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He's a GOD again...


Eschew obfuscation
Oct 24, 2007
Thanks for the nod and bump, PW.


To all...

I am not interested in bullying people around, being the big sheriff, or throwing my authority around. I am more interested in forming long lasting friendships and getting to know each and every one of you a little better.
If I am exceptionally bad, will that score me some private time with you in the JustBS dungeon?

Congrats, RO! I know you will be a great mod. :D
Big Time BS'er
Aug 26, 2007
He ain't god, hes just an assistant god.
Big Time BS'er
Aug 27, 2007
It was something that should have happened a lot sooner. And he was a mod here for a short time before he went MIA with, hell I don't remember her name, he came back and she has yet to be seen.
Oh, I know this isn't in reference to me....I have too been on here...off and on... And there will be no comment about the fact that it took a month and a half to respond to this thread.

I don't remember her name, either.
tisk tisk tisk....and I was going to congratulate you. <_<


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
I thought Tori Allen and Tizz were the same person. B)


The Man
Aug 27, 2007
Oh, I know this isn't in reference to me....I have too been on here...off and on... And there will be no comment about the fact that it took a month and a half to respond to this thread.

tisk tisk tisk....and I was going to congratulate you. <_<
Oh queeny, You know better than that.. How could I ever forget you?

I thought Tori Allen and Tizz were the same person. B)
What... the... f^ck?

Lol... I just hope TA leaves some of you...

She's likely to make you taste your own balls...
Big Time BS'er
Aug 27, 2007
Oh queeny, You know better than that.. How could I ever forget you?
I'm just messing around. I have been practically absent for the better part of three years.

What... the... f^ck?

Lol... I just hope TA leaves some of you...

She's likely to make you taste your own balls...
Hee Hee. He isn't going to know when or where...but it's coming.
Big Time BS'er
Aug 26, 2007
He musta been called back to heaven. Dirt bag hasn't showed his tired ass around for awhile now.


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
It could have been me eddo. It's happened before ya know? :D
It sure did, and I remember that the second it did, you wielded the privilege like an a$$hole and a bully, overcompensating for a small penis.
Oct 21, 2007
It sure did, and I remember that the second it did, you wielded the privilege like an a$$hole and a bully, overcompensating for a small penis.
Only to lethalfind. Man, are you pissed or what? :)
Big Time BS'er
Dec 19, 2007
It sure did, and I remember that the second it did, you wielded the privilege like an a$$hole and a bully, overcompensating for a small penis.
Only to lethalfind. Man, are you pissed or what? :)
I don't actually remember you being a mod - or have I blanked it out due to you idiot boxing me? Haha.

As I recall, you were one of the few non-douchebags at WPYO - you were the first member (after Phreak) to get my sense of humour, certainly.

I also don't remember IWS ever being a member of WPYO ..... what name did he use over there?


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
It sure did, and I remember that the second it did, you wielded the privilege like an a$hole and a bully, overcompensating for a small penis.
Only to lethalfind. Man, are you pissed or what? :)
I don't actually remember you being a mod - or have I blanked it out due to you idiot boxing me? Haha.

As I recall, you were one of the few non-douchebags at WPYO - you were the first member (after Phreak) to get my sense of humour, certainly.

I also don't remember IWS ever being a member of WPYO ..... what name did he use over there?
I hid under the screen name, "ImWithStupid" at WPYO. :D

I was a very active member from about September 2003 till it began to implode.

I remember you and Builder both. Had some very intelligent and indepth debates with both of you and some funny convos also.