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Ethanol is a joke.

Big Time BS
Sep 23, 2007
You'd probably have better luck finding what you want if you just google gear-head. Or be more specific.

Why not start a topic? You may be surprised how many people you would attract.
Big Time BS'er
Aug 26, 2007
TorqWrench said:
So here is the culprit content. A old story about an old subject. and how is this related to cars & engines? other then it is fuel? BS is what the search engine is. Bunch of crap in the crap filled cyber garbage heap perused and misused by the trash itself.
Hay moron! How dose your car run? It's an old topic? Probably as old as the model A but then haven't you seen the news latley? It's a big topic right now.

How much are you spending on gas?
Big Time BS'er
Aug 26, 2007
I rememeber seeing that episode but I couldn't remember if they tried the that one or not.
I don't like you.
Aug 27, 2007
Yeah, they tried it Snafu, but they couldn't get the eloctrolisis to create enough hydrogey to do much of anything.

Others have stated (and I have no idea for sure) that you need more energy to extract the hydrogen than you get from doing it, so it's a no win situation.
Big Time BS'er
Aug 26, 2007
eddo said:
Yeah, they tried it Snafu, but they couldn't get the eloctrolisis to create enough hydrogey to do much of anything.Others have stated (and I have no idea for sure) that you need more energy to extract the hydrogen than you get from doing it, so it's a no win situation.
Yeah your probably right. If it really made a difference you would think the car industry would be all over it by now.
Administering the BS
Aug 26, 2007
I've heard many claims that the car makers have tons of patents on carberators and such that can easily get 100+ MPG. They bought them from other designers then stored them away from the public.


Big Time BS
Sep 23, 2007
Bender said:
I've heard many claims that the car makers have tons of patents on carberators and such that can easily get 100+ MPG. They bought them from other designers then stored them away from the public..

Those stories have been around since I was a kid (and that's been a long, long time. :( )


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
Old Salt said:
Those stories have been around since I was a kid (and that's been a long, long time. :( )
Wow, gas was only like 16 cents per galllon back then too! :D
I don't like you.
Aug 27, 2007
First time I filled up my first truck it was $.99 a gallon. $16 for a full tank. Damn, I miss those days...


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
When I first started driving, I could find .89 gas but most was .99 per gallon.
Big Time BS'er
Aug 27, 2007
Old Salt said:
And it was 25 cents a gallon when I was in high school.:eek:
Things were a lot cheaper when Ole Honest Abe was Prez.
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Big Time BS
Sep 23, 2007
Better believe it. :o

Just saw the local paper today. It listed the most expensive gas prices by country:

(These prices are by liter in USD. One gallon being approximately 3.8 liters.)

Turkey $2.81 ($10.68 per gal)

Holland $2.36 ($8.97 per gal)

Germany $2.28 ($8.66 per gal)

Belgium $2.23 ($8.47 per gal)

UK, $2.16 ($8.21 per gal)

Denmark $2.15 ($8.17 per gal)

Iceland $2.13 ($8.09 per gal)

Finland $2.11 ($8.02 per gal)

Greece $1.98 ($7.52 per gal)

The US didn't make the top 15.


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
Old Salt said:
Better believe it. :o Just saw the local paper today. It listed the most expensive gas prices by country:

(These prices are by liter in USD. One gallon being approximately 3.8 liters.)

Turkey $2.81 ($10.68 per gal)

Holland $2.36 ($8.97 per gal)

Germany $2.28 ($8.66 per gal)

Belgium $2.23 ($8.47 per gal)

UK, $2.16 ($8.21 per gal)

Denmark $2.15 ($8.17 per gal)

Iceland $2.13 ($8.09 per gal)

Finland $2.11 ($8.02 per gal)

Greece $1.98 ($7.52 per gal)

The US didn't make the top 15.
Much of the price, in these countries doesn't come from the cost of oil, it's from taxes and fees.
Big Time BS
Sep 23, 2007
ImWithStupid said:
Much of the price, in these countries doesn't come from the cost of oil, it's from taxes and fees.
That may be, but that's the price the consumer is paying. And the majority of these countries have a much lower per capita income than the US. Another reason is that there are far fewer refineries in Europe - high demand, low supply.