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I agree

Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
"I never see what has been done; I only see what remains to be done." ~ Buddha

"It is wonderful how much may be done if we are always doing." ~ Thomas Jefferson


Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
Any man can make mistakes, but only an idiot persists in his error. ~ Marcus Tullius Cicero

If you think you know everything and think you've done everything, I know you're an idiot. ~ John C. Shepard
Big Time BS'er
May 7, 2008
wez said:
Any man can make mistakes, but only an idiot persists in his error. ~ Marcus Tullius CiceroIf you think you know everything and think you've done everything, I know you're an idiot. ~ John C. Shepard
Good & true quotes.
Big Time BS
Oct 12, 2007
eddo said:
even though Office Depot sponsors my NASCAR driver, Staples is the shiznit!!!and yes, I could easily spend a week in any of the 3. :)

ohhhhhhh!!!!!!! Next time I visit home, I shall have to check this place out. :D
Where is home for you Eddo?
I don't like you.
Aug 27, 2007
atlantic said:
Where is home for you Eddo?
I was born in Florida and my family still owns land in Cheifland, which isn't to far from Gainesville (we used to go there to watch car races at the dirt track)

My mom has a little bit of family in Florida, and just about all of my dads family still lives there (including Justin Timberlake's aunt)
Big Time BS
Oct 12, 2007
eddo said:
I was born in Florida and my family still owns land in Cheifland, which isn't to far from Gainesville (we used to go there to watch car races at the dirt track)My mom has a little bit of family in Florida, and just about all of my dads family still lives there (including Justin Timberlake's aunt)
Do you ever miss being there?; and what made you move to AZ?
I don't like you.
Aug 27, 2007
atlantic said:
Do you ever miss being there?; and what made you move to AZ?
I miss it a lot, til I go back and face the humidity. I don't miss it so much then. lol

my fam moved out to AZ cause that's where the jobs were. Actually, we were on our way to Alaska, cause dad had 2 jobs lined up there, but stopped in AZ to visit friends of my folks, and dad found a decent job here.

Florida- Hurricanes and massive humidity

Alaska- Extreme cold and horny eskimos

AZ- minor heat, minor humidity and no hurricanes or horny eskimos.

Arizona wins. :)
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
I will take the hurricanes over the blizzards up north any day.

We lose power we have to deal with heat, they lose power and you freeze to death. No thanks, besides I just got me the whole house generators for both my houses, so I will be fine when the power goes out ;)


Super Moderator
Sep 21, 2007
timesjoke said:
I will take the hurricanes over the blizzards up north any day.We lose power we have to deal with heat, they lose power and you freeze to death. No thanks, besides I just got me the whole house generators for both my houses, so I will be fine when the power goes out ;)
Yes, because we live in sod or log houses and have never heard of generators.

Also, bet you dollars to doughnuts that there are many times more people who die each year from heat when the power goes out, than cold.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
ImWithStupid said:
Yes, because we live in sod or log houses and have never heard of generators.Also, bet you dollars to doughnuts that there are many times more people who die each year from heat when the power goes out, than cold.
Well we have lots of rivers, oceans, and lakes we can go jump in when we get hot, hell just take off most of your clothes and sit in some shade and you should be fine as long as you have water to drink.

There are not too many alternative options for someone up north to deal with the cold once the power goes out. If you do not live in a city it is even doubtful that your road will be plowed very soon after a bad storm either, and that brings up issues with access to emergency services and such.

I have family in Boston and further north along with the three years I spent in Colorado during my military service. I rode some terrible storms in Florida and even had my wharehouse ripped off my AC business building by a tornado while I was in the front office (that was some scary sh!t). You know what bothers me the most about the very bad snow storms?

A feeling of being trapped. After some really hairy storms have hit around me here in Florida, I was still mobile, there was no problem with getting around. Sure there were a few down trees but just about anyone can clear trees if there are no power lines involved so the people can help themselves and move to where some help is located.

In the north bad snow storms can create massive drifts, I remember as a teenager while visiting family up north we had to jump out of the second floor window and dig the house out because the entire first floor had snow covering every window and door. Now that was crazy.

I will gladly take my heat over the snow any day ;)
Big Time BS
Oct 12, 2007
eddo said:
I miss it a lot, til I go back and face the humidity. I don't miss it so much then. lolmy fam moved out to AZ cause that's where the jobs were. Actually, we were on our way to Alaska, cause dad had 2 jobs lined up there, but stopped in AZ to visit friends of my folks, and dad found a decent job here.

Florida- Hurricanes and massive humidity

Alaska- Extreme cold and horny eskimos

AZ- minor heat, minor humidity and no hurricanes or horny eskimos.

Arizona wins. :)
Wow I can't believe you almost ended up in AK. Well I'm glad someone likes it here :)
I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
timesjoke said:
I will take the hurricanes over the blizzards up north any day.We lose power we have to deal with heat, they lose power and you freeze to death. No thanks, besides I just got me the whole house generators for both my houses, so I will be fine when the power goes out ;)
I'll concur with you, TJ. I will take the summer swelter to the winter up north any old time. I hate the cold; always have and I always will.

Global warming can't get here fast enough! Year 'round heat: everyone is tan and the chicks are wearing next to nothing. Owww!
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