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Firefighting Fee

Superior Member
Oct 18, 2007
TJ, you've spent the last posts directed at me insulting me. You not only took this away from debate, you derailed this so you could insult my personal life. You can talk about how much you want to debate, but you showed on this thread you have no clue what debate really is. You can paint me as you wish, but you're the intellectual failure who resorts to very, very personal insults because you can't argue like a man. I'm done with this thread.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
TJ, you've spent the last posts directed at me insulting me.
Insulting you? I simply told the truth you yourself told me, if you consider me telling the truth an insult then maybe you need to work on that truth instead of being mad at me pointing it out.

You not only took this away from debate, you derailed this so you could insult my personal life.
Actually when you refused to have a reasonable debate yourself and had to instead make it about trying to "beat me" I simply decided to meet you on the field of battle you decided you preferred. I said over and over again that I agree the homeowner was 100% wrong and the City did what was legal, I never once tried to say they did something illegal, but legal does not make it moral.

Using the law it is possible to scam people; does that make scamming people moral kid?

Your problem is you could not let yourself see the concept of a bigger picture. Even that president of the firefighter's group said the same thing I said that firefighters should not have to check a name on a list to help people, it is a concept of morality, not legal maneuvering.

You can talk about how much you want to debate, but you showed on this thread you have no clue what debate really is.
The debate I offered you was how things could be different, not if the city was blameless kid. You didn't want to debate how things could be different, all you wanted to do is play excuse machine for why the Government is always right in your opinion and being as you never even tried to debate the possible ways things could be changed, why should I waste my time on your childish need to try and one up me? You decided to act like a child so I treated you like one.

You can paint me as you wish, but you're the intellectual failure who resorts to very, very personal insults because you can't argue like a man. I'm done with this thread.
Argue like a man? The very concept of an argument is generally immersed in two or more people not acting like adults kid. I agree, I decided to join you in the gutter, but you were the first one in there. Emkay said herself you gave me plenty of ammo and I never once told a single lie about you.

You will find out it is the truth that hurts us, not a lie. That is why I laugh my azz off each time someone like emkay goes on one of her rants and makes up all sorts of crazy insults and such, especially right after she tried to say it was wrong for me to talk down to you. I guess it is okay if she does it and her buddies do it, but if I do it, only then is it wrong, lol.

If you want an actual debate where your not more interested in "beating me" at all costs, then I am all for it. One thing you will know but like everyone else will most likely never admit is I don't hold grudges. Sure I can learn from the past that some people need to be ignored like Wez, but as a great example, Wez is nothing but a walking, talking grudge machine. He chased eddo around several forums for years and now he is obsessed about me and responding to his drivel only makes him worse. Yes, once in awhile he tones it down a tad and I try to talk to him but his momentary spurt of reason disappears fast and I am reminded why I usually ignore his posts, lol.

As far as I am concerned, each thread on the forum is its own world. I can be joking with you in one thread and calling you out on another thread because I don't hold grudges or take any of this world as personal. Take that as you will.


Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
Insulting you? I simply told the truth you yourself told me, if you consider me telling the truth an insult then maybe you need to work on that truth instead of being mad at me pointing it out.
You first admitted you could not take care of yourself and had to go leech off your parents to survive life. Maybe if you were no so lazy you could have worked harder and earned enough money to be an independent person instead of a lazy leech. You may pay rent but it is less than you would pay on your own so you are still leeching off your parents, then there is laundry and food I am sure mommy helps you with that you would have to pay for if you lived on your own.

You are giving up, you just toss up your hands, use whatever excuse you can come up with and let your parents bail you out. Get another job, go out and actively find a decent roommate, the only thing stopping you from being an independent adult is you.

But that is exactly what you are saying, you cry about how hard life is so you run to the boobie so your parents can help you live. Without your parents to fall back on, where would you be?

Sure you are, you already admitted you would have to pay more on your own and you can't do it so you are a leech. How about that laundry and the food I know your parents are feeding you? You are basically living your life like any 16 year old with an after school job.

But that is an excuse, you do have a choice, you just don't want to work that hard to make that choice. Either you are an independent adult or you are not. You said yourself you are lazy and sit around a lot, very overweight too if I remember correctly. Stop shoving your money down your neck as one example, get off the couch and go out to find a better job as another one, a second job if you can't find one better one. There are always options joker.

To be honest I blame your parents too, they are enabling your sloth.

Then go find someone else, actively look, don't just sit at mommies house eating cheesy poofs and playing video games and expect you will find solutions to your problems.

Basically your life is on hold, treading water and living life like a teenager.

You are way, way too old to be living at home but you can't figure out how to be an adult and survive without your parents taking care of you like a 16 year old. If you can't figure out how to manage your own finances to live on your own, you can never understand a much more complex financial issue like city budgets and taxes kid. You have to learn to walk before you can learn to run, and you are still living with mommy and daddy so at this point you only have the crawling down in life.

So you made one attempt, failed, and now what are you doing? Licking your wounds and feeling "safe" sucking on the teat?

So yu tried and failed and gave up......you never figured out how to live on your own, this is my point, all you did was get out there, run out of money, and run home to the boobie.

Now if you had got a second job, moved to a less expensive place, got a roomy, or figured out how to reduce some bills, then you would have learned something, but all you learned was how to give up and run back to the tittie.

Actually Joker's lack of finiancial responsibility and immature attitudes is very relivant to the discussion.

Stop being angry just because people like me tell you adults should not be leeching off their parents to survive.


Joker merely said he lives at home, works, and pays rent. The rest was all you judging and insulting him for what you think he should be and do. Where did he tell you any of that which you're now claiming he did? Where did he call himself a leech who shoveled his money down his neck?

Just because your parents were pricks, you're a wee-wee, and your kids will be pricks, doesn't mean everyone else should be..

Then you cry like a school girl and stomp your feet when ya get it back and claim lies, and "crazy"insults for merely pointing out truths you've told us yourself?

Why is it different for you? Cuz you're a peckersniffer.. that's why..


Apparently pricks is ok.. but the singular gets changed to wee-wee? hahahahahaha

Run and hide wee-wee..
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Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
I offer this class for free to my children because I love them. Too bad more and more parents are like Joker?s and don?t care enough about their kids future to make them learn these lessons too.
Humiliation and mental oppression by ignorant and selfish teachers wreak havoc in the youthful mind that can never be undone and often exert a baleful influence in later life. ~ Albert Einstein

Your kids/wives/rubber girlfriends don't have a choice whether to attend your class or not.. we do.. Like I said, go beat your own f*cking part time family.. wee-wee..

My mistake.. your ex wife made the choice not to attend anymore.. didn't she? Good for her..
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Superior Member
Oct 18, 2007
I offer this class for free to my children because I love them. Too bad more and more parents are like Joker?s and don?t care enough about their kids future to make them learn these lessons too.
Humiliation and mental oppression by ignorant and selfish teachers wreak havoc in the youthful mind that can never be undone and often exert a baleful influence in later life. ~ Albert Einstein

Your kids/wives/rubber girlfriends don't have a choice whether to attend your class or not.. we do.. Like I said, go beat your own f*cking part time family.. wee-wee..

My mistake.. your ex wife made the choice not to attend anymore.. didn't she? Good for her..
While I do appreciate the effort, you can't attack TJ like this. It's essentially the same thing he's doing to me, going more personal then it should in a forum of this type. If you insult him like this, he has more excuse to cry victim in the future, or rationalize attacks of this type because they've been done to him. Your first post proving he's lying was enough. Taking it further is exactly what he did, and you can't argue against something you're participating in.


Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
While I do appreciate the effort, you can't attack TJ like this. It's essentially the same thing he's doing to me, going more personal then it should in a forum of this type. If you insult him like this, he has more excuse to cry victim in the future, or rationalize attacks of this type because they've been done to him. Your first post proving he's lying was enough. Taking it further is exactly what he did, and you can't argue against something you're participating in.
It's not the same.. TJ's telling the truth you yourself told him.. I'm lying and tossing crazy insults.. Thanks for the advice Joker, but, I'm comfy in the gutter.. Low road is my middle name.. I'm a walking, talking, grudge machine..

Surely you're not suggesting that TJ dwells in the same low life class as me? A successful, brilliant, wealthy humanitarian like TJ? I have to stand on a ladder and stretch to see his ankles.. get real.

Teach him a lesson TJ.. He actually put you at the same level as me.. can you believe that sh*t? Blasphemy..
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Big Time BS
Mar 3, 2008
Well...some of it may be kinda harsh...but "rubber girlfriend"....the implication was she's fake...which is kinda true...but only partially. Silicone/rubber it's really just "semantics". He did admit his ex wife belts the kiddies regularly (legal of course)...and she did in fact leave TJ, AND he does only parent part-time so maybe the language was too colorful...but yeah "semantics"...it all means the same thing...doesn't it?

Think I'll go eat me some "cheesy poofs" now and play some video games.
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