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Hmm. Not Sure How I Feel About This

Big Time BS'er
Aug 26, 2007
We blame America for slavery and point the finger of unreason to ourselves because can. America is not the only country to have slaves. We are also not the first to wipe out the indigenous people. But with no repercussion's we have the freedom to point it out as quick and as frequent as we do.

I don't agree with the philosophy of the persons doing this. Maybe it's to be bias or to make a statement and show the ignorance of it all. But I think more segregated thought like this is the wrong way to come to the unity we should all be striving for.
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Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
ImWithStupid said:
Then you're ignorant. If you truly believe that either Rev. Al or Rev. Jesse want there to no more cries of racism, you're sadly mistaken. That's how they maintain their lifestyle, by cooking up calls of racism, and leave behind a wake of mess that someone has to finance to keep their racist, ignorant, black asses away.
I never claimed or said I believe anything about either one.. I said.. I don't know, maybe they do, I don't pay attention to either one.

ImWithStupid said:
Nobody is mistreating the black community in the modern USA. That's the country you live in, not America of 1810.
At my school for the last 3 years there have been constant issues of racial crap being scrawled all over the place.. it's not just the school.. the entire city, predominantly Catholic, has had many incidence of hate crimes from crap being spray painted on peoples houses to fires and vandalism..

The kkk still exists.. skinheads are real.. what's their entire identity based on? .. sh*t still happens everyday in modern America to try to intimidate the black community..

ImWithStupid said:
No. You tend to be concerned with blaming everything on your own country first. I don't remember saying anything about anything being acceptable, but the black man ain't innocent in the slave trade.
Do you think there's a chance after white Europeans went into Africa and started kidnapping people they possibly enslaved some to enslave others and threatened and intimidated some black people to do all the slave herding for them, or else? Possible..

ImWithStupid said:
In fact, it's more likely that Barack Obama's ancestor captured and sold a slave, than most of the people in the USA.
Where are you getting this information that blacks are responsible for the slave trade and whites merely bought them?

=ImWithStupid;101086]You're part of the problem. You keep bringing up things from 200 years ago in a manner that gives the black community an excuse to fail and someone to blame.Move the fukk on.
By acknowledging it happened and continues to be an issue in our society gives them an excuse? Whatever..

You made this fukking post genius.. you move the fukk on..
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Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
wez said:
I never claimed or said I believe anything about either one.. I said.. I don't know, maybe they do, I don't pay attention to either one. At my school for the last 3 years there have been constant issues of racial crap being scrawled all over the place.. it's not just the school.. the entire city, predominantly Catholic, has had many incidence of hate crimes from crap being spray painted on peoples houses to fires and vandalism..

The kkk still exists.. skinheads are real.. what's their entire identity based on? .. sh*t still happens everyday in modern America to try to intimidate the black community..

Do you think there's a chance after white Europeans went into Africa and started kidnapping people they possibly enslaved some to enslave others and threatened and intimidated some black people to do all the slave herding for them, or else? Possible..

Where are you getting this information that blacks are responsible for the slave trade and whites merely bought them?

By acknowledging it happened and continues to be an issue in our society gives them an excuse? Whatever..

You made this fukking post genius.. you move the fukk on..
Take a world history class.

I meant to move on past the fukkin 19th century.
Big Time BS'er
May 7, 2008
ImWithStupid said:
I thought something was off. Since when do you have to travel "14 miles" to find a white owned business. Most businesses and corporations are white owned. And for that fact, it DOES change this story for me. Because most businesses and companies are white-owned, I can see the point to what these people are doing.
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Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
*Chi* said:
And for that fact, it DOES change this story for me. Because most businesses and companies are white-owned, I can see the point to what these people are doing.
Yea, me too. They're racists and it's OK because they're black.
Big Time BS'er
May 7, 2008
ImWithStupid said:
Yea, me too. They're racists and it's OK because they're black.
They may be racist, but it's not okay because they're black, but because it's time for us the minorities, the underdog, to start rising up and start evening things out. We need to start having things for ourselves, owning our own ****, stop being the majority's bitch and servant.


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
*Chi* said:
They may be racist, but it's not okay because they're black, but because it's time for us the minorities, the underdog, to start rising up and start evening things out. We need to start having things for ourselves, owning our own ****, stop being the majority's bitch and servant.
BS, cop out excuse for failure. The only thing holding back "minorities" is themselves.

Bill Cosby was right.
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Big Time BS'er
May 7, 2008
ImWithStupid said:
BS, cop out excuse for failure. The only thing holding back "minorities" is themselves.Bill Cosby was right.
No, not a cop out because I agree a lot with your statement. BUT you also can't deny that the evil & racism of people from the past and the present have greatly contributed as well. If you do deny that, you are in denial and/or biased.


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
*Chi* said:
No, not a cop out because I agree a lot with your statement. BUT you also can't deny that the evil & racism of people from the past and the present have greatly contributed as well. If you do deny that, you are in denial and/or biased.
Key word. Past.

BS on any present "racism" keeping people from accomplishing anything.

People need to quit making excuses and apply themselves.

There are examples all over. What you make of your life is your own.
Big Time BS
Oct 12, 2007
It is a waste of time, and stupid. Racism exists. People who judge others solely on their skin color, religion, are ignorant.
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Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
atlantic said:
It is a waste of time, and stupid. Racism exists. People who judge others solely on their skin color, religion, are ignorant.
Racist people exist. I've never denied that.

Racism, as an institution, or that is abundant enough to keep someone from excelling in life, is all but eradicated in the moder United States.

In fact the only real institution of racism that affects people negatively on a large scale any more is that from groups like Rev. Al, Rev. Jesse and their ilk.

Add to your list, government backed classism.
Big Time BS
Mar 3, 2008
Some people sit around thinking about too many things to make a federal case out of. I can't believe this made the news!

Go buy the gawdamned groceries wherever...who cares...geez! :mad:
Big Time BS'er
May 13, 2009
emkay64 said:
Some people sit around thinking about too many things to make a federal case out of. I can't believe this made the news! Go buy the gawdamned groceries wherever...who cares...geez! :mad:
Are women allowed an opinion here ? Just wondering ? ;) ;) ;)
Big Time BS
Mar 3, 2008
Chopper said:
Are women allowed an opinion here ? Just wondering ? ;) ;) ;)
I'm both male and female. I function mostly as female, but have a vestigial penis. I also have huge balls...better watch your lip Chopper!
Big Time BS'er
May 13, 2009
emkay64 said:
I'm both male and female. I function mostly as female, but have a vestigial penis. I also have huge balls...better watch your lip Chopper!
you gonna flip em in my mouth?:eek: