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He's a GOD again...

Administering the BS
Aug 26, 2007
Been meaning to do it for a while, but anyways, I assigned Royal Orleans back into the position on WPYO that he was great at, over here as well.


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Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Ya, I noticed he was calling for my being banned from the forum on your profile yeaterday then you said that was up to the mods, then you made him a mod, lol.

I suppose my days are numbered, it was good while it lasted ;)
Administering the BS
Aug 26, 2007
Sorry, I HAVE been meaning to do this for quite some time. I sent Joe a message on it a couple months ago actually, just ask him.


I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
Thanks for the nod and bump, PW.


To all...

I am not interested in bullying people around, being the big sheriff, or throwing my authority around. I am more interested in forming long lasting friendships and getting to know each and every one of you a little better.
I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
Ya, I noticed he was calling for my being banned from the forum on your profile yeaterday then you said that was up to the mods, then you made him a mod, lol.

I suppose my days are numbered, it was good while it lasted ;)
I don't have to like you, TJ, but I am will to move on for the sake of our fellow members. If you saw messages where I have made comments calling for your banishment, I, wholeheartedly take that back. As I am not one to be drunk with power, I'm no politician, but I will only move forward with the understanding that everything that happened before I was promoted stays in the PAST.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
I don't have to like you, TJ, but I am will to move on for the sake of our fellow members. If you saw messages where I have made comments calling for your banishment, I, wholeheartedly take that back. As I am not one to be drunk with power, I'm no politician, but I will only move forward with the understanding that everything that happened before I was promoted stays in the PAST.
lol, well all I can say is I find it hard to believe one second your screaming for my removal without me ever breaking a rule then the next second your saying all is forgotten, I guess we will both see how things go from this point foward and judge by the actions.

I don't take anything personal, just play the cards I am dealt.

Congratz on the promotion, your the man now.
Long Time Gone
Mar 13, 2010
It was something that should have happened a lot sooner. And he was a mod here for a short time before he went MIA with, hell I don't remember her name, he came back and she has yet to be seen.
I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
lol, well all I can say is I find it hard to believe one second your screaming for my removal without me ever breaking a rule then the next second your saying all is forgotten, I guess we will both see how things go from this point foward and judge by the actions.

I don't take anything personal, just play the cards I am dealt.

Congratz on the promotion, your the man now.
Did you get banned?


As soon as I was promoted, did I ban you?


If I wanted you to go away, you would have been gone at 4:35 EST when I signed in.

So........ just don't break the rules and everything will be a-ok. The past is the past as far as I am concerned. Time to move on or will you continue to be times's joke?

That said, I was a moderator on the old WPYO site for about two or so years. I have seen a hell-of-a-lot worse than you could ever hope to be.

Again... bygones are bygones.
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I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
It was something that should have happened a lot sooner. And he was a mod here for a short time before he went MIA with, hell I don't remember her name, he came back and she has yet to be seen.
I don't remember her name, either.


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
lol, well all I can say is I find it hard to believe one second your screaming for my removal without me ever breaking a rule then the next second your saying all is forgotten, I guess we will both see how things go from this point foward and judge by the actions.

I don't take anything personal, just play the cards I am dealt.

Congratz on the promotion, your the man now.
First off. STFU! Phreakwars/Phreak is absolutely telling the truth. We were just waiting until the board livened up a bit more to make RO the next mod. The convo was had well over a month ago.

That said, you should be glad that calls to ban you often go unheeded. I can only think of a couple of regular members who have NOT asked me to ban you.

For my memory, how many times have I listened to them?

Come on, I'm waiting for your answer. Tell the truth.

F'in baby.

That said. Second, welcome RO. I left a message on the staff forum welcoming you also.
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I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
First off. STFU! Phreakwars/Phreak is absolutely telling the truth. We were just waiting until the board livened up a bit more to make RO the next mod. The convo was had well over a month ago.

That said, you should be glad that calls to ban you often go unheeded. I can only think of a couple of regular members who have NOT asked me to ban you.

For my memory, how many times have I listened to them?

Come on, I'm waiting for your answer. Tell the truth.

F'in baby.

That said. Second, welcome RO. I left a message on the staff forum welcoming you also.
The problem with TJ is that he is not the type of person to move forward. His whole "shtick" relies on bringing up past grievances and using them as leverage. He can say what he will, but I have moved on and will be completely square in my dealings with everyone.

At the end of the day, (albeit a very cool one. wink wink) this is just a community on the Internet it has no bearings on my day-to-day life. There are hundreds of sites like this one on the Internet, but I doubt any other mod or admin would be as gracious as the staff here has been.


Thanks for the welcome, IWS.
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Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
I love the way you guys twist it around, but your Gods right, your not capable of ever holding grudges right?

I was not the guy screaming for staff to eliminate me one day then made staff the next, pardon me for "CONSIDERING" that maybe someone who was petitioning for staff to eliminate me one day might continue the belief that staff should do so the next day when he is made a staff member.

I am more than willing to move foward, as I remember it was me who was the one asking for a fresh start not long ago. I very much so want new fututres for all of us, so how about we start by not calling me names just because I voiced a valid concern. That is how this stuff gets started. I think anyone would have had the same concern after reading what RO said one day then was made staff the next.

Can you guys at least admit that much? Would any human consider that looked bad?
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I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
Can you guys at least admit that much? Would any human consider that looked bad?
Yes. I said it and I don't take it back. I don't have to like you, Times, but moving forward I won't treat you unfairly. I will, however, hold you accountable as you have said that there are no hard feelings and that you're willing to move forward. I take that as a contract, however I don't expect you to uphold your end.

That said, who will hold me accountable? There are two people around here that can strip my status away as they gave it to me. I'm pretty damn sure Cloaked and Phreakwars don't want this site to turn into "Us vs. Them", so my pledge is to be fair and weigh each situation carefully.

Right now, you're making this moving forward part harder than it needs to be.
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Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Yes. I said it and I don't take it back. I don't have to like you, Times, but moving forward I won't treat you unfairly. I will, however, hold you accountable as you have said that there are no hard feelings and that you're willing to move forward. I take that as a contract, however I don't expect you to uphold your end.
The real deal is....I like you RO. I like you a lot, just because we dissagree on some things that does not force me not to like you or anyone else. I have said countless times that the world would be a horribly boring place if we all liked the same things and believed the same things. There is nothing for me to get past, I never asked for you to be removed now have I?

As always the getting along will be governed by you, not me.

That said, who will hold me accountable? There are two people around here that can strip my status away as they gave it to me. I'm pretty damn sure Cloaked and Phreakwars don't want this site to turn into "Us vs. Them", so my pledge is to be fair and weigh each situation carefully.

Right now, you're making this moving forward part harder than it needs to be.
For two people to move foward there must be allowances on both sides RO. Give and take, not take and take. I will continue to work on things and in the last few weeks I have been much more careful to be nicer to people. I have had a couple people even comment on how I am doing better. I want to get along and I want to make more friends. I admit that I have been to harsh sometimes and that I need to change. Change will not be overnight but I am honestly trying.

My hand has always been out to you RO, but getting along is a two way street.

I will gladly and happily meet you half way.

I will not comment again, I am not trying to irritate you or any other staff, I was just making an observation and actually willing to accept things as they seemed to be, I was not crying or playing games, I even said goodbye to several people and gave them my e-mail if they ever wanted to say Hi. I am sorry if my concern from what I saw one day prior seemed irresponsible to voice, | did not see it as unfair to make the connection for expectation. I am good with whatever comes RO, I have no problem with you and hold no grudges, not like I could do anything about them even if I did have them right? ;)

I wish you a long and prosperious reign my Lord ***bows deeply placing the back of my right hand to the floor as I back out of the royal chambers***
I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
The real deal is....I like you RO. I like you a lot, just because we dissagree on some things that does not force me not to like you or anyone else. I have said countless times that the world would be a horribly boring place if we all liked the same things and believed the same things. There is nothing for me to get past, I never asked for you to be removed now have I?

As always the getting along will be governed by you, not me.
Sometimes the easiest way to deal with what I deem to be a problem is to wish it away. Mastering my anger, I realize that the best angle to take is to be a peace officer and not a cop. I don't want to use the powers granted to me for ill or for my own device, I want to use them as a last resort.

Time will tell if you can hold up your end of the contract. I'm rooting for you, big guy.

For two people to move foward there must be allowances on both sides RO. Give and take, not take and take. I will continue to work on things and in the last few weeks I have been much more careful to be nicer to people. I have had a couple people even comment on how I am doing better. I want to get along and I want to make more friends. I admit that I have been to harsh sometimes and that I need to change. Change will not be overnight but I am honestly trying.
I will take your change with a grain of salt.

My hand has always been out to you RO, but getting along is a two way street. I will gladly and happily meet you half way.
If you are going to meet me halfway, you're going to have to stop with these open hand and buddy-buddy references.

I will not comment again, I am not trying to irritate you or any other staff, I was just making an observation and actually willing to accept things as they seemed to be, I was not crying or playing games, I even said goodbye to several people and gave them my e-mail if they ever wanted to say Hi. I am sorry if my concern from what I saw one day prior seemed irresponsible to voice, | did not see it as unfair to make the connection for expectation. I am good with whatever comes RO, I have no problem with you and hold no grudges, not like I could do anything about them even if I did have them right? ;)
Whatever grudges guided my keystrokes before were buried when I decided not to be a cop, but a peace officer.

I wish you a long and prosperious reign my Lord ***bows deeply placing the back of my right hand to the floor as I back out of the royal chambers***
While you're down there...
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Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
I wish you a long and prosperious reign my Lord ***bows deeply placing the back of my right hand to the floor as I back out of the royal chambers***
Hey TJ..

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I don't like you.
Aug 27, 2007
"Phreakwars" is back and now RO is a mod?


oh sh*t... there goes the planet...
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Big Time BS'er
May 7, 2008
Thanks for the nod and bump, PW.


To all...

I am not interested in bullying people around, being the big sheriff, or throwing my authority around. I am more interested in forming long lasting friendships and getting to know each and every one of you a little better.
Aww.... :) I'm teasing:p