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Disney Hijab Controversy

Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Is suing someone and getting money you don't deserve the new American Dream? At least to new Immigrants?
New immigrants? Please! All sorts of greedy, lazy Americans try to pull that frivolous lawsuit crap, not just 'new' immigrants.
As usual you completely missed my point just because you need to always find fault in anything I say.

Of course there are lots of greedy Americans doing this, and that was my point, we have evolved from a Nation of responsible people who take care of ourselves to a Nation of lazy idiots with our hands out.

My point about new immigrants was the "american dream" USED to be. I have not one thing against a new immigrant comming to America, working hard and paying their share of taxes, that to me has always been the American dream of old, that anyone can find success in America through hard work and self reliance.


Joker, same thing for you, you miss the point, she learned in her classes to sue, that "exam" she took did not teach her that she can ignore the established dress code of her employer, lol.

If she was truly that deeply religious she would have been wearing the thing before, not now that she has recently learned about filing lawsuits..........
Superior Member
Oct 18, 2007
You're still making things up. She filed a complaint with the Board of Equalization. Not quite the "lawsuit" you like to claim it is.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
You're still making things up. She filed a complaint with the Board of Equalization. Not quite the "lawsuit" you like to claim it is.
First step is to establish she was abused by Disney, there are stages to these things Joker. If she planned to just conform to the dress code she would already have done that. If she was a devout Muslim who truly believed she had to wear this thing as part of her religion she would never have taken it off in the first place.

This would be like a true follower of Sikhism cutting his hair to get a job, it just does not happen.

What these true followers do is find their path in life that allows their specific religious faith, in fact almost all of the devout Muslims I know own their own business, and their comittment to their faith seems to also lead to great comittment to their business.
Superior Member
Oct 18, 2007
You're still making things up. She filed a complaint with the Board of Equalization. Not quite the "lawsuit" you like to claim it is.
First step is to establish she was abused by Disney, there are stages to these things Joker. If she planned to just conform to the dress code she would already have done that. If she was a devout Muslim who truly believed she had to wear this thing as part of her religion she would never have taken it off in the first place.

This would be like a true follower of Sikhism cutting his hair to get a job, it just does not happen.

What these true followers do is find their path in life that allows their specific religious faith, in fact almost all of the devout Muslims I know own their own business, and their comittment to their faith seems to also lead to great comittment to their business.
I'm sure when she woke up in the morning and went "Well Allah damn, I'm hungry. Can't get a job because of this damn headscarf though..." she realized it might be more prudent to eat. I'm sure Allah will understand.


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
I'm sure when she woke up in the morning and went "Well Allah damn, I'm hungry. Can't get a job because of this damn headscarf though..." she realized it might be more prudent to eat. I'm sure Allah will understand.
At no time was she denied a job, nor was she told she would be fired. She was offered a different position. If the manager a McDonald's says you can't work the drive through and have to work in the back, it's not a violation of any kind of rights.
Superior Member
Oct 18, 2007
I'm sure when she woke up in the morning and went "Well Allah damn, I'm hungry. Can't get a job because of this damn headscarf though..." she realized it might be more prudent to eat. I'm sure Allah will understand.
At no time was she denied a job, nor was she told she would be fired. She was offered a different position. If the manager a McDonald's says you can't work the drive through and have to work in the back, it's not a violation of any kind of rights.
I meant for her initial job-hunt, not now.