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Hmm. Not Sure How I Feel About This


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
Couple?s ?buy white? experiment

Associated Press

Maggie and John Anderson of Chicago vowed four months ago that for one year they would try to patronize only Caucasian‑owned businesses. And remember, this is in Atlanta. The white empowerment experiment is the reason John had to suffer for hours with a stomach ache and Maggie no longer gets that brand‑name lather when she washes her hair. A grocery store trip now is a 14‑mile odyssey.

"We kind of enjoy the sacrifice because we get to make a point." So far the Andersons have spent hundreds of dollars with Caucasian‑owned businesses from grocery stores to dry cleaners. The couple has established a foundation to raise funds for Caucasian businesses and an annual Caucasian convention. We have the real power to do something, to use the money we spend every day to solve our problems and empower the white race, Maggie Anderson said recently at a meet‑and‑greet in Atlanta.
I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
One of the great things about this country, you can get your groceries, sundries, toiletries, et.al. from who the fukk you want to buy them from.
Big Time BS'er
Aug 27, 2007
It is a hoax, actually it is a black couple patronizing black owned businesses.
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I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
hugo said:
It is a hoax, actually it is a black couple patronizing black owned businesses.
Don't let the name confuse you...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJBrehCAyxE]YouTube - Dave Chappelle's Show - The Niggar Family[/ame]


Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
Chopper said:
You earn your money - You spend it how and where you want !
I agree.. however.. publicly declaring your spending habits because you are a racist redneck who thinks minute biological differences in human beings are the end all/be all of life.. that's another story. A pathetic story of sheer idiocy better left untold..

They must not have yet reached that age where they?re moved to utterance of thoughts properly kept silent? Right, RoyalOrleans?


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
wez said:
I agree.. however.. publicly declaring your spending habits because you are a racist redneck who thinks minute biological differences in human beings are the end all/be all of life.. that's another story. A pathetic story of sheer idiocy better left untold..
So you would call these people, "racist rednecks" then?


Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
ImWithStupid said:
So you would call these people, "racist rednecks" then?
That works.. but I guess white supremist would be the politically correct term, eh? Don't wanna offend anyone.. they sure as hell don't.. hahahaha

Prolly just call them an idiot though.. good label for all occasions of stupidity
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I don't like you.
Aug 27, 2007
I dunno if I would call them racists, or even white supremecists.

I can see the point they are trying to make.

Go into a bank as a white person and try to get a loan to start a business. It is much harder than a "minority" to qualify for assistance, even though as these folks are showing- the white small business owners apparently not as plentiful as the "minority" ones.

there are a ton of organiztions out there to promote the black race, the Mexican race, the Muslim race (is being Muslim a race??) yet as soon as someone talks about promoting the white race they are immediately labled "racist rednecs".

If it is ok for Jesse and Al to push the black race, why is it not ok for these folks to do it for the honkeys?


Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
Really.. the race issue aside.. what I see is someone trying to influence others to exclude and harm someone else financially because of different functioning melanocytes due to a combination of evolution and geography.. pretty retarded when ya look at it like that.. which, I do.. because I'm right and actually thought enough about it to avoid hating someone because they don't look/think/act like me..

I don't see Al and Jesse calling to harm someone financially or otherwise because their melanocytes don't have as much genetic protection in their DNA because they didn't evolve on the equator from the beginning of human life.. Could be wrong.. maybe they do.. I don't pay attention to either one..


Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
eddo said:
If it is ok for Jesse and Al to push the black race, why is it not ok for these folks to do it for the honkeys?
I guess a possible reason could be that they are pushing for societal acceptance of a race that didn't kidnap, torture, and buy and sell another race of people like livestock only to continue to try to exclude them from society to this day..
I don't like you.
Aug 27, 2007
wez said:
I guess a possible reason could be that they are pushing for societal acceptance of a race that didn't kidnap, torture, and buy and sell another race of people like livestock only to continue to try to exclude them from society to this day..
ummm bull****...
I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
wez said:
They must not have yet reached that age where they?re moved to utterance of thoughts properly kept silent? Right, RoyalOrleans?
Are they 39 years of age?


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
wez said:
I guess a possible reason could be that they are pushing for societal acceptance of a race that didn't kidnap, torture, and buy and sell another race of people like livestock only to continue to try to exclude them from society to this day..
First off, this is actually a black couple and the wording was changed.

Chicago Family's 'Buy Black' Experiment Becoming a Nationwide Movement - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

I'm sure you won't see it as racist now though.

Secondly, Rev. Al and Rev. Jesse, ruin people financially all the time. Every time they go on one of their witch hunts that turns out to be BS, they ruin lives and are never held responsible.

Lastly, you might want to look at history a little past your nose or the US. The black slaves weren't kidnapped by whites, they were sold to the whites, by blacks in Africa. It was black on black, warring tribe against warring tribe. As as trying to exclude them from society today, BS! Most of the problem with the black community, is the black community. Self fulfilling prophecy type situation.
I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
wez said:
I guess a possible reason could be that they are pushing for societal acceptance of a race that didn't kidnap, torture, and buy and sell another race of people like livestock only to continue to try to exclude them from society to this day..
That ain’t a possibility, wez. No more than an error of yours would be innocent.

One quarter of my heritage walked the Trail of Tears many moons ago.

How many years of oppression have the blacks suffered? My Cherokee forebearers were eradicated in less time.

So when given to utterances of that type, wez, consider drinking.
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Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
eddo said:
ummm bull****...
What is?

RoyalOrleans said:
Are they 39 years of age?
Is that the magical age?

ImWithStupid said:
First off, this is actually a black couple and the wording was changed.Chicago Family's 'Buy Black' Experiment Becoming a Nationwide Movement - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FOXNews.com

I'm sure you won't see it as racist now though.
Sure I do..

ImWithStupid said:
1078Secondly, Rev. Al and Rev. Jesse, ruin people financially all the time. Every time they go on one of their witch hunts that turns out to be BS, they ruin lives and are never held responsible.Lastly, you might want to look at history a little past your nose or the US. The black slaves weren't kidnapped by whites, they were sold to the whites, by blacks in Africa. It was black on black, warring tribe against warring tribe. As as trying to exclude them from society today, BS! Most of the problem with the black community, is the black community. Self fulfilling prophecy type situation.
I'm thinking that's probably not the case in most instances.. but.. even if.. if I kidnap someone and sell them to you you're ok?

It's not the US or my nose I need to look past.. I find people mistreating others through violence and intimidation or participating in it by being accepting and indifferent to it repulsive no matter who or where it's done..

I guess I just tend to be concerned with my own country first and foremost rather than try to convince myself some things we do/have done are acceptable because so and so did this..

I agree with the self fulfilling prophesy in many cases.. that aint exclusive to black people..

RoyalOrleans said:
That ain’t a possibility, wez. No more than an error of yours would be innocent. One quarter of my heritage walked the Trail of Tears many moons ago.

How many years of oppression have the blacks suffered? My Cherokee forebearers were eradicated in less time.

So when given to utterances of that type, wez, consider drinking.
Is this a contest to see who suffered worse at the hands of white Christian racists ?
Big Time BS'er
Aug 26, 2007
RoyalOrleans said:
That ain?t a possibility, wez. No more than an error of yours would be innocent. One quarter of my heritage walked the Trail of Tears many moons ago.

How many years of oppression have the blacks suffered? My Cherokee forebearers were eradicated in less time.

So when given to utterances of that type, wez, consider drinking.
I guess if no one is left to bitch about it, it dosn't matter.


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
wez said:
I'm thinking that's probably not the case in most instances.. but.. even if.. if I kidnap someone and sell them to you you're ok?
Then you're ignorant. If you truly believe that either Rev. Al or Rev. Jesse want there to no more cries of racism, you're sadly mistaken. That's how they maintain their lifestyle, by cooking up calls of racism, and leave behind a wake of mess that someone has to finance to keep their racist, ignorant, black asses away.

wez said:
It's not the US or my nose I need to look past.. I find people mistreating others through violence and intimidation or participating in it by being accepting and indifferent to it repulsive no matter who or where it's done..
Nobody is mistreating the black community in the modern USA. That's the country you live in, not America of 1810.

wez said:
I guess I just tend to be concerned with my own country first and foremost rather than try to convince myself some things we do/have done are acceptable because so and so did this..
No. You tend to be concerned with blaming everything on your own country first. I don't remember saying anything about anything being acceptable, but the black man ain't innocent in the slave trade.

In fact, it's more likely that Barack Obama's ancestor captured and sold a slave, than most of the people in the USA.

wez said:
I agree with the self fulfilling prophesy in many cases.. that aint exclusive to black people..
You're part of the problem. You keep bringing up things from 200 years ago in a manner that gives the black community an excuse to fail and someone to blame.

Move the fukk on.
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I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
wez said:
Is this a contest to see who suffered worse at the hands of white Christian racists ?
Oh no.

There is nothing coming to me, nor do I care about past afflictions upon a long, sundered and divided people. We're not hyphenated anything or must we always identify ourselves with who did what to who and why, how, when, and for what reason.

I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
snafu said:
I guess if no one is left to bitch about it, it dosn't matter.
I'll agree with that, then the Emancipation Proclamation should've had a "board the next boat back to Africa" clause.

I mean, that was Lincoln's original intent was to repatriate blacks back into Africa, Liberia, or some other colony.