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Do really fat people bother you to look at?

Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
I have been checking out CNN lately and messing with some of the wacko's there lately and recently one of their bloggers started a ball rolling that has gotten really crazy with replies and that is about fat people in television shows. Specifically the blogger was talking about a show called "Mike & Molly" and is about two people who meet in a eating disorder help group and start a relationship.

Part of the issue is they show then partly naked for sex scenes and there has been a lot of intense comments one way and the other about how people feel about looking at fat people both in the sexual situation in the show and in general.

While I am not much on television shows I have to admit the premise of this show does not seem to sound very interesting and from what I have read in the comments, there are a lot of fat jokes and such as a part of every show so it does not seem very good to me.

But, reading a lot of the comments has shown me that there is a really big (no pun intended) push against this show and how people don't want to see two "fatties" wallow around having sex, lol. So it made me think about my own opinions about really big people and I have to admit that under certain situations, a really big person does sometimes bother me.

I remember a couple days ago I was at Publix getting some of their breakfast bread (I love that stuff) and I saw a lady who was obviously big and her naked belly was hanging lower than her sh*t tail so you see this wiggly belly just sticking out from under her shirt and I have to be honest, I was very disgusted by it and from the looks of other people, they were too. Other times I get a little bothered by them is when you see them at the all you can eat buffet, I don't know, maybe it is not fair to hold them to that standard but I do feel it is irresponsible for a severely overweight person to be eating at the buffet.

Now I admit, I have a few extra pounds on me as well, I would say I could drop 15 to 20 pounds and look great but at the same time I am 45 years old and feel a few extra pounds but still a good cholesterol level and no blood pressure issues means I am not doing that bad.

So my question is, do any of you feel any negative reaction looking at a very fat person and do you feel that reaction is normal or something we are brainwashed into feeling by the media or something?
Big Time BS
Mar 3, 2008
I have no aversion to obese people. Most times I just feel sad. Having been an overweight person..I know what it kinda feels like. There's lots of self loathing...I just always wonder what happened to them to make them stop caring.

That being said..there is a woman at the swimming pool that parades around naked in all her untended glory. Raging bush, roley poley, sagging breasts..

and back acne. I feel quite disgusted and it's shameful really. She is obviously very comfortable with who she is..and frankly who am I to judge. I don't possess the perfect female form...but I envy her being so confident. That being said..she still makes me uncomfortable.

I know some very attractive overweight women and there are many so called unattractive ones too...but overall...I am not offended in the least.

The media has made it so the only acceptable forms are plasticized, overly thin surgically enhanced specimens. Men getting bizarre face lifts, women with fake boobs and noses, perfect teeth, scars erased, botulism to prevent any laugh lines...honestly...it is the norm to be completely unoriginal and a stylized version of Ken and Barbie. I love flaws, love lines, curves, scars, bumps and gaps and love a man to look like a man. Increasingly.. being yourself is no longer acceptable.

I've seen the show Mike and Molly. It's actually pretty funny. My guess...people don't like it because it's too close to reality for many people. Like looking in a mirror. All fat guys want to be believe that having a hot female partner is the norm. Actually..in that vein...how many fat women are on TV with a smoking hot, husband? None. It's acceptable or required for women to be fit..but not so much for men. Maybe if the media wasn't so fukking biased we would be more tolerable and fat and skinny people would be on level ground. Sadly...we have been fed enough garbage over the years we aren't taught to see the beauty underneath.
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Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
Doesn't bother me at all.. but hypocritical, judgmental, narcissists do..

What the f*ck is so "irresponsible" for anyone to eat a buffet regardless of anything?
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Big Time BS'er
May 7, 2008
I bet most of us get disgusted by looking at a very fat, very skinny, very ugly, very dirty, very whatever person from time to time. About the show, people who are so against it just don't need to watch it. Reality is, there are tons of people in real life who look like those two characters, especially here in America.
I don't like you.
Aug 27, 2007
That being said..there is a woman at the swimming pool that parades around naked in all her untended glory. Raging bush, roley poley, sagging breasts..

and back acne. I feel quite disgusted and it's shameful really. She is obviously very comfortable with who she is..and frankly who am I to judge. I don't possess the perfect female form...but I envy her being so confident. That being said..she still makes me uncomfortable.
I am a man, thank you very much...

and I'm sorry I made you uncomfortable. :P

All fat guys want to be believe that having a hot female partner is the norm.
it's not the norm???? DAMMITTTT!!!!

King of Queens, What about Jim, family guy, anything with John Candy- LIARS!!!!

Actually..in that vein...how many fat women are on TV with a smoking hot, husband? None. It's acceptable or required for women to be fit..but not so much for men. Maybe if the media wasn't so fukking biased we would be more tolerable and fat and skinny people would be on level ground. Sadly...we have been fed enough garbage over the years we aren't taught to see the beauty underneath.
in all seriousness, excellent point Emkay. This is what society and the media shoves down our throat, and it disgusts me. Working with teens, I often see the beginning stages of eating disorders:

girls who go to a week long summer camp with no intentions of eating so they can have a better change to get a boyfriend by the end of the week.

girls who don't eat enough to survive on, just to impress those around them.

heavier girls dressing ugly to hide their shame.

This misguided self image destroys some girls.

as a pretty healthy fatty myself, other fatty's don't disgust me. but I do prefer people I see (whether skinny or fat or any variation in the middle) be appropriately covered for where ever they are. Just saw a pretty nice looking lady at target wearing hoochie shorts. Ok if you are on duty for Hooters, but not so much for walking around the store. It was my own fault, but I wasn't much for the thoughts that seeing her butt created in me (and it was a nice butt too.) but then, I'm a prude. :)

people are so much more than what they look like. as a society, we really need to learn that.

also- haven't even heard of the show. I may check it out. Alot of the new shows are just complete garbage so i don't watch much of them at all. I love Pawn Stars and American Pickers (oddly enough, it's not about noses!) that and NCIS and Everybody loves Raymond reruns pretty much rule my tv when NASCAR isn't on.
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Big Time BS'er
May 7, 2008
I like watching Pawn Stars, too! American Pickers is meh, I just don't get some of the junk they buy sometimes. They actually resell some of that crap??!

Shows about food seem to rule my preferences these days - Chopped, Iron Chef, Food Network Challenge, Hell's Kitchen, Cake Boss....
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Big Time BS
Mar 3, 2008
I'm a food network junkie...it's like food porn lol. I can't eat whatever I want so I like to vicariously watch what other people are eating.
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Big Time BS'er
Aug 26, 2007
I agree with the media bias and all but I don't think it has that much effect on society. Have you seen some of these parents with kids walking round? Good lord its one thing to not take care of yourself but to let your kids become obese too is terrible. I try not to judge anbody but I am guilty of thinking bad thoughts when I see obese people. My mom has health issues and the medications make her that way.
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Superior Member
Oct 18, 2007
I'm fat. I'm 5'8", just over 300lbs. 305 or something I think. I don't have a problem seeing people that have my general body type. Even some of the bigger ones, I'm cool with. But if you're so fat that you have to use a motorized cart to get around Wal-Mart, you need to rethink some things about your life. There are old people that could use those carts, and even if they're fat old people, they've lived long enough to where walking around a Wal-Mart Supercenter would cause them issues. The one I work at is a big store.

That said, just some basic issues I've had with large people:

1. Smell. If you smell horrible ALL THE TIME, take care of it. If you've had a long day and you smell, whatever. I'd prefer you not be near me, but I've had days where I had to run errands and at the end of them I wasn't fresh and clean. It happens. But if you walk out of the house and smell like you haven't showered in a week, you are an butt hole. Simple as that. This goes for skinny people as well.

2. Overhang. If I can see your fat, you're doing it wrong. The only time I let my fat hang out is when I'm at home and nobody is around. Why? Because I know people probably don't want to see my fat. I wear clothes like a size too big to MAKE SURE my fat is covered. If I have to see a man-boob, or your nasty, stretch-marked stomach, you're an butt hole. To the fat chicks that think they're hot when they show off their fat: f*** you, you disgusting piglet. Nobody wants to see that sh*t, even us fat people. I don't show my keg off for a reason.

3. Laziness. Now, I'm a lazy mother****er. I don't like doing things that require energy. I happen to fit a stereotype there because I'm fat. But I go to work every day, at a job where I stand for 8ish hours. I do things when necessary. But if you can't make it around the local Wal-Mart for a few things (I've seen fat people come up with like 5 things in the cart, no joke), you need to get out more.

As for the buffet thing, I don't see a problem with it. If you're eating sloppily, like a pig, you have no dignity. That goes for skinny people as well.

Also, on a side note: I am currently dating a fat chick. We both acknowledge we're fat, and have our fat moments, but we don't commit the above sins, because we respect ourselves. And honestly, I think she's the most beautiful woman in the world. I like bigger women. The skinny ones tend to look unhealthy.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Some great points and comments from most of you......lol

Just to clarify, by point about the buffet was how many time we hear about how some fat people can't help but be fat but when you see them at buffet lines it pretty much kills that concept for many of us who see tham and it gives the impression of sloth, not medical or other problems.

I agree that society has developed an infair body image "most of the time" and this helps to promote depressions and eating disorders in people who otherwise may not have had these problems all because they are trying too hard to fit in. To some degree I feel we also do it to ourselves. Men and Women don't have to watch the shows or buy the magazines will all the advertised crap and the stories that promote this mess.

Emkay........"naked" at the pool? Is this a public pool? Are children allowed around this pool?

I bet she is not as comfortable with her body as she seems, it seems more likely she is being so outwardly showy of her body because inwardly, she is very asheamed of her body. It is pretty common sometimes to go to excess and create an appearance of being secure or happy but be anything but in reality.

I do say this about being very fat. There is nobody who can say it is a healthy lifestyle. The risk of health problems alone are greater than if you were a smoker who drinks booze every day.
I don't like you.
Aug 27, 2007
lol, there is a mongolian buffet near my house that I go to about once a week and get a to go box. They have 3 types of baked chicken and it is all amazing. I fill my box up with it and some pork. I can get a couple meals out of a box of their chicken, and am loosing weight by doing that as opposed to going elsewhere to eat (I don't always have time to cook a meal with my busy schedule and all)

Big Time BS
Mar 3, 2008
It's a public pool. I'm referring to the dressing room...and yes children are there. My youngest is very small and said she wishes she was taller because "she is eye to eye with odd shaped vaginas"..honestly that made me howl. Anyways..I'm fine with being comfortable enough to get totally buck in the change room...but does she have to blow dry her hair topless exposing all her sores. Making it a point to shower naked with all the young little swimmers and then speak to us all naked in the change room? Just fukking change already!On a side note...powdering your bush mid conversation is also unacceptable. I coughed because I inhaled snatch powder...disgusting...I HATE change rooms!

I also hate buffets. Mostly because people paw through those things. I've seen people pick with their fingers..or lick sauce off and then return the same hand to the food...no thanks! I'll order off the menu. As for a large person at the buffet...I don't find it irresponsible. Some people can't control themselves anymore than a drug addict can. Overeating is an addiction. Brain chemistry doesn't really discriminate. Besides everyone is entitled to choose from a large selection of food. How you choose to eat it is the question. If you need to bypass utensils, slop food on your face floor and company, then expect a few disgusted looks!
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Big Time BS'er
May 7, 2008
Ugh, I hate when people walk around naked in the locker/changing rooms... Whether they be fat or skinny, but it is ironic how the unattractive, old and unfit are usually the culprits and yeah, they tend to talk to you and try to bring the most attention to themselves - yuck! Do that at home. Most people don't want to see that and don't want their kids seeing you either.
Big Time BS
Mar 3, 2008
Apparently this very subject touched a nerve with a lot of others, too - My link
People have zero tact lol. She's retarded if she thinks that title alone wouldn't be inflammatory. Use your head..what an idiot! I'd have more respect for her if she said it and meant it and stuck to it. Instead she made a lame ass apology that you know isn't sincere.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
It's a public pool. I'm referring to the dressing room...and yes children are there. My youngest is very small and said she wishes she was taller because "she is eye to eye with odd shaped vaginas"..honestly that made me howl. Anyways..I'm fine with being comfortable enough to get totally buck in the change room...but does she have to blow dry her hair topless exposing all her sores. Making it a point to shower naked with all the young little swimmers and then speak to us all naked in the change room? Just fukking change already!On a side note...powdering your bush mid conversation is also unacceptable. I coughed because I inhaled snatch powder...disgusting...I HATE change rooms!
okay, for a second there I thought you were saying Canada has nude public pools, lol.

The "eye to eye with odd shaped vaginas" made me laugh, kids are wonderful are they not?

I have never been a big fan of public dressing rooms either, never know what kind of people you will be standing around naked with, lol.

I also hate buffets. Mostly because people paw through those things. I've seen people pick with their fingers..or lick sauce off and then return the same hand to the food...no thanks! I'll order off the menu.
Not to mention caughing, sneezing, etc.... you got me with you there.

As for a large person at the buffet...I don't find it irresponsible. Some people can't control themselves anymore than a drug addict can. Overeating is an addiction. Brain chemistry doesn't really discriminate.
So you agree overeating is the same kind of behavior as drug addiction.......so would it be irresponsible to openly use drugs? My point is just because the item you are abusing is legal (booze, tobacco, spray paint, food) that does not change the fact that what you are doing is wrong and irresponsible. Do you think people who smoke tobacco are acting responsibly? How about people who huff paint? Well the guy who huffs paint and the guy who severely overeats are very much the same.
Big Time BS
Mar 3, 2008
A study came out a while back..and I'll dig it out if anyone needs it. I think it was on the Oregonian..anyways found that a large proportion of obese people with a BMI of approximately 56 were metabolically healthy. They also found that a significant percentage of skinny people were afflicted with metabolic disorders commonly found in the overweight category. If medically there is no reason for you to lose weight...do you think it's necessary to be thin? If medically you are considered fit...is it "irresponsible" to visit a buffet? My guess...is that there is a stigma attached to being fat. A skinny person may be ill, may scarf food messily but in general..that person won't get the disdain a fat person will get eating a salad. Many say they find the buffet disgusting, but if they see someone fat enjoying a salad they inevitably comment "who is she/he kidding". There is definitely a no-win situation associated with the obese. It's a discrimination to be sure. I am pretty sure that everyone is guilty of it..but the medical question I am asking makes me wonder. If you say yes..get thin..then that sounds like a media-induced requirement. Saying no is kinda hypocritical if you find fat disgusting. Which way do you fall?


You make a fair point TJ. However how willing are you to say that YOU are in fact irresponsible every time you put something less that calorie restricting in your mouth. If your BMI falls somewhere around 35, then medically you are considered obese and are therefore "irresponsible" even if you are healthy. I don't know if that is a fair assessment. Technically..eating cake or a cookie is "irresponsible", because you COULD end up overweight. Same as smoking crack just one time could possibly make you a drug addict. You make a fair point, but it doesn't seem to fit one hundred percent. I don't know if "irresponsible" fits for food lol.
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Big Time BS'er
Mar 2, 2008
There's also the assumption that just because the buffet is "all you can eat" that everyone who walks through the door will eat all they can. It is possible that they will control their portions better than the supposed "healthy weight" person.

(though not probable... and not because of the obese factor, but because of the value factor- even skinny bitches like me tend to overeat when it's a free for all, but I hate that overstuffed feeling, so I avoid making myself feel that way... most of the time :) )
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
There is a lot more going on inside the obese body than just their metabolism emkay.

Just being overweight severely increases many health risks, take stroke for one example:


People who were overweight were 22 percent more likely to suffer an ischemic stroke than normal weight people, while the risk for obese people was 64 percent higher, the researchers found. Hemorrhagic stroke risk wasn't higher for overweight people, but it was 24 percent higher for obese people.
One possible reason for this, the researcher noted, is that fat cells secrete several substances that have "unfavorable effects" on the body, for example promoting inflammation, hardening of the arteries, or blood clotting.
Just being overweight is connected to increased risk in a lot of areas from higher miscarriage percentages to coronary heart disease. There is no question that being severely overweight is bad for you, the question seems to be is it politically correct to say that openly? Can we get past the notion that telling the truth is bad if that truth might hurt the feelings of some group that is considered disadvantaged by some other self-imposed group?

emkay, you said yourself overeating is the same thing as drug addiction, now you seem to be making excuses why that addiction "is not that bad" and I know you are educated enough to know better. Addiction is addiction, most addictions are from severe depression issues so are you saying it is better to let people languish under the results of deep depression than to admit some people are not acting responsibly?
Big Time BS
Mar 3, 2008
There's also the assumption that just because the buffet is "all you can eat" that everyone who walks through the door will eat all they can. It is possible that they will control their portions better than the supposed "healthy weight" person.

(though not probable... and not because of the obese factor, but because of the value factor- even skinny bitches like me tend to overeat when it's a free for all, but I hate that overstuffed feeling, so I avoid making myself feel that way... most of the time :) )
Irresponsibility and food just doesn't really fit. I mean..you have confessed to eating an entire tub of artichoke dip lol. You are skinny and therefore not irresponsible..or are you? Cancer has been linked to consumption of red meat. Therefore if you eat steak are you irresponsible? It just doesn't work. I don't like the word, it's semantics I guess..but if you go with straight labels yes..the person at the buffet is irresponsible, but by definition we ALL are then.