be attacked if they say things I do not agree with? I have no idea even where your comment comes from.

I am not taking up for anyone RO, you need to go read my posts and try to understand the words I have posted, I even said in my last I was hardly a fan of this woman but when free speach is only tolerated when the speaker is saying what you want to hear, that is not free speach. I have been very clear on this subject so there is no real honerable reason for your comment to me, your obviously just trying to start something.
Ohh... I wasn't trying to insinuate anything at all. I did read the rest of the thread, however I was just curious how you felt about someone outside the conservative movement's opinions if they were in a similar situation. Not digging or poking at you.

That's all. Just curious where you stood.


I hate Olbermann with a passion, but I can semi-tolerate Coulter in small doses. Either way, the freedom of speech applies to not one but to all.

You answered my question. Continue the discussion.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Oh bull, there was nothing in any of my posts either here or anywhere else to show I only want free speach for conservatives RO, so no reason for your question and assertion that I might possibly not support true free speach.

I will say this, I would limit some locations as too much for some kinds of free speach. The idiots who show up at military funerals to scream out nasty and hateful stuff designed to hurt the surviving families should not be allowed to do so in hearing of the funeral proceedings. There is nothing American or reasonable for screaming out something like that at a funeral and hurting the loved ones of a soldier who gave his life in service of his country. But I do not want to stop their words, they have a right to say what they want to say, they just should not be intruding onto the rights of other Americans not to be assaulted.

And there is a key difference in this discussion, the Ann thing was purely voluntary, only those who wanted to attend would hear her words and that to me should always be protected speach, nobody should be scared that words will somehow infect other people and cause them to behave in some way other than they normally would. The people assaulting soldier's funerals do not give their victims a choice to avoid the hateful speach, it is not like they can stop everything and bury their loved one someone else at the last minute.

But, I even feel bad to say this small limitation is justified because the very notion of freedom is given wings by the freedom of speach and when we limit free speach, we also limit freedoms.
I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
Oh bull, there was nothing in any of my posts either here or anywhere else to show I only want free speach for conservatives RO, so no reason for your question and assertion that I might possibly not support true free speach.

I will say this, I would limit some locations as too much for some kinds of free speach. The idiots who show up at military funerals to scream out nasty and hateful stuff designed to hurt the surviving families should not be allowed to do so in hearing of the funeral proceedings. There is nothing American or reasonable for screaming out something like that at a funeral and hurting the loved ones of a soldier who gave his life in service of his country. But I do not want to stop their words, they have a right to say what they want to say, they just should not be intruding onto the rights of other Americans not to be assaulted.

And there is a key difference in this discussion, the Ann thing was purely voluntary, only those who wanted to attend would hear her words and that to me should always be protected speach, nobody should be scared that words will somehow infect other people and cause them to behave in some way other than they normally would. The people assaulting soldier's funerals do not give their victims a choice to avoid the hateful speach, it is not like they can stop everything and bury their loved one someone else at the last minute.

But, I even feel bad to say this small limitation is justified because the very notion of freedom is given wings by the freedom of speach and when we limit free speach, we also limit freedoms.
Why are you jumping down my throat, TJ? Huh? All I did was ask a question to see where you stood, but I can see that you thought I had ulterior motives. Nothing of the kind... making a slight shift to get back around to the topic.

I've gone to my fair share of military funerals; for my granddad's friends, for my father's friends, and for my friends. I have never hated a group of people so much as those who show up to protest the funeral of a soldier who died in what is deemed an "unpopular war".

There are some good answers there, TJ. I don't refute anything you said regarding freedoms.

Carry on.


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
The people who protest at military funerals are among the most vile human beings on the face of the planet and I'm sure there is a place in the lowest levels of hell for their kind.

That said, I have to support their right to free speech. I do though favor a legal distance these people have to stay away from the service/viewing/rosary/internment/etc...

Free speech isn't something that is limited to kind speech. The right to free speech was set to allow unpopular and unsavory speech.


Eschew obfuscation
Oct 24, 2007
I have no idea what your trying to imply RO? You taking a shot at me again? When have I ever taken a possition that people should be attacked if they say things I do not agree with? I have no idea even where your comment comes from.

I am not taking up for anyone RO, you need to go read my posts and try to understand the words I have posted, I even said in my last I was hardly a fan of this woman but when free speach is only tolerated when the speaker is saying what you want to hear, that is not free speach. I have been very clear on this subject so there is no real honerable reason for your comment to me, your obviously just trying to start something.
Oh. My. God.

Here, TJ:


I got you the Gentle Glide pack, because clearly you have an exceptionally sensitive vagina.

And before you start running your mouth....hell yes, this was an intentional flame. RO's comment was not. Learn the ****ing difference. :rolleyes:
Big Time BS'er
Dec 19, 2007
The fact is the students had a right to protest. They have free speech too. I could be missing something. What was "threatening" besides a large crowd? Was there some lactating gal walking around topless?

The pussification of America continues

Patrick Henry "Give me liberty or give me death."

Ann Coulter "I'm scared."
Cheers Hugo.

At no point in TJ's post did I read that any of the protesting students actually threatened violence. It was barely even implied.

So it's a real shame that TJ based his indignation / argument around exactly that.

This thread is yet another pointless 'debate', based on mere biased speculation, created by TJ simply to push his agenda.

It should have been ignored, and relegated to oblivion post-haste.

Yet, here we are again!!


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
This thread is yet another pointless 'debate', based on mere biased speculation, created by TJ simply to push his agenda.

It should have been ignored, and relegated to oblivion post-haste.

Yet, here we are again!!
Sadly though, even people like TJ have a right to free speech.
I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. --- I Amendment of the Constitution
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Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
Two points of notice...

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. --- I Amendment of the Constitution
...and one person's rights end when they affect or violate the rights of another. The jackhole's speech can't interfere with another from exercising their right to free speech. (I don't know the whole story but their may have been an issue with the "peaceably assemble" part, also)
I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
...and one person's rights end when they affect or violate the rights of another. The jackhole's speech can't interfere with another from exercising their right to free speech. (I don't know the whole story but their may have been an issue with the "peaceably assemble" part, also)
Here's the article...

Heckler roughed up outside McCain rally

After reviewing it again, the heckler did in fact infringe on Palin's speech with his own. And there is no doubt that he interceded on the right to peaceably assemble. I respectfully withdraw my remark concerning his rights being violated. As much as I hate Palin and McCain and the rest of the limp wristed centrists, they do in fact have rights. Even if they are hijackers of the Libertarian Tea Party movement. (Kind of always felt Republican to me anyways.)

At any rate....

Just a couple side questions, not instigating any sort of to-and-fro argument over the First Amendment: Is all free speech about waiting your turn to speak? If the heckler had waiting in abeyance to speak his mind or when he was called on, used the same words, do you believe that he would've been met with force?
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Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
Just a couple side questions, not instigating any sort of to-and-fro argument over the First Amendment: Is all free speech about waiting your turn to speak? If the heckler had waiting in abeyance to speak his mind or when he was called on, used the same words, do you believe that he would've been met with force?
It's hard telling. I suppose it depends on his message.

In my opinion, this is closer to violating someone's free speech rights...

I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
It's hard telling. I suppose it depends on his message.

In my opinion, this is closer to violating someone's free speech rights...

That's probably closer to the point I was aiming, but I failed to put into words what was rolling around in my head. I will have to work on my flanking maneuvers.

At any rate... free speech shall not be infringed except when you (after waiting your turn) speak against the establishment.

Would you consider this a violation of the "redress of grievances"?
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Cheers Hugo.

At no point in TJ's post did I read that any of the protesting students actually threatened violence. It was barely even implied.

So it's a real shame that TJ based his indignation / argument around exactly that.

This thread is yet another pointless 'debate', based on mere biased speculation, created by TJ simply to push his agenda.

It should have been ignored, and relegated to oblivion post-haste.

Yet, here we are again!!
Then you did not read it:

A spokesman for the organizers said Coulter was advised against appearing after about 2,000 "threatening" students crowded the entrance to Marion Hall, posing a security threat."It would be physically dangerous for Ann Coulter to proceed with this event," said conservative political activist Ezra Levant inside the hall. "This is an embarrassing day for the University of Ottawa and their student body . . . who chose to silence her through threats and intimidation."

A protest organizer, international studies student Mike Fancie, said he was pleased they were able to stop Coulter from speaking.
Do you think just casual comments by the group would have been considered a security risk?

Ann was able to talk at two other locations in Canada without the threats and risk of harm, why was this one place different?

You know my dear, if you think the kinds of discussion topics I make are pointless, show me how it is done and stop pointing your finger. I am glad to be your student if your willing to show me through example.
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Big Time BS'er
Aug 27, 2007
Then you did not read it:

Do you think just casual comments by the group would have been considered a security risk?

Ann was able to talk at two other locations in Canada without the threats and risk of harm, why was this one place different?

You know my dear, if you think the kinds of discussion topics I make are pointless, show me how it is done and stop pointing your finger. I am glad to be your student if your willing to show me through example.
Why don't you tell us what that threatening action of the students was? Sorry, sounds like the security guys wanted to take the night off to me.
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I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
Why don't you tell us what that threatening action of the students was? Sorry, sounds like the security guys wanted to take the night off to me.
Threatening was in quotations.

Coulter was in immediate danger from Canadians.
