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Clarence Thomas right again


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
You mean where you threatened to ban me if I pointed out you dodging a question again? That kind of veiled threat?

lol, sometimes you make this stuff too easy Joe.
Nope. That was in your face and honest just like any threat from me would be if there were actually a threat, and just like I told you over and over that if there was a threat there would be no mistake.

I'm talking about the IWS thread and sections of numerous other ones where your dementia caused you to accuse me of all kinds of things that never panned out or were shown to be untrue but as usual you couldn't admint fault/wrong.

It only seemed easy to a simpleton. Oh, wait, sorry, your mom told you you are smart, and you told us.
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Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
This is off subject (and I still have a LONG on subject post to make... but, as for this post... how about you accept the apology that you demanded when it was given to you like a man?

When somebody does you wrong, you sure love to point it out.. but when somebody does something nice, you like to turn it around and be all douchey about it...
Did IWS just say he was sorry and let it stand or did he instead make a long winded list of excuses for his comment and then follow that up with more attacks on my character?

If Joe had simply said he was sorry I would have accepted without further comment, but IWS can't do that, even emkay agreed Joe was not the type to offer an apology.

I find it interesting that Joe said he was sorry then followed up those couple words with a few dozen nasty words to attack me but when I "reply" to the nasty words that followed his apology, you only comment on my words and not his "extra" nasty commentary.

I am not a floormat, if someone does me wrong and talks nasty I will comment on it. Joe had no reason to post what he posted, he took a nasty shot at me and when he had a chance to make a no strings apology, he decided excuses and follow up remarks was the way to go instead. Clearly he did not mean his apology.

As we see with his taking a shot at my dead mother, Joe does not mean his apology in the slightest.


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
I'd also like to point out a little bit of spin or misguided/skewed, twist you put on the quote...

You mean where you threatened to ban me if I pointed out you dodging a question again? That kind of veiled threat?
This wasn't exactly in an honest light.

I said I was going to ban you if you kept accusing me of "dodging" a question when in fact the question was answered, everyone except yourself could see the question was answered.

I believe a quote directly from my pm, made this obvious to normal people that I wasn't just telling you, that you can't use the word "dodge" with me.

From the PM...

You accuse anyone of dodging questions regardless of whether they answer you or not if you can't grasp the answer.


The Man
Aug 27, 2007
This is off subject (and I still have a LONG on subject post to make... but, as for this post... how about you accept the apology that you demanded when it was given to you like a man?

When somebody does you wrong, you sure love to point it out.. but when somebody does something nice, you like to turn it around and be all douchey about it...
Did IWS just say he was sorry and let it stand or did he instead make a long winded list of excuses for his comment and then follow that up with more attacks on my character?

If Joe had simply said he was sorry I would have accepted without further comment, but IWS can't do that, even emkay agreed Joe was not the type to offer an apology.

I find it interesting that Joe said he was sorry then followed up those couple words with a few dozen nasty words to attack me but when I "reply" to the nasty words that followed his apology, you only comment on my words and not his "extra" nasty commentary.

I am not a floormat, if someone does me wrong and talks nasty I will comment on it. Joe had no reason to post what he posted, he took a nasty shot at me and when he had a chance to make a no strings apology, he decided excuses and follow up remarks was the way to go instead. Clearly he did not mean his apology.

As we see with his taking a shot at my dead mother, Joe does not mean his apology in the slightest.
I'm glad you're omnipotent and know exactly why Joe apologized. I wish I had that ability.

Well if it truely is yours, my mistake and I apologize for the inference. As to why I made my comment...

I'll start with the initial "flag" is the writing style. That in no way follows the pattern of speech or flow of subject you have ever written to my knowledge and experience, although If this is a section from a creative writing assingnment, or essay, I haven't read any of your old high school papers.

Second is the fact that the only word I noticed misspelled was the word, "shadowy" (shodowy) and that seemed to be an obvious typo, not as a result of someone who can't spell worth a darn.
That looked like a pretty sincere apology to me. The rest is explanation as to why he thought that you might not have been the author of the paragraph. Sort of a justification if you desire. He himself misspelled two words in his when writing it (if you don't include shodowy). He was not trying to show how he's better than you, he was apologizing for what you asked him to apologize for.


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
This is off subject (and I still have a LONG on subject post to make... but, as for this post... how about you accept the apology that you demanded when it was given to you like a man?

When somebody does you wrong, you sure love to point it out.. but when somebody does something nice, you like to turn it around and be all douchey about it...
Did IWS just say he was sorry and let it stand or did he instead make a long winded list of excuses for his comment and then follow that up with more attacks on my character?

If Joe had simply said he was sorry I would have accepted without further comment, but IWS can't do that, even emkay agreed Joe was not the type to offer an apology.

I find it interesting that Joe said he was sorry then followed up those couple words with a few dozen nasty words to attack me but when I "reply" to the nasty words that followed his apology, you only comment on my words and not his "extra" nasty commentary.

I am not a floormat, if someone does me wrong and talks nasty I will comment on it. Joe had no reason to post what he posted, he took a nasty shot at me and when he had a chance to make a no strings apology, he decided excuses and follow up remarks was the way to go instead. Clearly he did not mean his apology.

As we see with his taking a shot at my dead mother, Joe does not mean his apology in the slightest.
I'm glad you're omnipotent and know exactly why Joe apologized. I wish I had that ability.

Well if it truely is yours, my mistake and I apologize for the inference. As to why I made my comment...

I'll start with the initial "flag" is the writing style. That in no way follows the pattern of speech or flow of subject you have ever written to my knowledge and experience, although If this is a section from a creative writing assingnment, or essay, I haven't read any of your old high school papers.

Second is the fact that the only word I noticed misspelled was the word, "shadowy" (shodowy) and that seemed to be an obvious typo, not as a result of someone who can't spell worth a darn.
That looked like a pretty sincere apology to me. The rest is explanation as to why he thought that you might not have been the author of the paragraph. Sort of a justification if you desire. He himself misspelled two words in his when writing it (if you don't include shodowy). He was not trying to show how he's better than you, he was apologizing for what you asked him to apologize for.
If you look back, TJ asked for an apology. I gave him one.

He also asked why I thought it wasn't his writing. I answered this question. Not excuses, he asked why I didn't think it was his.

Now from there my comments were of a different topic aside of the apology as before given the chance to apologize he attacked my character several times and that's where the responses to those came from.

As to his dead mother, I really don't give a sh*t, my reference was to the topic where TJ proclaimed that he "really is smart" and someone else said something about his mother telling him to.

I really don't care at this point if Ted Bundy ass raped his mother alive or dead, this is being drawn out into more TJ drama, claiming the victim and all the while leading the attacks.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
I'd also like to point out a little bit of spin or misguided/skewed, twist you put on the quote...

You mean where you threatened to ban me if I pointed out you dodging a question again? That kind of veiled threat?
This wasn't exactly in an honest light.

I said I was going to ban you if you kept accusing me of "dodging" a question when in fact the question was answered, everyone except yourself could see the question was answered.

I believe a quote directly from my pm, made this obvious to normal people that I wasn't just telling you, that you can't use the word "dodge" with me.

From the PM...

You accuse anyone of dodging questions regardless of whether they answer you or not if you can't grasp the answer.
A little disingenuous to only show one small segment out of context Joe, how about this part:

I'm not dodging you. I'm doing the best to ignore you as possible without being able to put you on ignore.
Right there you admit to dodging to avoid talking to me but what was my reply Joe?

I told you to stop being one way, if you ask me questions then it is reasonable for me to ask you questions, you can't have it both ways, if you want to not involve yourself with me then don't. I was not talking to you when out of nowhere you try to accuse me of stealing my post from someone else, why do that if all you want is to not be involved with me? Just leave me alone, I leave you alone and all is well.

But you can't do that can you Joe? You have to take shots, and then this, this kind of mess is the result, is this what you really want? All of this is because you started it.
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Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
I'd also like to point out a little bit of spin or misguided/skewed, twist you put on the quote...

You mean where you threatened to ban me if I pointed out you dodging a question again? That kind of veiled threat?
This wasn't exactly in an honest light.

I said I was going to ban you if you kept accusing me of "dodging" a question when in fact the question was answered, everyone except yourself could see the question was answered.

I believe a quote directly from my pm, made this obvious to normal people that I wasn't just telling you, that you can't use the word "dodge" with me.

From the PM...

You accuse anyone of dodging questions regardless of whether they answer you or not if you can't grasp the answer.
A little disingenuous to only show one small segment out of context Joe, how about this part:

I'm not dodging you. I'm doing the best to ignore you as possible without being able to put you on ignore.
Right there you admit to dodging to avoid talking to me but what was my reply Joe?

I told you to stop being one way, if you ask me questions then it is reasonable for me to ask you questions, you can't have it both ways, if you want to not involve yourself with me then don't. I was not talking to you when out of nowhere you try to accuse me of stealing my post from someone else, why do that if all you want is to not be involved with me? Just leave me alone, I leave you alone and all is well.

But you can't do that can you Joe? You have to take shots, and then this, this kind of mess is the result, is this what you really want? All of this is because you started it.
No you asshat. I was saying I was trying to ignore you because you are a complete imbecile, but since I'm a mod, I can't put you on ignore because I have to see what people are posting.


Whaa! Waaa!

I'm the victim, waa!
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
No you asshat. I was saying I was trying to ignore you because you are a complete imbecile, but since I'm a mod, I can't put you on ignore because I have to see what people are posting.


Whaa! Waaa!

I'm the victim, waa!
No, no, no now Joe, don't try to remake history, you had asked me several questions and I answered them then I asked you several questions that you completely ignored so I called you out on your dodging and you responded with the threat to ban for for daring to say the truth you were dodging my questions.

If you can ask me questions, why is it unfair for me to ask you questions?

And should we discuss your wish that I get cancer and die?


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
No you asshat. I was saying I was trying to ignore you because you are a complete imbecile, but since I'm a mod, I can't put you on ignore because I have to see what people are posting.


Whaa! Waaa!

I'm the victim, waa!
No, no, no now Joe, don't try to remake history, you had asked me several questions and I answered them then I asked you several questions that you completely ignored so I called you out on your dodging and you responded with the threat to ban for for daring to say the truth you were dodging my questions.
Bullshit. You had a post. I commented on it, then you asked me questions about my comments. I then ignored your questions. Several posts later you commented how I was still "dodging" your questions.

If you can ask me questions, why is it unfair for me to ask you questions?
Nope. Not unfair. Based on how much very few people can stand you and your so called personality, it's probably not a great bet that they are "dodging" you and not ignoring you though.

And should we discuss your wish that I get cancer and die?
Only if you can somehow make a promise to make it come true.

Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
You guys are like chickens, any chance that you see me vulnerable you pounce and peck, peck, peck on the spot in your attempt to kill, but I can accept that, I have dealt with worse and I am sure you guys will never give me a chance, just like Joe's first reaction to my post was not to consider what was written but to try and figure out some way to attack me with it.

I am sorry everyone, I never meant to let this get so exploded out of control. I did not start this, but as usual I get the blame for it.
I don't like you.
Aug 27, 2007
You guys are like chickens, any chance that you see me vulnerable you pounce and peck, peck, peck on the spot in your attempt to kill, but I can accept that, I have dealt with worse and I am sure you guys will never give me a chance, just like Joe's first reaction to my post was not to consider what was written but to try and figure out some way to attack me with it.

I am sorry everyone, I never meant to let this get so exploded out of control. I did not start this, but as usual I get the blame for it.
if you were really sorry you would have left off the stuff about the chickens and Joe's reactions and that last part about being blamed for stuff you didn't start.


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Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
if you were really sorry you would have left off the stuff about the chickens and Joe's reactions and that last part about being blamed for stuff you didn't start.
lol, well I do mean it, I never intended it to go that way eddo, I don't see any conflict in my feeling bad things went poorly and still at the same time point out how it got there in my opinion.

I contributed to it, for my contribution I am sorry, is that worded better?


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
if you were really sorry you would have left off the stuff about the chickens and Joe's reactions and that last part about being blamed for stuff you didn't start.
lol, well I do mean it, I never intended it to go that way eddo, I don't see any conflict in my feeling bad things went poorly and still at the same time point out how it got there in my opinion.

I contributed to it, for my contribution I am sorry, is that worded better?
Did Times just say he was sorry and let it stand or did he instead make a long winded list of excuses for his comments and then follow that up with more attacks on everyone's character?

If Louis had simply said he was sorry we would have accepted without further comment, but Times can't do that.


Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
if you were really sorry you would have left off the stuff about the chickens and Joe's reactions and that last part about being blamed for stuff you didn't start.
lol, well I do mean it, I never intended it to go that way eddo, I don't see any conflict in my feeling bad things went poorly and still at the same time point out how it got there in my opinion.

I contributed to it, for my contribution I am sorry, is that worded better?
Did Times just say he was sorry and let it stand or did he instead make a long winded list of excuses for his comments and then follow that up with more attacks on everyone's character?

If Louis had simply said he was sorry we would have accepted without further comment, but Times can't do that.


Compare how many words followed my apology and how many followed yours, lol.

Again, I am sorry for my part in it blowing up into the bigger mess, how about you Joe?


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
if you were really sorry you would have left off the stuff about the chickens and Joe's reactions and that last part about being blamed for stuff you didn't start.
lol, well I do mean it, I never intended it to go that way eddo, I don't see any conflict in my feeling bad things went poorly and still at the same time point out how it got there in my opinion.

I contributed to it, for my contribution I am sorry, is that worded better?
Did Times just say he was sorry and let it stand or did he instead make a long winded list of excuses for his comments and then follow that up with more attacks on everyone's character?

If Louis had simply said he was sorry we would have accepted without further comment, but Times can't do that.


Compare how many words followed my apology and how many followed yours, lol.

Again, I am sorry for my part in it blowing up into the bigger mess, how about you Joe?
Big Time BS'er
Aug 27, 2007
Yeah, Yeah

That's right

We talk about your work how your boss is a jerk

We talk about your church and your head when it hurts

We talk about the troubles you've been having with your brother

About your daddy and your mother and your crazy ex-lover

We talk about your friends and the places that you've been

We talk about your skin and the dimples on your chin

The polish on your toes and the run in your hose

And God knows we're gonna talk about your clothes

You know talking about you makes me smile

But every once in awhile

I wanna talk about me

Wanna talk about I

Wanna talk about number one

Oh my me my

What I think, what I like, what I know, what I want, what I see

I like talking about you you you you, usually, but occasionally

I wanna talk about meeeeee (me,me,me,me-background singers)

I wanna talk about me (me,me-background singers)

We talk about your dreams and we talk about your schemes

your high school team and your moisturizer creme

We talk about your nanna up in Muncie, Indiana

We talk about your grandma down in Alabama

We talk about your guys of every shape and size

The ones that you despise and the ones you idolize

We talk about your heart, bout your brains and your smarts

And your medical charts and when you start

You know talking about you makes me grin

But every now and then

I wanna talk about me

Wanna talk about I

Wanna talk about number one

Oh my me my

What I think, what I like, what I know, what I want, what I see

I like talking about you you you you, usually, but occasionally

I wanna talk about me (me,me,me,me- background singers)

I wanna talk about meeeeeeee (me,me- background singers)

(I wanna talk about me- background singers)mmmm me me me me

(I wanna talk about me- background singers)mmmm me me me me

You you you you you you you you you you you you you

I wanna talk about ME!

I wanna talk about me

Wanna talk about I

Wanna talk about number one

Oh my me my

What I think, what I like, what I know, what I want, what I see

I like talking about you, you, you, you, usually, but occasionally

I wanna talk about meeeeeeee (me,me,me,me-background singers)

I wanna talk about me (me,me,-background singers)

I wanna talk about me (me,me,me,me,me,me-background singers)

Oh me!